Evaluation im Spanischunterricht: Überprüfungsmöglichkeiten von Sprechkompetenz (German Edition)

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Volume Issue 3 Jul , pp. Volume Issue 3 Dec , pp. Volume Issue 4 Mar , pp. Volume Issue 4 Jun , pp. Volume Issue 3 Jan , pp. Volume Issue 1 Jan , pp. Volume Issue 2 Jan , pp. Volume Issue Jahresband Jan , pp. Volume 99 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp. Volume 98 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp. Volume 97 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp. Volume 96 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp. Volume 95 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp. Volume 94 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp. Volume 93 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp. Volume 92 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp.

Volume 91 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp. Volume 90 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp. Volume 89 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp. Volume 88 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp. Volume 87 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp. Volume 86 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp. Volume 85 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp. Volume 84 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp. Volume 83 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp. Volume 82 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp. Volume 81 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp. Volume 80 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp. Volume Issue s1 Jan , pp. Volume 79 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp.

Volume 78 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp. Volume 77 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp. Volume 76 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp. Volume 75 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp. Volume 74 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp. Volume 73 Issue 1 Jan , pp. Volume 72 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp. Volume 71 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp. Volume 70 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp. Volume 69 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp. Volume 66 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp. Volume 65 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp.

Volume 64 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp. Volume 63 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp. Volume 62 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp. Volume 61 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp. Volume 60 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp. Volume 59 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp. Volume 58 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp. Also practical applications i. The emphasis is on description of the state-of-the-art know how.

The report describes VTT's most important computer codes, both those of foreign origin and those developed at VTT, and their assessment work, VTT's own experimental research, as well as international experimental projects and other forms of cooperation VTT has participated in. Appendix 8 contains a comprehensive list of the most important publications and technical reports produced.

They present the content and results of the research in detail. Full Text Available Review: Multivariate analysis of factors influencing the effect of radiosynovectomy; Multivariate Analyse der Einflussfaktoren auf die Wirkung der Radiosynoviorthese bei entzuendlichen Gelenkerkrankungen. Klinik fuer Nuklearmedizin; Wendler, J. Klinik fuer Innere Medizin. In this prospective study, the time to remission after radiosynovectomy RSV was analyzed and the influence of age, sex, underlying disease, type of joint, and duration of illness on the success rate of RSV was determined.

The patients had to answer 3 times daily for pain intensity of the treated joint. The time until remission was determined according to the Kaplan-Meier survivorship function. The influence of the prognosis parameters on outcome of RSV was determined by multivariate discriminant analysis. Die Patienten wurden unter Verwendung so genannter visueller Analogskalen eine Woche vor RSO und vier bis sechs Monate danach 3-mal taeglich zur Schmerzintensitaet des. Es wurden unbehandelte und mit Glukokortikoiden vorbehandelte RA-Patienten sowie gesunde Probanden verglichen.

Biofuels - Properties and application experience ; Biokraftstoffe - Eigenschaften und Erfahrungen bei der Anwendung. The European Union wants to promote the use of renewable raw materials also in the traffic sector in order to meet the internationally committed reduction of carbon dioxide emissions. At the same time a new market shall be created for farming and jobs shall be secured. Fatty acid methyl esters in the diesel market and ethanol and ethyl tertiary butyl ether ETBE in gasoline are discussed as compounds that can be produced from renewable raw materials and be applied as fuels in the short term.

The use of pure vegetable oils, dimethylether and pyrolysis oil is also briefly covered. Gleichzeitig sollen damit der Landwirtschaft ein neuer Markt eroeffnet und Arbeitsplaetze gesichert werden. Fettsaeuremethylester fuer den Dieselbereich sowie Ethanol und Ethyltertiaerbutylether ETBE fuer Ottokraftstoff werden als Verbindungen genannt, die aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen gewonnen und kurzfristig als Kraftstoff eingesetzt werden koennen.

Klimagasreduktion, die Verfuegbarkeit der Biokraftstoffe und fasst die oekonomischen und technischen Erfahrungen zusammen, die bisher in ihrer Anwendung erhalten wurden. Die Nutzung von reinen Pflanzenoelen, Dimethylether und Pyrolyseoel wird gestreift. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die durch Fragebogen aufgezeigten Ergebnisse zu analysieren. Case study Sylt - Consequences and integrated assessment of climate change. Final report; Klimaaenderung und Kueste.

This final report deals with the structure of the 'case study Sylt' against the background of climate change and possible consequences. In cooperation with the other projects of the case study an instrument is developed which maintains interdisciplinary communication and cooperation. First the 'System Sylt' is described to identify and specify the relevant aspects of functional relationships between the natural and the social system.

The focal points are 1 the first-order impacts of climate change, 2 the potential ecological changes in the near future and 3 the image of the North-Sea island Sylt. With regard to the image of Sylt we find some discrepancies existing between a statical respectively a dynamical view; these discrepancies are inherent parts of the future development. All results are seen in the context of 'Integrated Coastal Zone Management' ICZM to derive general and specific recommendations for political action and further research.

Unter Anbindung an das Sylt-GIS wird ein Instrument entwickelt und erprobt, das die bislang seltene fachuebergreifende Analyse von Klimafolgen unterstuetzt. Diese muendet zunaechst in eine Darstellung des 'Systems Sylt' auf der Grundlage der wichtigsten Prozesse und Randbedingungen.

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Die auf dieser Basis identifizierten Kernberichte des 'Systems Sylt' werden in einem weiteren exemplarisch und unter Einbezug des in den disziplinaeren Teilvorhaben der Fallstudie erarbeiteten Wissens einer vertiefenden Analyse unterzogen. Dabei wird erstens auf den Bereich der Folgen eines moeglichen Klimawandels eingegangen, zweitens auf vergangene und zukuenftig moegliche oekologische Veraenderungen und drittens auf das Sylt-Image. Durch eine detailliertere Analyse des.

Durch eine detailliertere Analyse des Sylt-Image kann aufgezeigt werden, dass sich eine. Influencing energy consumption in public buildings - methodology and experience ; Beeinflussung der Nutzer in oeffentlichen Gebaeuden - Methoden und Erfahrungen. In public buildings energy consumption and the attitude towards it depends in the most diverse fields upon the consumer hinself. Public buildings are to serve as examples for developing strategies to save energy on the consumer's side.

Methods and experience of 21 years of energy management are to be reported on through which a reduction of energy consumption of approx. Methoden und Erfahrungen dazu liegen vor, d. Energieeinsparung durch nichtinvestive Massnahmen. Ein wichtiges Potential, nicht zuletzt wegen der knapper werdenden Energie-Ressourcen und oeffentlichen Mittel.

Bei allen Taxa wurde eine sehr hohe Polymorphismusrat Application of the results of pipe stress analyses into fracture mechanics defect analyses for welds of nuclear piping components; Uebernahme der Ergebnisse von Rohrsystemanalysen Spannungsanalysen fuer bruchmechanische Fehlerbewertungen fuer Schweissnaehte an Rohrleitungsbauteilen in kerntechnischen Anlagen. KG Germany ; Rieck, D. For the fracture mechanical assessment of postulated or detected crack-like defects in welds of piping systems it is necessary to know the stresses in the un-cracked component normal to the crack plane.

Results of piping stress analyses may be used if these are evaluated for the locations of the welds in the piping system. Using stress enhancing factors stress indices, stress factors the needed stress components are calculated from the component specific sectional loads forces and moments. For this procedure the tabulated stress enhancing factors, given in the standards ASME Code, German KTA regulations for determination and limitation of the effective stresses, are not always and immediately adequate for the calculation of the stress component normal to the crack plane.

The contribution shows fundamental possibilities and validity limits for adoption of the results of piping system analyses for the fracture mechanical evaluation of axial and circumferential defects in welded joints, with special emphasis on typical piping system components straight pipe, elbow, pipe fitting, T-joint. The lecture is supposed to contribute to the standardization of a code compliant and task-related use of the piping system analysis results for fracture mechanical failure assessment.

Hierfuer koennen die Ergebnisse von Rohrsystemanalysen Spannungsanalysen genutzt werden, wenn sie fuer die Orte der Schweissnaehte im Rohrsystem ausgewertet werden. Mit Hilfe von Spannungserhoehungsfaktoren Spannungsindizes, Spannungsbeiwerten werden aus den komponentenweise berechneten Schnittlasten Kraefte und Momente die benoetigten Spannungskomponenten berechnet. Radioiod oder thyreostatische Medikation bei der Primaerbehandlung der Immunhyperthyreose. Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin; Hunsche, E. Radioiodine therapy has become more economic in Germany since the new recommendations by the Federal German Radiation Protection Committee SSK for patient discharge guidelines.

Sensitivity analyses took into account the long-term relapse rate of conservative or radioiodine therapy, use of diagnostic tests, level of health insurance, drops in productivity and a discount factor. Costing models included the costs of follow-up care over 30 years. The costs of the hospitalisation for radioiodine therapy were calculated for patients, discharged with MBq I residual activity.

Failure to meet any one of these conditions makes primary radioiodine therapy more cost-effective in of calculated costing models. Repeated conservative therapies will increase clearly the overall costs. Radioiodine is a cost-effective, first-line therapy in patients with a special risk of relapse after primary conservative therapy goitre, younger patient, persistent elevated TSH-receptor-antibodies or Tc-uptake. Die Erstmanifestation einer Immunhyperthyreose wird in Europa ueberwiegend thyreostatisch, in den USA mehrheitlich mit Radioiod definitiv behandelt.

Diese beiden Alternativen wurden auf dem Hintergrund neuer nationaler Entlassungsrichtwerte nach einer Radioiodtherapie RITh verglichen. Aus Sicht der Gesellschaft entscheiden einerseits die langfristigen Rezidivraten, andererseits die Menge medizinischer Leistungen, der Versicherungsstatus und der Produktivitaetsausfall des Patienten Fehlzeiten, Einkommen sowie die zeitliche Verteilung der Kosten Diskontierung ueber die Kosten.

For periods of time ranging from 22 seconds in parabolic flights and up to two weeks on sattilites, human cells were exposed to real or simulated weightlessness on a Random Positioning Machine and a 2D clinostat and analysed afterwards. By this approach we can increase our knowledge regarding Surprisingly, we also observed that single cells exposed to simulated microgravity assemble to three-dimensional aggregates resembling the tissues from which these cells Analysis of the flow in the exit of propfans; Analyse der raeumlichen Stroemung im Austritt eines Propfans. DLR , Koeln Germany.

In this work the first rotor of a counterrotating shrouded propfan has been investigated to enable an overview of the complex rotor exit flow, basing on unsteady measurements. For this purpose the accuracy of the high speed probe technique has been improved. In combination with the 3D-LaserFokus system measurements were carried out in order to show the turbulent behaviour of the rotor exit flow.

Though the turbulence models are presently not sufficiently developed, comparisons with results of numerical flow simulations support to interpret some wake details. A further focal point of this work is to determine the local losses for quantifying the isentropic efficiency and the pressure loss distribution.

Portfolios as a means of developing and assessing writing skills

Damit soll ein Einblick in die komplexe Verdichtungsaustrittsstroemung ermoeglicht werden, basierend auf instationaeren Messungen im Nachlaufbereich. Hierzu wurde die Messgenauigkeit der instationaeren Totaldruckmesstechnik verbessert und zusammen mit dem 3D-LaserFokus-System im Verdichteraustritt angewendet.

Spanischunterricht der Klasse 6a

Mit diesen Messungen wird das turbulente Verhalten der Nachlaufstroemung aufgezeigt. Vergleiche mit Ergebnissen aus Rechnungen helfen trotz der derzeit noch nicht weit genug entwickelten Turbulenzmodelle, Stroemungsphaenomene im Nachlauf zu erklaeren. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt der Arbeit liegt in der Bestimmung der lokalen Verlustleistung, um den lokalen Wirkungsgrad und damit die lokalen Verluste im Verdichteraustritt quantifizieren zu koennen.

Diese Untersuchungen im Verdichteraustritt koennen als Datenbasis fuer Codevalidierung dienen und fuer die Auslegung als Eintrittsgroessen eines nachgeschalteten zweiten Rotors verwendet werden. Radiotherapy, the experience of the patients; Strahlentherapie im Erleben der Patienten. For the patient, a radiotherapy means heavy physical and mental strain.

This emphatic relationship may in turn and at times mean a heavy burden for the medical staff. The authors have evaluated for this book a great number of records, protocols and questionnaires accumulated in the course of their work with patients of the radiotherapy department. The book is intended as a source of reference and guidance and a help for all persons and staff involved, who have to cope with the situations encountered in daily work in the clinical departments.

The book presents experience and information on a wide range of aspects and problems involved, as e. The material also includes information on a variety of accompanying therapies, both for the actual treatment periods as well as for post-treatment periods where they may be late effects to be mastered. Da die Mitwirkung des Patienten hier wie bei jeder Behandlung von grosser Bedeutung ist, muss sich der Arzt mit dessen psychischer Befindlichkeit ebenso gruendlich auseinandersetzen, wie mit seinem Gesundheitszustand.

Hinzu kommt, dass das Mitfuehlen seelischer Konflikte des Patienten auf das Klinikpersonal zurueckwirken und einen erheblichen Druck erzeugen kann. Die Autoren haben zahlreiche Aufzeichnungen. Analysis and evalution of selected future biofuel options on the basis of solid biomass; Analyse und Bewertung ausgewaehlter zukuenftiger Biokraftstoffoptionen auf der Basis fester Biomasse.

The aim of this work is starting from the investigation of the technical development prospects along the fuel delivery chain to develop a suitable reproducible tool for the analysis and evaluation of future biofuel policies and on selected fuel options from solid biomass 1. Fischer-Tropsch-Diesel by thermochemical gasification, and 3. For this it is necessary for these biofuels in accordance with the current technology state the essential perspectives for the practical implementation taking into account the short, medium and long term e.

Dazu gilt es fuer diese Biokraftstoffe unter Beachtung des aktuellen Technikstandes die wesentlichen Perspektiven fuer die praktische Umsetzung unter Beruecksichtigung der kurz-, mittel- bis langfristig d. Zeithorizont fuer die Realisierung in bis zu 5 Jahren, in etwa 10 bis 15 Jahren bzw. Subventionierung von erneuerbarer Energie: The production phase model as a tool for analysing and structuring the database of an operation management system; Das Phasenmodell der Produktion als ein Werkzeug fuer Analyse und Strukturierung der Datenbasis eines Betriebsmanagementsystems.

This paper presents a process analysis which was carried out with the aid of a phase model for the purpose of supporting the start-up phase of an operation management system. Beside providing a functional structure for the database this process analysis permits a functional and consistent representation of the process at as crude or detailed a level as desired. In this way the phase model supplies a functional model of the process which serves the purposes of both the process control and the operation control level.

Once the phase model has been created it largely only depends on the question being asked which level of detail and what properties of the relevant process elements and material and energy flows are used. Sie gibt eine funktionale Struktur der Datenbank vor und erlaubt darueberhinaus auf der Ebene des Betriebsmanagementsystems eine funktionale, konsistente, beliebig grobe oder feine detaillierte Darstellung des Prozesses. Die Phasenmodellierung liefert damit sowohl fuer die Prozessleitebene als auch fuer die Betriebsleitebene ein ganzheitliches, funktionales Modell des Prozesses.

Full Text Available A review of recent results on the millimetre-wave spectroscopy of weakly bound van der Waals complexes, mostly those which contain H2 and He, is presented. The intermolecular interactions with He and H2 play also an important role for high resolution spectroscopy of helium or para-hydrogen clusters doped by a probe molecule CO, HCN.

Such experiments are directed on the detection of superfluid response of molecular rotation in the He and p-H2 clusters. Experiment -specific analyses in support of code development. Experiment -specific models have been developed since by Oak Ridge National Laboratory Boiling Water Reactor BWR severe accident analysis programs for the purpose of BWR experimental planning and optimum interpretation of experimental results. These experiment -specific models have been applied to large integral tests ergo, experiments which start from an initial undamaged core state.

The tests performed to date in BWR geometry have had significantly different-from-prototypic boundary and experimental conditions because of either normal facility limitations or specific experimental constraints. FLHT-6, and CORA were designed to obtain specific phenomenological information such as the degradation and interaction of prototypic components and the effects on melt progression of control-blade materials and channel boxes.

Measurements of an experiment in a pipe system with pump shutdown and valve closing have been performed in the nuclear power plant KRB II. Comparative calculations of fluid and structure including interaction show an excellent agreement with the measured results. Vergleichsrechnungen der Fluid-Strukturdynamik unter echter Beruecksichtigung der Wechselwirkung ergaben eine ausgezeichnete Uebereinstimmung der Rechnung mit den Messungen.

Eine wichtige Folge der Wechselwirkung ist meist eine deutliche Erhoehung der effektiven Strukturdaempfung. Empirical analyses of price formation in the German electricity market - the devil is in the details; Empirische Analysen der Preisbildung am deutschen Elektrizitaetsmarkt - der Teufel steckt im Detail. In view of the dramatic rise in wholesale prices over the past years, model-based empirical analyses of price formation in the electricity markets have become an important basis for the discussion on competition policy in Germany and Europe.

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Empirical analyses are usually performed on the basis of optimising fundamental models which describe the power supply system of a country in greater or lesser detail, thus making it possible to determine how power plants must be deployed so as to cover the electricity demand at the lowest possible cost. The task of determining the difference between market price and incremental cost, a parameter frequently used in competition analyses , is beset with many difficulties of a methodological or empirical nature. The present study undertakes the first ever systematic quantification of the influence of existing uncertainties on the results of the model calculations.

Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht das Potential und die Bedingungen alternativer Regulierungsformen vor dem Hintergrund von Better Regulation in Deutschland. Die Zielsetzung dieser Programme besteht zum einen in der wirtschaftsfreundlichen Reduktion von Regulierungskosten und zum anderen in der Effekt Contribution of thermo-fluid analyses to the LHC experiments. This is a major issue for the experimental groups, as temperature stability is often a fundamental requirement for the different sub-detectors to be able to provide a good measurement quality.

These studies are undertaken according to the needs of the experimental groups; they aim at evaluate the thermal stability for a proposed design, or to compare different technical solutions in order to choose the best one for the final design.

The usual approach to carry out these studies is first presented and then, some practical examples of thermo-fluid analyses are presented focusing on the main results in order to illustrate their contribution. Furthermore a method for calculating the initial values based on measurements of beam profiles is being discussed. Weiterhin wird eine Methode zur Gewinnung der Startwerte aus Strahlprofilmessungen diskutiert.

In den Analysen wurden Amaranth und Buchweizen eingesetzt. Design of thermodynamic experiments and analyses of thermodynamic relationships. In teaching of thermodynamics, a certain textbook is followed internationally whatever language it is written in. However, although some do a very good job, most are not correct and precise and furthermore NONE discuss at all the need for and importance of designing thermodynamic experiments although experimentation in engineering is considered to be the back bone of analyses , not pursued much these days, or numerical studies, so very predominant these days.

Another important topic for discussion is the fact that the thermodynamic state principle demands uniqueness of results. It has been found in literature that this fact is not well understood by those who attempt to apply it loosely and end up with questionable results. Thermodynamics is the fundamental science that clarifies all these issues if well understood, applied and interpreted. The attempt of this paper is to clarify these situations and offer alternative methods for analyses. Multivariate differential analyses of adolescents' experiences of aggression in families.

Full Text Available Aggression is part of South African society and has implications for the mental health of persons living in South Africa. If parents are aggressive adolescents are also likely to be aggressive and that will impact negatively on their mental health. In this article the nature and extent of adolescents' experiences of aggression and aggressive behaviour in the family are investigated. A deductive explorative quantitative approach was followed.

It was found that aggression correlated negatively with the independent variables; and the correlations between adolescents and their parents were significant. Regression analyses indicated that different predictors predicted aggression. Furthermore, differences between adolescents and their parents indicated that the experienced levels of aggression between adolescents and their parents were small. Implications for education are given. Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg Germany. Abteilung fuer Gynaekologische Radiologie ; Zuna, I. Abteilung fuer Gynaekologische Radiologie ; Kaick, G.

Forschungsschwerpunkt Radiologische Diagnostik und Therapie. The results could be histologically verified in all cases. A rapid spin-echo sequence with a time resolution of 8. The signal changes were analysed using a pharmacokinetic model which allowed parametrization of the contrast enhancement and transformation of the data into colour coded parameter images. The parameters allowed reliable distinction of 9 benign from 18 malignant lesions p Urknall im labor: The Big Bang in the laboratory has only few more energy than two colliding mosquitoes.

But if we put together billions of mosquitoes, a hell bursts out. For that, near Geneva the biggest experiment in the world is being built. Full Text Available AimAdolescent motherhood is considered a condition of vulnerability that can be further complicated by the presence of HIV infection, but little is known about how adolescent mothers experience this process. The aim of this study was to analyse the experience of motherhood among adolescents living with HIV. Interviews were tape-recorded and transcribed verbatim. ResultsThe qualitative content analysis of the interviews revealed a positive vision of motherhood, related to satisfaction with the maternal role and personal fulfilment.

Pregnancy and motherhood served to these adolescents as an encouragement for self-care. ConclusionFuture research of longitudinal design and with larger samples will be important to extend the knowledge of the specificities of this experience over time for young people of different ages and social backgrounds. The reason for this was that the validation work related to the CHF design calculation was not enough for the assurance of CHF margin.

The comparison of the code predictions with the experimental results, it was found that the code would give the conservative predictions as far as the CHF in the bundle geometry is concerned. The electron stretcher accelerator ELSA provides an electron beam in the energy range between 0.

The acceleration of polarized electrons and demands by synchrotron radiation users for a high beam quality require a good correction of the closed orbit. For its measurement a precise beam position monitor BPM system based on narrow band RF-receivers with a resolution of some micrometers was developed and installed.

Based on these measurements the closed orbit distortions were reduced from approx. Furthermore elements with dipole field errors were located by means of the uncorrected orbit. Orbit response matrices were analyzed to determine errors of quadrupole magnets and calibration factors of BPMs and corrector magnets.

Predicted optics functions and tunes based on the improved optics model are in good agreement with the measurements. Indoor situation in homes: Deskription fluechtiger organischer Verbindungen in der Raumluft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. It constitutes part C of the third report volume and contains the description of the concentrations of a large number of volatile organic compounds VOC in indoor air from households of the general population of the Federal Republic of Germany sub-sample. This is to gie interested persons an orientation and a classifying survey of laboratory results to be evaluatd.

Umwelt-Survey , der eine nach Alter, Geschlecht und. Dabei wird der Schwerpunkt auf die wichtigsten Entdeckungen und Entwicklungen, beispielsweise der Quantenfeldtheorie, der Eichtheorien und die Zukunft der Teilchenphysik, gelegt. Analysis of existing structure and emissions of wood combustion plants for the production of heat and electricity in Bavaria; Analyse der Bestandesstruktur und der Emissionen von Holzfeuerungsanlagen zur Erzeugung von Waerme und Strom in Bayern.

This work deals with the detailed analysis of the existing structure of all Bavarian wood burning plants for the generation of heat and electricity as well as the determination of the resulting emission emissions in The number of wood burning plants in the single-chamber fireplaces, wood central heating and wood-fired heating plants which are in operation in the year were determined, and how many plants are existing in the various areas like pellet stoves, traditional ovens, wood-burning fireplace, pellet central heating systems, wood chips central heating systems, fire-wood central heating systems, wood combined heat and power plant electricity and heat and wood power plants heat.

In addition, the regional distribution of the wood burning plants in the Bavarian governmental districts is investigated as well as the type and amount of energy produced by them heat, electricity. Des Weiteren wird die regionale Verteilung der Holzfeuerungsanlagen in den bayerischen Regierungsbezirken erforscht sowie die durch sie produzierte Art und Menge an Energie Waerme, Strom.

Global use structures of the magnetic materials neodymium and dysprosium. A scenario-based analysis of the effect of the diffusion of electromobility on the demand for rare earths; Globale Verwendungsstrukturen der Magnetwerkstoffe Neodym und Dysprosium. Dysprosium is a crucial component for the temperature resistance of the NdFeB magnets in traction motors for electric vehicles and is currently regarded as a particularly critical raw material for electromobility.

Ein wirkungsvolles Instrument zur Erhoehung der Markttransparenz und des Verstaendnisses von komplexen anthropogenen Stoffkreislaeufen ist die dynamische Stoffflussmodellierung.

Edited By Susanne Göpferich and Imke Neumann

With feelings of insecurity, pride, dislike of the portfolio and fear of unfair assessment as explained above, the affective dimension proves to be important in the understanding of portfolio work. Volume 76 Issue Jahresband Jan , pp. As the students had initially expected a stronger focus on writing in this class, some of them were disappointed and did not find the class and the portfolio useful. The effect of operator behaviour on accidents in nuclear power plants is the focus point of research into human factors which identifies and analyses certain operator errors influencing negatively the course of an accident. For this procedure the tabulated stress enhancing factors, given in the standards ASME Code, German KTA regulations for determination and limitation of the effective stresses, are not always and immediately adequate for the calculation of the stress component normal to the crack plane.

Ueber die dynamische Modellierung von Produkt-Verwendungszyklen werden heutige Verwendungsstrukturen offengelegt und zukuenftige Magnetmengen in obsoleten Produktstroemen quantifiziert. Dabei konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Magnete im heutigen Schrottaufkommen hauptsaechlich in obsoleten Elektronikanwendungen wie Festplatten HDD , CD- und DVD-Laufwerken enthalten sind, woraus das Recycling auf Grund der kleinen Magnete und der hohen Materialstreuung kaum wirtschaftlich erscheint, in absehbarer Zukunft aber mit.

A new data acquisition system for the experiment ELAN at the electron stretcher accelerator ELSA had become necessary due to changes in the experimental setup. The data acquisition and analysis which formerly both were performed by a single computer system are now separately done by a VMEbus-Computer and a VAX-Workstation. Deshalb liegt der Fokus auf den folgenden drei Forschungsfragen: Wird mit Emotionalisierung gearbeitet?

Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung zeigen erwartete Tendenzen sowohl die Merkmale der Terrorismusberichterstattung als auch die Senderkonvergenzen und -divergenzen im dualen System betreffend. Nicht nur emotionale Sprache und Sprechweise, sondern vor allem Formen der expliziten Emotionalisierung sind vertreten. Ein direkter islamischer Feindbildaufbau ist in der Berichterstattung nicht zu verzeichnen. Der Fachbereich Fertigungstechnik der Zukunft. Im vorliegenden Papier wird ein internes Entwicklungsprojekt, genannt " Der Fachberich der Zukunft", beschrieben.

Analysing neutron scattering data using McStas virtual experiments. With the intention of developing a new data analysis method using virtual experiments we have built a detailed virtual model of the cold triple-axis spectrometer RITA-II at PSI, Switzerland, using the McStas neutron ray-tracing package. The parameters characterising the virtual instrument were Furthermore we show that the detailed knowledge of the instrumental resolution found from virtual experiments , including sample Der Sinn der Lehre.

Liberalisation in network based industries. An economic analysis by case studies of railway, telecommunication and energy utilities; Liberalisierung von Netzindustrien. Eine oekonomische Analyse am Beispiel der Eisenbahn, der Telekommunikation und der Leitungsgebundenen Energieversorgung.

The liberalisation of network based industries represents an economic problem, which raises on the one hand a multiplicity of theoretically unresolved questions and for which exist now on the other hand experiences in economic policy in Germany. The causes of the economic problems are not only to be found thereby in certain industry characteristics of the network based industries, but also in a missed special treatment of the network based economic sectors in the past by the economic policy.

However, competition pushes in network based industries at borders, because the infrastructure necessary for the production of network based services typically represents an non-open to attack, natural monopoly in the hand of an established, vertically integrated supplier. From it extensive possibilities for the discrimination of competitors result, the competition political action need draw. It applies to analyze these in the available work and to discuss alternative solutions of the discrimination problem.

Engineering Physics Division integral experiments and their analyses. Integral experiments are performed as part of the Engineering Physics Division's on-going research in the development and application of radiation shielding methods. Integral experiments performed at the Oak Ridge Electron Linear Accelerator ORELA under the Division's Magnetic Fusion program are designed to provide data against which ORNL and all other organizations involved in shielding calculations for fusion devices can test their calculational methods and interaction data.

The Tower Shielding Facility TSF continues to be the primary source of integral data for fission reactor shielding design. During this report period final documentation was also prepared for the remaining LMFBR shielding experiments , including an examination of streaming through annular slits and measurement of secondary gamma-ray production in reinforced concrete. Parametric analyses of planned flowing uranium hexafluoride critical experiments. Analytical investigations were conducted to determine preliminary design and operating characteristics of flowing uranium hexafluoride UF6 gaseous nuclear reactor experiments in which a hybrid core configuration comprised of UF6 gas and a region of solid fuel will be employed.

The investigations are part of a planned program to perform a series of experiments of increasing performance, culminating in an approximately 5 MW fissioning uranium plasma experiment. A preliminary design is described for an argon buffer gas confined, UF6 flow loop system for future use in flowing critical experiments. Initial calculations to estimate the operating characteristics of the gaseous fissioning UF6 in a confined flow test at a pressure of 4 atm, indicate temperature increases of approximately and K in the UF6 may be obtained for total test power levels of kW and 1 MW for test times of and 32 sec, respectively.

Regulative Politik und die Transformation der klassischen Verwaltung. Basierend auf der Unterscheidung zwischen drei Idealtypen wird untersucht, inwieweit sich eine Verschiebung von der klassischen bzw. Dabei werden die Merkmale der institutionellen, der prozeduralen und der Policy-D Flooding in central Switzerland - Crisis management, experience gained and lessons learned; Hochwasser in der Zentralschweiz. This comprehensive article discusses how the Central Switzerland gas, water and power utility ewl, which was stricken in August by heavy precipitation, flooding and landslides, dealt with the crises thus triggered.

Drinking-water pump stations were flooded, a local river tore away a bridge with a natural-gas pipeline and three hydro-power stations had to be powered down. The experience gained in handling this situation was analysed and led to the development of a package of know-how and measures to be taken under similar circumstances.

This illustrated article describes the events that happened in detail, with details on the disruption of service and how improvisation helped return supplies of gas, electricity and water to the affected areas as soon as possible. Finally, the article discusses crisis-management aspects and the lessons learned from the disaster.

Variationen der Arbeitszeitflexibilisierung in Oesterreich: Kollektivvertragliche Verhandlungshorizonte im Vergleich. Die Arbeitszeitflexibilisierung war ein zentrales Thema der Kollektivverhandlungen der er Jahre in Oesterreich. Analysing Perceptions Before, during and after Erasmus.

This study explored the expectations, perceptions and experiences of students involved in Erasmus programs. The objective was to achieve a better understanding of students' cultural and intercultural needs in order to underpin the development of teaching materials in Intercultural Education Resources for Erasmus Students and their Teachers….

Elastodynamic fracture analyses of large crack-arrest experiments. Results obtained to date show that the essence of the run-arrest events, including dynamic behavior, is being modeled. Refined meshes and optimum solution algorithms are important parameters in elastodynamic analysis programs to give sufficient resolution to the geometric and time-dependent aspects of fracture analyses. Further refinements in quantitative representation of material parameters and the inclusion of rate dependence through viscoplastic modeling is expected to give an even more accurate basis for assessing the fracture behavior of reactor pressure vessels under PTS and other off-normal loading conditions.

Die Ideengeschichte der Physik geht neue Wege, indem sie den umfangreichen historischen Stoff nicht additiv darstellt, sondern wissenschaftstheoretisch reflektiert und nach thematischen Leitlinien Materievorstellungen, Raum und Zeit, Erhaltungskonzepte, Extremalprinzipien, Theorie und Experiment strukturiert.