My Mirror Self, and I

Everyone is Your Mirror - The Greatest Relationship Secret

First why are you being treated in this manner, what or who within you is allowing yourself to be mistreated in the first place. Your innermost thoughts, whether they originated from you or absorbed from others, contribute to your experiences. This is a hard pill to swallow because none of us want to accept we are responsible for inviting or allowing bad treatment.

It is certainly no secret that all your intimate relationships tend to be similar. Through their reflection we discover the essential and transformative qualities we need to develop to become whole and fulfilled, to grow and expand. The problem is that you did not consciously choose many if not any of those beliefs that govern your experiences and relationships at the subconscious level. In order to attract your opposite, you yourself have to be at the other end of the spectrum and so are unbalanced as far as that quality is concerned. There is One Common Denominator: But life will bring the mirror back in different forms until we choose to do so, until we integrate the very quality essential to our growth and development. When your partner acts in a particular way that upsets you, you will find that you too act in the same way, most likely not towards him or her but towards yourself and probably others.

And we might even completely avoid, overlook, or deny our role in the dynamic. We fail to recognize that the people we have problems with may actually be mirroring for us the disowned parts of ourselves. We penalize and judge the other for the energies we refuse to own or express. But life will bring the mirror back in different forms until we choose to do so, until we integrate the very quality essential to our growth and development.

Whatever relational dynamic you find yourself in - learn to decipher its deeper meaning. Pay attention, become an observer of how you're energy impacts others and in turn what it inspires in them. Be mindful of who, what and how you are triggered and in what context. Never fear the reflection, instead use it to go deeper and deeper into the process of self-examination and self-discovery, go deeper still into the self, until eventually you discover or uncover the nature of your affliction.

Use the mirroring effect as a barometer of where you are, what you are radiating, what you are thinking on the deepest levels of your being. Use the other's reflection to unearth and develop your hidden strengths or to eliminate the culprits within that have been inviting unwanted attention, treatment and people into your life. It is only when you understand what it truly means to see yourself reflected back at you, that there is no room for blame, there is no room for judgement and there is no room to feel like a victim of another person's actions or words.

There is only room for real love based on understanding and gratitude. Compromise comes easy, forgiveness is a given and growth is inevitable.

The Mirror: A Reflection of Self | HuffPost

While this truth applies to all of your relationships, from your family, to your friends and colleagues, and even to those you deem your "enemy", it is your relationship with your significant other that enables you to take the closest, most accurate look at who you are. When Only the Face Seems to Change: It is certainly no secret that all your intimate relationships tend to be similar. Surely you have noticed how the fundamentals seem to remain the same while only the face changes. The repetition of the same problems, the same feelings and the same insecurities often leave you despondent and even reluctant to try again.

You surrender yourself to the belief that relationships are difficult and require much compromise and that the only relationship secret out there is luck, timing or even Divine Will. You can't help but notice how what starts off with such hope often ends with no hope at all.

About this mirror

There is One Common Denominator: What you perhaps haven't noticed though, is that in all these repetitive relationships there has always only been one common denominator - YOU. Whoever the person is that you have next to you, no matter how many times you change him or her, the fundamentals of your relationship will remain unchanged albeit to varying degrees because they are simply mirroring you.

It can be no other way. This realisation may frustrate you at first and you may even reject the truth that everyone is your mirror. However, you will quickly come to see it as great news because it means that you too can enjoy those loving relationships that previously seemed out of reach.

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To do so, the only person you need to influence is yourself. What are You Really Seeing in the Mirror: To internalise this truth, that everyone is your mirror, you must first understand it. Your relationships with others are your opportunity to experience yourself and grow.

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They are a perfect mirror of your inner relationship with yourself and the beliefs you have acquired about life and love. Everything you admire in another person belongs to you and the same goes for all that which you dislike.

In order for you to recognise a certain quality in another, then it must be part of your consciousness. You could not see it otherwise. Essentially, the bottom-line cause of break-ups and divorce, is when one or both of the partners can no longer stand to see themselves in the other person. To best understand how everyone is your mirror, think in terms of these three categories: Your Beliefs are Staring You in the Face: Your beliefs about relationships, about men, about women, about love and life in general are all there for you to see in your relationships.

The Mirror: A Reflection of Self

We have all acquired certain beliefs throughout our lifetime that cause us to react and act in certain habitual ways that either support us or don't. This is most notable in our relationships because in order to experience anything or anyone you must first relate to it. In these cases, this online mirror can be very useful! It will allow you to turn use your computer like a mirror and reflect back what you look like.

With this mirror, you can try on new makeup or existing makeup and see what it looks like. Ideally, a physical mirror would be available for you, but sometimes it's not possible to access one.

This mirror is great for trying on makeup, because it works on a computer, which has a front-facing camera. So, it's very easy to see yourself.

When you're in the store or at home and trying on different pairs of glasses, sometimes it's difficult to see how well they complement your face. With this online mirror, simply try the glasses on while using the mirror and you can see which pair fits best!