Humor of the Gospels

About Randy Alcorn

Without humor, life would be unbearable.

Humor is used as a means to deal with the burdens of life. It makes light the yoke of sin, death, and human frailty. For instance, an added layer of Matthew We are deaf to this aspect of the exchange. David Letterman can make us laugh with a simple facial expression or the inflection of his voice.

A log in the eye

And unfortunately the gospels have been handed down to us as manuscripts, not YouTube videos. The point here is not to place Jesus in the Comedy Hall of Fame.

Biblical Humor

Much has transpired over the last years in gospels research. Many works have chronicled these developments, but there is no book that surveys the use of . A TCA reader once asked: "Do we have any examples of humor in the Bible? Did Jesus have a sense of humor? Or what about the saints?.

May we continue to take our ministry seriously but not ourselves. Thank you for posting this! Reblogged this on Doohan It This Way. The time when he bends down to draw in the dust seems like a humorous moment, or one stalling so as not to become angry: I always wondered what Jesus drew.

The sons of commotion

If so, then we need only look at those who, down through the ages, have imitated Him most closely: When they all saw this, they began to grumble, saying, 'He has gone to stay at the house of a sinner. Email Subscription Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The Bible as Divine Comedy. Within the letters whether authentic or merely attributed of Paul, I detect few examples of humor, although I know that others, more persistent and perspicacious than I, can multiply my meager findings ten or a hundredfold. And despite so many long-faced saint portraits, we do find many times in their lives a rollicking sense of humor.

Thank you for the reminder that Jesus had a sense of humor! Thanks for this look at someone who always seemed un-approachable, until now. You should all check out Coffee With Jesus at http: I read this in the paper this past week.

  1. The Decameron (illustrated).
  2. The Often Overlooked Humor of Jesus | Clergy Family Confidential;
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Thank you, thank you, thank you for a poignant read. I find matthew 6: The picture is vividly painted of the Lord himself making a face descriptive or the blind leader whose every act is for the outward show.

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I have tried to make such a face in front or a mirror and never got to holding it for a second before bursting out in laughter. Humour is truth and truth is light-heartedness. Thanks for this post.

The Often Overlooked Humor of Jesus

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You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. May 30, Author: Father Tim Filed under: May 30, at Larsen, Julie Dean says: May 30, at 2: May 30, at 4: May 30, at 5: May 30, at 6: May 30, at 8: May 30, at 9: May 31, at 6: June 1, at 9: In Humor in the Gospels, B.

Despite the focus on the historical figure of Jesus, B. The first chapter briefly overviews the complexity of humor and its various forms e.

The Humor of Jesus!

Chapters four and five cover a growing number of scholars who attend to humor in the Gospels in the Second Quest , from H. Crossan, with particular focus on the contributions of J. Bullard forms of humor in antiquity and J. Jonsson rabbinic and prophetic humor. Chapter six covers the first part of the Third Quest , while chapters seven to nine cover the remaining years in three topical categories: Bednarz ; interdisciplinary humor studies N.

Finding God in Domestic Chaos

Screech ; and theological and contextual approaches to humor C. The final chapter summarizes the preceding nine, tracing the trajectory of the study of humor from its rebellious, embryonic stage to its modern interdisciplinary status. This sourcebook is a delightful triumph for literary and interdisciplinary studies of the Gospels and Bible at large.