The Emergence

The nonlinear explicit states produced by the nonlinear mechanism from perception appear to have identical properties to human consciousness. Hence consciousness is natural, material, and functional; not something mysterious, nonmaterial, and epiphenomenal as has often been portrayed. It has evolved in humans for the creation of adaptive action. This means that consciousness can be explained and studied scientifically and medical disorders involving consciousness treatable by basic clinical treatment psychiatric, medicinal, psychological.

This theory also provides possibilities for the explanation of many puzzling questions: What brain structures are involved in producing consciousness. How these effects may be produced, manipulated, or complemented. That other animals may be conscious.

Physics > Physics and Society

That machines may be built to be conscious. That certain natural systems may have a degree of consciousness. In some theories of particle physics, even such basic structures as mass , space , and time are viewed as emergent phenomena, arising from more fundamental concepts such as the Higgs boson or strings. In some interpretations of quantum mechanics , the perception of a deterministic reality, in which all objects have a definite position, momentum, and so forth, is actually an emergent phenomenon, with the true state of matter being described instead by a wavefunction which need not have a single position or momentum.

Most of the laws of physics themselves as we experience them today appear to have emerged during the course of time making emergence the most fundamental principle in the universe [ according to whom? Chemistry can in turn be viewed as an emergent property of the laws of physics. Biology including biological evolution can be viewed as an emergent property of the laws of chemistry.

Similarly, psychology could be understood as an emergent property of neurobiological laws. Finally, free-market theories understand economy as an emergent feature of psychology. According to Laughlin , for many particle systems, nothing can be calculated exactly from the microscopic equations, and macroscopic systems are characterised by broken symmetry: As a result, these macroscopic systems are described in their own terminology, and have properties that do not depend on many microscopic details. Laughlin is a pragmatic theoretical physicist: Life is a major source of complexity, and evolution is the major process behind the varying forms of life.

In this view, evolution is the process describing the growth of complexity in the natural world and in speaking of the emergence of complex living beings and life-forms, this view refers therefore to processes of sudden changes in evolution.

Archived from the original on In particular renormalization are methods in theoretical physics which enables scientists to study systems that are not tractable as the combination of their parts. Laughlin is a pragmatic theoretical physicist: Polycontexturality Second-order cybernetics Catastrophe theory Connectionism Control theory Decision theory Engineering cybernetics Information theory Semiotics Synergetics Biological cybernetics Biosemiotics Biomedical cybernetics Biorobotics Computational neuroscience Homeostasis Management cybernetics Medical cybernetics Neurocybernetics Sociocybernetics Emergence Artificial intelligence. Groups of human beings, left free to each regulate themselves, tend to produce spontaneous order , rather than the meaningless chaos often feared. One escape route that a strong emergentist could take would be to deny downward causation.

Life is thought to have emerged in the early RNA world when RNA chains began to express the basic conditions necessary for natural selection to operate as conceived by Darwin: Fitness of an RNA replicator its per capita rate of increase would likely be a function of adaptive capacities that were intrinsic in the sense that they were determined by the nucleotide sequence and the availability of resources.

Competitive success among different replicators would have depended on the relative values of these adaptive capacities.

11-4 Adamus - The Emergence Series 4 - DECEMBER, 2018

Regarding causality in evolution Peter Corning observes:. Synergistic effects of various kinds have played a major causal role in the evolutionary process generally and in the evolution of cooperation and complexity in particular It is these functional effects that are ultimately responsible for the trans-generational continuities and changes in nature.

Per his definition of emergence , Corning also addresses emergence and evolution:. And this is equally true of the synergistic effects produced by emergent systems.

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In other words, emergence itself Swarming is a well-known behaviour in many animal species from marching locusts to schooling fish to flocking birds. Emergent structures are a common strategy found in many animal groups: An example to consider in detail is an ant colony. The queen does not give direct orders and does not tell the ants what to do. Instead, each ant reacts to stimuli in the form of chemical scent from larvae, other ants, intruders, food and buildup of waste, and leaves behind a chemical trail, which, in turn, provides a stimulus to other ants.

Here each ant is an autonomous unit that reacts depending only on its local environment and the genetically encoded rules for its variety of ant. Despite the lack of centralized decision making, ant colonies exhibit complex behavior and have even demonstrated the ability to solve geometric problems.

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For example, colonies routinely find the maximum distance from all colony entrances to dispose of dead bodies. It appears that environmental factors may play a role in influencing emergence. Research suggests induced emergence of the bee species Macrotera portalis. In this species, the bees emerge in a pattern consistent with rainfall. Specifically, the pattern of emergence is consistent with southwestern deserts' late summer rains and lack of activity in the spring. A broader example of emergent properties in biology is viewed in the biological organisation of life, ranging from the subatomic level to the entire biosphere.

For example, individual atoms can be combined to form molecules such as polypeptide chains, which in turn fold and refold to form proteins , which in turn create even more complex structures. These proteins, assuming their functional status from their spatial conformation, interact together and with other molecules to achieve higher biological functions and eventually create an organism. Another example is how cascade phenotype reactions, as detailed in chaos theory , arise from individual genes mutating respective positioning. Among the considered phenomena in the evolutionary account of life, as a continuous history, marked by stages at which fundamentally new forms have appeared - the origin of sapiens intelligence.

Groups of human beings, left free to each regulate themselves, tend to produce spontaneous order , rather than the meaningless chaos often feared. This has been observed in society at least since Chuang Tzu in ancient China. A classic traffic roundabout is a good example, with cars moving in and out with such effective organization that some modern cities have begun replacing stoplights at problem intersections with traffic circles [2] , and getting better results. Open-source software and Wiki projects form an even more compelling illustration. Emergent processes or behaviors can be seen in many other places, such as cities, cabal and market-dominant minority phenomena in economics, organizational phenomena in computer simulations and cellular automata.

Whenever there is a multitude of individuals interacting, an order emerges from disorder; a pattern, a decision, a structure, or a change in direction occurs. The stock market or any market for that matter is an example of emergence on a grand scale. As a whole it precisely regulates the relative security prices of companies across the world, yet it has no leader; when no central planning is in place, there is no one entity which controls the workings of the entire market.

Agents, or investors, have knowledge of only a limited number of companies within their portfolio, and must follow the regulatory rules of the market and analyse the transactions individually or in large groupings. Trends and patterns emerge which are studied intensively by technical analysts.

The World Wide Web is a popular example of a decentralized system exhibiting emergent properties. There is no central organization rationing the number of links, yet the number of links pointing to each page follows a power law in which a few pages are linked to many times and most pages are seldom linked to. A related property of the network of links in the World Wide Web is that almost any pair of pages can be connected to each other through a relatively short chain of links.

In philosophy, systems theory, science, and art, emergence is the condition of an entity having properties its parts do not have, due to interactions among the. The origin of population-scale coordination has puzzled philosophers and scientists for centuries. Recently, game theory, evolutionary approaches and complex.

Although relatively well known now, this property was initially unexpected in an unregulated network. It is shared with many other types of networks called small-world networks. Internet traffic can also exhibit some seemingly emergent properties. In the congestion control mechanism, TCP flows can become globally synchronized at bottlenecks, simultaneously increasing and then decreasing throughput in coordination.

Congestion, widely regarded as a nuisance, is possibly an emergent property of the spreading of bottlenecks across a network in high traffic flows which can be considered as a phase transition [see review of related research in Smith , pp. Another important example of emergence in web-based systems is social bookmarking also called collaborative tagging. In social bookmarking systems, users assign tags to resources shared with other users, which gives rise to a type of information organisation that emerges from this crowdsourcing process.

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Recent research which analyzes empirically the complex dynamics of such systems [33] has shown that consensus on stable distributions and a simple form of shared vocabularies does indeed emerge, even in the absence of a central controlled vocabulary. Some believe that this could be because users who contribute tags all use the same language, and they share similar semantic structures underlying the choice of words. The convergence in social tags may therefore be interpreted as the emergence of structures as people who have similar semantic interpretation collaboratively index online information, a process called semantic imitation.

Emergent structures appear at many different levels of organization or as spontaneous order.

The emergence and evolution of mammalian neocortex.

Emergent self-organization appears frequently in cities where no planning or zoning entity predetermines the layout of the city. Krugman , pp. Architects may not design all the pathways of a complex of buildings. Instead they might let usage patterns emerge and then place pavement where pathways have become worn, such as a desire path. The on-course action and vehicle progression of the Urban Challenge could possibly be regarded as an example of cybernetic emergence. Patterns of road use, indeterministic obstacle clearance times, etc.

The architectural school of Christopher Alexander takes a deeper approach to emergence, attempting to rewrite the process of urban growth itself in order to affect form, establishing a new methodology of planning and design tied to traditional practices, an Emergent Urbanism. Urban emergence has also been linked to theories of urban complexity Batty and urban evolution. Building ecology is a conceptual framework for understanding architecture and the built environment as the interface between the dynamically interdependent elements of buildings, their occupants, and the larger environment.

Rather than viewing buildings as inanimate or static objects, building ecologist Hal Levin views them as interfaces or intersecting domains of living and non-living systems. The strong relationship between atmospheric chemistry and indoor air quality and the chemical reactions occurring indoors.

The chemicals may be nutrients, neutral or biocides for the microbial organisms. The microbes produce chemicals that affect the building materials and occupant health and well being. Humans manipulate the ventilation, temperature and humidity to achieve comfort with the concomitant effects on the microbes that populate and evolve.

The emergence and evolution of mammalian neocortex.

Eric Bonabeau's attempt to define emergent phenomena is through traffic: On an individual level, each driver is trying to get somewhere and is following or breaking certain rules, some legal the speed limit and others societal or personal slow down to let another driver change into your lane. But a traffic jam is a separate and distinct entity that emerges from those individual behaviors. Gridlock on a highway, for example, can travel backward for no apparent reason, even as the cars are moving forward.

Computational emergent phenomena have also been utilized in architectural design processes, for example for formal explorations and experiments in digital materiality. Some artificially intelligent AI computer applications utilize emergent behavior for animation. One example is Boids , which mimics the swarming behavior of birds. It has been argued that the structure and regularity of language grammar , or at least language change , is an emergent phenomenon Hopper While each speaker merely tries to reach his or her own communicative goals, he or she uses language in a particular way.

If enough speakers behave in that way, language is changed Keller In a wider sense, the norms of a language, i. Within the field of group facilitation and organization development, there have been a number of new group processes that are designed to maximize emergence and self-organization, by offering a minimal set of effective initial conditions. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other uses, see Emergence disambiguation.

Emergent disambiguation , Spontaneous order , and Self-organization. Phenomenon in complex systems where interactions produce effects not directly predictable from the subsystems.

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This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. November Learn how and when to remove this template message. Spontaneous order and Self-organization.

The Emergence of Life: From Chemical Origins to Synthetic Biology. Archived from the original on Core ideas and issues". Explicit use of et al. The edge of reductionism".

Weber and the chemistry of capitalism'. Sociological Theory, vol 28, no. Archived PDF from the original on Complexity, Biosemiotics and the Evolution of Culture. Art in the Age of Emergence. An Interview with Leonel Moura". Retrieved 18 July Taylor, Empowerment on an Unstable Planet: Retrieved 29 November Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. Quarterly Review of Biology. Evolutionary Transitions in Fitness and Individuality. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. Noogenesis and Theory of Intellect.

Archived at the Wayback Machine. How understanding flocks, schools, and colonies can make us better at communicating, decision making, and getting things done. Harvard Business Review [serial online]. Accessed February 1, Domus Argenia , pp. The Evolution of Everything , St. New Perspectives in the Life Sciences , London: Qualitative Novelty and the Levels of Reality. Bunge, Mario Augusto , Emergence and Convergence: Qualitiative Novelty and the Unity of Knowledge , Toronto: The Re-Emergence of Emergence: Synergy, Cybernetics and the Bioeconomics of Evolution.

University of Chicago Press. Epistemological Totalausschluss or Ontological Novelty? Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. An interactive introduction to emergent phenomena, from ant colonies to Alzheimer's. Institute for the Study of Coherence and Emergence. Towards modeling of emergence: Subfields of and scientists involved in cybernetics. Polycontexturality Second-order cybernetics Catastrophe theory Connectionism Control theory Decision theory Engineering cybernetics Information theory Semiotics Synergetics Biological cybernetics Biosemiotics Biomedical cybernetics Biorobotics Computational neuroscience Homeostasis Management cybernetics Medical cybernetics Neurocybernetics Sociocybernetics Emergence Artificial intelligence.

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