Dudes, Dames & Debauchery


Who are we talking about? It seems like a ridiculous understatement to say that Guns N' Roses were party animals. A band doesn't get the nickname "the most dangerous band in the world" by enjoying an occasional wine cooler. As if his body were deliberately trying to solidify the band's reputation, Duff McKagan drank so much booze that his pancreas fucking exploded.

In a habit formed from spending so much time trapped in a confined space with Axl Rose that's not a joke -- that's actually the reason , McKagan used to spend his days in GNR trapped in a perpetual whirlwind of cocaine and a daily half-gallon of vodka. That is, before he made the more health-conscious decision to cut back to 10 bottles of red wine per day. Reckless Road via maxim. One day, however, his boozing was interrupted by his pancreas swelling "to the size of a rugby ball" and rupturing, leaking acidic pancreas juices that caused third-degree burns inside his goddamned body.

Duff survived the incident, which inspired him to stop treating his liver like he was using it to manufacture chemical weapons. His prodigious fluid intake might be gone, but tributes to its legacy are tucked away in nearly every episode of The Simpsons. When you're one of the biggest, wildest bands in music, you need transport to match. It doesn't matter how many meat catapults or flaming codpieces you own; your fans will turn against you if they see you roll up to a gig driving a bombed-out Astro van. Or at least that's the thought process that led to the birth of the Starship: Having lived a previous and tasteful life as a commercial passenger plane, the Starship was outfitted like Ron Burgundy's treehouse.

In among the shag pile carpeting and acres of leopard print, its precious cargo could enjoy a drink at the foot-long bar, discuss matters of the day in the drawing room complete with fake fireplace , watch movies using the built-in cinema system, and play the massive organ.

The interior was so relentlessly tacky that Mick Jagger literally gasped when he first saw it, and Mick Jagger generally gasps only when he sees himself in a mirror. Ken Regan He's like if Benjamin Button was born old but stayed that way forever. And, just in case you were wondering whether the infamously debauched guests of the Starship felt the need to rein in their behavior while soaring through the lawless sky, the answer is no, of course they didn't. Only a few details have emerged regarding the depravity that went on aboard, presumably because history isn't yet prepared to hear the full details.

For starters, the Allman Brothers climbed aboard to find "Welcome Allman Brothers" written on Starship's bar in cocaine. One unnamed record executive wandered around the plane, waving a handgun for no apparent reason. There was a system in place to smuggle drugs aboard the plane wrapped in dirty clothes, in order to fool police sniffer dogs.

And Robert Plant considers getting a blowjob during a powerful bout of turbulence as one of his favorite Starship memories. Without question, that airplane is haunted by the ghosts of thousands of unborn children.

Judging by the above, the most dangerous profession in the s -- aside from pulling double shifts at Chernobyl -- was being a rock star. Elektra Records And their hair was responsible for at least 90 percent of the hole in the ozone.

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Unfortunately, because opiate fans aren't renowned for their measuring skills, Nikki ended up overdosing and dying in Slash's shower. All things considered, this is the closest thing to a hero's death that Nikki Sixx could hope for. Except, as the world would come to learn, Nikki Sixx cannot be destroyed by heroin. He was revived after two minutes of clinical death by two shots of adrenaline stabbed directly into his fucking heart.

Ordinarily, this would be followed by a long period of bed rest and some self-reflection. For Nikki Sixx, this meant escaping his ambulance, hitchhiking back home, and shooting up more heroin. In an industry where cocaine and heroin should be receiving royalties for their contribution to rock history, it's hard to consider drugs as a wild vice. Fortunately, Slash had the answer: Using the proceeds from a hard career of standing on stage and playing guitar while dressed as someone's mad aunt, Slash turned his mansion into the Reptile Room.

Egypt court sends eight men to prison for 'inciting debauchery'

As one interviewer discovered , there were cages in the walls, cages on the stairway landing, and a cage containing a foot-long python underneath the stairs. There was even a room that was specially converted into a python house containing water features, tiling, and greenery. Yes, even the pets of rock stars live better than most college students. Reptile Magazine And when they don't eat for a month, it's on purpose.

Perhaps because his snakes could see the future, one of them attempted to eat Axl Rose. As Slash recounted, while he and Axl were living together, Axl awoke one night to find a reticulated python staring at his head and, presumably, deciding whether or not it wanted to remove Axl's headband before swallowing his head. After an hour of watching Axl's pile of fear-poop grow to ceiling height, Slash locked the snake away. Geffen Records "My serpentine's bigger than yours. Sadly, several years ago , Slash got rid of his strong collection of snakes, owing to the understandable worry that they might be dangerous for his newborn son to be around.

Passionately scream the names of your favorite snakes. If you were asked to name hell-raising rockers , Rod Stewart probably does not come in anywhere near the top of your list. However, although he has spent the majority of his career eye-banging your mother from his album covers, during his heyday he was up to his finely feathered hair in a hardcore cocaine addiction. However, unlike his fellow rock stars, Rod Stewart chose to shove his cocaine straight up his asshole.

In order to protect his nose from the harmful effects of snorting cocaine , Stewart and his pal Ronnie Wood would regularly buy anti-cold capsules and replace the medicine inside with a snifter of cocaine, then cram the capsules up their million-dollar buttholes and fucking party. Jonn Leffmann The nighttime sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever, so you can bug out and tweak for a week medicine. In , Pink Floyd were under tremendous pressure to ensure that Animals -- their long-awaited 10th album -- was a commercial success.

In biblical and spiritual contexts, the word debauchery is deadly serious, but in other situations the word often has a playful connotation, as when a group of friends goes out for a "night of debauchery. Debauchery began to be used in English in the beginning of the 17th century, and is formed from the earlier word debauch.

Soho in the Eighties by Christopher Howse review – a decade of debauchery

As a verb debauch initially had the meaning of "to lead astray," especially when referring to leading someone away from another person to whom he or she has an allegiance or duty. In its earliest use as a noun debauch was often used to refer to an instance of eating or drinking too much. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'debauchery. From 'lechery' to 'something that is expensive and not necessary'. See more words from the same year.

Translation of debauchery for Spanish Speakers. Translation of debauchery for Arabic Speakers. What made you want to look up debauchery? Please tell us where you read or heard it including the quote, if possible. Test Your Knowledge - and learn some interesting things along the way.

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Dudes, Dames & Debauchery by Ali Kay (Paperback) - Lulu

How to use a word that literally drives some people nuts. The awkward case of 'his or her'. Identify the word pairs with a common ancestor. Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words? History and Use of Debauchery Some people come to find debauchery through the Bible, in a manner of speaking. Examples of debauchery in a Sentence Like St. Augustine carousing his student days away in fourth-century Carthage, [Thomas] Merton had succumbed to such physical and intellectual debaucheries as New York offered a Columbia undergraduate in the 's: It was a scene of inspiring debauchery , even to the most craven spectator.

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Using the proceeds from a hard career of standing on stage and playing guitar while dressed as someone's mad aunt, Slash turned his mansion into the Reptile Room. This form does not constitute legal advice and nothing that you read or are provided on this web site should be used as a substitute for the advice of competent legal counsel. Add me to the weekly newsletter. In order to protect his nose from the harmful effects of snorting cocaine , Stewart and his pal Ronnie Wood would regularly buy anti-cold capsules and replace the medicine inside with a snifter of cocaine, then cram the capsules up their million-dollar buttholes and fucking party. While around the corner in Old Compton Street things grew gayer and gayer, with same-sex couples walking proudly hand-in-hand and gay-friendly businesses opening, inside the Colony Room Club things grew greyer and grimmer, as the dwindling handful of old Polari speakers, like some lost Amazonian tribe, faced their miserable extinction. George Condo," 5 July And the move to ban outside alcohol has also been credited with taming the debauchery of the infield, as the jockey club has since emphasized music over bacchanalia.

Mencken , Happy Days , He later regretted the debauchery of his youth.