Italian Lesson 7: Parts of the Body (Easy-Peasy Italian for Kids)

Lasciate i vostri commenti qui di sotto! Aggiungere acqua fino a copertura delle verdure aggiungendo anche il dado da brodo e cuocere fino a che le verdure non saranno cotte. Togliate dal fuoco e aggiungete il basilico lavato precedentemente, tritate il tutto con un frullatore. Regolate il sapore con il sale e servitela ben calda. The other day a friend gave me some zucchini from his garden. There I tasted their delicious zucchini and basil soup, and it was so tasty that right then and there I decided on what I was going to do with my gifted zucchini.

I got busy searching for an easy recipe, and I found one. Hmm, would it turn out just as well with sweet potatoes? Well, the only way to find out was to try it! And so I got busy in the kitchen. The result was excellent, finger-licking good!

The next day, I recreated the soup using regular potatoes, making one more modification to the original recipe: I added a bouillon cube because without it, it was necessary to add too much salt at the end of the cooking process. With regular potatoes, it came out very tasty, too. Thinking about it now, I realize that I could have not peeled the zucchini and the soup would have come out a deeper green in color.

Between the two versions I think I prefer the one with the sweet potatoes. Leave your comments below! Wash the vegetables and peel the potatoes, cutting them into small pieces. Cut off the ends of the zucchini and chop them into small pieces, too. Add enough water to cover the vegetables, adding in the bouillon cube, and simmer until the vegetables are cooked. Remove from heat, add in the previously washed basil, and chop it all in a blender. Add salt as needed and serve hot. Yup, I created this on one of those days when I was watching my linea figure.

Like the classic insalata caprese Caprese Salad , the Skinny satisfies the palette, and because pomodori are so low cal, portions can be abundant. And your tastebuds and la vita waistline will thank you!

Creamy Italian Chicken & Pasta Skillet

I am adding this to our to cook list! Myth of Faraway Winds. The Cambridge Verdi Encyclopedia. Posted in Italian Vocabulary , learn italian , Photo Foto Blog , Vocaboli Italiai Tagged italian classes , Italian Culture , Italian Language , italian phrases , italian vocabulary , italian words , italy travel , jodina , Learn Italian , speak italian , study italian 3 Comments. Perfect holiday weekend meal!

Are you a tomato lover? How do you like to eat tomatoes? Let me know if you try this! Vi piacciono i pomodori? Come vi piace mangiarli? Fatemi sapere se provate questa ricetta! You see so many more vehicles with fewer than 4 wheels in Italy than in the States… of course bicycles and motorcycles are included in this group, but the object of my fascination today is the mini 3-wheeler pick-up trucks that you see in towns and cities used as service vehicles and for deliveries.

In fact, the first model was made from a Vespa with two rear wheels attached to a small boxed-in flatbed structure. Ape-Car races I can no longer make fun of Nascar fans… this must be so much fun to do, I want to race an Ape! Watch for yourself, and then come back and leave a comment on this page — Per favore! Which is your favorite photo?

Wanna race an Ape? Devo ammettere che ho un punto debole per quei furgoncini a tre ruote che si vedono in Italia — li trovo adorabili. In fatti il primo modello fu costruito da una Vespe a due ruote motrici con applicato sopra al telaio un cassoncino. We respect your email privacy. Next came the question: What to do, what to make? And so the recipe came to me: So, first, the disclaimer: Try this at home at your own risk, and you may very well end up with a messy kitchen and completely blowing your diet, but very happy taste buds!

Then be sure to spray the cake pop molds with a spray that contains flour not just any old vegetable spray, as it will mess up the consistency of the pops.

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Spoon the mixture into the mold — no pouring possible — the stuff is just too thick! Of course, starting with this phase, we made pretty much every possible mistake we could: First off we deposited our batter, forgetting to spray. Once done, you clamp the two halves of the mold together and pop into the oven for the suggested baking time. Naturally, we overfilled our first batch. Luckily, cake pop molds are built with an overflow hole for just this type of snafu. Despite the late hour Friday evening, after a long day and an even longer work week we knew instantly that we were on to something good.

Now with our cake pop baking techniques down pat, we moved on to our next challenge: Getting the Nutella into the center of the cake pops. To say it was a challenge is an understatement. After trying to use a paper envelope and then a plastic baggie both unsuccessful , we finally ended up using a mini syringe filled with sufficient difficulty, given the small aperture involved and the inherent thickness of Nutella… a bigger syringe would be much easier to wield.

In our particular case, were able to inject mm of Nutella into each cake pop. Getting the sticks into the pops. We used a combination of the sticks included in the cake pop kit and bamboo skewers cut in half. We dipped them into melted chocolate and then stuck them into one side of the cake pop spheres. Next, the final phase: We wanted to use a vanilla or white chocolate frosting, but after messing those up wrong melting techniques, etc , our potential frosting ingredients had dwindled down to a bag of Nestle chocolate chips, which we melted in the microwave, adding, per package instructions, a tablespoon of vegetable oil.

We ended up having to be very hands-on — basically frosting individually each cake pop versus dipping it! What an arduous task! If you want to try a similar omaggio homage to Nutella, go for it. If you avoid our first-timer mistakes, it should be a much quicker process.

Should you want the same yummy flavors without the detailed work necessary to make cake pops, we suggest you make a simple red velvet cake and frost it with Nutella — same flavors and way less work! Have you tried Nutella? Have you used it in any baking recipes? So why not tell you about la Madonnina, la Befana and Babbo Natale?

La Madonnina, meaning little Madonna, is the nickname of the Virgin Mary, especially common in Milan. Though this day is not actually associated with Christmas, it ushers in the holiday season, much like Thanksgiving does in the U. La Befana is a character of a much less saintly appearance. A much-loved icon of Italian folklore, she is depicted as a grandmotherly figure riding a broom, wearing a shawl and covered in soot.

Lore has it that la Befana zips in and out of chimneys on the eve of the Epiphany Jan.

This makes Babbo Natale a relatively new player on the Italian Christmas scene. Many older Italians in fact, only recall presents being brought on Epiphany, when they would hang up their calze stockings for the old lady to fill during the night. Epiphany is when the three wise men are to have arrived in Bethlehem. This holiday ushers out the Christmas season in Italy. Babbo Natale therefore is somewhat of an interloper… and while the tradition of la Befana is alive and well in Italy, the Babbo has certainly supplanted her in many homes, where only Babbo Natale comes on the night between the 24th and 25th.

Nicholas on the 6th or 7th of December and also get presents from Santa. And there you have the three Italian Christmas gift bringers: La Befana brings the sweets and the treats, Babbo Natale brings the regali , and la Madonnina brings perhaps the most important gift of all — il Gesu Bambino the Baby Jesus.

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Oh, and I almost forgot … another really cool thing that they all have in common is that they all have songs dedicated to them! The English translation is:. Norma, love chosen instead of the nation. Gesualdo - Madrigals For 5 Guitars. Tosca, love with its destiny changed overnight. Sonate a quattro, sei, et otti. Domenico Ferrabosco, Il primo libro de madrigali a quatro voci Venice, I Love My Mom Ti voglio bene, mamma. The Metropolitan Opera Presents: Of Time and Goats.

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Creamy Italian Chicken & Pasta Skillet

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