Saying that change my life

My worldview, which was once so narrow, opened up to possibilities and potentials in life. With new eyes I was able turn something like chronic acne into a passion project of creating a natural skincare line using all the healing ingredients that have helped me along the way. It came as an idea in the shower one evening and my judgmental mind went, "Oh, no that will never be successful.

When I launched my business and stayed on the path of continuing to cultivate that inner strength, it was profound to see how things unfolded.

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It cannot be changed without changing our thinking. As Steve Peters would say: Let reality be reality. In the attempt to control our lives, our careers, our relationships and our health, we tighten up, shut down, and live in the shackles of fear. Yes or no — the central dilemma. But when I introduced meditation into my daily life I began to access a part of myself by myself! Revamped internal functions eventually alter how we view our external environment.

As long as I committed to saying "Yes" when opportunities arose, I was able to continue creating my dream life. When we open ourselves up to the world and soften our stance, we allow things to magnetize towards us — money, partners, collaborations, the dream job, the perfect home, etc.

3 Ways Saying YES Will Radically Change Your Life - mindbodygreen

In the attempt to control our lives, our careers, our relationships and our health, we tighten up, shut down, and live in the shackles of fear. Everything we want eludes us and everything we don't want takes over. Making it a practice to let go and say, "Yes" opens space for endless possibilities to arise.

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Here are three reasons why harnessing the power to choose yes will change your life radically:. Most of us live in fear of following our dreams and passions. We brush them off as silly ideas or even as something too good to be true, and continue living life as is and wonder why we're so unhappy. There is a perfect picture of this in the "super-conscious mind.

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Next time that idea pops into your head that seems too grand for your reach, let go of your fears and say YES to your Self, and let the universe work its magic. When I first said Yes to my own dream of launching a skincare line, I never imagined it would take off so quickly. I knew that in order to be successful I would constantly have to keep myself open to new experiences at all times. So when a friend invited me to work out of a coffee shop with him one morning when I was perfectly content at home, I went against my resistance and met up with him.

Lo and behold, it was a coffee shop with a design firm nestled in the back. I had been stressing over labels for my brand, considering everything was handwritten and preventing me from expanding. I couldn't find anyone to make labels for me after a month of searching. But because I said yes that morning, the talent of the design firm behind the coffee shop are now designing the most beautiful labels I ever could have dreamed of.

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When you start opening up to the synchronicity of the universe, you literally open up to the idea that anything is possible. I remember when I first brought this practice into my life, as I walked out of my apartment and into the sidewalk. I would look up at the vast, blue sky and say, "I am open to miracles. Show me what you've got. Every day I was meeting new people, being guided to different books that would help me create formulas and being contacted by people who I admired, to do collaborations with.

All it takes is a shift in perspective, a willingness to change and the courage to let go of our resistance, to allow the universe to support you. Group 8 Created with Sketch. Group 7 Created with Sketch. Email Created with Sketch. Please feel free to share your own quotes in the comments.

Life Changing Quotes

It sounded a little weird until she continued by saying that he was happy with the life he lived and had no regrets. I love quotes because they can take you back to a life changing moment. This can be used in our daily lives. These quotes could be applied to so many different life situations.

Quotes About Change In life

Latest Stories What is new? The Inspired Gift Guide December 6, A year from now you will wish you had started today. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.

You have to let go at some point in order to move forward. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.

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Of course, dealing with uninvited change in our lives is often difficult and painful. “They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them. One evening a few months ago, I was sitting on the couch by myself, watching yet another bad reality TV show, when my life took a change for the better.

So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors.

And the people there see you differently, too.