Human Resource Development and Organisational Effectiveness

Below is an outline and explanation of how to assess the HR functions of an organization by using HR activities in an architectural firm as an example. Stakeholders of an organization comprise mainly of stockholders who will want to reap on their investments, customers whose wants and desires for high quality products or services are met, employees who want their jobs in the organization to be interesting with reasonable compensation and reward system and lastly, the community who would want the company to contribute and participate in activities and projects relating to the environmental issues.

Common rules and procedures of human resource management must be adhered to by the organization which forms basic guidelines on its practices. Teamwork among lower levels of staff and the management should be created and maintained to assist in various angles that would deem necessary in eliminating communication breakdowns and foster better relationship among workers.

The management should emphasize on good corporate culture in order to develop employees and create a positive and conducive work environment. Performance appraisal PA is one of the important components in the rational and systemic process of human resource management. The information obtained through performance appraisal provides foundations for recruiting and selecting new hires, training and development of existing staff, and motivating and maintaining a quality work force by adequately and properly rewarding their performance.

Without a reliable performance appraisal system, a human resource management system falls apart, resulting in the total waste of the valuable human assets a company has.

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There are two primary purposes of performance appraisal: The evaluative purpose is intended to inform people of their performance standing. The collected performance data are frequently used to reward high performance and to punish poor performance. The developmental purpose is intended to identify problems in employees performing the assigned task. The collected performance data are used to provide necessary skill training or professional development.

There is positive relationship between compensation management and organizational performance. There is positive relationship between organizational citizenship behavior and organizational performance. Our research consist of total four variables and three are independent such as employee development, compensation, and organizational citizenship behavior they have influence or effect on dependent variable organizational performance. The purpose of our research is to analysis the impact of human resource on organizational performance.

There are the two major sources of research. The study was conducted on the bases of different publications on this field.

Human Resource Management and Organizational Effectiveness - Simple X Payroll

The secondary source refers to the collection of qualitative data from faculty members of ufone and Mobilink franchises in Sargodha city. We use the structured questionnaires to get the sufficient information. The study conducted on Sargodha city [ 36 - 41 ]. The target sector of our study is Pakistan telecommunication. The target population of the study all companies in telecommunication. Franchises of ufone or Mobilink in Sargodha city are our sample size.

By using convenience sampling technique, employees of ufone and Mobilinkfranchises has been chosen. Sample subjects have been chosen on the basis of accessibility of the researchers. Nature of data is qualitative which consist of feelings and behaviors of faculty members of ufone and Mobilink franchises in Sargodha city. We are conducting the exploratory Analysis. We use the Questionnaire technique on 5 likert scale which consist of the following scale.

The questionnaire consists of 19 questions that are distributed in four different sections each section represents factors. The questionnaire contained the two sections: In the second section of the questionnaire, the respondents were asked to. Salient features ofufone and Mobilink Company. The questions asked in this section include those that measured the employee development, compensation management, organizational performance, and organizational citizenship.

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The analyses were run to determine the response of responded about Ufone and Mobilink Company. Since this study is exploratory in nature. The four to six items have been tested as a measure of the dependent variables and the three variables are taken as the independent variables. We use SPSS software for data analysis. In SPSS, we compute frequencies, descriptive analysis, reliability andvalidity of test, correlation and at the end we run regression; we analyze model summary,ANOVA and coefficient analysis.

What is Organizational Development?

There are employees in Ufone and Mobilink franchises in Sargodha. According to the Table 1, there are Male and 33 female. We describe this central position using a number of statistics , including the minimum, maximum, and mean. To describe this spread, a number of statistics are available to including the range, variance and standard deviation. Internal consistency of the measure means that the suggested method gives the same results, when we apply the same test under the same condition again and again.

The scale that we used in our study is reliable for data analysis. The first item organizational citizenship behavior is highly correlated with organizational performance with value of 0. So it rejects the null hypothesis that is there is no relationship between organization citizenship and performance of organization. The null hypothesis of employee development has no relation with organizational performance is also rejected because it also correlated with performance of organization with value of There is medium correlation, not highly correlated but there is correlation. Compensation management is also highly correlated with organizational performance with the value of 0.

This means that it can be interpreted that there is positive relationship between compensation and performance of organization. There is concluded that there is large Pearson correlation or relationship with these above mentioned items with performance of organization with Pearson correlation of above 0. The model summary of regression analysis consists of the values of R, R square, adjusted R square, standard error of the estimates.

R called the Pearson R. Pearson R is equal to the R2.

What is Human Resources?

T.V. Rao, in the first chapter on HRD and Organisational. Effectiveness, writes that other things being the same, an organisation that has competent, satisfied. PDF | Purpose – The purpose of the paper is to describe how the understanding of the relationship between human resource management.

R2 is used to determine the model fitness. Coefficient of determination is also called R square. R square is used to determine the variation in dependent variable that is explained by independent variables.

Human Resource Management and Organizational Effectiveness

The rest of the Adjusted R square is based upon the sample size and the number of regressors constant. The standard error of the estimate is a measure of the accuracy of predictions.

Model summary table also includes Durbin Watson value it should range from 1 to 4 here value is 2. If its value is exactly 2 it means there is no auto correlation, but here there is some auto correlation. The results of ANOVA test reveal that the model is statistically significant that analyzed the factors affectingthe organizational performance. The above model demonstrates that the significance level is less than 0.

The coefficient table includes unstandardized coefficient beta and std. Beta value is value of Y it means value of dependent variable that is organizational performance when there is one unit change in independent variables compensation, employee development, and organizational citizenship behavior it would change in dependent variable. Since I have yet to find a satisfactory explanation that would help someone understand the differences in a meaningful way, here is my feeble attempt to clarify what is a pretty murky area.

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Historically, Human Resources professionals were primarily concerned with the efficient management of the employment process from recruitment to termination. HR also focused on helping the organization comply with governmental regulations and in mitigating employment-related risks. Thus, HR found itself acting in a support role to the other business units. And, HR was very process-and-compliance-oriented in its thinking. Organizational development , on the other hand, was created as a way of applying behavioral science to help organizations improve individuals and systems.

At its heart, OD is supposed to represent purposeful and meaningful change for the better.

What’s the Difference Between Human Resources and Organizational Development?

An OD practitioner uses two primary tools in his or her work:. Instead, they are interested in data and research. Here is a partial list of the different roles that were frequently handled by HR and OD in the past:. Although not comprehensive, this list should give one a pretty good feel for the basic historical differences that existed between these two functions. This advice has taken root in many companies, and the focus on creating a strategic HR department is now quite common.

In fact, we see most companies talking about strategic HR as opposed to supporting an internal OD department. I am not necessarily sure why the notion of a strategic HR function has proven to be more popular within the business community. My own personal theory is that HR professionals were always receptive to the contributions OD was making.

Change is inevitable and constant.

Right people can be obtained by performing the role of Human Resource HR function. Enhancing educational Roknuzzaman, M. Introduction Organizational effectiveness depends on having the right people in the right jobs at the right time to meet rapidly changing organizational requirements. Contact Us Talk With an Expert. Compensation can be in the form of multiple pay plans and can be in the form of individually, merit pay to performance long incentives, bonus, and merit pay in the form of rewards.