He simply asked Peter, "Do you love me? One cannot love by proxy. I would ask you to search your own heart and honestly answer the question.
He didn't ask, do you love the Pope? Do you love Doctrine?
Do you love your church? Do you love your parents? Do you love your wife, your husband, your children? Note the central nature of the question.
Notice that a key phrase in the dictionary definition of love is the phrase "based on. However, what God gave or should we say, "who" God gave was not a mere gift-wrapped present; God sacrificed His only Son so that we, who put our faith in His Son, will not spend eternity separated from Him. God doesn't say, "as soon as you clean up your act, I'll love you; " nor does He say, "I'll sacrifice my Son if you promise to love Me. Before His crucifixion, when Jesus had said that the disciples will be scattered, Peter had declared in effect that he loved Jesus more than the other disciples did: Psalm , A Call to Worship. This is no mere matter for "Religious Fanatics.
Jesus could have asked Peter about many things. He could have asked, "Simon, Son of Jonah, have you made a credible profession of faith?
He simply asked, "Simon, Son of Jonah, do you love me? A hypocrite may have a good profession of faith, have been baptized, hold a church office, and a myriad of other external privileges. But a hypocrite will not and cannot love Jesus Christ. Some people put their love in their work, their family, their hobbies, and put Jesus on hold and do not love Him as Lord.
Perhaps you are confident in your creed, or your baptism, or your church affiliation, yet without true love for Christ. If this is your estate, hear the fearful malediction of the Apostle Paul: Love for Jesus is central to the Christian life, for without it, nothing else matters.
Note the active nature of the question. The Lord was not content with merely a profession of Peter's love. Remember, Judas had betrayed him with a kiss.
I've been through a lot of tragedy in my family, and now I find myself wondering if God even exists. If God loves me, why doesn't he show it? I'm so sorry about. "For God so loved [your name here] that he gave his one and only Son, that if [ your name here] believes in him [you] shall not perish but have eternal life.
Jesus wanted to see the evidence of Peter's love: If we truly love the Lord, we will show this by obeying His Word. His commandments are not burdensome, but are the very nature of love itself. Consider the greatest of the commandments.
There is eros for erotic love none of the Greek words in the New Testament translated, "love," in English is eros , philos for friendship, storge for affection from familiarity among family members or others brought together not by their choice, philostorgos , which combines philos and storge , and philadelphia for brotherly love. In the passage above, Jesus uses the verb form of agape in the first two of His three questions and the verb form of philos in the third, while Peter responds with the verb form of philos all three times.
Jesus firstly asks Peter if he loves Him self-sacrificially "more than these. After having betrayed Jesus, there was no way that he could claim anything more than that.
Jesus then drops the comparison and asks Peter if he simply loves Him self-sacrificially. Peter sticks to his claim of friendly love.
Jesus will start working on us with whatever level of love we have for Him, but He does demand humility, which is what Peter displayed in John How did he die? Jesus' words above that Peter will "stretch out your hands" John So, after being reinstated, does Peter shape up? True to form, he messes up right away again and is scolded by Jesus. Who was Peter referring to with, "But Lord, what about this man? How much of an exaggeration is in John Since Jesus has existed for eternity, what He has done amounts to infinity, which cannot fit into a finite space, not even one as large as our planet.