Law and War (The Amherst Series in Law, Jurisprudence, and Social Thought)

  1. Law, Jurisprudence and Social Thought!
  2. Amherst Series in Law, Jurisprudence, and Social Thought.
  3. The Road to Valley Forge: How Washington Built the Army that Won the Revolution.
  4. Arabeske in C Major, Op. 18;
  5. Gravity Wave.

The books offer original essays prepared by distinguished scholars. Authors Instructors Media Booksellers Librarians.

Limit by Availability Skip the 1 filter for Availability Available This assumes that JavaScript is enabled; otherwise, a button will be provided to submit the change. Lives in the Law.

  • Consistent Navigation.
  • Wait for the Sunrise.
  • Lawrence Douglas.

Examines how the lives of individuals, social groups, and nations are fashioned by their engagement with the law. A provocative collection of essays that reveals how the law takes its definition from what it excludes. The Place of Law.

WGBY 57's Connecting Point with Jim Madigan: Adam Sitze on Rethinking South Africa's TRC

An important book that urges us to ask about the usefulness of metaphors of place in the design of legal regulation. History, Memory, and the Law.

Law, Jurisprudence, and Social Thought

Brings together essays that examine contestation and contingency in today's human rights politics. Cultural Pluralism, Identity Politics, and the Law.

  1. Myths, Legends, and Other Minor Tragedies!
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  3. Main Navigation.
  4. The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics: Fourth Edition.
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It will conclude by reflecting on the form of the unfinished work - that The Life of the Mind itself is - as a way of understanding Arendt's final teaching about judgment and the possibility of a truly 'political thought. Available by request at nica. Nietzsche's Philosophy of the Two, Short Circuits Filtering History and Memory into the Courtroom.

Lawrence Douglas

Add Paper for "Human Rights" to Cart. Consider how the speculative imagination approaches topics such as civil rights, reproduction, privacy, and property , and analyze texts and films alongside legal cases and theories of justice. Click here to sign up. The purpose of this study is to model the health and financial costs and benefits of a hypothetical SIF in Baltimore. Finally, in , after eighteen months of trial, a court in Munich convicted the native Ukrainian of assisting Hitler's SS in the murder of 28, Jews at Sobibor, a death camp in eastern Poland.

Buried by the Times: Cambridge University Press, The Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial, Genocide, History, and the Limits of the Law. The memory of judgment: Holocaust in responsible memory? The answer, I believe, is no, and finding my examples in Germany,France and Israel, before returningto the Canadian Zundel case, I will argue that the efforts to use legal means to safeguard the history The answer, I believe, is no, and finding my examples in Germany,France and Israel, before returningto the Canadian Zundel case, I will argue that the efforts to use legal means to safeguard the history ofthe Holocaust may contribute to University of Nebraska Press.

Martha Merrill Umphrey

The Adolf Eichmann Trial. Law and the Stranger explores the ways law identifies and responds to strangers within and across national borders Law and Catastrophe sketches contours of a relatively fresh—yet crucial—terrain of inquiry. It begins the work of developing a jurisprudence of catastrophe Law and the Sacred explores questions about the foundational role of the sacred in the constitution of law, both historically and theoretically The essays assembled in How Law Knows provide a sample of the diversity, responsiveness, and influence that law's knowledge practices have on legal outcomes and the world beyond law The limiting conditions explored in this volume include marking