A Dream in the Heart

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We will listen to our body and its signals, but we rarely listen to our hearts. When our heart speaks and tries to give us a message, we tend to ignore it. But our heart will always tell us the truth and deliver us the most important messages -- messages that can lead on us a path to true happiness and contentment. The eyes reflect the ocean of dreams that come from the heart.

Lily James - A dream is A wish your Heart make Lyrics - Cinderella Soundtrack

And all that the heart speaks entails the inner most desires and workings of the soul. Our heart is here to guide us, to protect us, to push us towards our dreams. It allows us to realize what it is that we really, truly want. Our heart can distinguish between need and want and reveals what we truly desire in this world. Our heart will always express the truth. And for all these reasons, we must always listen and follow our hearts.

The dream may occur because some recent situation may have awakened old anxieties and insecurities. To dream that you are wearing high top shoes means that you are always on the move. The dream may also be telling you that there is a situation where you need to take quick and decisive action.

To see a highlighter marker in your dream represents enlightenment. There is something that you need to pay closer attention to.

"Had a Dream (For the Heart)" is a song written by Dennis Linde. It was originally recorded by Teresa Brewer as "For the Heart" on her album Unliberated. To dream that someone is shooting you with a gun suggests that you are experiencing some confrontation in your waking life. What does it mean to be shot in the chest area/heart by your crush in a dream? What could a dream about being shot in the chest mean?.

Consider what you are highlighting and the significance of the message. To dream that you are highlighting your hair indicates that you are ready for a change in your life. You are looking at things from a different perspective. To see a highway in your dream represents your sense of direction and your life's path. Consider the conditions of the highway which will reveal how much you feel in charge of your life. To see an elevated highway in your dream implies that you are taking the higher road in some situation. Alternatively, the dream means that you believe your way of doing things is more superior.

To dream that something has been hijacked symbolizes your loss of control. The dream may be analogous to someone or something that has taken over an aspect of your life. In particular, to dream that an airplane is hijacked signifies disturbing feelings and past emotions in your subconscious mind. To dream that you are hiking represents progress and achievement. With perseverance and strong-will, you will make it far in life. To dream that you are climbing a hill signifies your struggles in achieving a goal. You need to focus your energies on the prize. To dream that you are standing on top of a hill suggests that you have succeeded in your endeavors.

You have the necessary resources to complete the task at hand. Dreaming that you are going down a hill means that things are not going your way. You are experiencing some setbacks. Alternatively, the dream signifies regression or repressed thoughts. To see a hill in your dream symbolizes challenges or obstacles that you will confront in the near future. Alternatively, the hill may represent your desire to escape from your current situation. Dreaming of rolling hills refer to life's ups and downs.

To see a hinge in your dream represents your access to opportunities or information. To see a hippie in your dream represents excess and freedom of expression. To dream that you are a hippie suggests that you want to be different. You are rejecting some aspect of society. To see a hippopotamus in your dream symbolizes your aggressive nature and your hidden strengths.

You have more influence and power than you realize. Alternatively, it indicates that you are being territorial. Perhaps someone is overstepping their boundaries.

Agony Aunts

To see a group of hippopotamuses in your dream suggest that you need to escape from the daily grind and relax. To notice your hips in your dream represents your mobility and adaptability to some situation. It relates to getting things done. The dream may also be a pun on being hip. To dream that you are hiring someone means that you are lacking a certain quality of the person you are hiring and need to incorporate that quality within your own self.

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Hershey's Kiss To see a Hershey's Kiss in your dream symbolizes a sweetheart or some sweet love in your life. The dream could be brought about by a situation where you are feeling helpless or by someone who is overly controlling or is making you feel less than human. But because the path that the heart reveals is sometimes not the easiest to follow, we usually quiet its voice. Helix To see a helix in your dream symbolizes energy, fertility or immortality. You are experiencing some setbacks.

There is a void that you need to fill. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on a "higher' self. To dream of history suggest that you are regressing in to an earlier time. You may be trying to recapture or relive past emotions. Or you are holding on to old beliefs and outdated ways of thinking. To dream that you hit something or someone symbolizes unexpressed anger and aggression. You tend to keep your negative feelings inside instead of expressing them in a healthy way. To dream that someone is hitting you implies that you are feeling helpless or powerless in some waking situation.

Someone is trying to force their opinion or view on you. To dream that you are almost hit or were ran over by a car suggests that your lifestyle, beliefs or goals may be in conflict with another's. It may also be symbolic of a jolting experience or injured pride. If you are almost hit by a car that looks like a cat, then it suggests that you are hindering someone's goals or not letting them be who they are.

To dream that you are a victim of a hit and run means that certain aspects of your life beyond your control. Alternatively, dreaming of a hit and run implies that someone else's goal and life path are affecting your own personal goals and path. If your dream involved you running away from a hit and run accident, then it implies that you are running away from some waking responsibility.

You are refusing to take responsibility for your actions. To dream that you are hitchhiking suggests that you have not earned or deserved to be in this position you are at currently. The dream may also be a metaphor that you are getting a free ride. To pick up a hitchhiker in your dream indicates that you are taking on too many responsibilities.

There is a fine line between helping others and letting them take advantage of you. To see Hitler in your dream symbolizes oppression, fear, manipulation of power, and absolute control. The dream could be brought about by a situation where you are feeling helpless or by someone who is overly controlling or is making you feel less than human. To dream that you are a hitman or that you hire one indicates that there is some aspect of yourself that you are desperately trying to rid yourself of. To dream that you break out in hives indicate that you are worried about some situation or decision.

It also signifies nervousness or fear. To dream that you are hoarding symbolizes selfishness. You need to learn to share. Alternatively, the dream implies that you are afraid of letting the past go. You are trying to hold on to memories. To hear or dream that you have a hoarse voice suggests that you or someone is not being truthful. To see or dream that you are a hobbit refers to your potential for greatness. You hold the power to change. To dream that you are taking up a new hobby suggests that you need to acknowledge your hidden talents or desires.

A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes...

Alternatively, you need to allocate some time for yourself so you can pursue your own interests. To dream that you are playing or watching hockey is analogous to how you are achieving and protecting of your goals. It also suggests that you may be dealt with a lot of hard blows in your life. To see or use a hoe in your dream suggests that you are breaking though the barriers and limits.

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You are laying the groundwork and ready for growth. To see a hog in your dream symbolizes abundance. The dream may also be a pun on how you are "hogging" everything instead of sharing. To see a hog playing in the mud suggests that you are lowering your standards. To dream that you are holding something suggests that you are trying to control or manipulate this object. Consider the significance and symbolism of this object. Holding may also signify protection, responsibility, or possession. To see a hole in the ground denotes hidden aspects of your activities. On the other hand, it may mean that you are feeling hollow or empty inside.

This dream may be an awakening for you to get out and expose yourself to new interests and activities.

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Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on "wholeness" or completeness. To dream that you fall into a hole represents a pitfall in some waking situation. You feel you are stuck. Perhaps, you have dug yourself into a hole and cannot get out of it. To dream that there is a hole in your clothing indicates that there are some flaws in your thinking or thought process. You may need to undergo an image makeover. To dream that you are on holiday represents a need for a break or time for rest.

You are expressing a wish to escape from your responsibilities. Depending on the activities related to the holiday, the dream may also indicate family issues, personal attitudes or some difficulty. To dream of something that is hollow represents the womb and nurturance. It may also symbolize some hidden secrets. To see holly in your dream represents holiday festivities and memories of friends and family. It also symbolizes eternity and magic.

The dream may be a metaphor for someone named "Holly" in your waking life. The dream may be telling you to be more realistic with your goals. You need to come down from you lofty ambitions or idealistic notions. The dream may also be brought about by a movie or book related to the Holocaust.

Perhaps, the disturbing events may have left a strong impression in your mind. Note that your own personal feelings about the Holocaust will overrule any other interpretation. To see a hologram in your dream suggests that you need to look at the overall picture instead of just at pieces of it in order to get the whole story. Alternatively, the dream symbolizes your ideal self and your notions of perfection.

Email the webmaster at dreammoods dot com with questions or comments about this web site. Page 1 H to Hearse. Page 2 Heart to Hologram. Page 3 Holy Child to Hysterectomy. Heart To see your heart in your dream signifies truth, courage, love, and romance. Heart Attack To dream that you have a heart attack refers to a lack of support and acceptance.

Heartbeat To hear a heartbeat in your dream suggests that you are not confronting or recognizing your feelings.

Heart - Meaning of Dream

Heartbreak To dream that you are going through a heartbreak signifies transitions and changes. Hearth To see the hearth in your dream signifies nurturance, security, and comfort. If you feel pain in your heart in a dream, it is a harbinger of troubles or worries because of a loved one husband, wife, or children. If you hold a heart of a wild and strong animal in your hands, it is a sign that you have enough power to overcome the difficulties and to fight the enemies.

To be wounded in a heart in a dream is a sign of illness or big anxiety because of failures in business or in love. Often this dream foretells love suffering or passion. If you feel pain in your heart, perhaps you will have troubles in important matters. One of your minor mistakes will be a reason for a big loss, if only you correct it in time.

If you see your own heart on a plate, it means that you will have a serious disease, which will take all your vital energy. If you try hard, you will be able to win the fight and attract attention of many people. If you have infarction in a dream, it is mostly negative symbol, and it should be treated carefully, in order to avoid bad events.