His Hearts Obsession

Lists with This Book. Christian Grey rated it really liked it Shelves: The plot was well developed and there were a lot of lessons to learn. The plight of my hero was slow and steady Quick review: The plight of my hero was slow and steady but the payoff was well worth it.

Will read more from this author. To see my full review and yummy pic, check out my blog post below. Jun 04, Shortlatte rated it liked it. Yet the descriptions she does provide of life at sea and in the Jamaican colonies is just enough to add flavor to her tale and set it apart from countless other historical romances.

Even so, both men defied my expectations; while their relationship reached the expected destination, the journey was atypical. It was refreshing to witness two participants in a courtship actually think through the basis for their feelings or lack thereof and the ramifications of their actions rather than diving headfirst, acting on passion alone. While William was a wasted opportunity for a secondary character, serving mainly as a foil for the leads, Isobel offered just enough interest to make me hope that Beecroft gives her her own novella in the future.

Nearly every page featured metaphors and, of more concern, confusing sentences that got caught up in their own descriptive device. May 30, Jennifer Lavoie rated it it was amazing. Advance Copy from NetGalley I feel like too often I give five stars because I enjoyed a book, and the one comes along that blows the others out of the water and I feel like going back and changing all of my reviews.

This is one such book. True, Robert loves Hal. But Advance Copy from NetGalley I feel like too often I give five stars because I enjoyed a book, and the one comes along that blows the others out of the water and I feel like going back and changing all of my reviews. But Hal is in love with someone unattainable. And in this story, there is no hope that this someone will turn for him.

In fact, he is aware he exists but does not acknowledge him in that way even though Hal worships the ground he walks on. And therein lies the problem Robert faces.

How does he get Hal to see HIM rather than the object of his obsession? They are in close quarters with everyone on the ship and it is a dangerous time and place for them, yet he tries to find a way. The descriptions in this book are vivid and recall a time when men wore wigs and powdered their faces to be in fashion.

The language speaks true to the time as well, and from what I know of the time period I felt it was very well researched. Though I have only read one other novel by Beecroft, I feel she takes time with her books and researches them thoroughly before writing.

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This is well worth the read. May 27, Sandra rated it liked it Shelves: At first I felt bad for Hal because of his painful unrequited love, but then it became clear that part of his love for Hamilton was that Hamilton was 'perfect' and therefor could never be like him aka: So it was almost a self-hatred sort of thing. Which I get, it just gets old. We learned little bits and piece about both men, but there were still a lot of holes. What does Robert think about his father getting him his spot on the ship? Is he really a spoiled brat or that's just how Hal saw him initially? Why does he love Hal?

They kept mentioning him being a prankster but we never really saw. Same as them mentioning Hal's temper a few times. I tend to need to be shown, not told.

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Is he really a spoiled brat or that's just how Hal saw him initially? The descriptions in this book are vivid and recall a time when men wore wigs and powdered their faces to be in fashion. What does Robert think about his father getting him his spot on the ship? Jul 03, Amy rated it really liked it. We'll publish them on our site once we've reviewed them.

And we saw very few interactions between the men before Roberts admission, so not quite enough background relationship for me. Both characters were slightly flat, but they definitely grew on me by the end and I was smiling at their playfulness. I would have loved an epilogue with them lunching with Isabol though, she was a great side character! Jun 15, rameau rated it liked it Shelves: For start, there was the law that made buggery a hanging offence for three hundred years or so, and after that there was a hundred years of life imprisonment and torture for those who were caught or confessed to the act.

That alone removes all the grand public gestures that seem to thrive in the hetero romances. So, how do you tell a love story of two men serving in the Royal Navy in 18th century Jamaica? First you need a plan A and then a plan B, and you aim for the sweet and understated. You concentrate on the very real feelings of shame, longing, desperation, and seduce your readers as you have the characters seduce themselves.

Of course since this is a novella, there won't be time for much else, but what there is time for, worked pretty well on me. If not for the bad poetry I'd be rounding up to four stars. Jul 08, Arthur rated it it was amazing Shelves: A double unrequited love story Robert Hughes was Oxford-educated son of a nobleman whose father arranged to get him a lieutenant position in the Royal Navy. Hal Morgan was a career navy who never went to university but was very capable that he reached the Navy lieutenant at relatively young age.

Hughes loved Hall, but Hall loved their captain, William Hamilton. Robert tried to show Hal that his love was real and that William was a straight man that would never returned his love. Yet, Hal was co A double unrequited love story Yet, Hal was convinced that one could only love one person to death. Indeed, death was the one he was about to meet when their ship encountered a French ship I loved reading this. Robert's efforts to win over Hall's love are really nice. The story opens up the possibility of heavy angst, but fortunately it never become angsty. With the background of Royal Navy, Carribean Islands, and law against sodomites, the story is romantic and sweet--but not toothache sweet.

Bad poetry doesn't harm Jun 23, Sara rated it liked it Shelves: I really like Alex Beecroft's Age of Sail stories. This one has an interesting love triangle and could easily have been longer. I would've liked to know a bit more about what Robert saw in Hal. But I enjoyed how he had to win Hal away from his interest in another man. I knew I should have gone with Plan A from the start. Plan B gave us some amazing storytelling and character development, so no complaints here! May 16, Marissa rated it liked it Shelves: Dec 22, nisie draws rated it liked it Shelves: It was ok - a very short book and I finished it in a few sittings.

The characters and the story aren't particularly memorable but it had some good moments, and there wasn't anything awful about it? Jul 03, Amy rated it really liked it. Before we commence with the review, let's look at that cover for a moment, shall we? Is it just me, or does the dude on the left look like Ryan Seacrest? It's probably just me. I swear, though, it looks just like him.

The path to true love never runs smoothly. We know that, right?

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Well, imagine, if you will, what the path to true gay love, circa , and on a ship. For Robert Hughes, the challenge is even more fraught with tension and frustration because Hal Morgan, the man Before we commence with the review, let's look at that cover for a moment, shall we? For Robert Hughes, the challenge is even more fraught with tension and frustration because Hal Morgan, the man he loves, is in love with another man. As crewmen on a ship, the two are closeted, to say the least, but Robert knows of Hal's infatuation with William.

Hal, on the other hand, has no idea that Robert is gay; he assumes Robert is in love with a woman. One night, fueled by the giddy taste of possibility, Robert confesses all to Hal: I love you, William doesn't, give us a chance.

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Hal's response and the ensuing drama verge on the emotionally fulfilling and the emotionally devastating. For such a slight book, Alex Beecroft draws her characters very well, causing us to care about and understand them. We can see why Hal feels so strongly about his fidelity to William; we feel Robert's frustration and sadness. When Robert makes his move, we are nervous with anticipation: Robert ached for Hal with a fierce, hot pain, He put a carefully casual hand on Hal's knee, feeling the roughness of the heavy linen.

The warmth of Hal's flesh, seeping through it, travelled up his arm like a flame eating along a fuse. So far, so good, and yet Hal had been about to tell him something.


His Heart's Obsession has ratings and 25 reviews. Terri ♥ (aka Mrs. Christian Grey) said: Quick review:Cover: Me Likes! Rating: NC Steaminess. His Heart's Obsession - Kindle edition by Alex Beecroft. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks .

While this romance may not be typical in that it features two men, it certainly rings true in its sense of hope and loss. My only complaint, though - and I think it's a biggie - is that there is no rocking of the headboard. Or at least there is no detailed rocking of the headboard.

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There are a couple of love scenes, but they are so vaguely written that you are left unsatisfied no pun intended. Even so, this is a sweet little read. Just don't go into it expecting hot sexy times. Published on cupcake's book cupboard. Jun 08, Annette Gisby rated it really liked it Shelves: Hal Morgan has loved his Captain, William Hamilton, from afar for almost as many years as he's known him. But this is the 's where it wasn't just frowned upon to desire your own sex - it could lead to being hanged for it. Robert Hughes is a rakish practical joker, who seems not to have a sensitive bone in his body, but he too is hiding a deeper hurt.

He's in love with Hal, who only has eyes for their captain and this unrequited love triangle starts up the premise for the book. With the small c Hal Morgan has loved his Captain, William Hamilton, from afar for almost as many years as he's known him. With the small canvas of a novella, Ms.

Beecroft has painted a very detailed picture of life in the British Navy of the 's, along with characters so detailed you expect them to jump off the page and into life.

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It is heart-breaking watching Hal's heart get broken a little more each day by the oblivious Captain Hamilton, but still he wanders after him like a puppy looking for treats, eager for a small word of praise or even better, a touch. Hal stores all of these like a treasure-seeker amassing gold, but they only make it more painful when Robert rightly points out, that there is no hope with the captain.

Robert's own confession of love doesn't go down too well; Hal has been too used to seeing him as a rogue and a joker, not to mention the ill-feeling Hal still harbours that Robert is promoted ahead of him, just because he'd been to university, but hadn't yet been on any ship. Valor on the Move. Will and the Valentine Saint. A Ghost of a Chance. Simon and the Christmas Spirit. My True Love Gave to Me. The Professor and the Smuggler. The Journal of Sanctuary One. The Only Easy Day. Salt Magic, Skin Magic. The Merchant and the Clergyman.

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