A Night of No Return (Mills & Boon Modern) (The Private Lives of Public Playboys Book 1)

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Hero, who is still mourning his first wife, is reluctant to marry again, but agrees. The heroine had a terribly abusive childhood along with her sister her fear of dogs is understandable! I like A marriage of convenience for palace politics story. I liked her and I liked the hero. My only quibble - the party with the breezy character from one SM's other stories really didn't fit the tone of the book. Everything was life and death and then they're dishing about who is "hot" and what to wear.

Thankfully, SM went back to the action and intrigue for the last part of the story and the hero's declaration. Jul 12, Jenny rated it it was amazing Shelves: Wow, this was a fantastic story. I adored the setting, the characters, the plot, everything! Layla is my ideal heroine. Her father was a tyrant but she is pure goodness and light.

When he dies she escapes the palace with her little sister because she can't stand the prospect of her arranged marriage to a creepy evil sixty year old man. Desperation drives her to find Sheikh Raz Al Zahki her family's greatest enemy and propose him a marriage of convenience.

Even though Layla has lead a very shelte Wow, this was a fantastic story. Even though Layla has lead a very sheltered life she is a brave, classy and a mature young woman. She is insecure when it comes to love but she knows Raz is a wonderful man and she is not afraid to trust him. Raz is not exactly an alpha hero. He is a widower, a father and an amazing man. He sees right through Layla, he is protecting and caring and honorable.

Fler böcker av Sarah Morgan

After the death of his wife he is closed off emotionally and is very afraid of loving again. But he realizes that Layla is not the spoiled princess he thought she was. He helps her get over her traumas of the past and she shows him how to open his heart to how he feels. They have scorching chemistry and passion. These two are really a match made in heaven. All this book needed was an epilogue. View all 14 comments. Jul 23, Jacqueline rated it did not like it Shelves: Too many problems for me to rate this higher.

It was like the people said one thing and did the exact opposite. The hero didn't want to marry her because he would always love his dead wife. But a week later, or it might have been 2 days later or 2 weeks later because time was all wonky in this thing, he is telling her they have something special and he had only turned out the light because he knew she was shy not because he couldn't bear to see that he was making love to the heroine and not his Too many problems for me to rate this higher.

But a week later, or it might have been 2 days later or 2 weeks later because time was all wonky in this thing, he is telling her they have something special and he had only turned out the light because he knew she was shy not because he couldn't bear to see that he was making love to the heroine and not his old wife. It was all too much too soon and then to have her tell him: He has treated her well the entire time they've been together and given in to her every wish.

I mean telling her that she wasn't to assume she was his daughter's mother after only a week was not cruel it was the truth! I could go practically line by line. I might have bought this story if it had played out over 6 months or so but in the 2 week time frame it was just ludicrous. Sorry can't recommend it at all Jul 29, Fiona Marsden rated it it was amazing. You would think I'd have learned by now. One is never start a Sarah Morgan book after midnight. Do not take a quick peak at the first page You probably have figured out by now I'm sitting here writing the review with bleary eyes after staying up until 2.

The story of Layla and Raz certainly dragged me in right from the start. Layl You would think I'd have learned by now. Layla is the ultimate innocent, a young woman whose whole aim in life is to protect her younger sister from her usurper father's evil henchman. Now the evil henchman Hassan is ready to seize power after the sudden death of Layla's father.

His method will be to marry Layla and send her sister far away to America. Bookish, logical Layla, in the first impulsive thing she has probably ever done, decides to throw herself on the mercy of the rightful heir to the throne. And all this is in the first chapter Raz lost his father and beloved wife to the machinations of Hassan making Layla the enemy. The choice to marry to save the kingdom is the logical one though repulsive at first to Raz.

Layla, with her copy of a text that will assist her to learn about sex has no idea how such a marriage will work. Because it must be consummated under the law of the land or it can be put aside. Both are caught unawares on their wedding night and react in different ways to the sizzling connection. From there it is an intriguing ride to the end as these two strangers get to know each other and gradually reveal their secrets. I have to say I loved this book. The story kept me gripped right to the end with a touch of suspense from the evil Hassan providing tension and a well developed love story in spite of the brevity of the story line.

Aug 06, Aayesha Khatri rated it really liked it Recommended to Aayesha by: Firstly, thank you Jenny for recommending this book to me. You were right; I loved it! I absolutely, positively loved loved loved this book. I loved the plotline, I loved the characters, I loved the flow and I loved the marriage of convenience trope.

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This is a first edition, and is in good condition. Even though Layla has lead a very sheltered life she is a brave, classy and a mature young woman. She's the epitome of a bluestocking, if this were a historical romance. But they are more often than not overlooked and disregarded even in their own home. Aug 06, Aayesha Khatri rated it really liked it Recommended to Aayesha by:

I also loved how the author did not mention religion. I respect her for that. Respect and appreciate her.

The Private Lives of Public Playboys

First, I'll talk about the writing. She is Firstly, thank you Jenny for recommending this book to me. She is an amazing writer. The entire book was really well written, the structure and plot well thought out and beautifully executed and the dialogues were superbly penned. It was really smooth, I can't think of a single thing not properly done. Now I'll move onto the story and my feelings about it.

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I'll say this again - I loved it so very much! I never thought I'd like a book with that theme, but Sarah Morgan proved me wrong. Now I want a kind and gentle desert warrior of my own! Layla was an extremely likeable heroine. I liked how very practical she was, I loved her honesty and most of all, I loved how understanding she was. She was so brave and courageous too. The way she tried to overcome her fears was very admirable. She was a real sweetheart.

And the 'Kama Sutra' scene was hilarious! The hero, Raz, was also very likeable. Not so in the beginning, I found myself taking Layla side the entire time, but as I've said before, I love asshole heroes. But he wasn't an asshole. He was just a beta hero trying to hide beneath an alpha's robes.

He didn't want to get hurt again. He was solid and dependable. I loved how he was so considerate about Layla, and I loved his rapport with his daughter. Another thing I loved was the horses theme. Two words; hot and sizzling! Day-um, this book gave me exactly what I ask for, and in less than pages!

I now have another favourite author. It was a wonderful read. Aug 31, KC rated it really liked it Shelves: Like watching a classic Hollywood film but with sex. The epic tone quickly sucked me in. Danger and suspense laced the beginning, followed later by good old-fashioned romance. She proposed marriage to Raz to help him secure his rightful claim to the throne. They married within hours of meeting.

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But it wasn't a smooth ride of course, especially with Raz guarding his heart. What would have happened if she'd never died? I could see why Raz and Layla fell for each other.

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Layla was a great heroine I could get behind: Raz, for his part, won my admiration for his protective attitude towards his loved ones and dedication to his country. It was only a matter of time before the two began to appreciate the sterling qualities the other possessed. Oh, and it didn't hurt that the sexual chemistry between them was scorching, leading to some hot love scenes. The resolution of the threats to Raz's rule and Layla's safety were tied up too neatly for my tastes.

The villains seemed one-dimensional. View all 3 comments. Jul 04, Dalia rated it really liked it. This book is beautifully written, the storyline compelling, the characters well developed, rich with emotions and complex feelings.

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Layla is a sweet heroine. She lived a very sheltered life, her knowledge of the world has only been gained from books. She may appear quiet and shy but she is also practical and brave. After the death of her tyrant father, she is the one that went looking for Raz, the legitimate ruler of her coun 4.


Editorial Reviews. Review. 'Lucas and Emma are a bewitchingly perfect pair in this heartfelt Book 1 of 3 in The Private Lives of Public Playboys (3 Book Series ). A Night of No Return (Mills & Boon Modern) [Sarah Morgan] on www.farmersmarketmusic.com * FREE* shipping on Book 1 of 3 in the Private Lives of Public Playboys Series.

After the death of her tyrant father, she is the one that went looking for Raz, the legitimate ruler of her country, and suggested a marriage of convenience. To save her country, and herself, from another tyrant ruler. It's the only way for Raz to have his throne back. But can he marry the daughter of the man who had destroyed his family and killed his beloved wife? Raz is a hero with dark depths. At first he seems cold, distant and uncaring. But with her patience and understanding, Layla wins his heart.

I hope the story of Yasmin and Salem is next. A dark moody hero and a heroine who can't seem to stop talking. Sounds like an interesting couple: Aug 03, Lemon rated it liked it Shelves: This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Not quite 3 stars, but not quite 2.

This one just wasn't believable to me. If he loved his first wife so much, how is it possible to fall in love with the heroine less than two years after his wife died and within a matter of only weeks of meeting the heroine? I think if this is the premise, we needed a much more evolved plot to make the love believable, which unfortunately cannot be accommodated within the limits of a Harlequin Presents.

Too much of the limited space used up by g Not quite 3 stars, but not quite 2. Too much of the limited space used up by gratuitous sex and pointless discussions about horses left no room for development of the relationship and made this one hard to buy or connect with. Apr 29, Vintage rated it liked it Shelves: Just as sweet the second time around. Claimed by the Marquis Regency Unlaced 2.

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