Once Upon A More Enlightened Time (The Politically Correct Storybook Book 2)

Oct 16, Steph rated it really liked it Shelves: Hysterical, extra-modern retellings of classic fairy tales. Even more contemporary and advanced versions of classic stories like Hansel and Gretel and the Princess and the Pea make for highly entertaining reading. Dec 18, Debra rated it liked it Shelves: A retelling of classic fairy tales with Politically correct speech and several twists on the endings. I enjoyed it more when I took just one story a day. Taken together at one sitting seemed to expose the repetition of the pattern, separately you enjoyed the stories more.

Current day politically correct stories. Nov 24, Leila P rated it it was ok Shelves: This book was interesting and humorous, although after a while the joke wore out and the style became rather monotonous. The writer had a similar pattern in every story. Feb 28, Jake rated it really liked it. Jul 27, Evangeline rated it really liked it. Some stories are better written and funnier than the others. Overall, very witty and very entertaining. Aug 16, Sonja rated it really liked it Shelves: Short, sweet and funny.

The author has a good sense of humor and I enjoyed both of these little books. Dec 26, Katie rated it really liked it. Mar 02, Izze rated it liked it Shelves: This book is hilarious. Once Upon A More Enlightened Time is a collection of classic fairy tales, recreated to be politically correct. To show us the biases and issues in our traditional stories, these new tales are stripped of offensive elements that propagate sexism, aggression, or prejudices against other minority groups.

These new tales include: The Ant and the Grasshopper. The Princess and the Pe This book is hilarious. The Princess and the Pea. The Tortoise and the Hare. The City Mouse and the Suburban Mouse. In these stories, the Tortoise is disqualified from the race with the Hare because his urine test result shows steroid abuse. In the story of Puss In Boots the father divides his estate to his sons: The eldest inherits the oil company, the next eldest receives the publishing and media holdings, and the least eldest gets a cat. Puss In Boots has the same goal as he does in the original story: The sarcasm and wit of the author is great.

His clever incorporation of the modern day in his fairy tales are eye-roll and snort inducing. Some quotes from this book that I just find fantastic: In The Little Mer-Persun. Ask her yourself, shrimp. As the Hare provokes the Tortoise into a race. And throw out your standards? Maybe there is a fine young prince out there for me.

Though, I would have liked if this book had a larger collection of revised fairy tales. All in all, Once Upon a More Enlightened Time is a quick, entertaining read, that would make a great gift to someone who would appreciate the humor, weirdness, and sarcasm this book is composed of.

Apr 12, PurplyCookie rated it really liked it Shelves: Following in the footsteps of "Politically Correct Bedtime Stories" , this book retells classic bedtime stories, stripped of any elements that might be offensive to women, gays, short people, minorities, giants, or wolves, as well as any details that might encourage aggression, cruelty, sexism, prejudice, littering, and so on.

The titles Following in the footsteps of "Politically Correct Bedtime Stories" , this book retells classic bedtime stories, stripped of any elements that might be offensive to women, gays, short people, minorities, giants, or wolves, as well as any details that might encourage aggression, cruelty, sexism, prejudice, littering, and so on.


The titles of the stories will give you insight: A is an Activity itching to fight B is a Beast with its animal rights C was a Cripple now differently abled D is a Drunk who is 'liquor-enabled' and so forth The story of "The Sleeping Persun of Better-than-Average Attractiveness " was my favorite especially when the 13th member of the magick sorority bestowed upon the princess this curse: He tongue-in-cheekedly uses spellings that avoid the word "man" "persun" for "person," "wommon" for "woman," and has his heroes and heroines excuse me, she-roes adopt anti-capitalist, pro-environment and pro-animal rights stances.

Apr 19, Heather rated it liked it. Once Upon a More Enlightened Time is a collection of fairy tales and the story of Pinocchio retold politically correct to the extreme. Sometimes they are utterly hilarious. Sometimes they are a bit tedious.

Apr 15, Julia rated it it was ok Shelves: A collection of some well-known fairytales that have been changed to be politically correct with word spellings, neutral phrases and a few explanations to explain why the politically correct want it that way. Furthermore the stories were changed to reflect how a story should progress or end with such material. And there are no pictures t A collection of some well-known fairytales that have been changed to be politically correct with word spellings, neutral phrases and a few explanations to explain why the politically correct want it that way.

And there are no pictures to go along with them even with such lovely covers some pictures may have made a difference. I hate to say it although I can understand the idea of being politically correct I am not going to be the one that follows it for there is too much to trip over as you try to unravel everything so I will stay politically incorrect.

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And as such these stories were too dry, somewhat long-winded and making me batty as I read them. And the Politically Correct Alphabet in this one should have been in the first book Sep 27, Hollie Robb rated it it was ok Shelves: After reading this, I started reading the second chapter of Ether, and I started laughing.

I realized that the Brother of Jared wrote in some-what in politically correct views. For example Ether 2: If it was then it would not be female, it would be women, but be spelled womyn or womon. Mar 18, Jonathan rated it liked it. I got the first book in this series when I was a teenager, it became one of my favourite books. This is a good follow-up to the first book. Familiar fairy tales are retold with total politically correctness. Women are womyn, dwarves are persons of less than average stature, witches aren't ugly they just don't conform to society's skewed perceptions of feminine beauty.

Its all very tongue in cheek causing you to giggle as you read. The fairy tales never end the way they traditionally do and are i I got the first book in this series when I was a teenager, it became one of my favourite books. The fairy tales never end the way they traditionally do and are in many ways more interesting than their original versions.

The first book in the series was made up of very short stories, like red riding hood or snow white. This time round the stories are longer, still short but running over a dozen pages as opposed to just pages. Its a very quick read and will make you laugh or at least smile at the new twists on the familiar. In , the three books were compiled into an omnibus collection called Politically Correct: Based on the popular fairy tale of the same name , this parody includes as its main themes mocking the idea of anti-" speciesism " and the more radical branches and concepts of feminism such as using the spelling " womyn " instead of "women" throughout, a pattern that is repeated in other stories in the book , and is one of the several stories in which the ending is completely altered from the original fairy tale.

The woodsman who saves Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother in the most well-known versions of the tale ends up beheaded by the grandmother, who leaps from the wolf's mouth of her own accord after a "stirring" moralizing speech from Red, who states that womyn and wolves can solve their own problems without a man's interference. This comes after, of course, Red Riding Hood has labeled him as "sexist" and "speciesist" for deciding to try to save Red Riding Hood by killing the wolf.

The wolf, Red Riding Hood, and her grandmother then form an "alternative household" together.

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This is a parody of the eponymous fairy tale. The well-known ending is not entirely changed, but the outcome of it and moral of the story nonetheless do. The story ends with a pro- nudist twist, with the whole kingdom quickly deciding to adopt a clothing optional society. A parody of the fairy tale of the same name , in it the wolves are greedy capitalists and the pigs are natives forced off their land who later become freedom fighters or "porcinistas", parodying the Nicaraguan party Sandinista National Liberation Front , or Sandinism.

The Big Bad Wolf succumbs to a heart attack.

Once Upon a More Enlightened Time: More Politically Correct Bedtime Stories

The "porcinistas" slaughter the wolves, take back their lands and found a utopian socialist democracy in its place, living happily ever after. A parody of the classic Rumpelstiltskin story. Instead of turning the straw into gold by magic, the girl Esmeralda and Rumpelstiltskin take the straw to poor farmers, who use it to thatch their roofs; in better health, the farmers become more productive, which improves the local economy and eventually leads to the overthrow of the prince and Esmeralda's being rewarded with gold.

Esmeralda is then able to thwart Rumpelstiltskin's plan to take her first-born child by guessing his name; however, unlike in the original tale, she only guesses it because his " Little People 's Empowerment Seminar" nametag is still on his body. Angry at the idea that her reproductive rights were almost taken away from her, she moves to California and starts a birth control clinic and lives happily ever after—as a "fulfilled, dedicated single person.

This is a parody of the Billy Goats Gruff folktale, which satirizes "the masochistic tendencies of modern American liberal morality". A parody of the Rapunzel fairy tale, with a completely different ending. It features the twist of the prince having connections in the music recording industry ; having heard her sing, he wants to make her a star—and profit heavily from merchandizing both her voice and her appearance.

He soon convinces the witch that she should agree to the deal and stay on as her manager. However, Rapunzel, disgusted by the idea of her voice being exploited for capitalist gain, climbs out of the tower and runs off to become a folk musician who performs for free in a " coffee house ".

A parody of the Cinderella fairy tale, with a distinctly feminist and anti- lookist twist. The ending is completely different from the original fairy tale. Cinderella's " Fairy Godperson " who is male reluctantly agrees to dress her up for the ball. However, she is so attractive in her impractical shoes, clothing and makeup , that every male in the ballroom goes mad for her and a brawl begins that eventually results in the death of every last one of them. The women, envious of Cinderella's ability to make men go mad because of her beauty, at first turn on her; however, the clock strikes Instead of killing her, however, they remove their own corsets , dresses and impractical shoes and dance around in their " shifts and bare feet".

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  • Once Upon a More Enlightened Time: More Politically Correct Bedtime Stories by James Finn Garner.

Covering up the real reason behind the men's deaths, they take over the kingdom and open a clothing company that produces only comfortable and practical clothing for women. A parody of the original Goldilocks and the Three Bears fairy tale, Goldilocks is not a little girl, but rather a greedy rogue biologist bent on tracking and studying the peaceful anthropomorphic bears to make a splash in the scientific community.

Goldilocks attempts to put tranquilizers in the bears' porridge and traps with radio collars in their beds. However, the bears note the "chemical" smell of their organic porridge and, suspicious, discover the traps as well as Goldilocks, who has fallen asleep in the corner of the room while waiting for her targets to return.

The Papa Bear and Mama Bear then brutally kill and consume Goldilocks while the shocked Baby Bear looks on; it is revealed that the family is vegetarian, though the parents made an exception this time. This parody is based on the classic Snow White fairy tale, with numerous satirical twists for example, the Seven Dwarfs , who are referred to as "vertically challenged men", run a retreat for men wanting to indulge in "primal" behavior and a completely different ending.

It has similar themes to the Cinderella parody from earlier in the book.

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Buy Once Upon A More Enlightened Time (The Politically Correct Storybook Book 2): Read 25 Books Reviews - www.farmersmarketmusic.com Once Upon a More Enlightened Time: More Politically Correct Bedtime Stories Usually ships within 2 to 3 days. . “This is a beautiful book — essential reading for anyone who loves animals and Politically Correct: The Ultimate Storybook.

As in the original story, the queen pretends to be an old woman selling apples which, in truth, are poisoned. However, during the course of conversation with Snow White, she bonds with her. Forgetting that the apple in question was poisoned, she shares it with Snow White and both fall comatose to the floor. Meanwhile, the dwarfs return—with the prince. The prince—who in the original tale would have awakened her with a kiss —instead is at the retreat to try and cure his impotence , and, attracted to the nubile coma victim, requests to have sex with her; at which point the dwarfs decide that the unconscious Snow White makes a perfect impotence treatment and decide to display her so that they can make more money.

However, when they try to move the two women's bodies, the poisoned apple pieces become dislodged from their throats; the women awaken, angry and disgusted at what they overheard while comatose and unable to act. The queen then declares that the dwarfs are trespassers , and throws them out of her forest.

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She and Snow White later open a spa for women on the same spot. A parody of the popular folktale of the same name , this story largely satirizes frivolous lawsuits. A parody of the Frog Prince fairy tale. The Frog Prince in here is rather a land developer who cheated several landlords out of their property and was consequently punished by being turned into a frog.