Die Vaterrolle in Friedrich Schillers Kabale und Liebe (German Edition)

Schillers Kabale und Liebe - Friedrich Schiller - Acceptable - Paperback

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Purchasing an item constitutes full acceptance of these conditions. About Us The most easterly bookshop in the United Kingdom! We are a young and dynamic company based in Lowestoft on the UKs east coast. This means she has only silence and the lie required by the oath to counter the charges against her. Luise is released from her secrecy by death, revealing the intrigue to Ferdinand and forgiving him, and Ferdinand reaches out his hand to his father at the moment of his death, which the President interprets as his son's forgiveness.

In a subplot, Lady Milford is shown in a position between the middle and upper classes, in love with Ferdinand.

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She is confronted with Luise's pure and simple love for Ferdinand. Despite Lady Milford's love for him, they are intent on marriage and withdrawing from the world of the court. In Schiller published his theoretical work The Theatre considered as a Moral Institution , whose central idea was to present tragedy as a means of theodicy , with theatre's mission being to show the restoration of divine justice onstage. This righteousness is visible in Intrigue and Love , since ultimately, its final court of appeal is not secular justice but God himself. Schiller saw education as another function of theatre, to bring the audience to catharsis to complete their education and so make the theatre a "moral institution".

He saw its most important function, however, as to mediate between freedom and necessity, showing an idealised version of the individual's struggle with and victory over social, moral and religious constraints onstage. Intrigue and Love belongs to the era of Sturm und Drang and is categorised as a bourgeois tragedy , a genre attributable to Gotthold Ephraim Lessing — Lessing's own Emilia Galotti is a key influence on it.

Intrigue and Love has as its dominant motif the conflict between the middle-classes and the nobility in middle-class pride and aristocratic snobbery, with universal humanity at its centre, charged with open political grievances. In it, individual interests, subjective feelings and the demand for freedom from a class-ridden society's constraints are powerful drivers for the characters and ultimately lead to disaster.

Schiller was personally aware of the pain of love across the classes, through his love for Charlotte von Wolzogen sister in law of Caroline von Wolzogen — Caroline was sister of Charlotte von Lengefeld , who would later become Schiller's wife. Thus, in September Schiller fled the Duke's sphere of influence, moved to Mannheim and started work on Intrigue and Love as a response to this arbitrary injustice.

This can be seen in some of the play's themes:. Schiller makes use of an elevated style, pathos and hyperboles in order to describe the cynical and cold world of the court. The integrated French passages serve the uncovering of the court with its empty conversations and inclination for glamorous appearances. The President's speech is polished, calculated and imperatively arrogant. Secretary Wurm can be understood as a smaller copy of him.

Kalb's speech can be seen as parallel to Mrs. Kalb talks stupidly, unnatural and affected, often using the wrong expression. Schiller contrasts the unnatural speech of the court with the direct and often rough speech of the married couple Miller. Miller is characterized through his speech as the simple man.

He emphasizes his opinions with common sayings. Miller's speech is also associated with the middle class.

Die Vaterrolle in Friedrich Schillers "Kabale Und Liebe" (German, Paperback)

Her wrong usage of foreign words, sayings and dialect reveals her middle-class origin. The speech of the lovers Lady Milford, Luise and Ferdinand takes on a special position. Their use of language usually does not display their social standings. The composition of the play follows a strict system which can be described with terms such as "symmetry" and " dialectic principle ".

Similarity and asimilarity characterize content and style of the play.

This becomes especially clear in the sequence of the scenes which switches regularly between the world of the middle class and the absolutist court. The "small" world is contrasted with the "big world" dialectically and a symmetry in the sequence of scenes is attained. The composition of the plot is also regarded as principle of symmetry. Examples for this are the three scenes between Ferdinand and Luise at the beginning, the middle and the end. The first one shows the secret opposition of the two lovers, the second one makes it an urgent matter in the turning point, and the third one seals it in death.

Miller is a respectable, genuine musician who is deeply religious and has a fixed position in the guild order of the city: Miller strictly believes in corporative thinking and thus rejects the marriage of his middle-class-daughter with the noble Ferdinand. However, he gives Luise the freedom to choose a husband within corporative order because he regards the custom of the father to choose his daughter's husband as outdated.

Towards his wife, he behaves as the commanding patriarch, while he shared a tender love with his daughter. His middle-class confidence is reflected clearly in his argument with the President: Despite his big respect, he contradicts the President and insists on his householder's rights. He makes it perfectly clear that in his eyes, the corrupt world of nobility is morally beneath the middle-class world.

Kabale und Liebe ( Zusammenfassung )

At the same time, he is not immune to the temptation of wealth. Miller holds hopes of social ascendency regarding Luise's relationship to Ferdinand and secretly encourages their love affair. Moreover, she feels flattered by the association of a noble man with her house. That is why she rejects Wurm in a conversation as son-in-law. Nevertheless, owing to her talkativeness and naivety, she passes information about the relationship of Ferdinand and Luise to him, which he knows how to use for his schemes.

She can hardly hold her ground against her husband. She also takes on a timid and submissive attitude towards the President and embodies the typical servile spirit. Miller's year-old daughter, is introduced as the "most beautiful example of a blonde", who "would cut a fine figure next to the first beauty of court".

She is deeply rooted in her family and shares an especially close relationship with her father.

This relationship between father and daughter could be strengthened by the fact that she is an only child. Luise grew up protected and was brought up Christianly. Her thoughts and actions are shaped by her faith; the immoral life at court repels her.

Schillers Kabale und Liebe - Friedrich Schiller - Acceptable - Paperback

The encounter with Ferdiand creates a conflict between her love for Ferdinand and the expectations of her father, the social limits willed by God and her religious conviction. This way, the Immanuel Kant's opposition between duty and inclination becomes clear. Luise is very conscious of reality.

Wurm is the secretary and confidante of the President. Dramaturgically seen, he is a spineless schemer who would do anything for wealth and prestige. He is the source of the intrigue of which he also expects a marriage to his desired Luise. He climbed the social ladder through his unscrupulousness and steps down and grovels up.

Another kind of interpretation would be that only his love for Luise and his desire to marry her compel him to carry on this intrigue. Invisible but still prominent in the background is the Prince as an absolutist ruler who does not care about his subjects' well-being. He does not appear personally, but his wedding plans, his life in court, and his governance influence the lives of all characters. President von Walter , Ferdinand's father, obtained his position by murdering his predecessor.