Leiharbeit: Brücke zum Arbeitsmarkt oder moderne Sklaverei? (German Edition)

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This proved to be a rather unhelpful label as it undermined the dissuasive nature of Article 7 and furthermore led to a widespread belief that Article 7 only involved excluding the Member State from participation in union decision-making. It merely consists of enabling the Council to formally recognise the existence of a risk of serious breach and adopt recommendations to address the situation.

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Of course, there is a second mechanism within Article 7 provided in Articles 7 2 and 3. They forget that Article 7 1 provides a very different avenue for engagement with a wayward Member State, an avenue that involves warning, dialogue and recommendations, not sanctions. The question before European bodies now is therefore only whether they will issue a warning to the governments of Poland and Hungary that they have entered authoritarian territory.

Failure to do so sends a dangerous signal that the actions of the Polish and Hungarian governments in compromising the independence of their judiciaries, muzzling their media, attacking the civil sector and interfering politically with the professional civil service does not pose a cause for concern on the part of the other Member States.


Workers in abattoirs even kill animals. Further, the conclusions drawn by Prof. Only bad meat, such as horse meat or meat that had been rejected by veterinarians as infected with tuberculosis germs, was passed out in these camps. Lawyers need to learn from the mistakes of Nazi Germany too: The weekly newspaper HVG has recently published a news piece under the title: Lubach stelt Nederland voor aan Trump: Soon after taking power, the Fidesz government disbanded the existing judicial council and replaced the autonomy of the judiciary with a strictly centralized body of judicial oversight.

Talk of a nuclear option at this point is unhelpful because that is not the option on the table at the moment. But some sceptics seem to believe that European institutions should not invoke Article 7 1 unless they can see a path to invoking Article 7 2 and 3 if the warning stage does not succeed.

Given the unanimity required of Article 7 2 and the mutual promises that Poland will vote against sanctions for Hungary and vice versa, it appears to many that a persistent and serious breach can never be determined under Article 7 2.

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This leads some to believe that there is therefore no point in triggering Article 7 1 there may however be ways around the fellow-traveller veto: But this misunderstands the structure of Article 7. In The Catholic Encyclopedia.

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Leiharbeit: Brücke zum Arbeitsmarkt oder moderne Sklaverei? (German Edition) - Kindle edition by Tobias Kulick. Download it once and read it on your Kindle. Read Leiharbeit: Brucke Zum Arbeitsmarkt Oder Moderne Sklaverei? book reviews & author (German) Paperback – Import, 31 May Kindle Edition.

Here the European Council followed the lame example of the European Parliament itself, which preferred political fudge to mathematical rigour. The European Council also failed to take up the invitation of Jean-Claude Juncker to grapple with the question of reducing the size of the next Commission.

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Weary of trying to run a bloated college of 28 Commissioners, President Juncker recommends returning to the formula of the Treaty of Lisbon Article 16 5 TEU which prescribes a college of two-thirds the number of states. Donald Tusk, however, is hostile to the idea of reducing the state-based character of the Commission, and the European Council as a whole evinced its opposition to any reform that might reinforce the role of the Commission as the European executive authority. And the Commission as an institution will risk becoming just yet another Brussels-based ambassadorial committee playing second fiddle to the heads of government.

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It is an important suggestion with far-reaching consequences, and deserves serious consideration. The European Council might at least have established a group of experts to report back on the proposal.

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The idea that a merged two-hatted presidency would be simpler and clearer than at present, and lead to stronger EU governance, does not seem to trouble Tusk. At his most patronising, Tusk told the press at the close of the summit: The summit debate on repeating the Spitzenkandidat experiment went much as expected.

Assoziation Dämmerung

In this respect at least, Donald Tusk is correct that the Treaty logic establishes a dual legitimacy for the Commission president based on nomination by the European Council by QMV and election by the Parliament by absolute majority. This time around, helped by Macron who does not yet have a European political party, the heads of government will be more wary of being ambushed by the Parliament than they were in It is at least clear, however, that the EPP will again promote a Spitzenkandidat to lead its election campaign, as it is bound to do by its statutes.

The Socialists, Liberals and Greens will all then have to follow suit.