Webdesign und Usability - Teil 4: Web ist nicht Print (German Edition)

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On mobile users can change the language through the hamburger menu. Using icons to signify the availability of other languages can be a useful sign post for users. See more on best practice for communicating availability of translated content. Welcome to Slovenia uses a speech bubble icon to show where users can change language content.

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Really the only case not covered is when a website has so many locales they simply cannot be listed in page, but have to be in a separate page. Do you have any good ideas for that? Interesting but finally why not using flags? I am not convinced. Everybody know what a flag it easy to read. People usually prefer pictures instead of words or anything they have to read. Sure flags are not languages, but every one on earth know instantly what to do and what it means when they see one on a page.

So in the case if Ireland mostly English speaking , should you use the British flag? You are speaking of a country there… Country is represented by a flag, and the target language is actually written. Same here in Belgium. We have 3 languages. Language is not a country. Flags are not languages, but they represent them well.

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You need to speak with people in China, Hongkong and Taiwan. That might change your perspective about sensitivity of nations. Flags are fine when creating a website within a specific country. If you are in England then you would use the British flag. If in Ireland then use the Irish flag. Gaelic is like Latin. But those kinds of global websites are fairly rare. The problem now a days is people particularly millennials try to please EVERYONE and by doing so you end up causing more problems and red tape that generate negative results.

If your website is based in a certain country then you cater to your majority demographics within that country and make it the easiest and most user friendly solution to your target demographic. So, what flag should I use?

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Read again what I wrote. So, what should be the flag? Common sense may vary: I find the IP solution being the first way to target language as really annoying. Being in China with a browser set to English first, then Chinese, I would be disappointed with the website if it showed me Chinese.

I recently stumbled across a web page in Chinese, and without flags as a language indicator it was very difficult to figure out where I would need to go in order to change the language. Placing some flags down there would help identify this more as a language selector — but I think the issue with this selector lies deeper than just with iconography flags or not.

I might add a post looking at this example in more detail: That is a terrible example. For instance with Chinese there are 2 types of Chinese Characters that different nations read:. How is a flag supposed to represent those nations? Would people from Singapore somehow think they should click the Taiwan flag? In regard to Taiwan and China — using the wrong flag would cause a great number of users to leave your site or result in a loss of sales.

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I would use the Chinese flag. This is only really effective if you stick with country of origin rather than country of popular use when choosing flags. Always annoying when I get shunted to the local language version of the site rather than the default English version, especially if finding the language switcher proves to be difficult. In our ever-globalising world instances of people accessing the internet overseas will become more and more common. I would say best practice is to have the default version of the site be the English version. May I ask why you are living abroad and still not trying to make the best of your abroad language experiences?

I disagree with your suggestion, because for local people it would be very annoying to change to their home language every time — and there are much more local people then foreign people. And if it is too difficult to find the language switcher, you could also change the language very easily in nearly every modern browser…. But actually, I wanted to thank the author of this blog preventing me from doing a serious mistake in implementing language-menus.

Before I had to make some decisions concerning this topic, I did not think about why flags could be a bad indicator for language selection. Dealing with the topic, the first think I stumbled over was whether to choose the British or the US flag for English? That led me to this website. For vision-impaired users you can also provide a text alternative that has the names of the various languages arguably colour blindness is one more argument against just using flags too — e.

The ambiguous language flag, while maybe mildly, briefly insulting to some, is for the vast majority simply an iconic representation of a language and not a form of geopolitical suppression. There are huge battles to fight for every site in terms of usability and customer experience. A case in point, any company site with a dozen languages of native content to keep up to date must have bigger fish to fry — like trying to keep all versions of the text relevant and consistent across the translations.

In my book, this flag icon issue is not really close to the top of worries for a site. Michael I totally agree that this is splitting hairs.

Provide a clear way of changing languages

Regarding research, I am in the process of putting together a post that collates data on this. It will hopefully be ready in a few weeks — I just need the time to write and organise it all. I work for a Canadian city department, and have people from all over the world visit my facility. My first thought was to use little lapel pins with flags.

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Implementation Problems with Frames

I would say best practice is to have the default version of the site be the English version. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. When presenting links to content in different languages, consider the following: I recently stumbled across a web page in Chinese, and without flags as a language indicator it was very difficult to figure out where I would need to go in order to change the language. Weitere Links zum Thema "Webdesign und Webentwicklung": Set up a giveaway. Since mainstream browsers still do not implement HTML 4.

You can easily see the exact location within your page where an error is present. TAW - Test accessibilidad web ii.

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Dieses eBook ist ein Auszug aus dem eBook „Webdesign und Usability - Websites für Besucher und Suchmaschinen optimieren“. Er enthält Teil 4: „Web ist nicht. Buy Webdesign und Usability - Teil 2: Wie (Such)maschinen Websites lesen Teil 2: Wie (Such)maschinen Websites lesen (German Edition) Kindle Edition . Browse our editors' picks for the best books of the month in fiction, nonfiction, Print Length: 17 pages; Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited; Publication Date .

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