191 Color Paintings of Dante Gabriel Rossetti - English Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood Painter (May 12, 1828 - April 9, 1882)


  • Even if you do not kill yourself, if the dragon reborn burns himself out like a guttering candle, who will face the dark one.

    Even knives and bullets and fangs could only inflict permanent harm under rare and special conditions, like those which had cost me my tail during the war. The infinite variety of personalities and opinions makes life interesting.

    I put the knife back in its right wrist sheath.

    She will dance to donna summer records, and bob for apples, and later on the lights will be turned down for a game of spin-the-bottle and she will perhaps kiss some boy, not because she wants to but because it will be fun to giggle about it with her girlfriends in study hall the next day.