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You had their Health Records up to date 3. Wolves can take chainlink,bite a hole right threw it to escape. I said your dble jeoperding me. Amazon Drive Cloud storage from Amazon. Wolves have 6 K9 Teeth. Diana on May 21, ,

The report is nothing near the truth of what went on. They kicked in my fence to make it look like they broke out, now paw marks scratching fence, nor teeth marks. As you can see on the link, was inside my home. Illegal search and seizer. But the morons, after they broke the fence, they opened and shut the gates, cause the part they broke, laid under the fence.

Looking Through The Glass created by Lookingthruwolfseyes

The Sheriff was emailing me from 6am to 12 midnight I was trying for years to get to crack open a conspiracy going on. Not helping me one bit, I asked to give him files, I asked to talk to in person. I asked a kid that was doing hours to watch Shawnee for me that was locked up.

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I had a email proving smoke in my home at 3 am. I took my animals out front all closed in with 6 ft privacy fence.

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They were watching me stalking me. Which means seeing its 20 minutes from my home, they had 10 minutes to get them there. Someone needs to move a lil quicker. To solve cases, and i would like to know about the one with the trailer that i bought and they took a report on that that they never did anything about. Amazon Music Stream millions of songs.

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Lookingthruwolfseyes Windenmyhair Sanctuary

East Dane Designer Men's Fashion. Shopbop Designer Fashion Brands. Shorty after that to County destroying evidence, my rv in my back yard, zoning lied stated I had trash by my gates, box of grapefruit a friend left me. They made me bust my rv down with my hands. I walked out of court stating to the judge your paying for my next rv not violating any ordiances behind privacy fence in my back yard.

My animals were in my home when I left. Door lock was chiseled out so they could break in.

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They chased them out of the yard, took Star. I said under what violation, give me a ticket so I can get her out in the morning. Judge Scaglioni would not give her back to me. I put in a 11 million dollar law suite. They send my doc to wrong address on purpous,on 29th day.. I had 1 day to reply. Reopen that case too.

Brenda Rodgers added on report I never had or shewould of also gotten my pups I never had. I told him you cant do this.