Thessalien - Großmacht ohne Kolonien (German Edition)

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When the angel had so instructed [Chingiz], he called the chief by the title of Ghayan, whence Ch'anke"z Ghayan or Ch'anke"z khan. And the angel told him to rule over many lands and districts and to increase into an uncountable, limitless host, as in fact happened. What had been said by the Lord [to Chingiz-Khan] was fulfilled just as God, speaking through a prophet, had threatened: In this way an alien people brought upon us not only the chalice but the dregs of bitterness because of our many and diverse sins which always angered God the Creator at our deeds.

As a result, the Lord in anger roused [the Mongols] as a lesson to us for not obeying His commands. A much embellished version of Chingiz-Khan's rise to power appears elsewhere on this website. The first war of the T'at'ars with the Iranians, then the Aghuans and Georgians. The [Mongols'] resistance and long lifespan. The subjugation of the Armenians and Georgians. And they seized [g] a small city from them; but then the Iranians armed and retook what was theirs, plus some more. On top of all this, again they received an order from their khan, who was called Chingiz-Khan and they launched an attack on the land of the Aghuanians and Georgians.

When the kings of the Georgians heard the news about the coming of the T'at'ars, they took 60, cavalry and went against them in the great plain called Kotman, which lies in front of Terunakan fortress. When the battle had been joined, the lord of Manasgom, named Hamidawla, due to some grudge, hamstrung the horse of At'abak Iwane. This was due to the influence of satan, who is opposed to justice. For at that time the king of Georgia, Lasha, had died survived by a son, Dawit', and a daughter, Ur'uzuk'an Rusudan.

Dawit' had fallen into the hands of the sultan of Rum and was in prison. His sister, Rusudan, held the throne under the supervision of Iwane' who was named At'abak. Once news of the coming of the T'at'ars arrived, as was mentioned above, Iwane' took the cavalry of the Georgian kingdom, and came to Gag, to the great and wise prince Varham, son of Plu Zak'are'.

Taking him along with his troops, he went against the T'at'ars. It was at this point, when the two sides clashed, that the crime we mentioned was perpetrated by the accursed Hamidawla, when [Iwane'] had the mighty and great prince Varham in charge of the right wing while he himself commanded the left wing [g]. Now when the nation of archers saw such discord amongst them, they grew more powerful, attacked the Georgian cavalry and mercilessly crushed them.

The great prince Varham, lord of Gag, taking the right wing, went along mercilessly cutting down the T'at'ars until evening, until the plain of Sagam was filled with dead T'at'ars. Then he himself, Varham, prince of Gag, heard about the destruction of the royal troops. Deeply saddened, he abandoned his warfare and returned to his secure fortress, called Karherdz.

This occurred in of the Armenian Era [A. After three years had passed, the T'at'ars returned and took Gandzak shahastan, mercilessly destroying and taking captives. Then they returned to their own country with much booty and treasure. Let us say some more about what these first T'at'ars resembled. The first who came against our country were not like [ordinary] people. They were awful to see and impossible to describe. They had large heads, like a buffalo, narrow eyes like a chick, short noses like a cat, protruding chins like a dog, narrow waists like an ant, and short legs like a pig.

They are completely beardless, possessing the strength of a lion and a screeching voice like an eagle. Their women have attractive hats covered with a brocade shawl on top and broad faces smeared with a deadly pine medicine. They give birth like snakes [g], and eat like wolves. Death does not appear among them, and so they can live for three hundred years. Such were the folk who came first to the upper land. They never eat bread.

They came against the fortresses with countless cavalry. First they took Shamk'awr close to Gandzak which had been taken before. Then they captured Sagam, K'arherdz, and Terewen; the great royal residence the stronghold Gardman, Erk'ewank' and the fortress of Matsnaberd. By siege they took the secure stronghold of Tawush, which was the seat of the sultan, Te'runakan and Norberd.

They took the cave of the great vardapet Vanakan, full of much wealth and took away our glorious vardapet himself, with his attending students. However, the entire country, united in grief, gave much treasure and gold and purchased their vardapet and his students. After this, when the wise princes of the Armenians and Georgians realized that it was God Who had given them the power and victory to take our lands, they went to the T'at'ars in submission and promised to pay taxes, that is, the mal and t'aghar and to go with them wherever they went, with their own cavalry.

Agreeing to this, the T'at'ars stopped ruining and destroying the land and returned to their place in the Mughan country. However, they did leave one chief, named Ghara Bugha, to pull down all the strongholds they had taken in the country. They demolished to the foundations the impregnable fortresses built at great cost by the Tachiks. This, then, is what they did [g]. A comet; the renewed attack of the T'at'ars followed by an end to the destruction of the conquered lands and their division among the chiefs.

In these days a comet appeared for a while, then was concealed again. During the same period, the sun was darkened from the sixth to the ninth hour. The three chiefs—whom we mentioned as having taken the lands of the Georgians and Aghuanians—returned to the Mughan country, where the grass is always green summer and winter because of the fertility of the place and the goodness of the climate. After staying there for some days they again planned to come against the Christians, regarding as nothing the destruction and slave-taking of Christians already accomplished from the lands of the Georgians and Aghuanians.

They also took the renowned rock of Shmegha, killing myriads upon myriads there, such that there was no number to the slain.

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They took a countless multitude of children captive from all the lands, yet were not satisfied with this. So they planned to come again and universally destroy the entire country. But the providence of omnipotent God does not ignore those who place their hopes in Him. For He overturned their unworthy, unjust plans and killed two of the three chiefs we mentioned above.

We shall briefly narrate what it was [the Mongols] had planned to do. In the evening they held a quriltai xur'ut'ay , which is called an assembly, and planned to come against the captured country and to destroy it again. But the three were not unanimous about this, only two of them [were in agreement]. By the foresight of God, Ch'awrman expressed good counsel, saying: Let it remain cultivated [g] and let them give us half the yield of vineyards and fields and keep half for themselves. When it became light, the two chiefs who had planned evil were found dead while the other one, named Ch'awrman, who had sought cultivation and peace for the country, was alive.

Then Ch'awrman arose and went to their leader Chingiz-Khan with witnesses to these events and narrated to him all the deliberations, both his own and the other chiefs', about their deaths, and his survival in the same night. When the khan heard this he said to Ch'awrman in astonishment: For it is the will of God to take the country and keep it flourishing, to impose the yasax and keep [the people] under our command so that they give us tzghu, mal, t'aghar, and ghp'ch'ur. However, as for those who do not obey our commands and do not pay us taxes, [it is the will of God] to kill them and wreck their places.

That way others who hear and observe [the consequences of disobedience] will be afraid and not do it. He gave to Ch'awrman his kindly wife Aylt'ana khatun xat'un and styled him Chormaghun Ch'awrmaghan. Next they held a quriltai and great meeting by the command of Chormaghun and divided the countries among the one hundred and ten chiefs. This land was divided into three parts: The names of the chiefs who remained in the middle part of the country are: Asut'u noyin, who was the oskr of the khan; Ch'aghatay, who was called khan; Sanit'ay; another lesser Ch'aghatay; Baiju Bach'u noyin whom they placed at the head of all the troops; Asar noyin; Xut't'u noyin; T'ut'tu noyin; Awgawt'ay noyin; Xojay noyin; Xur'umch'i noyin; Xunan noyin; T'enal noyin; Angurag noyin.

These thirteen chieftains similarly divided amongst themselves the mountains and plains of the country of the Georgians and Aghuanians. Also they brought the great house of Chormaghun to Gandzak shahastan which previously had been ruined, but was later rebuilt. Taxation of the princes of the Georgians and Aghuans; and about Vanakan, vardapet of the Amenians. The great and untaxed princes of the Georgians and Aghuanians came under taxation to [the Mongols], both those willing and those unwilling.

Without obstruction they gave all the stipulated taxes which we mentioned earlier. They themselves in accordance with their strength and ability accompanied [the Mongols] on raids with their cavalry and took [g] the cities and fortresses which had not submitted, destroying and enslaving.

They mercilessly killed men, women, priests and monks, capturing deacons to serve them, fearlessly robbing Christian churches, stripping the ornaments from revered relics of the holy martyrs, from crosses and books then discarding them as worthless. Woe to me, a transitory [being]. I think that all of this occurred due to our sins; that our Lord and creator, Who is forgiving and broad-minded, visited this upon His flock which He redeemed with His worthy blood. At this difficult and bitter time the holy spirit of our vardapet Vanakan shone forth like the sun in the eastern land [ i.

He was styled "the second Sunrise," full of the light and incomparable knowledge of the all-knowing Holy Spirit who with much effort and labor freely distributed spiritual food, that is to say, the word of the doctrine of the Spirit. To the grandees he was terrifying, while to the poor and needy he was sweet [g]. To the sinners he was without malice, placing upon them the lightest medicine of repentance, so that they be able to endure the yoke of repentance and once again, be renewed in spirit and body and become steadfast in the true faith as glorifiers and worshippers of the most Holy Trinity.

Similarly [Vanakan's] praiseworthy students—Vardan and Kirakos, Ar'ak'eal and Yovsep'— divided up the eastern lands in a cross shape and illuminated it with the life-giving doctrine of the Holy Spirit. In addition, they led many sons to glory, freely distributing the Lordly cruciform scepter, resembling their glorious vardapet, and fulfilling the Lord's command to "take freely and give freely," as Christ God forever gave His life to them for His church.

Armenien und die arabische Expansion, 7. Der armenische Raum im Das historische Armenien im Die Entstehung des armenischen Staates in Kilikien, Full of people and incalculable splendor, it is located by the shore of the Ocean sea. There are so many islands in the sea bordering it that no one knows their number, since no one has visited all of them.

Yet as far as the foot of man has travelled thereabouts, countless luxuries, treasures, and wealth have been observed. Olive oil is an item which fetches a great price there and is much esteemed, and kings and grandees have kept it with great care as a major medicine. There are numerous strange animals in the kingdom of Cathay, which I shall not mention. People there are creative and quite clever; and thus they have little regard for the accomplishments of other people in all the arts and sciences.

They claim that they themselves are the only ones to see with two eyes, while the Latins see with but one eye, and all other peoples are blind. And their word is confirmed by the fact that, generally, they regard other people as imbeciles. For such a quantity of varied and marvellous wares with indescribably delicate workmanship is brought from that kingdom, that no one is capable of matching such goods in the scales [end of grabar Classical Armenian text page 5; henceforth shown as, for example, g5].

All the people in that kingdom are called Cathayans, and among them are many attractive men and women. But by and large, they have tiny eyes and are beardless by nature. These Cathayans have very beautiful letters, in some respects similar in beauty to Latin letters. It is difficult to describe the [religious] doctrines of the people of this kingdom. For some folk worship idols made out of metal; some worship cattle since they work the land which brings forth wheat and other produce ; some worship gigantic trees; some, the natural elements; some, the stars.

There are those who worship the sun and those who worship the moon. Yet others have no belief or doctrine and lead their lives like irrational beasts. Although they are full of genius with regard to making all sorts of material goods, no acquaintance with the spiritual exists among them.

However, they are extremely skilled on the seas where they defeat their enemies more so than on land. They possess many types of weapons not found among other peoples. As for the money which this people uses, it is made of sedge, of square shape and bears the royal stamp, and it is based on this stamp that the money's value is determined, great or small. If the money becomes worn through age, they take it to the royal court and exchange it for fresh money. They make vessels and other ornaments out of gold and other metals.

Only in the west is Cathay bordered by another kingdom, that of Tars [g6]. In the north is the Belgean desert, and to the south are the aforementioned islands in the Ocean sea. Chapter 2 The Kingdom of Tars There are three provinces in the kingdom of Tars and their respective lords are styled kings. The people thereabouts are called Eo'gur [Uighurs].

They have always been idolators and at present still are, excepting the kin of those kings who came, guided by a vision of the Star to Bethlehem in Judea to worship the birth of the Lord. Even now one may find many grandees and nobles among the Tartars who are descended from that line, and who firmly hold the faith of Christ.

The idol-worshippers in these parts are powerless in arms, but gifted and perceptive in studying the arts and sciences. They possess their own distinct alphabet. All the inhabitants of this kingdom refuse meat and wine and refuse to kill any living thing. Their cities are extremely agreeable, and they have numerous temples wherein they worship the idols. Wheat and other produce grow abundantly here. But they do not have wine, for they regard it as sinful to drink it, in no way differing from the Saracens. In the east the kingdom of Tars is bordered by the above-mentioned kingdom of Cathay; in the west, by Turkestan; in the north, by a desert; and in the south by an extremely rich province called Sune, located between the kingdom of India and Cathay.

In this province enormous diamonds are found [g7]. Chapter 3 The Kingdom of Turkestan In the east, the kingdom of Turkestan is bordered by the kingdom of Tars; in the west, by the kingdom of Persia; in the north, by the kingdom of Khwarazmia; in the south it stretches to the Indian desert. In this kingdom there are few good cities. There are extensive, rolling plains for herds. Thus the greater part of the inhabitants are tent-dwelling herders, that is, they live in such houses which may be transported easily from place to place. The large city of this kingdom is called Okerra [Otrar].

Little barley or wheat is harvested here. They eat rice, millet, and meat. They are called Turks. Although they are Muhammedan, nonetheless, some of them have no faith or laws. They lack their own letters, instead employing the Arabic script in the city and army. Chapter 4 The Kingdom of Khwarazmia The kingdom of Khwarazmia is well endowed with good cities and villages and abundant population; for it is a fertile and temperate land.

They harvest much wheat and other produce, but have little wine. This kingdom borders a desert the length of which stretches one hundred traveling days to the east; in the west, Khwarazmia reaches the Caspian Sea; in the north, it borders the kingdom of Komania; and in the south, the kingdom of Turkestan, discussed above [g8]. The major city of the kingdom is called Khwarazme and the people, Khwarazmians.

They are pagans, lacking writing or laws and are ferocious warriors. Amongst them are people called Koltink' [Soldains], possessing their own language and using Greek letters and the Greek rite. They take communion in accordance with the Greek ritual, and they obey the patriarch of Antioch. During the winter, in places, it gets so cold that it is impossible for man or beast to live. Meanwhile, in the summer, in other places, it gets so hot that neither man nor beast can bear the heat or the flies. This kingdom is almost entirely plains, and on such lands neither trees nor other wood are found, except in gardens by a few cities.

The people who dwell in tents on those plains burn animal dung in place of wood. In the east, the kingdom of Komania is bordered by the kingdom of Khwarazmia and a desert; in the west, by the Great Sea [Black Sea] and a small sea [called the sea of Reme [Azov] oe10]; in the north by the kingdom of Kassi [Russia]; in the south, it stretches to the huge river called Et'il [Volga]. Every year this river freezes, and sometimes it remains frozen year round; and men, as well as beasts, go about on the ice as though walking on land.

By the shores of this river grow some trees of low height. On the far side of the river [g9] dwell various and sundry peoples not counted among [the peoples of] the kingdom of Komania, but obedient to its king. There are some who dwell close to Mount Caucasus, which is very lofty and awesome. The goshawks and other large birds and birds of prey born on that mountain are white in color. This mountain is set between two seas; for on the west is the Great [Black] Sea and on the east, the Caspian Sea which lacks an outlet to the Ocean.

It is like a lake, but by reason of its size, is called a sea. Yet it is larger than any lake in the world, for it extends from the Caucasus mountain to the beginning of the Persian kingdom, dividing the entire land of Asia into two parts. There are many excellent fish in the Caspian Sea, while buffaloes and numerous other wild animals are found in the vicinity. On the far side are many islands where birds nest, especially falcons, and marlyons [merlins], and other types of birds which are found there and nowhere else.

The major city of the kingdom of Komania is called Sarai. In the past it was a noble and renowned city, but it was overthrown and almost completely destroyed by the Tartars who took it forcibly, as we shall relate below. This kingdom borders the kingdom of Persia and stretches east to the district named Balazam [Badakhshan] [g10]. Precious stones called palays [balas rubies] are found in that province. In the north is the long and large Indian desert where, they say, King Alexander [the Great, d.

In this kingdom the Apostle Thomas preached the faith of Christ and converted many districts and peoples. However, because they are very distant from other lands and places where the Christian faith is held, their faith became quite weak. And there is but one city wherein Christians dwell, for the rest [of the population] by and large has completely abandoned Christianity.

Now there are numerous islands in the south along the coast. People inhabiting them are black and go about totally naked in the summers because of the heat. They foolishly worship idols. There are sources of pearls and gold and many varieties of spices on those islands, which people frequently bring to this country.

An island named Ceylon is located there and it has gems, rubies and sapphires in particular. The king of the island has a rare ruby, large and choice. At the coronation of the king, the latter holds that stone in his hand and circulates through the city mounted on a horse. Only after this [ceremony] do people obey him as king. The land of India itself is like an island, surrounded by the aforementioned desert and the Ocean.

Consequently, it is difficult for someone to enter by land save by way of the kingdom of Persia. Merchants who would enter that country first go to the city known as Hermes [Hormuz], which the philosopher Hermes, as mayor, skillfully established, thence they pass along an arm of the sea until they arrive at the city of Kompak' [Cambay], where green parrots may be found [g11]. And there are as many of those birds in that country as there are sparrows here. Merchants sell all kinds of wares in the harbor there.

Should they want to advance farther, they may do so with no effort. The country lacks abundance of barley and wheat; instead the inhabitants eat rice, milk, butter, and the fruits which grow there in plenty. Chapter 7 The Kingdom of Persia The kingdom of Persia is divided into two parts, though one king rules as common lord over both sections. The first part of the Persian land begins in the east, where it borders the kingdom of Turkestan, and stretches west to the great Phison River—the first of the four rivers flowing from the earthly Paradise. In the north, [the Persian kingdom] extends to the Caspian Sea; in the south, to the Indian desert.

That land is entirely plains. There are two cities among others which are very large and opulent. One is called Poktara [Bukhara] and the other, Seonorgant [Samarqand]. The inhabitants of this kingdom are called Persians and have their own language. They live by trade and agriculture, but do not take up arms in battle.

Previously they worshipped idols, and fire as the chief deity; however, when the faith of Mahmet conquered those parts, the people generally became Saracens, accepting the doctrine of Mahmet. Now the other part [of the Persian kingdom] begins with the aforementioned Phison [g12] River and stretches west to the borders of the kingdom of Media, and partly to the borders of Greater Armenia. It extends north to the Caspian Sea and in the south [it borders one province of the realm of India and in some parts the ocean while another part borders oe13] one of the districts of the Median kingdom.

Two very large cities, Niwshapuh and Spahan, are located in that part of the kingdom. In religion and way of life, the people there resemble those [in the first part of the kingdom] whom we have described already. In the east it borders the kingdom of Persia and, partly, the kingdom of Greater India. It extends westward to the kingdom of Chaldea; north to the kingdom of Greater Armenia; and south to the city of Ak'isum [Qishm] by the Ocean.

The large pearls found there circulate throughout the world. In the Median kingdom there are great mountains and few plains. There are two districts [in the kingdom]. The people living in one of them are called Saracens; while those in the other district are called Kurds. The Median kingdom possesses two very great cities, one named Soraket [Shiraz] and the other Aworemon [Kermanshah].

By law and faith they are Muhammedan and use the Arabic script. They are brave and powerful infantry bowmen [g13]. Chapter 9 The Kingdom of Armenia There are four kingdoms in the land of Armenia, but one monarch always holds the lordship. Lengthwise, the land of Armenia begins with the Persian kingdom and stretches west to the kingdom of the Turks. In breadth Armenia begins at the city of Darial, called the Iron Gate. This was constructed by King Alexander [the Great] because he did not want the various and sundry peoples living in the depths of Asia to enter Greater Asia without his command.

This city was built at the narrow part of the Caspian Sea, and extended to the great Mount Caucasus. Now in breadth, Armenia extends [from the same city, oe14] as far as the kingdom of Media. There are many great and rich cities in the kingdom of Armenia, but the most renowned is the city of Tabriz, which is more glorious than the rest. In Armenia, [the terrain consists of] lofty mountains, extensive plains, great rivers and lakes of both fresh and salt water with fish in abundance.

The people inhabiting the land of Armenia are called by various names according to their districts and localities. They are valiant warriors, both mounted and on foot. In respect to armaments, they imitate the Tartars, under whose domination they have been for a long time. As for letters, they have [different sorts of alphabets, oe14], some Armenian and another besides, called Alo'ye'n [Alcen oe14, RB: In Armenia there is one mountain, commonly called Ararat, which is taller than any other. And it was on the summit of this mountain that Noah's Ark first rested after the Flood.

Now despite the fact that there is a great deal of snow on the mountain winter and summer, such that no one can climb it, nonetheless, on the mountain's summit something black is visible, which people say is the Ark [g14]. Many different peoples dwell there, and thus that district is named Alank'. The kingdom of Georgia extends to the west and north up to some lands in the kingdom of the Turks. Lengthwise it coasts the Great [Black] sea. In the south it borders the kingdom of Greater Armenia. The Georgian kingdom is divided into two parts: There were always two kings there, one of whom, the king of Georgia, fell under [the sway of] the Emperor of Asia.

The other king, of Abkhazia, has many people and secure fortresses. Thus neither the Emperor of Asia nor the Tartars were able to subjugate them. There is a miraculous and strange place in the realm of Georgia which—had I not seen it with by own eyes—I would neither dare to speak about it nor to believe in it. But since I was there in person and saw it, I shall discuss it. There is a district named Hamshen in that area, its circumference being a three day's journey.

And despite the district's extent, the place is so foggy and dark that no one can see anything. For no road goes through it. People in those parts say that one frequently hears the sounds of men bellowing, of cocks crowing, of horses neighing in the forest, and the murmuring of a river which flows thence. These are all regarded as trustworthy signs there that a settlement of people exists in the area. This much is true [g15]: Those who ignored the command were to be burned with fire. Whereupon it transpired that some of the Christians chose martyrdom to worshipping the idols.

Some chose to convert temporarily and, out of fear, worshipped the idols, so that they not be deprived of their lives and wordly goods. Meanwhile others took to the mountains and deserted places and somehow kept themselves alive. The group of the best Christians who lived in the Moghon [Mughan] plain thought to leave their belongings and to pass to Greece [Byzantium]. Now the people cried out to the Lord Jesus Christ and, going by the straight path, they survived. However, the infidels have resided in that gloomy valley to the present.


So it is believed by everyone, and so it is related. Chapter 11 The Kingdom of Chaldea The kingdom of Chaldea stretches from the Median mountains in the east to the great and ancient city of Nineveh, close to the Tigris River, the same city mentioned in the Bible. In breadth, the kingdom of Chaldea stretches north to the city of Maragha and south to the Ocean. The major city of Chaldea, [Baghdad], is commonly called Babylon as it has ever been known.

It was to Babylon that Nebuchadnezzar led into captivity the sons of Israel from the holy city of Jerusalem. There are many plains and few mountains in the kingdom of Chaldea, and few rivers pass through it. Some of the inhabitants of Chaldea are called Nestorians and belong to the heresy of Nestorius; they employ the Chaldean [Syriac] alphabet. Other inhabitants use Arabic and are of the Muhammedan faith. It was to Abgar that the Veronica icon—which is now in Rome—was sent.

And close to Urha is the land of Harran, where Abraham once dwelled. Thus Scripture is full of traditions about it. In Greek, this land is called Mesopotamia because it lies between two rivers of Paradise, the Tigris and the Euphrates. In breadth the country stretches from one of the Armenian mountains called Sanson [Sasun] south to the desert of Lesser Arabia [g17].

This land has numerous beneficent and agreeable plains. There are two very tall and fruitful mountains: Few rivers flow through this country, thus the people drink water from wells and basins. There are some Christians among them, such as the Syrians and Armenians, while others are Saracen by law and religion. The Christian Armenians are valiant cavalrymen and infantrymen, while the Saracens and Syrians never raise arms, since they are craftsmen and tillers of the soil, and some, herders of flocks. However, in the place named Merdin there are some extremely skilled Saracen bowmen called Kurds.

Chapter 13 The Kingdom of the Land of the Turks The kingdom of the land of the Turks is extremely good and large, possessing mines of silver, gold, iron and copper, as well as an abundance of alum. Similarly, there is plentitude of all kinds of grains, fruit, and wine. Many types of animals are found there, especially choice horses. In the east [the kingdom] borders Greater Armenia and, in part, Georgia; while in the west it extends to the city of Satalia [modern Adalia], built by the Greek [Mediterranean] Sea.

In the north it borders no country but, for its whole expanse, coasts the shore of the Great [Black] Sea. In the south it borders Lesser Armenia and a part of Cilicia while part of it stretches to the Greek Sea, facing the island of Cyprus. This land is called Greece by many peoples of the East [g18], since formerly the Emperor of Greece held this country of the Turks as his own property and it was then governed by the Emperor's dukes and officials. But after the capture of the country by the Turks and their settlement in it, they selected a lord to rule over them and called him sultan, that is to say, king.

Thereafter the land was called the country of the Turks. There are many districts containing very large major cities in the kingdom of the Turks. In the district of Lycaonia, the renowned city of Konya, the largest city in the kingdom, is located. The second district, Cappadocia, contains the city of Caesarea of Greece. The third district, Isauria, contains the ancient city of Seleucia. The fourth district, Phrygia, contains the city Zikia [Laodicea] of Greece. Fifth is the district of Kisitan [Lydia] with its city, Ephesus. Sixth is Bithynia, with the city Nicea.

Seventh is Pamphlagonia, where the city of Kinapolis [Kastamonu] is located. Eighth is called Kenex [Pontus] with the city of Trapizon. This district was a kingdom, though for a brief time only. For when the Turks conquered what became the kingdom of the Turks, they were unable to take the city of Trapizon and those areas around it, due to the security of the fortresses and to other defenses.

So it remained under the authority of the Emperor of Constantinople who would send a duke or general there each year to see to the country's economy. However, it came to pass that one of the dukes or overseers of the place revolted and personally seized power in the country, proclaiming himself king.

And so, the man who seized the country of Trapizon had himself styled Emperor [g19]. The inhabitants of these parts are Greeks and they conduct the Greek [Orthodox] rite and use the Greek alphabet. We have placed Trapizon among the districts and not kingdoms, because the histories of the eastern regions so instruct us. In the country of the Turkish kingdom dwell four peoples: Some of them live by trade and agriculture, residing in cities and villages, while others always live in the forests and plains, winter and summer, as herders of flocks.

And they are very skilled bowmen. In the east it borders Mesopotamia; in the north, it partly borders Lesser Armenia and partly the kingdom of the Turks. In the southwest no kingdom borders it, since it is surrounded on two sides by the Greek Sea and the Arabian desert. The kingdom of the land of Syria is divided into four parts or states which, in antiquity [g20], usually were styled kingdoms because of their size and because kings resided in them. However, in the histories of the East they are called districts, not kingdoms.

The first and chief district of the Syrian kingdom is named Sham. The noble city of Damascus was built in its midst. The second district is called Palestine and contains the Holy City of Jerusalem. The third district is named Antiochia and contains two great cities: Cilicia is presently called Armenia, for after the enemies of the Christian faith took that country from the Greeks and held it a long while, the Armenians so labored that Cilicia was retaken from the infidels.

The King of Armenia holds the lordship there now, by the grace of God. Various peoples dwell in the country of Syria: Greeks, Armenians, Jacobites, Nestorians, and Saracens. Furthermore, there are other Christian peoples resident there, such as the Assyrians and the Maronites. The Assyrians who are more numerous than the Maronites follow the Greek rite and long since have been obedient to the Holy Roman Church. While they speak Arabic, the church service employs Greek letters. The Maronites follow the Jacobite rite, using the Arabic language and letters.

They dwell near Mount Lebanon and in the Jerusalem area. They are skilled bowmen and live by farming. It takes twenty travelling days to traverse the length of the Syrian kingdom, while the breadth requires five days and in some places less than that, because the Arabian desert and the Greek Sea intersect here and there [g21]. Er ummauerte die Seite am Seeufer mit massiven Steinen und legte die Fundamente in einer furchtbaren Tiefe.

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Diese haben wir in Person besucht und gesehen, mit eigenen Augen, wobei wir in weit entfernte Gebiete reisten: In jenen Tagen kam der Herr herab ins Land der Armenier. Er beeilte sich, die Bande der Freundschaft zwischen ihnen zu trennen, und nachdem der zahlreiche Truppen versammelt hatte, entschied er sich aufzubrechen und kam nach Armenien. Doch bevor er den Feind erreichte, schickte er einen Gesandten zu Afshin mit der folgenden Botschaft: Warum kommst du auf uns im Zorn ohne Grund?

Wenn es wegen der Allianz, die ich mit dem Kaiser geschlossen habe, ist, so war dies auch zu eurem Nutzen. Hier gibt es viele Christen, die Hauptmoschee ist neben der Kirche. Nachdem er eine Zeitlang in der kaiserlichen Stadt verweilt hatte, wurde er durch denselben Protospatharios Konstantinos wieder in sein Land geleitet. Man sagt auch, dass das Kloster der Muttergottes von Sanahin von ihnen gebaut wurde.

Und sie ermordeten den Protopresbyter Gabriel, nachdem sie ihn im Kerker gefoltert hatten. Religion — Armenier in der islamischen Welt 7. Als er auf einige Goten traf, fragten sie ihn, wer er sei. Die Barbaren, die erkannten, dass er ein Feind war, nahmen ihn gefangen; nicht lange danach aber brachten sie den Mann zu Tode. Sie versammelten sich einmal in Konstantinopel und zweimal in Theodosiupolis. Wir haben erfahren, dass sie in den Gebieten Armeniens den Wein nur auf dem heiligen Altartisch darbringen und die, die das unblutige Opfer darbringen, kein Wasser beimischen ….

Wenn aber welche diese Bestimmung nicht beachten, dann sollen sie, wenn sie Kleriker sind, abgesetzt werden, wenn sie Laien sind, aus der Gemeinschaft ausgeschlossen. Georgius de Armenis Das soziale Netzwerk eines Gerichtsakts aus Bari, rosa Knoten: Nitti Di Vito, Bari Interaktion, blau: Rechtsakte 17 , Nr. He received them gladly, rewarded them with presents, raised them to high positions, and held them in the greatest honor. Among them was the father of the revered Mary. It was the result of the great missionary work in the Ninth Century of two Greek brothers from Salonika, Constantine —who took the name of Cyril shortly.

Back to the Bible: Cyril, who were monks of high education. The Two Faces of Greece: A Civilisation of 7. Moravia received Christian instruction from Cyril and Methodius, Greeks from Salonika, who for their translations created. Cyril and his brother, St. Invited in by its prince, Rostislav, Cyril Constantine and Methodius, Greek monks from Salonika, came to preach the gospel there. Preece - Reference - Page As a matter of fact, Constantine and Methodius were not Slavs, but two sons of a Greek official.. The Russian alphabet, which is similar to the Greek, was invented by two Greek monks from Salonika, St.

Brauchen Sie auch Visa fuer Aegypten? Versuchen Sie mal auch im Staatsbibliothek in Berlin. The Slavs of the province of Peloponnesus revolted in the days of the emperor Theophilus and his son Michael, and became independent, and plundered and enslaved and pillaged and burnt and stole. And in the reign of Michael, the son of Theophilus, the protospatharius Theoctistus, surnamed Bryennius, was sent as military governor to the province of Peloponnesus with a great power and force, vis. The nations of the Slavs and the Antes live in the same way and have the same customs…They live among nearly impenetrable forests, rivers, lakes, and marshes, and have made the exits from their settlements branch out in many directions because of the dangers they might face…They live like bandits and love to carry out attacks against their enemies in densely wooded, narrow, and steep places…They are completely faithless and have no regard for treaties, which they agree to more out of fear than by gifts.

By means of such a rumor and the anxiety of their chiefs, each of whom will be worried about his own problems, they will not have the opportunity to get together and cause trouble for our army. Do not station these troops close to the Danube, for the enemy would find out how few they are and consider them unimportant. Nor whould they be very far away, so their will be no delay, it becomes necessary, to have them join the invading army.

This army should cross over into enemy territory suddenly and make its invasion on clear and level ground. The Miracles of St. Demetrius, Anastasius the Librarian 8th century Miracle 9. Among the other miracles I wish to insert this one also, a miracle which the holy martyr Demetrius worked in our time. There was a certain bishop from the country of the Africans, Cyprian by name, who cared for the true priesthood and led a life most deserving of God. He arranged to journey to the queen of cities, Byzantium, on a pressing matter of necessity. And when they had sailed for many days and had already drawn near to the regions of Greece, he was captured by the most fierce Slavs together with all his [companions].

When they had divided these captives among themselves, the [slavs] enslaved the aforementioned bishop together with his [companions]. When these things had been done in this way, they returned to their native places, and each barbarian placed the burden of slavery upon his captive according as he wished.

But I call to mind that this has happened to me on account of my sins, and that it is for this reason that I am held ensnared by this affliction.

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Who will guide my sheep now that their shepherd has been captured by barbarian animals? Watch yourself, while we are walking, lest you say anything at all to me; but let us march each striving for quiet and praying to God in our minds. My house stands in the middle of the city of Thessalonica, to which I will lead you without harm if you follow me. Psellos was such as you would expect of a Latin who had come to our country as a young man and learnt the Hellenic language thoroughly, but was not quite clear in his articulation.

Die Stiftung Carnegie fuer den internationalen Frieden hat einen Report veroeffentlicht ueber die kaepfenden Nationen waehrend der Balkankriegen. Der Report wurde von einer Internationalen Kommision zusammengestellt. Der griechischer Aufstand gegen den Osmanen in Makedonia das Jahr also 50 Jahren frueher als die bulgarische Aufstand in Illinden Fragen Sie mal die EU-Komission.

Man macht ueber Sie lustig!!!! Lesen Sie ueberhaupt andere Sprachen als Fyrom-bulgarisch oder deutsch? Versuchen Sie es bitte!!! Dann soll vielleicht auch Albanien ueber ihre EU-Mitgliedschaft entscheiden. Die sogenannten "Agais-Mazedonier" eine slavo-buglarische Bezeichnung, die wir in historischem, hellenischem Makedonien ablehnen haben NIE am Meer gelebt. Ihre einzige organisationsform war die bulgariche exarchia und die griechische orthodoxe Kirche. Also der Begriff "Agais" ist noch eine merkwuerdige Sache des fyromischen Ultranationalismus und entspricht nur den fyromischen Irretentismus.

Aber in Deutschland habt ihr wunderbare Psychiatrie-Anstalten. Eigentlich merkwuerdig fuer ein. Also many non-Greeks accept that the 2 brothers were Greeks: Then in the ninth century Cyril and Methodius, two Greek monks from Thessaloniki , developed the Cyrillic alphabet and spread both literacy and Christianity to the Slavs. Two Greek brothers from Salonika, Constantine, who later later became a monk and took. Constantine the Philosopher, better known by his monastic name, Cyril and Methodius. Cyril and Methodius were Greeks. In answer to this appeal the emperor sent the two brothers Cyril and Methodius, who were Greeks of Salonika and had considerable knowledge of Slavonic languages.

In order to convert the Slavs to Christianity, Greek missionaries Cyril and Methodius learned the language. This development was of particular importance to the formation of eastern european culture. As the Slav tribes feel under the influence of Byzantium a considerable number of them were baptised but they were first converted to Christianity in Mass by the Greek brothers, Cyril and Methodius. Black lamb and Grey Falcon: Cyril and Methodius, Saints muth.. Their history and influence are obscured by conflicting legends.

After working among the Khazars, they were sent from Constantinople by Patriarch Photius to Moravia. This was at the invitation of Prince Rostislav, who sought missionaries able to preach in the Slavonic vernacular and thereby check German influence in Moravia. Their immediate success aroused the hostility of the German rulers and ecclesiastics.

Candidates from among their converts were refused ordination, and their use of the vernacular in the liturgy was severely criticized. According to one source, when Photius was excommunicated by Rome the brothers were called there. Their orthodoxy was established, and the use of Slavonic in the liturgy was approved.

Cyril died while in Rome, but Methodius, consecrated by the pope, returned to Moravia and was made archbishop of Sirmium. Despite the papal sanction the Germans contrived to have him imprisoned, and, though released two years later, his effectiveness appears to have been blocked. His last years were spent translating the Bible and ecclesiastical books into Slavonic. His influence in Moravia was wiped out after his death but was carried to Bulgaria, Serbia, and Russia, where the southern Slavonic of Cyril and Methodius is still the liturgical language of both Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches.

Cyril, was probably the work of his followers. It was based probably by Cyril himself upon the glagolithic alphabet, which is still used by certain Croatian and Montenegrin Catholics. Moravian Christianity even had species of ecclesiastical organization before the arrival of the Greek brothers. This short sketch of the cultural development of the Slavic nations in the Middle Ages seems necessary to show the real significance of the mission of the two Greek brothers.

Its aim in Moravia was, above all, cultural.

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When those ancient precursors of Bible translators, the Greek brothers Constantine and Methodius, translated certain parts of the Scriptures and the liturgical books into Slavic for the use of their Moravian converts. Thus in a sense the two Greek brothers and their disciples fought a fight in behalf of all the later Bible translators and liturgical vernacularists, the English among them.

The Slavic liturgy was, beyond any doubt, a radical innovation which the Greek brothers could not have justified except as an essential element in insuring the success of their work. Gligorov wurde in Skopje waehrend eines Bomben-Attentates von Faschisten schwer verletzt. Dann folgt die bekannte Methode der Psychiatrienastalten in Fyrom, hier sehen wir es noch mal. Nur die Ultranationalisten Gruewskis sind geistig gesund und die "Rasse" stimmt auch. Diese "reinreissige Mazedonier" werden ueber die Jahrhunderten niemals in den Geschichtsbuecher erwaehnt werden. Lassen Sie das Video spielen.

Wir wissen wer Sie sind, abgesehen davon dass wir so tun als wir nichts gewusst haetten. Wir speichern alle unsere Daten bevor wir sie veroeffentlichen. Georgieski, Gligorov, tousende Historiker in der ganzen Welt, und viele Intellekteller in Fyrom behaupten deutlich dass es kein Zusammenhang besteht. Als Millososki noch Student war schrieb ueber ihre bulgarische Herkunft und ihre bulgarische Nation,.

There are only few such covert prisons in our country. She added that this practice is still in place. A1 TV says that Najcevska denied that HC holds direct proofs to back its claims,but informed that during the past 10 years 15 citizens have reported to have been interrogated by plain clothes police officers in houses and apartments, not in police stations. DS leader, Pavle Trajanov, former high official in the Interior Ministry said the Ministry has always been using secret apartments for holding talks with its informers and associates. The apartments are registered on employees in the Interior Ministry of close relatives of theirs.

The interrogations conducted in the apartments are being recoded by cameras hidden in TV sets. Die Krise ist das noetige Stadium zu Veraederung und Weiterentwicklung. Was man in der Gruewski-Monarchie nicht moeglich ist. Hier schauen Sie mal das fascho-rasistische staatliches Fernsehen des Monarchofaschisten Gruewski's. Damit wollen Sie indirekt aber eindeutig sagen dass die Hellenen mit "schmutschigen Blut aus Africa infiziert sind".

Eine beliebte These und die ist nicht die einzige eines fyromischen Rassisten, wie Du einer Bist. Kostov, The Kremlin, 7 June Trapzus Herkunftland der Pontos Griechen war erst unter osmanischen Herrschaft. Und wenn man bedenkt,dass das Durchschnittseinkommen bei rund Euro liegt, ist dies keine wahre Meisterleistung. Seit Jahrzehnten wird die griechische Politik von einigen Politikerdynastien bestimmt, die sich abgewechselt haben an den Schalthebeln der Macht.

Kein Wunder, dass sie auch im Kleinen gedeiht: Bitte achten Sie darauf, wenn hier bestimmte Poster mit Begriffen wie Faschisten und faschistoid um sich werfen, ohne die genaue Bedeutung zu kennen. The ancient language of the Macedonian kingdom in N. Greece and modern Macedonia during the later 1st millennium BC. Survived until the early 1st millennium AD.

Not to be confused with the modern Macedonian language, which is a close relative of the Slavic Bulgarian. Also das heist auf deutsch man darf nicht alt Mazedonisch mit den modernen slavo mazedonische Sprache verwechseln, die sehr eng mit der Slavic-Bulgarische Sprache verbunden ist. Demnaechst zeige ich dir Menschen die von fyromischen Geheimdiensten verfolgt werden, weil Sie zu ihren bulgarischen Identitaet bekennen.

Warum wird in Deutschland die Millionen Tuerken als tuerkische Gemeinde waehrend die nicht mehr als Lesen Sie mal die Berichte der Hamnesty International. Demnaechst werde ich ich sie hier veroeffetlichen". Ihr macht es euch ja sehr einfach. Also sind tausende Albaner und Serben, die den bulgarischen Pass bekommen haben, auch Bulgaren: Ich kann mich vor lachen nicht halten: Die griechische Regierung erkennt eine Existenz einer in Zentral- und Westmakedonien lebenden ethnisch makedonischen Minderheit nicht an.

Sie lehnt diese vehement ab und schreibt ihr politisch motivierte Ziele zu. Wo ist dass Problem, dass ein angeblich demokratischer Staat, der sich als Wiege der Demokratie bezeichnet, eine Minderheitensprache anerkennt? In der letzten Europa-Wahlen haben die slavophone 3. Herr Voskopulos ist griechischer Staatsbeamter und ist ueberhaupt nicht unterdruecked. Er wird von uns bezahlt um die fyrom-bulgarische Propaganda weiterzufuehren. Fyrom ist waehrend der Gruewski-Monarchie ein feindliches Land fuer Hellas oder irre ich mich?

Was die Sprache der Slavophonen Griechen betrifft habe ich folgendes zu sagen:. Als makedonische Sprache in Hellas wird die Sprache von Aristoteles gemeint und die ist griechisch. Wir werden nie eine slavo-bulgarische Dialekt als "mekedonisch" anerkennen. Im Notfall lassen wir einen unabhaegigen Komitte von Lingustikern entscheiden. Demnaechst werde ich ich sie hier veroeffetlichen. Das "Recht auf Selbstbestimmung" mit rassistischen, faschistischen, provokatorischen, hassverbreidenten, kultur- und historischverfaelsten Argumenten und Mitteln kann man leider nicht als "Recht" nennen.

Jedes Recht muss die Kulturerbe jedes Nachbarns respektieren, denn taucht eine "Nation" auf, die seit 2. Hier noch einmal eine Menge Beweise dass diese Nation aus der bulgarischen Nation und durch die sozialofaschistische Propaganda Titos als Nation entsteht. Die dritte groesste war die bulgarische Bevoelkerung. Beide Seiten waren geladen, die Seite der makedonischen Minderheit Griechenland behauptet, es gibt sie nicht, aber drei Vertreter waren da!

Nach nur wenigen Worten wurde er von dem Moderator gestoppt, er solle doch nicht in dieser Sprache sprechen. Wie Sie meinen, dann hat es eben vor keine mazedonische Ethnie gegeben. Aber demnach gibt es eine mazedonische Ethnie nach Der slavo-jugoschlavische Teil Makedoniens wurde tatsaechlich als Makedonien genannt. Aber damit meinten die Millitaers dass Sie Slaven diesen Teil Mazedoniens illegal besitzen und irgendwan muss ganz Makedonien wieder griechisch werden. Nur die "balkanische" Wissenschaft der Skopje Universitaet und ihre "Mitarbeiter" wissen wovon sie sprichen.

Der Vertrag von Lausanne, Juli spricht von slavophone Bevoelkerung und nicht von "enthisch Makedonier" was auch beweist dass ihr noch um dieser Zeit kein mehrheitliches nationales Bewusstsein vefuegten. Die Tuerken, die Franzoesen, die Deutschen, die Russen haetten keinen Grund ihren "Nationalitaet" zu verschweigen, wenn so eine wirklich gegeben haette. Aussenseite Alexander the Grate. Droysen Aussenseite Alexander the Grate. Texte und Kommentare, Von A. In den zwanziger Jahren des Sie mussten die griechische Sprache lernen. Makedonische Namen durften nicht verwendet werden.

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The location of the latter is not clear; see Barthold, Historical Geography Bitte registrieren Sie sich und halten Sie sich an unsere Netiquette. Then the kings of the K'ushans requested help for themselves from the great Then an Inspector from court came to Smbat and Datoyean, a certain senior Khak'an, king of the regions of the North. Aber die Methode "teile und hersche" ist in Balkan seit Jahrhunderten sehr beliebt. Jahrhundert bestand in der Region um Edirne ein bedeutendes Zentrum der Wollstoffproduktion. Die Kunst der Provokation haben die deutsche Pseudo Linken sehr gut gelernt.

Ebenfalls trennt er explizit die Mazedonier von den Bulgaren sowie von den Serben. Einige sprechen von Eine seiner zentralen Thesen ist, dass die hellenische Zivilisation in der Antike multikulturell gewesen sei, so wie auch heute der gesamte Balkan multkulturell ist. Es lebe die griechische Demokratie und die griechische Meinungsfreiheit: Das Geographie-Schulbuch ist nicht von der 80er sondern von den 70er Jahren als in Hellas wie auch in Jugoschlavien eine Diktatur herschte.

Genau das behauptetete auf der anderen Seite der Slavo-Sozialo-Phasist Tito und bis heute noch die faschistoide und raschistoide Gruewski-Regierung in Skopje. Wir haben gegen die Diktatur und die von der CIA ihre heutigen Untestuetzer gekaepft und uns interessiert eurer Teil nicht denn das entspricht nicht den historischen Teil Makedoniens. Fuer uns und fuer immer mehr Europaer wird klar dass Sie Slavo-Mazedonier diesen Teil vertretten sollen den Sie auch besitzen.

Das hellenische Volk darf und kann sowieso nicht dieses Aufruestungsprogramm leisten. Nur die Fyrom-Bulgaren sprechen darueber. Das Selbstbestimmungrecht der Voelker muss nicht auf die Kulturerbe und das Selbstbestimmungsrecht anderer Menschen stossen. Alle nationalen Verschiedenheiten der mazedonischen Identitaeten muss respektiert und mitberuecksichtigt werden.

Sehen Sie bitte die faschistische, raschistische staatliche Werbung der Regierung Gruewski und das staatliche Fernsehen dieses Landes. Mit dieser Regierung in Skopje wird kein Frieden mehr in Balkan geben und wer diese Regierung hilft wird von mir als Provokator bezeichnet. Die Kunst der Provokation haben die deutsche Pseudo Linken sehr gut gelernt. And, finally, to the literary man, the Balkan Peninsula, with its extraordinary medley of races and languages, affords a field of observation which is all but virgin soil. The Macedonian question is perhaps the most dangerous problem which the statesmen of Europe will have to face in the near future.

A little later the famous Bulgarian Tsar, Samuel, whose reign extended from to , made Macedonia the centre of his empire, and fixed his residence first on a rocky island in the upper lake of Prespa, and then at Ochrida. It was to Prespa, too, that Samuel, returning from the sack of Larissa, transferred the remains of the holy Achilles, and the remains of a monastery dedicated to this saint are still to be found on an island of the lower lake. Now, for the first time, we read of a Bulgarian Patriarch of Ochrida, a see which played a considerable part at one time or another in Macedonian history.

And we learn from the golden bulls, in which this Emperor confirmed the privileges of the Bulgarian church, that under Samuel, that is to say, in the first two decades of the eleventh century, the Bulgarian realm had included practically all Macedonia. With the formation of the second Bulgarian Empire in , the rule of the Tsars once more made itself felt in Macedonia.

As early as a Bulgarian noble declared himself independent in the passes of the Vardar, and governed Upper Macedonia in his own name. We find the Tsar Kalojan lord of Uskub in Slaveikoff, by his journal, published at Constantinople in the sixties, had endeavoured to prepare the way for the national movement in Macedonia ; but so little was the Bulgarian alphabet then known, even among the Bulgarian Macedonians, that the editor was forced to print his patriotic articles in Greek characters.


Bcrats were granted in for two Bulgarian Bishops at Ochrida and Uskub respectively. Accordingly, the Servian Government, which in former days favoured the Bulgarian movement in Macedonia, and actually allowed the first books of that propaganda to be printed at Belgrade, has now become its rival. American missionaries, working among the Bulgarians of Macedonia, have noticed with surprise that all of a sudden their familiar disciples have changed their nationality, and blossomed out into full-blown Serbs.

But elsewhere in Macedonia, where the language of the people is Bulgarian and not Servian, the difference of tongue, though not insurmountable, is sufficient to make the task difficult. In the vilayet of Monastir, more especially, the Serbs have little chance against their Bulgarian rivals. Of course, now that Greece has been weakened, the Sultan, true to his traditional policy of playing one Christian race off against the other, has begun to favour the Greeks in Macedonia at the expense of the Bulgarians, just as in and he favoured the Bulgarians at the expense of the Greeks.

But the Armenians inspire in the Turks a hatred such as no other Christian race causes them, and the worst of it is that the Armenians have hot, like the Greeks, Serbs, Bulgarians, and Wallachs living in the Turkish dominions. Das slavophone Dorf und die Stadt, wo griechisch gesprochen wurde. Besuchen Sie mal den Heiligen Berg Agion Oros und erfahren selbst wie griechische byzantinische Moenche bis die Alt-Griechische Texten mit der Hand schrieben damit sie nicht verloren gehen obwohl die Orthodoxie feindlich gegen die Alt-Griechische Kultur stand. Da werden Sie nicht eine einzige Schrift lesen auf "slavomakedonisch".

Weil ihre Sprache in dieser Zeit als bulgarisch und Sie eindeutig als Bulgaren bezeichnet wurden. Es gibt Millionen schriftliche Indizien die ueber unserem Volk sprechen. Die sind die wichtigsten Beweise die durch unsere Sprache ueberliefert sind und die Geschichte unseseres Volkes beweisen. Fyrom ist vorallem durch die bulgarische Nation entstanden und dafuer sprechen fast alle Indizien.

Auch dieser Film wurde von euch Fyrom-bulgarische ultra-Nationalisten angegriffen. Meinen Sie eine Mit dem Begriff Alexandrinische Schule wird eine fortlaufende Reihe von wissenschaftlichen Bestrebungen in der Zeit von etwa von v. Diese um v. Sie war bis 30 v. Zentrum der Alexandrinischen Schule war die bedeutende Bibliothek von Alexandria.

Wirtschaftsgeschichte des Osmanischen Reichs

Auch mit hellenischen Subventionen neugebaut. Spaeter wurden sie von griechisch sprechenden Byzantiner wie Methodios und Kirillos aus Thessalonike verchristlicht. Lesen Sie Konstantinos Kavafis den grossen hellenischen Alexandrinischen Dichter, der vielen Europaischen Dichter und Intellektuerllen beeinflusst hat Gegenseitige Beleidigungen und wenig Respekt galt immer zwischen Athener und Spartaner.

Dies bedeutet aber nicht dass sie nicht griechische Staemme waren. Sie unterschieden sich von den Griechen in den Sitten und hatten noch lange viel Barbarisches, als die Griechen schon cultivirt waren. Dieser hat einen Hof, wo griechische Cultur ist, und die Menge junger Leute um sich. Im Lande selbst war keine Bildung; diese wurde erst zu Philipps Zeiten bewerkstelligt. Auch waren die Macedonier von den Griechen durch die Sprache unterschieden. Es war gar kein rein griechischer Dialekt, cf. So viel ist aber gewiss, die Macedonier waren von den Griechen sehr verschieden in Regierungsform, Sitten und Sprache; deshalb geht uns hier Macedonien als Macedonien nichts an.

Vor Anfang des 20Jhr. Man spricht nur von Bulgaren. Aber auch waehrend der 20en Jhr. Wehrend des Osmanischen Reiches herschte in Balkan keines nationales sondern nur religioeses Bewusstsein. Also Christlich Orthodox und Moeschlemisch. Die christlich orthodoxe Sprache war griechisch bis mit der Spaltung des bulgarischen Kirche von der griechisch orthodoxe Patriarxion in Konstantinopel. Das Buch ist ein Bestseller in der Geschichtswissenschaften und seien Sie nicht so enthusiastisch.

Die pseudo-freudliche Vorschlaege Milloskoskis an der hellenische Regierung kann man nur als rein diplomatisches Theather vor der Presidenten Wahlen in Fyrom bezeichnen und sind wirklich nicht ernst zu nehmen. Viel mehr hat dieses "freundliches" Gesicht dieses politischen aermafroditen mit den Berichte vieler europaischer Laender ueber das rechts-laizistische Rutzen der Gruewski Regierung, der inzischen ein Monarch im Lande ist mit einer sehr schwachen Opposition. Zuerst antworte die Frage, wie heisst "Bergland" Makedonia auf slavomazedonisch. Aber mit Fyrom-bulgarisch meine ich sicherlich den bulgarischen Dialekt die von der Slavomazedonier in Fyrom gesprochen and geschrieben wird und von der faschistoiden Propaganda Fyroms zu der Sprache der Alt-Mazedonier hochstilisiert wird.

Denn makedonisch hat Aristoteles gesprochen und geschrieben und das war ein hellenischer Dialekt. Wie heisst Bergland Makedonia auf fyrom-bulgarisch oder auch slavomazedonisch? Noch mal wie heisst Bergland Makedonia in der slavischen Dialekt die in Fyrom gesprochen wird? Mit staatliche rassistische Werbung versucht Gruewski mit der bakannten rechts-laizistichen Methode 1.

Wenn man beispilweise das Laufen und das Gesicht des PM Gruewskis sieht, wird man hundertprozentig sicher, dass wir Menschen aus den Schimpansen entstammen. Sie loesen wirklich Gelaechter aus. Mit Steuergeldern auch der Albanern werden in Skopje faschistische Filme gedreht. Die Welt Finanzkrise scheint kein Problem zu sein.

Ist das "freundliche" "kleines" "armes" Land dass immer wieder die Slavo-Neu-Deutschen meinen? Wenn das kein Faschismus und Raschismus ist wie kann mann dann den Faschismus bestimmen? Der bulgarische Tschar Samuel — war Slavomazedonier und gruendeten einen slavomazedoninschen und nicht bulgarischen Koenigtum. Alle Gruendungs Mitglieder waren Slavomazedonier. Waehrend — haben sich die Slavomazenier gegen die faschistische bulgarische Armee Widerstand geleistet.

Ueber die schmutzige deutsche Aussenpolitik in Balkan hat die Taz nie berichtet. Der durchschnitliche Deutsche Buerger hatte und hat immer noch keine Ahnung davon. Aber wir wissen, wer Sie alle sind. Ich bin mir nicht sicher ob Sie lesen was Sie schreiben aber was Sie schreiben bleibt und zeigt vorallem Ihren politischen und "demokratischen" IQ. Selbstverstaendlich, die Griechen untestuetzen die gerechte albanische Forderung.

Ich habe mich oefters ueber ihre Intelligenz Quotient gefragt. Die letzte Zeit Das Pech ist dass unsere Nachbarn die letzte 50 Jahren in ein anderer Welt gelebt haben als wir. Ich kenne keinen von den Hellenen die in diesem Forum teilnehmen. Ich hab nicht mit Ihnen gesprochen, sondern mit Manuel.

Wie viele Namen haben Sie hier eigentlich? Haben sich selbst durcheinander gebracht Ist die "Demokratie" die Sie meinen, Frau Fetel? Auf mein Pass steht Hellenische Rebublik Ich bin in Makedonien geboren, ich lebe und arbeite in Makedonien und in Makedonien werden meine Kinder erwachsen. Ich habe von meinen Grosseltern und meine Eltern gelernt Makedonien zu lieben, ich lebe und arbeite in Makedonien und keiner wie Sie -die Taz- kann mir verbieten mein Geburstort zu lieben.

Wenn man in Griechenland genauso wie in Fyrom sagt ich bin Makedonier ist es keine Diskriminierung. Also wenn man sagt "die makedonische Minderheit" es entsteht automatisch die Frage "welches Makedonien" meinen Sie? Ich bin kein Natinalist und ich habe jahrelang fuer die Demokratie in Hellas gekaepft. Die Taz ist ein Instrument und gehoert laengst nicht in linken Raum.

Sie dient bestimmte Interessen, die wir sehr gut kennen und hier ausgefuehrt haben. Wir haben sehr viele Erfahrungen und Beweise von diesem Forum gesammelt, die wir bald im Internet und in der makedonischen Presse in Hellas veroeffetlichen werden. Sprechen Sie immer weiter ueber das Jahr herr Rathfelder Habibocrates , das wir sowieso verurteilen. Identifizieren Sie sich nicht mit Ihrem Land? Wollen Sie kein Grieche sein? Die sozialistische Bewegung kaepfte um gegen den osmanischen Reich und die neue buergerliche Nationalstaaten Balkans: Dass ein Teil der slavophone Bevoelkerung ihre Autonomie suchte, die von der sozialistische Bewegung ausgentutzt werden sollte, widerspricht auf keinen Fall die Tatasache dass die grosse Mehrheit der slavophonen Bevoelkerung Makedoniens um ein bulgarisches Nationalbewusstsein hatte und fuer die Bulgarische Nationale Grossidee in Balkan kaepfte.

Bulgaren und Slavophone machten mit Sicherheit nicht die Mehrheit auf der gesammt makedonischen Raum aus. Uebrigens die griechische makedonische Kaepfer, kapeften um auch fuer die Autonomie eines griechischen Makedoniens, aber sie waren Loayalisten und keine Sozialisten. Ich bin Makedonier, geboren in Hellas und als Makedonier gehoere ich nicht zur einer "makedonischen Minderheit". Es geht wieder hier um die gleiche "Texten" und "Indizien" die sich immer wieder von der fyrom-bulgarischen Propaganda wiederholt werden weil es kein anderer gibt.

Ethnisch Mazedonier ist ein unbekannter historischer Begriff bis Anfanag des 20en Jhd. Auch in vielen kommunistische und sozialistischen Texten wird der Begriff des "ethnisch Mazedoniers" voellig ignoriert. Es handelt sich um Bulgaren die sich vor allem nach dem Sieg der hellenischen Armee von der nationalen bulgarischen Armme allmaehlich distanzierten. Wenn die fyrom-bulgarische Nation, eine "historische Nation" waere, wie der faschistoide Gruewski heute meint, haetten wir dieses Gespraech nicht noetig gehabt.

Aber wenn heute die Fyrom-Bulgaren eine Nation sind, muessen klar und deutlich diesen Teil representiern, den Sie auch besitzen. Weil wir ganz genau wissen dass ihr mit der Hilfe bestimmter Grossmaechten auf ein Gross-Slavo-Mazedonien zielt und dafuer spricht ihre fyrom-bulgarische Alltag, den wir alltaeglich decodifizieren. Paul Argyriades A French socialist Present day Macedonia is one of the European provinces of the Turkish Empire.

It borders on the south with Epirus, Thessaly and the Mediterranean, on the east with Thrace and the Mediterranean, on the north with Mount Hemus, Bulgaria and Serbia and with Albania on the west Macedonia, as the homeland of the two greatest personalities of the Ancient World - Aristotle and Alexander the Great, who conquered the world.

And if an autonomous Macedonian administration were to be introduced in this land in ten years only, it would be the earthly paradise of the world The small states - the Greek, Bulgaria and Serbian ones -argue for the acquisition of Macedonia, using all kinds of proofs - chauvinist and historical - invented in support of their interests, while no one seems to realize that if the historical truth were to be respected, Macedonia should rather have the right to possess all those countries, which would like to devour it, since once it governed and ruled them itself The Macedonians do not want the kind of caresses which may strangle them.

They want to remain Macedonians without any other epithet, guarding for themselves their beautiful Macedonia Almanach de la Question Sociale. Paris , Pour , pp. Bulgaria proper now is free but Macedonia is under the rule of the Turk. Bleibt abzuwarten wie weit die Regierung gehen will. Ist es keine Menschenrechtverletzung wenn das deutsche Verdeidigungsministerium die kroatische Faschisten mit deutscher Waffen aus der DDR Kasernen beliefert??????

Die groesste ethnische Saueberung in Jugoschlavien wurde mit diesen deutschen Waffen von den kroatischen Faschisten gegen die Kraina Serben veruebt worden. War es keine Menschenrechtverletzung? Ist es keine Menschenrechtverletzung wenn die BND seit der 60iger Jahren versuchten, Jugoschlavien zu distabilisieren? Und wer wurde Aussenminister nach Genscher? Kinkel, der Chef der Bundes Nachrichten Diensten? Scharping sollte vor dem Kriegsverbrechertribunal angeklagt werden gemeisam mit den serbischen Kriegsverbrechern.

Ist es aber nicht passiert. Wen der Teufel alt wird, wandelt sich zum Engel um. Das gilt ueber die deutsche Geschichte ueberhaupt. Von den amerikanischen und ruschischen Kriegsverbrechern ganz zu schweigen. Sie alle "Weisse Maenner Europas" haben fuer Jahrhunderten gegen die Entwicklungslaender in Africa, Asia und Latein America gelebt, habt ihr die Umwelt massiv zerstoert, habt ihr in zwei Weltkriegen Millionen von Menschen ermordert und jetzt spricht ihr, ueber Menschenrechten!!!!!! Wenn Waffen so massiv produziert werden als nie zuvor was fuer einen Sinn hat es hier uber "Menschenrechten" zu sprechen?

Haben sich mal gefragt, wie viele Milliarden Euro hat die letzte 30 Jahren Hellas fuer deutschen Waffen bezahlt? Das ist das wahre Gesicht des "zivillisierten" Deutschlands, das reiche Land das immer fuer "Hellas" bezahlt.!!!!!!! Was haben die die deutsche Regierungen fuer alle griechische Opfern getun. Haben sich mal gefragr wie viele Milliarden Euro hat die letzte 30 Jahren Hellas fuer deutschen Waffen bezahlt?

Griechenland erkennt nur eine einzige Minderheit in ihrem Land an, die muslimische Minderheit in West-Thrakien, welche durch den Vertrag von Lausanne von als muslimisch und nicht tuerkisch genannt wird. Also die hellenischen Thesen sind buerokratisch und darueber hinaus innenpoliitsch belegt. Zypern ist noch vom tuerkischen Verbrecherarmee besetst, das tuerkische Kriegsverbrechen auf Zypern wird verschwiegen, das Eigentum des hellenischen Patriarxion in Konstantinopel ist geraubt worden. Der Fuehrer dieser Partei Voskopulos ist griechischer Staatsbeamter.

Pelagon heisst auf hellenisch "das Meer" und es ist klar was dies symbolisiert? Aber wer groesser zu sein versucht, endet am Ende kleiner und im Falle Fyroms wird nichts mehr uebrig bleiben. Allein aus millitaerischen, politischen, kulturellen, geschaeftlichen, und oekonomischen Gruenden. McDougal sollte eigentlich ihre Schwarze Landsleute in Louisiana besuchen und die Verhaeltnnisse in ihren eigenem Land mit den hellenischen Verhaeltnisse vergleichen.

Griechenland erkennt nur eine einzige Minderheit in ihrem Land an, die muslimische Minderheit in West-Thrakien, welche durch den Vertrag von Lausanne von als muslimisch genannt wird und nicht tuerkisch. Mexico besuchen und die Verhaeltnnisse in ihren eigenem Land mit den hellenischen Verhaeltnisse vergleichen. Wenn Waffen so massiv produziert werden als nie zuvor, was fuer einen Sinn macht das, ueber "Menschenrechten" zu sprechen?

Haben sich mal gefragt, wie viele Milliarden Euro hat die letzte 30 Jahren Hellas nur fuer deutschen Waffen bezahlt? Netter Versuch Sie unreife Nichte dieses guten Satirikers hier: Geschehen nicht im Irak oder im Mittelalter". Fyrom und Albanien waren die einzige Laender weltweit, die die Aktionen von George Bush unterstuetzten.

Aber hier sieht man noch einmal die politische Naivitaet von Erich Rathfelder, der immer noch von sprechen. Aber der grosse Komiker Rathfelder vergisst dass das Europaland Hellas mit den weit unentwickelsten politischen und oekonomischen Systemen Europas wie Fyrom, Albanien, Bulgarien grenzte bis heute noch.

Die Hellenen verloren allmaehlich den Boden unter die Fuessen. Viele Freunde die mit der deutschen Polizei "in Beruehrung" kammen, koennen Ihnen versichern dass Hellas noch ein "innenpolitischer Paradies" ist. Sag uns in welcher Focus-Ausgabe es gelesen hast. Ich habe gesucht und nichts gefunden. Ich lese jeden Tag die autonome Presse im Internet in Hellas. Dieser Nachricht habe ich nie gelesen. Jeden Tag wird die hellenische Flagge von Autonomen verbrannt und keiner wird festgenommen. Ich hoffe auch dass die deutsche Autonomen endlich mal auch die deutsche Phanne verbrennen.

Das politische System in Fyrom traegt seit viele Kennzeichen von seiner sozialo-faschistische Vergangenheit. Das politische System in Hellas ist trotz seiner Schwaechen mit weiten Abstand mehr demokratisch als alle andere slavo-faschistische Regime in Balkan. Er befasste sich zudem mit der Historiographie und Anthropologie der Slawen. Am Dienstag den Der Mann der es schaffte mit Vasco zu sprechen kennt ihn durch das Forum.

In einem Posting schildert er folgendes:. Link, Name 22 in der Auflistung. Bitte tun es nicht so, als Sie Fyrom-Bulgaren mit ihren nationalen Brueder, die Bulgaren nichts gemeinsames haetten. Wie tief der griechische Nationalismus im Sumpf steckt, zeigt ein Vergleich der Demokratien der beiden Staaten Griechenlands und Mazedoniens. Dezember , wie sehr die Meinungsfreiheit in Griechenland bzgl. Alexander war ein Kriegsverbrecher. Die Gruenen haben im Europ. Parlament diese Kreisen in Skopje und Diaspora nie verurteilt aber wenden sich aggressiv gegen die griechische Thesen.

Die "Weisheit" ist fuer immer verloren gegangen und somit ist die Zerstoerung der Umwelt verbunden. Ausser du meinst mit Gruewski und Millososki a? Mit Menschen eines solchen Bildungsniveaus kann ich nicht mehr auseinadersetzen. Ein allgemeines Problem in Griechenland ist eine verzweigte Klientelpolitik und Korruption , welche die Ausgaben des Staates beeinflussen, die dadurch oftmals von Ineffizienz betroffen waren bzw. Es gibt nur eine geringe Kontrolle der Unternehmen durch Finanzbedienstete.

Im Gegenzug nahmen jedoch die Haushaltsdefizite bzw. Insolvenzen im privaten Bereich wie auch die Anzahl der Arbeitslosen zu. In den 90er-Jahren wurde mit Modernisierungsarbeiten begonnen, wodurch u. Das nordwestliche Landesinnere ist nicht vom Eisenbahnnetz erschlossen. Die Versorgung kann in zwei Kategorien eingeteilt werden:. Die griechische Sprache ist mit Abstand die wichtigste gesprochene Sprache in Griechenland und wird in der Version der Dimotiki gesprochen und gelehrt.

Seit den er-Jahren ist Griechenland ein beliebtes Emigrationsziel und somit sind auch Sprecher weiterer Sprachen zahlreich vorhanden, wie Albanisch, Bulgarisch oder Russisch. Das Internationale Filmfestival Thessaloniki findet seit statt und ist das bedeutendste des Landes. Als Griechische Kunst wird vornehmlich die Bildhauerei der Antike verstanden, mitunter auch die Vasenmalerei.

In Griechenland finden sich viele Zeugnisse klassischer Architektur. Diese wurden zum Vorbild des Klassizismus im Kloster Dafni, Kapnikarea-Kirche in Athen liefern zahlreiche herausragende Beispiele der mittelalterlichen griechischen Bautradition. Die hier verabschiedete Charta von Athen wurde zum Fanal der Moderne. Bau der Bank von Griechenland und das Krinprinzenpalais , die jedoch keine Vorbildfunktion entwickeln. Diese modernen Bauten sind in der Landschaft eingebettet und kombinieren das industrialisierte Bauen mit lokalem Baumaterialien und -traditionen.

Bedeutende gotische Bauten finden sich nur auf dem Dodekanes , allem voran die Altstadt von Rhodos. Neben dem Marathonlauf der im Eine weitere beliebte Sportart ist Wasserball. In der Freizeit spielt man vermehrt Kartenspiele, darunter Xeri. Jedoch werden Adelstitel im Zusammenhang mit historischen Personen und Personen aus dem Ausland weiterhin genannt. Im Jahr besuchten Nach Abschluss des Gymnasio mit der neunten Klasse kann die Schullaufbahn freiwillig fortgesetzt werden: Die zeitweilig seit den er-Jahren vorhandenen technischen Ausrichtungen des Lykio sind wieder abgeschafft worden: Die Hochschulen sind dabei ausnahmslos in staatlicher Hand unter Verwaltung des Bildungsministeriums in Athen.

Griechenland [4] — Griechenland Gesch. Griechenland [2] — Griechenland Neue Geogr. Griechenland [1] — Griechenland Hellas, Graecia. Griechenland [3] — Griechenland Antiq. Wenn von griechischen Sitten, Gewohnheiten u. Privatlebens, des Krieges u. Friedens, im Allgemeinen gesprochen wird, so ist an diejenige der heroischen, bes.

Griechenland — [Aufbauwortschatz Rating ] Bsp.: Griechenland [5] — Griechenland Geneal. Herzogin von Sachsen Hildburghausen, geb. Theil ein; es wird durch den Pindus und dessen westl. Griechenland — Grie chen land; s: Mark and share Search through all dictionaries Translate… Search Internet.