Suizid im Alter in Österreich (German Edition)

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Thus, the results observed with regard to psychoticism should be interpreted with caution. Finally, due to the cross-sectional design of the study it cannot be assessed if film genre preference was causally related to the suicide risk factors.

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Considering the effects of movies presented in many studies in recent decades which report an increase in rates of suicide and attempted suicide due to the broadcasting of films with suicide portrayals [7] — [9] or an increase of symptoms of depression after exposure to drama films [12] , [40] , the inter-relatedness of personal risk factors for suicide and consumption of media products with suicidal contents warrants a focus in mental health research. The present research is, so far, the largest study that focused on associations between film preferences and risk factors for suicide.

Suicidal individuals seem to choose sad films that portray the world in a depressing or disturbing way, which may contribute to the maintenance or increase of suicide risk factors. Future research may seek to explore the specific motives for the consumption of both sad and joyful movies and the emotional and cognitive processing of such films and their impact and perceived meaning, risks and usefulness for vulnerable individuals. Future studies may also seek to investigate the association between suicidality and preferences for other types of entertainment such as music or online contents.

The results of the present study have important implications for suicide prevention. With film genre preferences, in particular the preference for film noir movies and milieu dramas, being associated with risk factors for suicide, it may turn out to be useful to pay more attention to an individual's film consumption, when screening for suicide risk.

The preference for this film genre could be added to suicide risk inventories and questionnaires and may help clinicians identifying individuals most at risk for suicide. Further studies, including studies in clinical settings seem warranted to investigate this question further.

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Clinicians need to be concerned with the media usage history and preferences of their patients and may advise suicidal patients to avoid potentially harmful media contents. This work was not funded by any grant. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

Associations between Film Preferences and Risk Factors for Suicide: An Online Survey

National Center for Biotechnology Information , U. Published online Jul Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer. The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. Received Oct 30; Accepted Apr This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are properly credited.

This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Abstract Several studies indicate that exposure to suicide in movies is linked to subsequent imitative suicidal behavior, so-called copycat suicides, but little is currently known about whether the link between exposure to suicidal movies and suicidality is reflected in individual film preferences. Introduction Watching movies is the number one leisure activity in Western societies; people spend more time on watching films than on any other activity [1] — [3]. Methods Participants We conducted an online survey from December 9 th to August 3 rd Measures Cumulative exposure to suicide in movies To explore the relationship between cumulative viewing of suicide movies and suicidality we applied the Beach method, a technique for assessing cumulative media exposure, found in smoking and related studies of cinematic influences on behavior [4] , [21] — [23] , that has been used in previous studies to assess associations between exposure to suicide movies and suicide attempts [17].

Judgment Day Robin Hood: Open in a separate window. Suicidal ideation The Suicide Probability Scale [28] is a item self-report measure that assesses suicidal ideation. Depression The Erlanger Depression Scale [29] uses eight self-report items e. Life satisfaction The German version of the Satisfaction with Life Scale [30] is a 5-item self-report measure to assess life satisfaction e. Psychoticism The psychoticism subscale of the German short version of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-revised EPS [31] is a item self-report measure that generates a score on the participants' psychoticism e.

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Classification into suicidal and non-suicidal individuals The German version [19] of the Beck Hopelessness Scale BHS [20] is a item self-report measure that assesses hopelessness. Data analysis Preference ratings on film genres were factor-analyzed to investigate their latent structure and obtain a smaller number of composite measures of film genre preferences.

Factor loadings of film genres as estimated with Mplus. Film genres are sorted with regard to their highest factor loading printed boldface and in descending order. Table 4 Correlations Matrix: Discussion Preferences for certain film genres were significantly associated with risk factors of suicidal behavior, even when controlling for participants' age, gender and education.


Conclusions Considering the effects of movies presented in many studies in recent decades which report an increase in rates of suicide and attempted suicide due to the broadcasting of films with suicide portrayals [7] — [9] or an increase of symptoms of depression after exposure to drama films [12] , [40] , the inter-relatedness of personal risk factors for suicide and consumption of media products with suicidal contents warrants a focus in mental health research.

Martin G Media influence to suicide: The search for solutions. Arch Suicide Res 4: Stack S, Bowman B Explaining gender and choice of suicide method: Patterns in American films, — Stack S, Bowman B Suicide movies: The dynamics of the cultivation process. Bryant J, Zillmann D, editors. Perspectives on media effects. N Engl J Med New evidence for an old hypothesis. Zillmann D Mood management: Using entertainment to full advantage.

Communication, social cognition, and affect. Festinger L A theory of social comparison processes. The impact of suicide portrayals on non-suicidal viewers' well-being and the effectiveness of censorship. Suicide Life Threat Behav Etzersdorfer E, Sonneck G Preventing suicide by influencing mass-media reporting. The Viennese experience — Martin G The influence of television suicide in a normal adolescent population. Arch Suicide Res 2: Accessed August Beck [Scales for assessment of hopelessness H-scales. German adaption and enhancement of the h-scales by Aaron T. Its relation to smoking initiation among US adolescents.

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Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr im Fachbereich Soziologie - regulate, notice: 1, Donau-Universität Krems - Universität für Weiterbildung, Veranstaltung. Results 1 - 30 of 69 Suizid Im Alter in Osterreich (Paperback or Softback). Gutschi, Daniel .. Suizid im Alter (German Edition): Claudia Mueller. Stock Image.

Gehring WD Handbook of American film genres. Naremore J American film noir. The history of an idea. Hamiltion C The theory of the theatre and other principles of dramatic criticism. The four leading types of drama [website]. Accessed March Dirks T Melodrama films [website]. Was die Medizin lange ignoriert hat, belegt nun eine Online-Umfrage: Wiler betont, man wolle sich nicht in die deutsche Politik einmischen. Das sind mehr als je zuvor Exit zog eine positive Bilanz des letzten Jahres.

Das sind rund 50 mehr als im Vorjahr, wie die Sterbehilfeorganisation am Samstag mitteilte. Das Durchschnittsalter lag bei 77 Jahren. Die Zahl der Mitglieder stieg auf 70 Pro Senectute anerkennt das "Recht von Suizidwilligen, ihr Leben - auch unter der Beihilfe anderer Personen - beenden zu wollen". Selbstbestimmung und Suizidhilfe behandle es von vornherein als problematisch und negativ. They claim the CHF 15 million programme is "unscientific", "biased" and "full of Catholic morality". They have cancelled their cooperation for the time being.

Every year they assist people in dying, many of them from abroad. Das begleitete Sterben scheint kein Tabu-Thema mehr zu sein. Availability of mental health service providers and suicide rates in Austria: Psychiatric Services ;61 Suicide and unintentional poisoning mortality trends in the United States, BMC Public Health ;10 1: Psychoanalytic Psychology ;27 4: The relation of personality organization and psychiatric classification in chronic pain patients.

Journal of Addictive Diseases ;29 4: Child and adolescent suicides in Bosnia and Herzegovina before and after the war Window on a Minority Suicide Paradox? BMC Psychiatry , Z Psychosom Med Psychother ;56 1: Suicidal ideation and its correlates among elderly in residential care homes. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry ; Consistency of immigrant suicide rates in Austria with country-of-birth suicide rates: A role for genetic risk factors for suicide?

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Psychiatry Research ; Copycat effects after media reports on suicide: A population-based ecologic study. Social Science and Medicine ;69 7: The gap between suicide characteristics in the print media and in the population. European Journal of Public Health ;19 4: Etiology and Therapy of Neuroses. Journal of Individual Psychology ;65 2: Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica ; 3: Not carried away by a moonlight shadow: Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift ; Rural-Urban Differences in Austrian Suicides.

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Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology ;43 4: A case report of re-exposition by stepwise up-titration. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry ;68 9: Firearm Legislation Change in Europe: British Journal of Psychiatry ; Suicidal ideation in viennese high shool students. Trends in suicide rates among the elderly in Austria An analysis of changes by age group, suicide method and gender. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry ;22 5:

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The outcome variable was suicidality suicidal vs. Economic driving force with more than If you would like to learn more about our Privacy Policy please click here. Arch Suicide Res 2: There was also a dose-response relationship between positive rating of suicide films and higher life satisfaction.