Lila Shortcuts

Blog Tour: Lila Shortcuts by Sarah Alderson – Interview

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Told from the perspectives of Alex, Jack, Demos, Amber and Suki - fans of this thrilling series now have a chance to delve into the minds of other characters, and see what they really think! Preview — Lila Shortcuts by Sarah Alderson. What Sarah does so well Ahhh another glimpse into the Lila world! I have read this story at least three or four times so far and I love the look inside Alex's head. About Sarah Alderson Having spent most of her life in London, Sarah quit her job in the non profit sector in and took off on a round the world trip with her husband and princess-obsessed daughter on a mission to find a new place to call home. Refresh and try again.

Like finding out that the earth is actually flat, not round and everyone has been lying to you the whole time. We had a couple months on the boat sailing which allowed him to get used to seeing us together, though we were careful not to rub it in his face too much.

He was a little distracted though with what had happened and then with a certain red-head so we were able to sneak off and have some time alone. I think maybe Amber put him up to it. I trained with the best of the bests. Jack and I are Recon Marines. They teach you not to panic under fire, how to stay calm and focussed in the most intense situations.

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Lila Shortcuts has ratings and 24 reviews. Jasprit said: Sarah Alderson is the master at bringing great characters to life, in the last two years I h. Lila Shortcuts by Sarah Alderson - Five compelling new short stories based in the world of HUNTING LILA. Told from the perspectives of Alex, Jack, Demos.

I think first and then react. But you also need to be able to act on instinct and make good decisions quickly. But there have been times I have lost it.

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Like when she went off to rescue Jack on her own. And the fight is as much hers, if not more, than it is mine. What I love about her is her courage. I just wish sometimes she would take a breath before rushing on into danger blindly. Having spent most of her life in London, Sarah quit her job in the non profit sector in and took off on a round the world trip with her husband and princess-obsessed daughter on a mission to find a new place to call home. Sarah has co-written the Hunting Lila screenplay and is working on several other books and screenplays multi-tasking is one of her favorite things.

In her spare time she also writes adult romance novels under the pen name Lola Salt.

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Friday, 11 October Blog Tour: Lila Shortcuts by Sarah Alderson Release date: Told from the perspectives of Alex, Jack, Demos, Amber and Suki - fans of this thrilling series now have a chance to delve into the minds of other characters, and see what they really think! Suki, did your dad ever find out about his credit card bill?

What did he say? It wasn't that much money considering that I got a lot of wear out of those shoes and when you buy designer, like I told him, you are paying for art.

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But my dad doesn't understand fashion. He just understands numbers.

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He thought maybe the card had been stolen. I thought about lying and telling him it had been but Nate told me I had to be honest.

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Now, thanks to him I have no credit card and am having to ebay my clothes as I'm penniless and destitute. My dad wants me to stand on my own two feet. We don't know much about your life before you joined Demos's group - tell us a bit more about where you're from. I grew up in Tokyo. My mother is a housewife and my father he is a businessman. He works all the time and my mum shops all the time and watches daytime TV because she is lonely and looking to fill the void with empty consumerism according to my dad.

I don't want to go back to Tokyo. Too many people, too many crazy thoughts and manic energy. I can't stay sane there. But my grandma is really cool. She is a Buddhist nun. And she is just like me.

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