Amor Asfaltado (Piedra con Aletas) (Spanish Edition)

A tentative tournament with Gamboa has. All spectators are welcome.

inducida por bothrops: Topics by

The matches are held oh the Ptdro. Miguel playing field at 9: July 14 NEA One reason why deer increase their population all out of proportion to the ability of their surroundings to support tl em has been advanaed by the Missouri Conservation Commis- sion. Following an autopsy on a nlnc-month-old fawn killed by an automobile, the commission reported she was carrying a 1B0- day-old embryo Indicating she had bred successfully at an age of abdut five months.

GB Brooklyn 82 Louis at Philadelphia 2. Chicago t Boston 2. Cincinnati at Brooklyn 2. Pittsburgh At New York 2. Cincinnati 12 0 Boston 6 0 Raffensberger and How- ell: Sain i Cdie 7 , Paine 8 and cooper. Own ni; Bankhcad , Haitgstad 4 , Palica 9 and Walker. Pirates Start Picking N. Siival Crown incoln Life aurlelo The Flyers are leading by 2 games and Royal Crown must win to keep in contention for first half honors, and if they can come up With somedne to hold Parsell they stand a good chance to win.

Williams has the necessary height, but he has not been Elaying regularly and may not e available for Sunday night's game. Royal Crown's biggest handicap has been the lack of reserves and are usually forced to play With only two or three substitutes, but if they can place their full squad in action, they stand a good dhance of cutting auwit tne Fiyer-s advantage.

Mauricio started the best team they haye yet had Thurs- day night and Were. In position to win right doWn to the final Whistle ahd showed that thev will be yery much in the fight during the second half, while the Lincoln Life team played well in the first half of their game, but were outclassed dur- ing the final period. The first game la scheduled to start at 7: This battle is a great opportu- nity ior the winner and Is made to order to put some Ule In the dying pound division.

Be- cause of the great recent per- formances of both Peralta and Thompson, Interest In the light- weight division has shown-steady increase. Some of the better lightweights who are now sharpening their tools for future bouts are Wil- fredo Brewster, Kid Allen, Young Sampson, Indian Hlnestroza and last but not least pound king Wilfredo Brown.

Thompson has been installed an earlv favorite on the strength of his three-round knockout in the first fight but the heavy support being given Peralta may cut the odds to even money bv fight time. Peralta has been going great guns during his training sessions and has been hurting his spar- mates through this final week. He intends to put everything he knows into plav during the bout in an effort to wipe out the only professional defeat he has tast- ed thus far.

Thompson, still is unbeaten In the pro ranks and Intends to remain that way. He is gunning for an early shot at Brown's lightweight title. The majority of the experts predict that the fight will end In another early knockout eith- er way. The semifinal brinw together two promising voung tpound- ersCarlos Watson and Beto Scantlebury.

These lads got off to auspicious starts as pros but apparently started resting on their laurels too soon and have failed to advance in the manner expected of thern. Scantlebury and Watson will tackle each other in a six-round pound contest. Another six-rounder will fea- ture up-and-coming pound- ers Vicente Worrell and James Milton In a special attraction. These boys are also evenly match- and may provide the most thrill- ing contest of the evening.

The opening bout on the card will be a four-rounder between hard-hitting San Bias Indian Fi- del Morris and Victor Ardines at a pound weight limit. Red Sox in the big series at Yankee Stadium. Robert William Andrew Feller hurling his third no-hit game was a gentle reminder to the Yankees. Red Sox and White Sox that the Indians were still there, or thereabouts. The Cleveland club has the best and most pitching, and I've always understood that counted for more than somewhat. As a matter of fact, distinguished au- thorities, headed by Connie Mack, repeatedly have said pitching Is from 75 to 80 per cent of baseball.

You can't hit what you can't see. In view of everything that hap- pened to the Tribe In the first half, it was a tribute to its ex- traordinary pitching that the side remained within easv strik- ing distance. Injuries and blind spots in the batting order weren't the biggest handicaps. That dubious distinction went to a young second basing combin- ation under severe pressure. Ray Boone and Bob Avila did not make the double play. Hank Oreenberg traced this more to their playing the hitters Improperly than any lack of me- chanical ability, although others doubt that Boone ever will be a shortstop.

Flip Rosen, the third baseman. There was no steadying hand. The Indians started moving at this time a year ago. Boone's batting Is expect- ed to Improve with his defensive Greenberg considerably better than a green hand, believes that this time the Yankees are the on- ly outfit to beat. Luke Raster, the big man, tore the cartilage in his left knee, Lar- ry Doby a muscle In the back of tils leg.

Bob Lemon hurt his back. Dale Mitchell was points off his lifetime batting average. Bob Kennedy 61 below last vear'l mark. Young Harry Simpson who last season manufactured" 3 fionie runs and showed the wa- In total bases with and runs batted-ln with In the Paclfl Coast League, was hitting. Yet the Indians moved into Ju- ly 4 In position to take It all. Alfonso Lopez known the cur- rent American League now. The Indiana did not blow last year until their final road trip, when Lemon and Bob Feller dis- sipated 7 and 12 run leads, respec- tively, in Boston and tough luck cost two of four dropped in New York.

Al Lopez has no fewer than seven starterscount 'emFel- ler. In the majors, onlv the Cardinals match the Cleveland pitchers In- num- ber. All save Feller relieve, and behind them are three strapping youngstersthe right handed Zuverlnk and Fahr and the left- handed Rozek. Breaks have a way of evening up. If It isn't, it won't be because of a pitching shortage. But that's where we came in. Why Are Lefties Southpaws? NEA a the fall of Ross and petrolle turned them awav and Mike Jacobs,.

Three years later, and with Joe Louis. Jacobs' 20th Century Sporting Club took boxing at the Garden. On that occasion, he decisively defeated Irish Bob Murphv last March 2. In the most savagely- fought engagement of the Indoor season. Fans write in with questions. The stars of the rival clubs that afternoon or night answer them. Some of the questions are pip- pins. That would be for sure in Brooklyn. Master of Ceremonies Felton guessed that It was because an early left-hander's pitching arm was toward the south. Go to the head of the class. All parks, save one In Lancaster, Pa.

Consequently, the left-hand pitcher throws from the south side. It is remindful of the English dropping everything for tea in the middle of a cricket match. This accepted theory lasted right down to Lefty Gomez, who became El Goofy because he stopped to watch an airplane overhead in the midst of a key game and aspired to ride a bicy- cle in from the bull pen. Barney Baruch is left-handed and played basebaU and down through the years famous south- paws with the stability of a banker failed to dispel the accept ' ed theory that a bloke who pitch- , ed with that arm was a bit slap- 1 happy.

The names of Plank, Doc ; White. Marquard, Vean Gregg, the original Dutch Leonard. Hubbell and Shoun come to mind off hand. Roe, Bree- cheen, Pollett. Stobbs, Helntzelman and Brazle? There has been a much higher percentage of Nutsy Faglns a- mong right-hand pitchers, as a matter of fact. How about Boots Poffenberger.

Material Information

So Hurley gave up the Interna- tional Boxing Club as a bad job, and decided to confine Matthews activities to such places as Mil- waukee. Portland and Se- attle until next summer. Now there isn't a chance for a big outdoor shot untU next June by which time they may need and send for Matthews. Jack Fugazy, fam- ous 25 years ago for Italian Hos- 6ltal shows. Is trying to bring latthewa and Roland LaStarza together In. New York for the Cancer Fund. Matthews can keep himself and Hurley In ham and eggs and the ancient and honorable Lee then some in the wild and woolly west.

Jack Hurley promises to show Harry Matthews In New York, or one of the more Important east- ern centers, next summer, even if he has to furnish his own pro- moter. As tor an opponent, free of the One Big Happy Monopoly's grasp, there's Roland LaStarza and how about Dave Sands, the triple champion of Australia who has never put up his hands in this country? And didn't James J. A-promoter Is no better than Savold. Hurley wanted to know if that would lead to Ezzard Charles. Louis had that one in Sep- tember. Hurley offered to have Mat- thews whack Murphy again by way of earning the right to a chance at Maxim.

No, that one Was set, too. Buck Newsom and Dizzy Trout? In the sixth game, he called in the outfield. Rules kept the outfielders from leaving the field, so thev squatted behind the lnfielders and watch- ed the great man do his stuff. Dark Giant shortstop, bunted with Eddie Stanley on first. He was thrown out, Stanky round- ing second and trying for an ex- tra base.

The Brat was caught, but since he reached second safe- ly. Dark was credited with a sa- crifice. Abrams of the Dodgers fouled two pitches and looked at a third strike, but since he was called to pinch hit for Rocky Bridges with two strikes against him, the strikeout was charged to the lat- ter. State legislatures are acting to take the profit out of unsports- manlike rackets. New York and West Virginia have stiffened poaching fines as well, added lengthy jail sentences to penalties. Helps absorb rrreea perepi- canOCt mat oftao cauata prick y haat, aaloor skias rashes. Dui Mumu on after bath.

Beat the haat with. Mack describes Schreck as the fizz powder in the pin wheel that was Rube Waddell. Ossle Schretkengost threw right-handed. Perhaps the greatest cause of distress- ing stomach-upsets is excess stomach acidity. Half a glass of hot water to which a teaspoonful of Neutracld has been add- ed will quickly help to neutralize his excess acid, soften the food and thus help more rapid digestion. Vou get quick relief from the acute distress and dis- comfort in the stomach Neuartcld la not a laxative.

During his first appearance, against Davenport, the youngster knew all eyes were on him. As he tugged at his pants, somene in the Da- venport dugout yelled: Three of the five weekly flights are non-stop Dalian's has been doing business for nearly years. When thla happens, nobody will be less surprised than the proprietors and clerks of a flut- tered establishment Just off Times Square which has been In business almost years.

In Daalan's, which is the coun- try store of the theatrical busi- ness, you couldn't buy the gown itself. But you could buy the ma- terial, Just as you could buy a. The i gold dust fabric which was hi-i vented at Dalian's and actually is made out of glass, for inatance. If you looked'closely, you might recog- nise It as the glittering stuff your daughter wore at her hlRh school Janee recital.

Once upon a time, Dazian's made costumes for the hows it supplied Lillian Russell and Maude Adams were among the customers, and In the very early Jays the wife of the founder hand-sewed some of the spangled creations. You could still get a Mardl Oras and party dress ready- made at the store, but now it's essentially a textile busineas. All theae are dreamed up and than manufactured in factories the store controls. One reason the proprietors won't be surpris- ed at the first fluorescent hostess own.

They were turning out burlap for costumes years before Paris thought of It for some high styles a couple of seasons ago. Broadway's country store has no cracker barrel or pot-bellied stove, but it has a lot of other at- mosphere. The building is ram- shackle, the attitude of the clerks Is informal and unhurried, and there Is dust on the floorvery likely gold dust which has brush- ed off a bolt of glass fabric.

Upstairs, past rooms still rent- ed out hotel-fashion, the com- pany's offices sit in the midst of a museum of the American the- ater. There's a slipper worn by Sarah Bernhardt. Surrounded by this footlight history, a round-faced, bow-tied man named Oeorge Felnberg pre- sides over the Dazlan empire, which is far more complex than the country store flavor would lead you to believe.

Felnberg spread the stored theatrical glitter into the win- dow-display field and Is busy In many charities. A man whose business idea Is "new fabrics for a new world. And he figures since women! W omen s World LsOiffure. Cover them with boiling water and allow them to stand for five minutes. When you re- move the rind, the white will come off with It. This is Indicated by a survey of new styles by leading New York hairdressers, all of whose creations stress sweep and grace despite differences in hair-lengths and purposes. Although lock are longer In feneral, they are still a far cry rom the loose-hanging shouder- length bobs of a few years back.

Control Is the keynote this season. Hair-styles are following fash- ion's lead toward the elegan and feminine. Brief boyish cuts, gamin tousle-heads and little- girl fluff have all yielded to sleeker, more mature arrange- ments. If you've been clinging to an outmoded hair-do because of lt 6ase and comfort perhaps you should take a closer look at new colfiures. Most of them offer the same simplicity American wo- men learned to appreciate In the shorthalr days. How, however, Instead of brushing your tresses down at the sides, you sweep them back and up from your temples to revealpartially or whollyyour ear.

The part in your hair Is im- portant this year. No longer should you whisk it casually from crown to forehead, wher- ever your comb chances to fall. Your part should be an Integral element in your hair-do; H should serve a definite purpose. John Fonda, In one interest- ing style, uses a slanting fall of curls that swirls around the aide into a half-bang upon the fore- head.

This treatment of the I front hair softens the efficient- looking upswept sides and re- lieves them of all severity. Tola 'Is an excellent choice for the woman who wishes to combine a look of femrnlntly. In another arrangement, Fon- da draws the part across the head.

In a direction Just oppo- site to the usual manner of part- ling. He turns the short front hair Over td make a low roll that point up an Interesting I hairline. The center section of Ithe hair Is dressed smoothly back toward the crown, and the side locks are brushed up to add a look of height and Importance. This style, although fundament- ally simple, appears sufficiently sophisticated for the most ele- gant occasions. Another glamorous, but easily- managed stylethis one by, L. Nicholas- features this season's pfnylar center part.. Called the "Cioveriiaf" by-its- creator; this coiffure, swirls toward each side to brush the forehead lightly with smoeth wing-tips of hair.

Cloverblooms nestle in the part, offering a textural contrast "to the sleek, gleaming tresses, An Illusion veil, adorned with art- fully-plkced dots, adds ft final touch to thla bell-of-the-ball coiffure. Robert Plane sections off softly-waved bang by means of a semi-circular part rising from the forehead. He then pulls side tresses back into wide, sweep- ing ates Which complement the back curls and lead an ob- Helpful Hints Home sewers can save a lot of fitting time as well as possible fabrio waste by accurately alter- ing the garment pattern where necessary before cutting the ma- terial.

Check your figure meas- urements against those listed on the pattern envelope to select the right size before buying. Then carefully lengthen, shorten, let out or take In the paper pattern to fit your own requirement. Faded, on-color bath mats or small washable rugs can be given new life with a simple dye Job, Wash as usual In your automatic washer with a good, rich suds to remove all soil and then add, In the second rinse, about a half-en- velope of tint.

Use more If von wish a darker shade. The third rinse will remove excess color. Even In casual styles, inch as that created by Henry of the Roosevelt, accent 1 upon the part. It end a bit lower than the crown, giving the heifl a well-formed, delicate appear- ance. This cool comfortable hair-do 1 of particular appeal to those who like prevailing fashion adapted to nonchalant living. WHO laid the dollar was dead? See what a dollar will buy during these special sales now in progress in Panama and Colon! Christ- mas shopping in July?

Why not at these July bargain prices! Here you will find men's and boy's clothing priced much lower than regular prices and the selection includes rugged school and play clothes For your under-coyer wardrebe! IP you love dainty lingerie Worm, krowrt, lor cool,. It's on more success story for our favorite cake flour, Swins Down. It slwcys mean tender crumb ond incredible softness in,anything you btikd with it. When yeu meoiure Swans Down, olways sift jt first. It's so delicately fine, yod eon get more than you need inte the cup if yot aren't cartful. That's why it's Mst to sift it first, then meosurt, ond always keep your measurements live!.

This lalt applies to all ingredients. J iinxerbrcad Glory Down Joul. Si't flour once, measure, odd baking powder, soda, salt, arid spices, end sift Spain. Combine molasses and water. Cream shortening, odd sugar groduallyi ond trtarn together thoroughly. Add egg and best well. Add dry Ingredient, alternotely with liquid, a small amount at S time, beating otter each addi- tion until smooth. Bake in greosed 8x8x2- inch square pan in moderate even IM. I 35 minutes, or until done.

S cold with butter or cottage cheese. With Sotino, you as much as luncheon and dinner icon iron starched things still damp mentis de. If your family likes a from the lint. Post Ten, the eorlon that gives you again. The becoming so embedded In fobrlcs. Raitiri Bran ond Grape-Nut. I saving in time and energy those Eoch package contain jutt enough pennies meon!

And there are many fun-to- ny. And a new design Of theirs eat variations for the vonillo, choco- heips you do Just that. You con use olmot any con- ,,, unadorned form they'll! Add 2 cups of fruit ju. JIEA During the summer, tne problem of dressing on a Jdtiior budget goes on Just as It does durlna the school year, in the case of a ju- nior who's fiiuajied school and Is on her first 0. And the Junior on a Job feel keenly the need to keep up with fashion.

Por dresses in this fabric are cool, often can be pur- chased for pin money. A areet many designers work In bemberg. A heath dress In bemberg lefti retails for under It's washable It haa a small detach- able eape edged in self-pleating. In pastel prints, it has a medium U neck and a straight skirt that Slls into soft, un pressed pleaU.

Another bemberg sheer right , this one costing about It. Is in while; pin-dotted with color. A tiny stand-up collar 1 ruffled and tied In ribbon matched to the celdr of the dots. More ribbon en- cirele the waist, making a nar- row sash. Here's the re they also feature slotted temples i cipe: If you like things to mateh, you may select a scarf the same shade as youf frames. You have a choice of red.

If you prefer ml- lug to matching, you may go your way with curls tied In a gav bit of fabric that contrasts with your frames. The lens guard as well as the car-pieces are of Interest to the anpearance conscious Woman. Made of plastic, they are carv- ed t fit the brew and the v boast a perky visor for added stvle. These glasses are dedicated to a more serious purpose than the complementing of costumes, however The lenses, of Polaroid sun glass, are shatter-proof for aafetv and curved to provide scientific eye orotecUon They admitted ample "seeing" light, according to the makers.

HIM absorbing exiling reflected flare. Re-i i W chocolt milk hake to go wirtV move from the heat. Better still, your clothes stay fresh ond clean longer. When you mix Satina with your favorite hot storch, it gives clothes a smooth. No onc-a-week change from your Cus- tomary coffee. Baker's Breakfast Co- coo ho more than the usual quoto of cocoa butter, plus a richer blend of choice, roaited cocoa been.

Thot' why it' superior to "ordinary" co- coat. A cup of Baker' Breakfast Co- coo, made With rtiilh, contains calories. Fleet, also a member 1. The to Ramon Alemn, son of Dr. Jaime lmh nov" Mr. Alfredo Alemn, and Mr. The bride was escorted and giv- en In marriage by her father. She wore a gown of white organza I with a standing collar, long I sleeves, a fitted bodice and a very I bouffant skirt v. Her lone veil of Alencon llace was held In place with or- lange blossoms and she carried I bride's roses. Miss lAna Cecilia Jimenes, a cousin of line bride, were gowned alike In I white organdy, with shell pink I taffeta sashes.

They wore match- ing pink roses In their hair and i carried muffs of the same flow- ers. Alda Boyd Brln, the flower girl, also wore white organdy and I carried a basket of pink roses. I Julio Alemn, Jr. Robert Edward Healy, broth- er of tt e bride, was best man and Rodolfo Alemn, brother of the I groom, was groomsman. After the marriage service Mr. Healy entertained rela- tives and a mall group of close Mrs. Redman at a dinner given last evening at their resi- dence In Balboa. To Visit at El Volca Mr. Howard Demarest are leaving today on a week's trip to El Volcan, where they will be the guests of Mr.

Elmer Stevens of Balboa. Stevens have taken a cottage there for six week. Retirement Party For Mr. Buecbele A large group of his friends at the Panam Golf Club. Saunders will be co-hostess. Miriam Circle Is to meet Tues- day at 9: Folies Is lo be co- hostess. That Is being proved empha- tically every day, most recently in the Middle East. There blind diplomats give promise that the sightless someday may be better equipped to tackle world prob- lems than their seeing collea- gues. Tnelr most potent weapon, a universal writing system, is nearlng perfection under the guidance of the United Nations.

The ralsed-dot alphabet, un- dergoing standardization by UNESCO, will weld the lan- guage world of 7,, blind people into a globally-under- stood writing system. The latest step toward world Braille was taken early this year at a Beirut, Lebanon, confer- ence. Experts from the Middle East, India, southeast Asia and Africa agreed on an enlarged and unified Braille script to re- place more than 20 local ver- sions in use across those regions.

Fourteen representatives, some of them blind, from 11 nations attended the conference; among them were linguists, pronetl- clans, blind educationists and Brallllsts.

Lebanon, Malaya, Pakistan, Persia, and Syria. The next target of UNtS- CO will be the Spanish- speaking countries, where the experts will attempt to' solve problems in Braille scripts of another region- al conference. Blind readers in English speaking nations have used a uniform script since , when the United States adopted the simpler British grade two sys- tem, which offers more contrac- tions than the American form. Inusual arrangements of white illuminated shells ar- ranged on an ebony tray and encircled with blue gladioli were used on the buffet table. Laurence Breece and Mrs.

Following the luncheon and meeting, the afternoon was spent playing cards. Those who called during the evening were: Dan Stampler has a new reason for wishing the price of beef steak would go down. He decided American women were just about beginning to catch on how to cook a good steak, when the price Went up so high every-body will get out of practice but the restaurant chefs. Stampler Insists his a strictly humanitarian attitude, since his Steak Joint In Greenwich Village happily serves steaks to men whose wives can't squeeze one out of the budget.

It Just hurts him. In case anybody wants to tuck celebration of Mrs. FarweUs friends'of the iwo'famllles at a birthday anniversary. Healy gown was of Bella Vista Roof o i atMk. Vincent on the Hudson, and was gradu- ated from the College of Notre ame of Maryland in He Is this year s president of the Un- ion Club in Panam.

The Panama American

They are travelling by air and expect to be gone about six weeks. They will be at home after Sep- tember 1 at No. WUey, will arrive Tuesday from New York. Irvln Honored By Mr. The party honored Dr. Visiting the Interior Mrs. George Eugene of Balboa and her house guest.

These differences were validated by experimental approaches including both enzymatic and in vivo assays, and indicated restrictions in respect to antivenom efficacy to variable components. Luego de aprobado el decre- to ley que reorganiza el Agrope- cuario, el cual fu confecciona- do por el Ministro de Agricul- tura, Comercio e Industrias, In- geniero David Samudlo, sera en- viado para su consideracin al Consejo Nacional de Economa el cual emitir concentos y su- gerir las modificaciones qua estime conveniente. Si este cataclismo acaba Te juro por la momia de Lenin, y por la calva de Mao. La actividad de periodo corto se produce mientras el meteorito se encuentra en las proximidades de la orbita terrestre, en tanto que la actividad de periodo largo es inducida en toda la orbita descrita por el meteorito. Among the dead, I laugh. Cincinnati at Brooklyn 2.

Orr Hosts at Dinner Mr. George Carter Orr entertained Captain and Mrs. El- I nier G. Abbott, their guests, Mr. Jones of San Leandro, California, and Mr. Max Karant of Washing- ton, D. Karant was en- tertained by Colonel and Mrs.

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They wUl visit Canada before Justo, Jr. In the Civic Center. A transient was let off In police court when he told the Judge he became intoxicated while passing through on his way to Cincinnati. He told the Judge. Ready, that "I Just had two beers too many. The enlarged basic alphabet agreed upon at Beirut uses the original symbols for correspond- ing sounds in Asian and Afri- can languages but adds signs lor extra letter-sounds in such toneues as Arabic, Hindustani and Malay. Its decisions are still sub- ject to final ratification by the governments represented.

When the regional studies are finished, the world's millions of blind will have a universal script though not a common languaee. Sir Cluthat Mackenzie, UNES- CO's Braille consultant, is opti- mistic that one of the major effects of the Beirut agreement "will be to Increase the amount of literature available to blind readers in these areas.

Fate has placed a unique group of plants on the dune. For years this dune has scirpus holoschoenus, which also grows nowhere, else on the is- land. The botanists gave the dune a semblance of Its former self. Then came the cold war and the threat of a hot atomic war. Combined Operations was forced to designate the area as a train- ing ground. The very isolation and ground features that made It a paradise for plants also made It exactly the kind of place and terrain for training of assault troops' se D.

Basan, the Chief of Police ot Colon and Mrs. Julio Salas, and Mrs. Antonio de Reuter, Mr. Alexis Vila Undo, Mr. Ernesto Este- noz, Mr. Parsons, Captain and Mrs. Wayne Gilder, Judge and Mrs. John Clan- cy, Mr. Beck, Major and Mrs. Agustn Cedeo, the Mayor of Colon and Mrs. Schelbeler, Captain and Mrs. Miss Thelma Godwin, Major and Mrs. John Ker- nlck, Rev. The hostess was assisted by Mrs, West, Mrs. Altar Society will nave its month'y meeting Monday at 7: James Recra will preside In the absence of Mrs.

Following the business meeting there wlil be a social hour with refreshments. Newborns from hypertensive mothers had an average birthweight of 3 Newborns of normotensive and gestational hypertensive mothers showed differences in birthweight; gestational age acted as a confounder. Immunogenicity of Bothrops atrox Ophidia: Viperidae venom and its evaluation by immunoenzymatic methods Inmunogenicidad del veneno de Bothrops atrox Ophidia: Antibody production was followed using ELISA technique, and title of hiper-immune serum was determined at the end of immunization protocol.

Immunization schedule allowed a pronounced antibody production since day 20 of protocol. At the end of process, serum title was , which demonstrated both efficacy and usefulness of the developed procedure. According to our results, this procedure constitutes an initial step for further assays directed to optimization in immunoserum production for envenoming treatment and development of kits for diagnosis and species identification of snakes.

Efectos en ratas de los alcoholes de cera de abejas D sobre la colitis ulcerativa inducida por sulfato de dextrano y etanol. Las ratas se distribuyeron aleatoriamente en seis grupos: La sulfazalacina redujo significativamente todas las variables estudiadas. La maca es consumida desde tiempos ancestrales como parte de la dieta. Se le ha atribuido propiedades medicinales y se encuentra incluida en la medicina tradicional peruana.

Determinar el efecto hipoglicemiante y antioxidante de la harina de maca Lepidium meyenii Walp del ecotipo amarillo, en ratas con diabetes inducida por estreptozotocina. Harina de maca amarilla y ratas albinas Holtzmann machos con diabetes inducida. Evaluamos 84 pacientes, 34 de ellos desarrollaron trombosis. Pathophysiologic Trigger in Doxorubicin-induced Dilated Cardiomyopathy. Doxorubicin-induced dilated cardiomyopathy is one of the main adverse effects in the treatment of patients with malignant tumours. Oxidative stress is one of the pathophysiological mechanisms that play a key role in the establishment of the disease caused by this anthracycline-type antibiotic.

Understanding these pathophysiologic mechanisms becomes of vital importance in order to carry out pharmacological and nutritional intervention strategies to help paddling the harmful effects of this antineoplastic. As part of this research we conducted an updating literature review on the subject and provided ideas that can be useful for the scientific community engaged in the treatment of this chronic disease, which aims to improve the life quality of patients suffering from it.

El extracto de semillas de uva ESU , rico en flavonoides, ha mostrado efectos antioxidantes y neuroprotectores en modelos exp Genotoxicidad y citotoxicidad inducida por principios activos y sus formulaciones comerciales. Para el tratamiento del envenenamiento por esta especie, en Venezuela se produce un Envenenamento experimental por Bothropoides jararaca e Bothrops jararacussu em ovinos: The purpose of this study was to establish the clinic-pathological and laboratory changes in sheep inoculated with.

Ratas albinas Holtzman machos adultas. Efecto antioxidante y hepatoprotector del perejil. El tratamiento con UI de rHuEpo produjo un incremento significativamente mayor. Hemoglobina, hematocrito, reticulocitos, dopaje. Full Text Available From January, to March, , 73 children under 15 y old ages y, median 9 y were admitted after being bitten by snakes of the genus Bothrops.

Twenty-six percent of the children were classified as mild envenoming, Most of the patients presented local manifestations, mainly edema Before antivenom AV administration, blood coagulation disorders were observed in AV early reactions, most of which were considered mild, were observed in The main clinical complications observed were local infection No deaths were recorded. Treatment of Bothrops alternatus envenomation by Curcuma longa and Calendula officinalis extracts and ar-turmerone Tratamento local do envenenamento por Bothrops alternatus com extrato de Curcuma longa e Calendula officinalis e ar-turmerone.

Full Text Available It was investigated the efficiency of two extracts of plants and one fraction of their properties against the local effects of bothropic envenomation. Bothrops alternatus venom 1. The animals were divided in six groups receiving the following treatments: These treatments were done at 30 minutes, and at 2, 4, 24 and 72 hours after venom inoculation. Intensity of local edema, hemorrhagic halo and necrosis were evaluated until h after that. Fragments of tissues were taken for histopathological evaluation. The most efficient treatment for inhibition of edema, necrosis and local hemorrhage after Bothrops alternatus venom was the topic application of ar-turmerone.

Os animais foram divididos em seis grupos tratamentos: In this study the effects on male Wistar rats induced by the venom of Bothrops neuwiedii diporus were evaluated. Cortical kidney congestion and granulohialin degeneration of tubular epithelial cells were observed, these lesions achieved a maximum at 24 hours after inoculation. Tubular epithelial hidropic degeneration and dilatation of tubular lumen with hyalin casts were present inclusive up to 4 weeks after inoculation. Full Text Available The objective of this work was to study the influence of copper and nickel on the kinetics of strain-induced martensite in austempered ductile cast iron.

The austempered ductile cast irons were obtained from two ductile cast irons with different copper and nickel contents by means of austempering treatment. The deformation was carried out using a rolling mill. The quantification of the phases was obtained by means of X ray diffraction, while the microstructural characterization was carried out using optical and scanning electron microscopy. It was proved that the kinetics of strain-induced martensite in austempered ductile cast iron can be modeled using the equations proposed by Olson- Cohen and Chang et al.

Based on the results obtained from these analyses, it is possible to conclude that the nickel and copper complicate the martensite transformation because these elements increase the staking fault energy of the austenite and its thermodynamic stability. Full Text Available RAC3 pertenece a la familia de coactivadores de receptores nucleares p, y se encuentra sobreexpresado en varios tumores. RAC3 belongs to the family of p nuclear receptors coactivators and it is over-expressed in several tumors. We observed that the tumoral K cells have high levels.

Full Text Available Background: Lipopolysaccharide LPS, an endotoxin present in the cell wall of gram negative bacteria, is a causative agent of sepsis. Phosphorylated p38 and ERK were detected in neurons of myenteric plexus and phosphorylated p38 and JNK in smooth muscle cells of ileum. Field test were carried out with the objective of characterizing the state of compaction in horticultural soil induced by traffic, after the development of a cabbage crop Brassica oleracea L. Measurements of penetration resistance, bulk density, and moisture content in soil were made and aeread biomass at the end of the cycle crop in sectors with larger and smaller number of vehicles passes.

Values of penetration resistance of 1. No significant differences were found in bulk density parameter in the entire soil profile. Los animales fueron asignados a 5 grupos y tratados durante 6 semanas. Aqueous propolis extract is a natural product rich in. Aspergilosis pulmonar secundaria a neutropenia inducida por metimazol: Los cultivos fueron positivos a Aspergillus fumigatus y Aspergillus flavus. Her regular treatment included methimazole. On admission, laboratory results showed suppressed TSH, elevated free thyroxine, and neutropenia.

She was admitted and started on antibiotics and granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor gm-csf. After ten days, the patient developed leukocytosis, fever, and hemoptysis. Chest CT scan showed a lung cavity with multiple nodules in the upper right lobe. Cultures from a lung biopsy were positive for Aspergillus Fumigatus and Aspergillus Flavus.

Amphotericin B was started but then switched to voriconazole, with both treatments failing to result in clinical improvement. The patient died of multi-organ failure. Bank filtration BF consists in obtaining drinking water from wells in alluvial aquifers or other unconsolidated deposits hydraulically connected with a surface water source. The possibility of applying this technique was evaluated in a pilot scale on the banks of the Lagoa do Peri lagoon, Brazil.

Observation and grain size analysis showed that the bottom of the lagoon and the adjacent aquifer have sandy texture. In addition, tests of constant head permeameter, standpipe falling. Osteonecrosis de los maxilares inducida por bifosfonatos: Ante una osteonecrosis establecida, la actitud debe ser conservadora. Bisphosphonate-induced osteonecrosis of the jaws might reach epidemic proportions due to the widespread use of this therapy. A protocol for prevention and treatment of this pathology is shown. Three clinical cases are reported.

It is quite difficult to reach restitutio ad integrum, but stopping the progress of the disease is possible. Surgical treatment and cessation of bisphosphonate therapy are of no use. Only antibiotics and oral chlorhexidine have shown some benefits. An accurate preventive attitude is mandatory prior to undergoing bisphosphonate therapy. If osteonecrosis of the jaws is present, management should be conservative. Interferon-induced autoimmune thyroiditis in a patient with hepatitis C virus infection. En algunos casos se presenta como hipertiroidismo por enfermedad de Graves.

A 43 year old man presented with asymptomatic elevation of alanine aminotransferase ALT and no relevant past history. The patient denied being a chronic alcohol drinker. Work-up revealed an active hepatitis C, and liver biopsy showed active inflammation. Treatment was started with interferon-alfa and ribavirin.

During the 48 weeks of treatment, the patient developed positive thyroid antibodies with varying level of thyrotropin TSH and thyroid hormones.

AGROINDUSTRIAL MARTIN S.L. Trituradora de piedras Agarín 2,30m

Autoimmune thyroiditis is a common complication of using interferon in patients with hepatitis C. Thyroid function and thyroid antibodies should be evaluated before and during treatment with interferon. To describe a nurse experience in providing care for a patient with cancer of the breast and bone metastasis who presented mandibular ostheonecrosis induced by the use of bisphosphonates. Nursing interventions included the re-enforcement of the guidelines for oral hygiene, highlighting the appropriate teeth-brushing technique, gargling with antiseptic solution without alcohol, as approach to pain management.

There is a need for multidisciplinary and nursing consultations for early detection and control of potential complications. Los animales se distribuyeron en 4 grupos: Benign prostatic hyperplasia, a common disease in men aged over 50 is characterized by uncontrolled growth of prostatic gland and the presence of low urinary tract symptoms.

The oxidative stress has been recently associated with the disease cause. The D, a lipid extract from Roystonea regia, reduces the. Is there an association between non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and contrast nephropathy? Experimental Bothrops atrox envenomation: Efficacy of antivenom therapy and the combination of Bothrops antivenom with dexamethasone. The venom of this snake is not included in the antigen pool used to obtain the Bothrops antivenom. There are discrepancies in reports on the effectiveness of this antivenom to treat victims bitten by B.

However, these studies were performed using a pre-incubation of the venom with the antivenom and, thus, did not simulate a true case of envenomation treatment. In addition, the local lesions induced by Bothrops venoms are not well resolved by antivenom therapy. Here, we investigated the efficacy of the Bothrops antivenom in treating the signs and symptoms caused by B.

In animals that were administered the antivenom 10 minutes after the envenomation, we observed an important reduction of edema, dermonecrosis, and myonecrosis. When the antivenom was given 45 minutes after the envenomation, the edema and myonecrosis were reduced, and the fibrinogen levels and platelet counts were restored. The groups treated with the combination of antivenom and dexamethasone had an enhanced decrease in edema and a faster recovery of the damaged skeletal muscle.

Our results show that Bothrops antivenom effectively treats the envenomation caused by Bothrops atrox and that the use of dexamethasone as an adjunct to the antivenom therapy could be useful to improve the treatment of local symptoms observed in envenomation caused by Bothrops snakes. Ratas albinas machos adultos y sangre de grado. Los pacientes coronarios tienen un menor nivel preoperatorio de EPC que los valvulares. Full Text Available Heart disease and malignant tumors are the two leading causes of death in Cuba, with mortality rates of ,5 and ,6 per , respectively, in In Cienfuegos, malignant tumors were the leading cause of death with a rate of ,2 followed by heart disease with ,6 per inhabitants.

The improvements in the detection and treatment of cancer have led to a new cohort of patients achieving such a long survival that cardiac complications may appear. Unfortunately, the wide knowledge on biochemical pathways involved in cancer targeted therapy has not been accompanied by a parallel understanding of cardiac consequences of their modulation.

The mentioned temperature represents the limit between the two phases, before and after of the precipitation. The activation energy for static recrytallization of the austenite before and after precipitation has also been determined. The present study is completed with the determination of the precipitate size distribution diagrams by means of TEM analysis.

Resistance exercise-induced microinjuries do not depend on 1or 3 minutes rest time interval between series. Las microlesiones inducidas por el entrenamiento con cargas no dependen de los intervalos de descanso entre series de 1 o 3 minutos. Full Text Available AbstractIn order to examine the effects of different rest intervals between sets on the muscle fiber integrity, 14 male subjects volunteered to participate in randomized crossover design methodology.

All subjects completed 2 experimental training sessions. Both sessions consisted of 3 sets of 10 repetitions with 10 repetition maximum resistance bench press, cable pulldowns, military press, biceps curl, triceps curl, leg press, leg extension, and lying leg curls. The 2 experimental sessions differed only in the length of the rest period between sets and exercises: Todos los sujetos realizaron 2 sesiones de entrenamiento con cargas.

Meteorites as space probes for cosmic rays; Les meteorites en tant que sondes spatiales pour les rayons cosmiques; Meteority v kachestve prob mezhplanetnogo prostranstva dlya izucheniya kosmicheskikh luchej; Los meteoritos como sondas espaciales para evaluar la actividad inducida por los rayos cosmicos. Ils comparent ces activites relatives aux taux de production de ces isotopes que l'on obtient en bombardant un echantillon de la meteorite avec des protons ayant une energie de 3 GeV. Les auteurs concluent que, dans les limites d'erreur, le flux de rayons cosmiques est le meme dans la ceinture asteroide que dans le voisinage de l'orbite terrestre.

El experimento se basa en el hecho de que los meteoritos siguen orbitas muy excetricas y, por ello, pueden ser utilizados como sondas espaciales en la region situada entre la orbita terrestre y el cinturon de asteroides. La actividad de periodo corto se produce mientras el meteorito se encuentra en las proximidades de la orbita terrestre, en tanto que la actividad de periodo largo es inducida en toda la orbita descrita por el meteorito. Los autores efectuaron las mediciones en el condrito Hamlet que cayo en Indiana el 13 de octubre de 1. Evaluaron las actividades astribuibles al argon periodo: Compararon los valores relativos de estas actividades con los indices de produccion de esos isotopos que se alcanzan bombardeando una muestra del meteorito con protones de 3 GeV.

Se llega a la conclusion de que la intensidad de la radiacion cosmica es igual, dentro de los limites de error, en el cinturon de asteroides que en las proximidades de la orbita terrestre. Human antibody fragments specific for Bothrops jararacussu venom reduce the toxicity of other Bothrops sp. Approximately 20, snakebites are registered each year in Brazil.

The classical treatment for venomous snakebite involves the administration of sera obtained from immunized horses. Moreover, the production and care of horses is costly, and the use of heterologous sera can cause hypersensitivity reactions. The production of human antibody fragments by phage display technology is seen as a means of overcoming some of these disadvantages.

The studies here attempted to test human monoclonal antibodies specific to Bothrops jararacussu against other Bothrops sp. Each clone was found to recognize all three Bothrops venoms, and purified scFvs partially inhibited their in vitro phospholipase activity. In vivo assays demonstrated that the scFv clone P2B7 reduced myotoxicity and increased the survival of animals that received the test venoms.

The results here indicate that the scFv P2B7 is a candidate for inclusion in a mixture of specific antibodies to produce a human anti- bothropic sera. This data demonstrates that the human scFv P2B7 represents an alternative therapeutic approach to heterologous anti- bothropic sera available today. Multiple cerebral infarctions following a snakebite by Bothrops caribbaeus. Bothrops caribbaeus, a species of the Bothrops complex, is found only in the island of Saint Lucia, West Indies. Snakebite from this pitviper is very rare.

We report the case of a healthy year-old Saint Lucian man who developed multiple cerebral infarctions following envenoming by this snake. This patient developed signs and symptoms very similar to those observed in patients envenomed by Bothrops lanceolatus, a snake found only in Martinique, the neighbor island of Saint Lucia. This clinical presentation differs dramatically from coagulopathies and systemic bleeding observed with the Central and South American bothropic envenomings.

The exact mechanism of this thrombogenic phenomenon, leading to a unique envenoming syndrome, remains unknown. Chronically, glucocorticoids induce adverse cardiometabolic alterations including insulin resistance, diabetes, dyslipidemia, liver steatosis and arterial hypertension. To evaluate the effect of regular practice of aerobic.

Se encontraron alteraciones en la estructura de los podocitos. An overview of Bothrops erythromelas venom. Abstract This review discusses studies on the venom of Bothrops erythromelas published over the past 36 years. During this period, many contributions have been made to understand the venomous snake, its venom, and its experimental and clinical effects better.

The following chronological overview is based on 29 articles that were published between and , with emphasis on diverse areas. The complexity of this task demands an integration of multidisciplinary research tools to study toxin Trichomoniasis in Bothrops jararaca serpentes, viperidae. The animal had diarrhea with great quantity of flagellated protozoa in the feces. Microscopic examination of fecal smears stained with Giemsa revealed the presence of trichomonads, morphologically similar to Trichomonas acosta. Copolymerization of Ethylene Induced by Cobalt Gamma Radiation; Copolymerisation de l'ethylene induite par des rayons gamma du cobalt; Sopolimerizatsiya ehtilena pod dejstviem gamma-izlucheniya ot istochnika ks'yali; Copolimerizacion del etileno inducida por las radiaciones gamma del cobalto On a procede aux experiences, en milieu statique, dans des systemes a deux phases, a l'exception du systeme ethylene-oxyde de carbone.

La separation des copolymeres a ete obtenue par des methodes d'extraction par solvant et de precipitation fractionnee. L'identification a ete faite au moyen de la spectroscopic aux infrarouges. La composition a ete determinee par analyse elementaire. Les auteurs donnent une evaluation partielle de certains produits de la reaction, y compris les points de fusion cristalline, les densites, les caracteristiques de solubilite et les poids moleculaires. La copolymerisation de l'ethylene a ete etablie avec chacun des monomeres suivants: Les auteurs ont trouve que les donnees experimentales obtenues dans l'etude du systeme ethylene-oxyde de carbone suivaient une forme lineaire de l'equation de composition du copolymere.

Los experimentos se llevaron a cabo estaticamente en sistemas bifasicos, salvo en el caso del etileno-oxido de carbono. La separacion de los copolimeros se llevo a cabo por extraccion mediante disolventes y por precipitacion. Os handebolistas foram submetidos a duas baterias de testes: C es frecuentemente utilizada como indicador del nivel de stress impuesto por el ejercicio. Las alteraciones de las concentraciones de estas hormonas son las responsables por modular diversas respuestas inducidas por el entrenamiento, como son la hipertrofia y el aumento de la fuerza. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar o grupo B Hemostatic properties of Venezuelan Bothrops snake venoms with special reference to Bothrops isabelae venom.

This study focuses on the biological and hemostatic characteristics of Bothrops isabelae venom along with its comparative characteristics with two other closely related Bothrops venoms, Bothrops atrox and Bothrops colombiensis. Electrophoretic profiles of crude B. The molecular exclusion chromatographic profile of this venom contains five fractions F1-F5.

Amidolytic activity evaluation evidenced strong thrombin-like followed by kallikrein-like activities in crude venom and in fractions F1 and F2. The fibrinogenolytic activity of B. At a ratio of This current study evidences one of rarely reported for Bothrops venoms, which resembles the physiologic effect of plasmin.

Crude venom and F1 fraction showed gelatinolytic activity. Comparative analysis amongst Venezuelan bothropoid venoms, evidenced that the LD 50 of B. In this study, a relative high thrombin-like activity was observed in B. Fibrinolytic activity evaluated with 10 microg protein, showed that B.

Biological and immunological characteristics of the poison of Bothrops cotiara Serpentes: Bothrops cotiara is a venomous snake sporadically found in the province of Misiones in Argentina, South of Brazil and Paraguay. Data on the clinics of the envenomation produced by its bite and on its venom are scarce.

There is no information on the neutralizing capacity of the. Bothrops cotiara es una serpiente que se encuentra en la provincia de Misiones Argentina , el Sur de Brasil y Paraguay. Bothrops fonsecai snake venom activities and cross-reactivity with commercial bothropic venom.

In this work, we examined some biochemical and biological activities of Bothrops fonsecai venom, a pitviper endemic to southeastern Brazil, and assessed their neutralization by commercial bothropic antivenom CAv. Bothrops fonsecai venom had PLA 2 , proteolytic and esterase activities that were neutralized to varying extents by venom: The minimum hemorrhagic dose Venom caused myonecrosis and creatine kinase release in vivo gastrocnemius muscle and in vitro extensor digitorum longus that was effectively neutralized by both venom: These findings indicate that B. Published by Elsevier Inc.

Evaluation of antivenoms in the neutralization of hyperalgesia and edema induced by Bothrops jararaca and Bothrops asper snake venoms. The intraplantar injection of B. Both venoms also induced edema with a similar time course. When neutralization assays involving the independent injection of venom and antivenom were performed, the hyperalgesia induced by B. On the other hand, polyvalent antivenom did not interfere with hyperalgesia or edema induced by B. The lack of neutralization of hyperalgesia and edema induced by B. Only bothropic antivenom partially neutralized hyperalgesia induced by B.

The present data suggest that hyperalgesia and edema induced by Bothrops venoms are poorly neutralized by commercial antivenoms even when antibodies are administered immediately after envenomation. Las defensas inducidas en trigos comerciales. First report of hepatic hematoma after presumed Bothrops envenomation. Patients usually present local edema, bleeding and coagulopathy.

Visceral hemorrhage is extremely rare and considered a challenge for diagnosis and management. We report the first case of hepatic hematoma owing to the bothropic envenomation in a year-old man who was bitten in the left leg. He presented local edema, coagulopathy, and acute kidney injury. Radiological findings suggested hepatic hematoma, with a volume of almost 3 liters. The hepatic hematoma was gradually absorbed without the need for surgical intervention with complete resolution in 8 months. Postprandial thermogenesis in Bothrops moojeni Serpentes: Full Text Available Snakes that can ingest prey that are proportionally large have high metabolic rates during digestion.

This great increase in metabolic rate specific dynamic action - SDA may create a significant augment in the animal's body temperature. The present study investigated postprandial thermogenesis in Bothrops moojeni. The results showed a significant increase in snake surface temperature, with a thermal peak between 33 and 36 hours after feeding. The meal size had a great impact on the intensity and duration of the thermogenic response. Such increase in temperature appears to be connected with the huge increase in metabolic rates during digestion of relatively large prey by snakes that feed infrequently.

The ecologic implication of the thermogenic response is still not well understood; however, it is possible that its presence could affect behaviors associated with the snake digestion, such as postprandial thermophily. Purification of phospholipase A2 from Bothrops atrox venom. After further purification on Mono S cationic exchange column, eight fractions with PLA2 activity, measured using the hemolytic method, were obtained.

Allopurinol attenuates acute kidney injury following Bothrops jararaca envenomation. Full Text Available Snakebites have been recognized as a neglected public health problem in several tropical and subtropical countries. Bothrops snakebites frequently complicate with acute kidney injury AKI with relevant morbidity and mortality. To date, the only treatment available for Bothrops envenomation is the intravenous administration of antivenom despite its several limitations. Therefore, the study of novel therapies in Bothrops envenomation is compelling. Five groups of Wistar rats were studied: Saline at same dose and infusion rate was administered to Sham and Allo groups.

BJ rats showed markedly reduced glomerular filtration rate GFR, inulin clearance associated with intense renal vasoconstriction, hemolysis, hemoglobinuria, reduced glutathione and increased systemic and renal markers of nitro-oxidative stress Nitrotyrosine. In addition, Allo was associated with increased serum glutathione as well as reduced levels of plasma and renal Nitrotyrosine.

Our data show that Allo attenuated BJ-associated AKI, reduced oxidative stress, improved renal hemodynamics and organ perfusion. It might represent a novel adjuvant approach for Bothrops envenomation, a new use for an old and widely available drug. Snakebites have been recognized as a neglected public health problem in several tropical and subtropical countries.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the protective effect of Allopurinol Allo in an experimental model of Bothrops jararaca venom BJ -associated AKI. Respuesta del sistema antioxidante en varones sanos, frente a hiperglicemia aguda inducida. Sangre y suero de sujetos aparentemente sanos. La flora bacteriana de la cavidad oral de las serpientes en cautiverio ha sido asociada a infecciones por estomatitis y abscesos secundarios por auto-mordedura. Report the examination semiological and the clinical symptoms observed due to its evolution as well. Clinical signs are confronted with the findings conferred in similar cases reported by veterinarians and ranchers in the region.

The treatment in this particular case was not proceeded in order to examine symptoms presented by the accuracy of these reports. Spectroscopic and thermal characterization of alternative model biomembranes from shed skins of Bothrops jararaca and Spilotis pullatus.

Full Text Available Recently, there has been an interest in the use of shed snake skin as alternative model biomembrane for human stratum corneum. The employed biophysical techniques permitted the characterization of the biomembranes from shed snake skin of B. Existe atualmente interesse no uso da muda de pele de cobra como modelos alternativos de biomembranas da pele humana. Evaluation of platelet number and function and fibrinogen level in patients bitten by snakes of the Bothrops genus.

Full Text Available Platelet function and plasma fibrinogen levels were evaluated in 14 patients, 10 males and 4females, aged years bitten by Bothrops genus snakes. Functional and proteomic comparison of Bothrops jararaca venom from captive specimens and the Brazilian Bothropic Reference Venom. Snake venom is a variable phenotypic trait, whose plasticity and evolution are critical for effective antivenom production.

Nevertheless, in the last decades a high number of Bothrops jararaca specimens have been raised in captivity in the Laboratory of Herpetology of Butantan Institute. Considering these facts, we compared the biochemical and biological profiles of B. Electrophoretic analysis and proteomic profiling revealed few differences in venom protein bands and some differentially abundant toxins. Comparison of enzymatic activities showed minor differences between the two venoms. Similar cross-reactivity recognition pattern of both venoms by the antibothropic antivenom produced by Butantan Institute was observed.

Lethality and neutralization of lethality for B. Considering these results we suggest that the inclusion of B. Snakebite envenomation is a neglected tropical pathology whose treatment is based on the use of specific antivenoms. Bothrops jararaca is responsible for the majority of snakebites in South and Southeastern Brazil.

Its venom shows individual, sexual, and ontogenetic variability, however, the effect of animal captivity upon venom composition is unknown. Considering the reduced number of wild-caught snakes donated to Butantan Institute in the last decades, and the increased life expectancy of the snakes raised in captivity in the Laboratory of Herpetology, this work focused on the comparative.

Eficacia experimental de anticuerpos IgY producidos en huevos, contra el veneno de la serpiente peruana Bothrops atrox Experimental efficacy of IgY antibodies produced in eggs against the venom of the Peruvian snake Bothrops atrox. Adicionalmente, los ensayos de reactividad cruzada mostraron que el veneno de B. Se ha obtenido IgY purificada contra el veneno de B. To develop an immunization protocol in order to produce avian IgY immunoglobulins against Bothrops atrox Peruvian snake venom and to evaluate its neutralizing capacity.

Each week, eggs were collected for IgY isolation from yolk using two consecutive steps with caprilic acid and ammonium sulfate. Edema induced by Bothrops asper Squamata: Viperidae snake venom and its inhibition by Costa Rican plant extracts. Theater in Dada and Surrealism.

Goya y la Ribera del Manzanares. Publicaciones de la Junta Organizadora del Centenario de Goya, Albert Camus and the Philosophy of the Absurd. Antes de comenzar a construir las relaciones 1 Conte, Rafael. Con el lectores, El Alba, por ejemplo, lo clasifica 3. Las marca un gasto irrecuperable. La encontramos, por ejemplo, en las la mirada acerca del tiempo. Una esponja llena de sangre es un crimen. Escritos de Juventud Ana. Que no se conozca si es objetivo o calles de la ciudad en el alba se vuelven calles de subjetivo su plan.

En esto, recuerda el trabajo de reconocer tres percepciones del tiempo; tiempo Edmund Burke 16 acerca del sentimiento de lo lineal, tiempo circular y devenir. En esos grupos sublime. De hecho, la inmediato: Omega para toda la vida. De la objetos exhibidos para su venta. Sus Balsa de la Medusa Ha sido penalizado tanto por incor- iguala, todo da igual: Interpreta mediados del diecinueve. De este modo mantienen una cierta validez. La vascularizado espacio de contacto entre el lenguaje consecuencia de esto es que el pensamiento y el mundo.

La materia de las cosas nos entre observador y observado, entre las palabras y vibraciona de su sentido. Lo que en realidad maravilla al hombre es ver las cosas superpuestas. Esta convergencia de luz y tierra se de las conexiones. A pesar de esto, su acciones equivalentes: Revista de Occidente Revista de Occidente Writings, The Field of Cultural Production: Essays on Art and Literature. Exhibting the Buck-Morss, Susan. The Dialectics of Seeing: Walter City in s Paris.

Manchester Benjamin and the Arcades Project. Critical Inquiry 25 Actas del Crary, Jonathan. Techniques of the Observer: Changing Times un Hispanic Culture. Centre for the Dennis. Metaphor in the Jackson, Richard L. U of Chicago P, Papeles de Son York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, Essays on the Ricoeur, Paul. The Rule of Metaphor: Multi- Reality of Science Studies.

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