Mint Juleps and Justice (An Adams Grove Novel Book 5)

Mint Juleps and Justice

Opening the iTunes Store. If Apple Books doesn't open, click the Books app in your Dock. Do you already have iTunes? Click I Have iTunes to open it now. Mint Juleps and Justice: View More by This Author. Description Welcome to Adams Grove Wedding Cake and Big Mistakes: Sweet Tea and Secrets: Pecan Pie and Deadly Lies: Barbecue and Bad News: Customer Ratings We have not received enough ratings to display an average for this audiobook. This was that book for me! I was so into the book that i was gasping and sighing right along with the story.

You cant go wrong with this book.. Cannot wait for the next in the series to come out! I usually don't read a series out of order, but this was a free kindle read and I jumped right in.

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I enjoyed the pace of the story as well as the small town setting. I sense that reading the series in order would give the characters more depth. Jan 10, Janice Walsh added it. Will definitely be reading more from Nancy. Some of the novel was good, but often it just seemed to ramble around. I wasn't sure if it was a love story with a crazed killer on the loose, or a crime novel with people falling in love.

Either way it just wasn't as engaging as a good love story or good crime novel should be. Return to Adams Grove. This is the story of Brooke and Mike, both that need their hearts mended. A sweet romance that builds through out the story with an element of suspense that will keep you reading until finished. Hoping for more visits to Adams Grove.

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Brooke has moved to Adams Grove to get away from her soon-to-be-ex-husband. He cheated on her but now claims to want her back. She has noticed some odd things going on at her house which make her think that he has found out where she is and has found a way into her house. When she comes home one day after work to find things moved around and her little dog trapped in her hot tub, she has had enough. Her complaints to the police have gone nowhere, so she hires a private investigator.

Mike is left Adams Grove to join the Marines after his wife was murdered. Eight years later he has returned and set up shop as a private investigator. He enjoys the variety of the work and not being stuck behind a desk all day. Brooke's case is the kind he can sink his teeth into. I liked the development of the relationship between Mike and Brooke.

Both have been hurt and neither is looking for a relationship. Mike is still grieving for his wife and feeling guilty about her death, thinking that if he had been home, he could have stopped it. Brooke has sworn off men, as she now doubts her judgment when it comes to picking one.

But neither can deny the sparks that they experience whenever they are together. He is strong, protective, and quite the romantic. I liked seeing how quickly he came to understand Brooke and all her little quirks. He is surprised by the way that she brings some light back into his life after the darkness of his grief over his wife's murder. He accepts his growing attraction to her pretty quickly and makes no secret of his interest. He isn't perfect though and makes at least one boneheaded mistake that puts his budding relationship in jeopardy.

However, he realized his mistake quickly, and I loved seeing what he did to try to fix it. I liked his persistence and determination to win Brooke in the end. I liked Brooke also, though she did frustrate me on occasion. She is strong and independent, but also a bit stubborn. She is also a big believer in good luck charms and lucky signs. I liked the way that she took charge of her life, moving away from the toxic relationship with Keith. She is afraid of him and what he might do, but she also refuses to let him influence her new life. She can't deny her attraction to Mike, but she is also wary of trusting it.

Having made one big mistake, she isn't in any hurry to risk her heart again. She slowly opens her heart to him, but she also seems to keep one foot out the door, never quite believing that what they have is real. I understood her hurt when Mike pulled back, but I also felt that she could have been a little more understanding. Once she accepted her feelings, I liked her support of Mike and felt her frustration when he tried to end things "for her safety.

Mint Juleps and Justice: Adams Grove, Book 5 (Unabridged)

The suspense of the story was two-pronged. First was the stalking by Brooke's ex. Keith was definitely creepy and I fully understood why Brooke wanted to get away from him. His actions escalated quickly after Mike got involved. The final confrontation with him was intense and I could feel Brooke's fear. I loved Mike's rescue. The second part involved Mike's past.

This one was even more intense because you could feel the malevolence with every scene involving this guy. I ached for Mike when he found out about this guy's presence in town and felt his fear for Brooke's safety. The final showdown kept me on the edge of my seat until it was resolved.

I also enjoyed the secondary characters. I liked the way that he had stayed friends with Mike and worried about him. I liked the way that he became friends with Brooke so quickly. He also turned out to be a stand-up guy in his relationship with Brooke's best friend, Jenny. She is the complete opposite of Brooke, being a woman who does things on impulse and always seems to see the best in people.

I loved how she was always there for Brooke and had no trouble pointing out when Brooke was being pigheaded. I also loved the two dogs in the story - Mike's puppy Hunter, that he is training as a support dog, and Brooke's dog, Stitches. Both animals show the softer, caring sides of Mike and Brooke.

Brooke Justice is waiting for her husband to sign the divorce papers. He refuses to stay out of her life so she moves to the small town of Adams Grove, Virginia. When Brooke believes she is being stalked by her ex, she gets in touch with a private investigator named Mike Hartman. Mike never got over his wife's death. The last thing he is looking for is a relationship, but when he takes on Brooke's case, he can't get enough of her.

Between Brooke's ex and Mike's past, strange things begin happeni Brooke Justice is waiting for her husband to sign the divorce papers. Between Brooke's ex and Mike's past, strange things begin happening and Mike feels the need to protect Brooke so that he doesn't lose someone else he loves. This book was a fun read and it had a good mixture of suspense and drama.

I really like Brooke, who is a very strong and independent woman. She is afraid of her ex but tries not to let him bother her by going about her normal business. She is a caring woman who just wants to start her life over without the hassles of her past. Mike is a romantic guy. I especially love the part about the flowers that he sent Brooke. Who wouldn't fall for a guy like that? Mike lets his past drive his future.

He tries to break away from it, and does well when he is with Brooke, but when threats from the past begin to arise, he shuts down. I thought this book was really cute, and would love to read more from this author. I received a copy of this book for free through Goodreads First Reads. I never write reviews on Goodreads, but feel I must explain that I read this book because a. I'm on vacation at the beach, and when else to see how romance novels have been coming along since, um, I was in 8th and 9th grade than at the beach?

Anyway, the answer to b is that they now incorporate stuff like divorce and second love and all that, but this book is still as cheesy as I remember I never write reviews on Goodreads, but feel I must explain that I read this book because a. Anyway, the answer to b is that they now incorporate stuff like divorce and second love and all that, but this book is still as cheesy as I remember Harlequins being when I was in early high school before my father picked up one of the books I was reading and determined I was not to check any of them out of the library EVER AGAIN.

I'm not sorry I read it, by a long shot, but to my fellow high-minded readers, look away I have now read four of the five Adams Grove novels. The first one is the only one I have not read yet. This is one of my favorite series. The town, the people, and the stories always suck me in. Mint Juleps and Justice was a great addition to the series.

I think Mike must be some kind of superhero. He has all of the qualities you expect in a superhero, strong, kind, determined, but he has his flaws. Brooke is the strong-willed female that makes a perfect match for him. Together, they make a ver I have now read four of the five Adams Grove novels. Together, they make a very interesting couple with a whole lot going on. Nancy Naigle also did a marvelous job with the villains in this book.

They were creeptastic, and freaked me out.

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I didn't want to put the book down because there was always the feeling that something was coming. Someone was always watching However, in true Adams Grove fashion, there was plenty on fun times and happiness to help balance out the scary. This was a great read! I am definitely ready for more Adams Grove! I love Adams Grove, it always feels like home.


This is the story of Brooke and Mike, two lovable characters who are both trying to move on with their lives. Brooke is going through a divorce that has gotten messy, and Mike lost his wife to a horrible tragedy. This book is loaded with love, romance and suspense. I loved Brooke, she is sexy, strong, and a firm believer in good luck charms.

Mike is sexy, strong, and very protective of the people he cares about. If you love the Adams Grove Series, you have to read this book, to see if Brooke and Mike can overcome their past, and learn to love and trust again. Nancy Naigle did not disappoint with this book, and I cannot wait for the next book in the series!!

nancynaigle | Adams Grove Series

I got this book for free from Goodreads First Reads, and this is my honest review!! Apr 29, Vikki Vaught rated it liked it. Well, I liked many things about this story. I loved Mike and this small town, but I didn't care for the heroine at all. She was so off and on with Mike. If it were me I would have given up on her.

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Editorial Reviews. Review. "I was hooked quickly. There is a good blend of suspense, romance Book 5 of 6 in An Adams Grove Novel (6 Book Series). Mint Juleps and Justice: Adams Grove, Book 5 (Audible Audio Edition): Nancy Wedding Cake and Big Mistakes: An Adams Grove Novel, Book 3.

I did enjoy the suspense scenes and felt they were basically well-written. I do think this one needed some good editing. Nailed uses proper names a lot which keeps the writing from being deep POV. Also some of the scenes are a bit similar to other books in this series. Nonetheless, I enjoyed this b Well, I liked many things about this story. Nonetheless, I enjoyed this book. If you like a book with lots of action and multiple sub-plots, then you will like this book. On to the next one. Judging by the average rating on Goodreads and Amazon, I'm in the minority, but the only good thing about this book for me was that it was free.

Reading it was the equivalent of watching a train wreck that you can't look away from. The characters were one-dimensional and vapid. The story was … well, I was lead to believe from the description that there was a mystery and a love story and instead what I got was a big old mess of a story with little to no mystery and an utterly unbelievable love st Judging by the average rating on Goodreads and Amazon, I'm in the minority, but the only good thing about this book for me was that it was free.

The story was … well, I was lead to believe from the description that there was a mystery and a love story and instead what I got was a big old mess of a story with little to no mystery and an utterly unbelievable love story. And yet, I still finished it … I'm not sure I like what that says about me. I got this book on Kindle firsts I just wasn't very impressed. Lets just say the build up to the main event was decent but the climax was VERY anti-climatic. I waited all through the book for it and then it felt so rushed that I even began to wonder if I accidentally skipped some pages or something.

The characters were likable I guess it just left me feeling cheated I am just thankful it was free. It is probably my fault that I just couldn't get into this story. My expectations were of a sweet romantic comedy not a mystery or a suspense. All the many dramatic plots and twists made this story a lot lacking in the romance department. I had to make myself finish by skimming and scanning since I hate not knowing how a book ends.

Overall I have to say the story and characters were interesting but just not what I expected or look for in my reading material. This book drove me crazy. They treated a kidnapping and attempted murder like it was a mild inconvenience, such as having your ex show during a first date and making a scene. None of the reactions were believable and their rapid descent into "true love" was difficult to follow given how little real interaction the two characters had.