Weight Loss Secrets

35 Instant Weight-Loss Secrets

Try using your bike to commute one day or just for errands close to home.

Secret 1: Plan Ahead

The top diet tricks from women around the globe, including the French, Brazilians , Swiss, and more. Embracing all 10 essentials of the Pritikin Program is the secret to losing weight, feeling healthier, and, best of all, more fully enjoying your life.

If you're of average size and pedaling at a moderate pace, you can burn around calories per hour. Try a bowl of muesli Muesli is a porridge or cereal made from oats, fruit, and nuts, each of which has been linked to better health and weight control. It was developed by a Swiss physician more than a hundred years ago to nourish hospital patients, but the Swiss eat it for breakfast or as a light evening dish. Muesli's fiber makes it slow to digest, keeping you feeling full longer.

Read the label carefully, though: Sugar content can vary from 2 to 14 grams per serving. Russians grow their own vegetables and fruits and preserve and can what they grow.

That makes their diet more nutritious. And "there's not much you can grow in a garden that will make you fat," notes Hill. Turn up the turmeric This spice, a key ingredient in curries, grows wild in Malaysian jungles. One of its chief components is a substance called curcumin, which may turn out to be a potent fat fighter.

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A recent Tufts University study found that mice fed a high-fat diet with small amounts of curcumin gained less weight than did other mice given similar but curcumin-free meals. Researchers think the ingredient suppresses the growth of fat tissue and increases fat-burning.


Try some in your next stir-fry. Sit long, talk lots The French excel at the leisurely family meal. Conversation slows down the fork and gives you time to realize you're full. These tart treats can help keep you thin, probably because of the vinegar that pickles them. Growing evidence suggests that acetic acid, the main component of vinegar, helps reduce blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and the formation of fat. Pickles aren't your thing? Swap your ranch salad dressing for oil and vinegar.

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Sip some rooibos tea Enjoyed throughout the country, rooibos tea is more robust than green tea, and because it's naturally sweet, it needs no sugar. Take a Sunday family tour It's a deeply rooted Norwegian habit: On Sunday, everyone from toddlers to grandparents heads out to hike in summer or cross-country ski in winter. Compare that with the typical American household, where the only Sunday expedition is from the fridge to the football game on TV.

Start a Nordic tradition in your house.

At halftime, shoo everyone outdoors for a walk around the neighborhood. Get yourself all twisted up Most Americans respect yoga's stress-busting and flexibility-enhancing power, but not many realize it facilitates weight loss. In fact, a recent study found that yoga devotees have a lower body mass index BMI than other exercisers do. There are probably multiple reasons.

Yoga is best done on an empty stomach and can build muscle depending on your preferred poses , which boosts your metabolism. And it encourages mindfulness, which includes paying attention to whether you feel full. Perfect the power nap In this on-the-go country, many people take time for a daily to minute nap, says James Maas, PhD, a sleep researcher at Cornell University and the author of Power Sleep.

There's increasing evidence that chronic sleep deprivation raises the risk of weight gain. Maas blames two hormones: The less sleep you get, the lower your leptin levels-and the higher your ghrelin.

19 Weight-Loss Secrets From Around the World

Make the midday meal the biggest Instead of ingesting the bulk of the day's calories in the evening, as most Americans do, Mexicans traditionally eat their biggest meal between 2 and 4 p. When you're cutting down portions, you're reducing your intake of helpful nutrients, too, so it's even more important to make healthful choices.

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That burns about extra calories per day! Designate an area as a yoga-only zone with your mat and candles to strike a pose whenever the urge hits. A study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association found that eating 1. Find the perfect pair Of carbs and protein, that is. Drink Coffee Preferably Black.

Whole grains provide fiber, trace minerals and antioxidants and slow-release carbohydrates that keep your body and brain fueled. Fruits and vegetables are low in calories but high in vitamins, minerals and other phytochemicals—compounds that fight disease-causing free radicals and amp up enzymes that clear toxins. Choose a rainbow of colors to get the widest variety of nutrients.

Salmon Tacos with Pineapple Salsa. Some studies show that, gram for gram, protein may keep you feeling full longer than carbohydrates or fats do. Good sources of protein include: Low-fat milk and yogurt provide a satisfying combination of carbohydrates and protein. They're also good sources of calcium, which dieters often fall short on. Cheeses contain calcium, too, but it packs in calories.

Choose cheese with bold tastes so you don't need a lot to get great flavor. If you fear the fat, it's time to stop. The 80s fat-phobic era has come and gone, and today, we know that healthy sources of fat—like the kinds in fish, nuts and avocados—are good for your overall health plus your weight-loss goals. The key here, however, is to focus on the good kind and avoid the bad.

Secret 2: Avoid

Focus on boosting your intake of monounsaturated fats in nuts, avocados and olive oil and polyunsaturated fats in canola oil, plant oils and fish. You probably won't be very happy nibbling on carrots and cottage cheese if everyone else at the table is enjoying pasta smothered in cream sauce. Studies show that people lose more weight when they do it together, so boost your chances for success: Crab cakes, steak, dessert—nothing is off limits when you're watching your weight. Tempt your family and friends to join you on your quest for better health with our recipes for delicious lower-calorie versions of your favorite foods.

After they see how great your diet is, maybe they'll pick up your healthier lifestyle changes, too, and suddenly you'll have a whole slew of friends to join you in your weight-loss efforts. You planned out your meal, snacks and treats too. So you "shouldn't" have felt deprived and you "shouldn't" have binged on that pizza, but—guess what—you did. Making a plan helps, but it doesn't ensure total success.

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What you really shouldn't do is throw in the towel and go on an eating free-for-all. The key to overcoming slip-ups is to forgive, forget it and get right back on track. Guilt begets more bingeing; don't give in to that. Don't fall into the splurge-and-then-skip diet—it's not healthy or enjoyable and you end up hungry and guilty. Besides, punishing yourself with tiny meals doesn't inspire healthy habits you can keep and enjoy throughout your life. Plan a week's worth of delicious calorie-controlled dinners so you can stay satisfied and happy.

35 Instant Weight-Loss Secrets

Bev's Chocolate Chip Cookies. You love chocolate; you live for chocolate. But when you're trying to lose weight, you aim for eating perfection. So you totally give it up and eat whole-grain toast, salad and apples instead. You feel virtuous because your diet is picture-perfect. But, for most people, it's impossible to achieve every minute of the day. Recognizing realistic expectations is the key to slimming down.

Aiming to be "too good" sets you up to fail. Don't deprive yourself of everything you love; just keep your little splurges in moderation and calculate them into your plan for the day. Dieting isn't about perfection; it's about balance. So if you love chocolate, eat a little, or if you love wine, drink a little. Just make room for the calories by passing on something else—perhaps bread. In other words, prioritize.

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Salsa-Black Bean Burgers We live in a world where a cup of coffee—albeit a fancy one—can set you back calories. Plan Ahead Featured Recipe: