Eine Gegenüberstellung von kognitivem Lernen und Brain-Based Learning (German Edition)

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Age-related differences in auditory evoked potentials as a function of task modulation during speech and non-speech processing. Brain and Behavior 4: Effects of prior information on decoding degraded speech: Human Brain Mapping 35, Right and left perisylvian cortex and left inferior frontal cortex mediate sentence-level rhyme detection in spoken language as revealed by sparse fMRI.

Human Brain Mapping 34, The encoding of vowels and temporal speech cues in the auditory cortex of professional musicians: An empirical re-evaluation of absolute pitch: Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 25, Increased cortical surface area of the left planum temporale in musicians facilitates the categorization of phonetic and temporal speech sounds.

Musicianship boosts perceptual learning of pseudoword-chimeras: Brain Topography 26 1 , Neurofunctional and behavioural correlates of phonetic and temporal categorization in musically trained and untrained subjects. Cerebral Cortex 22, Musical expertise induces neuroplasticity of the planum temporale. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences , Pre-Attentive modulation of brain responses to tones in coloured-hearing synesthetes.

Cortical thickness of supratemporal plane predicts auditory N1 amplitude.

The Truth Behind “Brain-Based” Learning

NeuroReport, 23 17 , Visual activation of auditory cortex reflects maladaptive plasticity in cochlear-implant users. Reducing the interval between volume acquisitions improves "sparse" scanning protocols in event-related auditory fMRI. Brain Topography 25, The spatiotemporal characteristics of elementary audiovisual speech and music processing in musically untrained subjects. International Journal of Psychophysiology 83, Differential language expertise related to white matter architecture in regions subserving sensory-motor coupling, articulation and interhemispheric transfer.

Human Brain Mapping 32, Processing of voiced and unvoiced acoustic stimuli in musicians.


Frontiers in Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience 2, Long-term exposure to music enhances sensitivity of the auditory system in children. European Journal of Neuroscience 34, Multi- and unisensory decoding of words and nonwords result in differential brain responses in dyslexic and non-dyslexic adults. Brain and Language , Intensive language training and attention modulate the involvement of fronto-parietal regions during a non-verbal auditory discrimination task.

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Computer-based learning of spelling skills in children with and without dyslexia. Annals of Dyslexia 61 2 , Refinement of metre perception - training increases hierarchical metre processing. European Journal of Neuroscience 32, Neurophysiological evidence of impaired musical sound perception in cochlear-implant users. Clinical Neurophysiology , ERP differences of prelexical processing between dyslexic and non-dyslexic children. International Journal of Psychophysiology 77, Wie der Mensch zur Sprache kam. The plasticity of the superior longitudinal fasciculus as a function of musical expertise: Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 3: Simultaneous interpreters as a model for neuronal adaptation in the domain of language processing.

Brain Research , Evolution of striatal degeneration in McLeod syndrome. European Journal of Neurology 17, Absolute pitch - functional evidence of speech-relevant auditory acuity.


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A subscription to J o VE is required to view this article. You will only be able to see the first 20 seconds. Morris Water Maze Experiment. Trace Fear Conditioning in Mice. An empirical reevaluation of absolute pitch: Behavioral and electrophysiological measurements. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience , 25 10 , Right and left perisylvian cortex and left inferior frontal cortex mediate sentence-level rhyme detection in spoken language as revealed by sparse fMRI.

Human Brain Mapping , 34 12 , Musicianship boosts perceptual learning of pseudoword-chimeras: Brain Topography , 26 1 , The encoding of vowels and temporal speech cues in the auditory cortex of professional musicians: Neuropsychologia , 51 8 , Die neuronalen Grundlagen des Tinnitus. Psychoscope , 34 4 , Neurofunctional and behavioural correlates of phonetic and temporal categorization in musically trained and untrained subjects.

Cerebral Cortex , 22 , The spatiotemporal characteristics of elementary audiovisual speech and music processing in musically untrained subjects. International Journal of Psychophysiology , 83 3 , Pre-attentive modulation of brain responses to tones in coloured-hearing synesthetes.


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Reducing the interval between volume acquisitions improves "sparse" scanning protocols in event-related auditory fMRI. Brain Topography , 25 2 , Cortical thickness of supratemporal plane predicts auditory N1 amplitude. NeuroReport , 23 17 , Musical expertise induces neuroplasticity of the planum temporale. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences , , Visual activation of auditory cortex reflects maladaptive plasticity in cochlear implant users. Brain , 2 , Differential language expertise related to white matter architecture in regions subserving sensory-motor coupling, articulation, and interhemispheric transfer.

Human Brain Mapping , 32 12 , Intensive language training and attention modulate the involvement of fronto-parietal regions during a non-verbal auditory discrimination task. European Journal of Neuroscience , 34 1 , Computer-based learning of spelling skills in children with and without dyslexia.

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Annals of Dyslexia , 61 , Multi- and unisensory decoding of words and nonwords result in differential brain responses in dyslexic and non-dyslexic adults. Long-term exposure to music enhances sensitivity of the auditory system in children. European Journal of Neuroscience , 34 , Processing of voiced and unvoiced acoustic stimuli in musicians. Frontiers in Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience , 2 , Simultaneous interpreters as a model for neuronal adaptation in the domain of language processing.

Refinement of metre perception - Training increases hierarchical metre processing. European Journal of Neuroscience , 32 11 , ERP differences of pre-lexical processing between dyslexic and non-dyslexic children. International Journal of Psychophysiology , 77 1 , The plasticity of the superior longitudinal fasciculus as a function of musical expertise: Frontiers in Human Neuroscience , 3 , No. Absolute pitch - functional evidence of speechrelevant auditory acuity. Cerebral Cortex , 20 , Der kleine Unterschied - Wie der Mensch zur Sprache kam. Neurophysiological evidence of impaired musical sound perception in cochlear-implant users.

Clinical Neurophysiology , 12 , Evolution of striatal degeneration in McLeod syndrome.


European Journal of Neurology , 17 , Cortical and subcortical correlates of functional electrical stimulation FES of wrist extensor and flexor muscles revealed by fMRI. Human Brain Mapping , 30 , Direct current induced short-term modulation of the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex while learning auditory presented nouns. Behavioral and Brain Functions Online Journal , 5 Early electrophysiological correlates of meter and rhythm processing in music perception.

Cortex , 45 , White matter plasticity in the corticospinal tract of musicians: NeuroImage , 46 , Differential force scaling of fine-graded power grip force in the sensorimotor network. Neuroimaging of speech and language. Evaluation of evoked potentials to dyadic tones after cochlear implantation.


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