Ride Away With Me, Calico My Love

Labor of Love - March 23, 2019

But tends to like to just chill in the shade on really hot days. Most of the time she runs to you if you call her to come back in. She's very friendly towards humans. Often scratches at the sliding glass door for attention. Doesn't like to be held for man than 30 seconds, but loves to be petted under her chin, or on her belly. She can also get in her frisky moods sometime's too, she'll bite you or swat at you. Scared of loud noises. Hides under the shoe rack or in the corner when storms come. I love her to death, she's just like a kid that cant talk. Well, I've always believed calicos to be the nicest cats you'll ever know.

Back in December of 07 My sister and her boyfriend were walking and they found a calico cat on the streets as a kitten, they went up to pet her and she followed them to my house. My mom fell in love with the cat and decided to name her Catie after Calico Catie. Since then, i've developed a good relationship with my cat, she is very friendly, loves to be held, loves to be petted, loves anything you do to her, and if you rub her on her tummy, she will grab at ur hand with her front claws and she'll gnaw at and lick your hand, shes very frisky but she eats alot, but also, shes a good mouser too because she ridded our old house of mice.

Posted 10 years ago. Edited by Joana Aqua J. Well, I am just getting acquainted with the Calico personality! She seems to be very sweet because she does not try to bite or scratch you when you try to pull her off her hiding places. She is very shy though! I brought her home this morning, but she still has not left her cat carrier! She is hiding in the back! Any suggestions as of what I should do? Should I just live her there until she decides to come out by herself?

Or should I try to pick her up and pet her? She is so curled up in her corner and looking at us all scared when we go there to say hello She is a very scardy cat, so far, the kind that cannot have anyone making sudden movements aroud her or else she will take cover under the sofa. However, when we sit in the living room sofa, at night, she will come to us and ask for attention. She purs like a loan mower and she cant' be petted enough! And she can't stand to be held!!

I have to taker her to the vet next saturday, for vaccines, and I am in for a fight! She is a handfull!! My Shelob lives up to her name. For you that don't know Shelob was the extra large mean spider from Lord of the Rings: She is almost feral and she will bite you but I don't think she really realizes what she is doing is mean. She will bite then rub up against me purring loudly. She also seems to have no fear of water or my dog.

She loves to sleep with me but she only comes up to the bed after i am settled and won't stay if I bring her there. She is also very possessive of her little bed. Even with her wierd ways I love her dearly: Puzzle 10 years ago. Mine Puzzle is her name, my daughter named her after the orange Popple not sure if anyone remembers them is usually off in a room by herself or she is following me and tripping me all day. She loves to walk up my daughters bunk bed ladder and climb the blinds. She is a big time licker! Wakes me up many mornings by licking my arm or leg. She also gives lots of "love bites" as cats do, not in a hurtful way.

Ive never seen her drool, never heard of a cat drooling actually. She will hiss at any other animal that even comes close to our house. She is somewhat playful only with one kinda of cat toy which she always pushes under our door to our furnace no matter where she is in the house they will make it there. Vikingmaid 10 years ago. Little Bits likes to be on you wether in bed or at the computer and she does not take no, a shove or any sort of hint that she may be less than welcome at times.

We call her the yo-yo cat, 'cause you can drop her down and she comes right back until you are tired of putting her down and give up. Her feelings are never hurt by being put down, unlike SOME other cats here who shall remain nameless. Little Bits also cannot have any hing ontop of anything else. Pens, paper, coins all end up on the floor. She absolutely adores the Skuggi dog and they are best buds. She will taunt him into chasing her..

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My calico Kitty's name is Patches we adoped her from petsmart she was found in a cematry with 5 other kittens thwy were about 3 inches wide. My mom didnt want to go over and look at the kittens because when we did that with my dogs we got 3 the next week. I have a calico kitten. She's only sweet now when she's ready to go to sleep.

This is not my first cat by far but my first calico.

If we walk away she'll chase us down an "dive"on us. We try to "calm ' talk her when she gets like this but she's not to be distracted until she's finished with her assault. I'm trying to be patient but I have a 5 year old and she's been badly scratched more than once.

She will also try to bite your face if she gets close enough She's so young to be so aggressive. I'm wondering if it's just the calico or we just ended up with a 'spitfire'. My cat her name is Carmen we was going to call her Carmel cause her eyes r goldish like carmel but my mom came up with Carmen She is a very playful cat and it doesnt matter what it is she will play with it. Four months is still very, very young. The only suggestion I have is to try to redirect her assaults as much as you can.

Get her a nice toy to take out all that aggression on. Miaowski Posted 10 years ago. Edited by Miaowski member 10 years ago. I am still waiting for my Miaowski to mellow. I had her at 7 wks and although I could hold her when she was sleepy, there is no way she wanted to be held when awake. She has always been very playful but plays very rough. My hand was torn to shreds when she was tiny and also she bites if you try and stroke her. Even now, she is 3 years old, I can only really stroke her if she has her back to me.

If she sees my hand she will bite it hard if I don't pull it away fast enough. I had to have a tetnus injection because my hand swelled up after one of her bites. I love her to bits but I wish she wasn't quite as feisty. She seems to bite as if it is nomal, not out of maliciousness.

The really weird thing is, at night, she will come to my bed and crawl under the duvet and cuddle up to me and purr like mad as she clutches me. I have to pull her paws away as it can get painful. She sleeps with me like that every night. But once the morning comes she is up and away and looks at me as if she doesn't know who I am!! Also strangely, she has a beanie mouse she carries around now and again. But when she does, she starts crying with a high pitched, plaintive meow. If I hear her miaowing at all I know she has that mouse in her mouth - maybe she thinks it's her baby?

LadyVampCat 10 years ago. My calico cat named Gingie loves my husband. She will jump on him when he's using the mac computer. But the only one who can give her a bath is me. I've been giving Gingie a bath since I brought her home as a kitten. When I try to pet her she runs. Sometimes she will come up to me and rub my legs or nip at my feet. I think it's just her fickle way of saying "i love you mommy. She even enjoys playing with our blue heeler dog TinkerBell. LadyVampCat Posted 10 years ago. Edited by LadyVampCat member 10 years ago. And yes my icon is my Gingie.

I love her so much. She's like my baby. Sometimes when me and my husband are sitting on the couch she will attack our hair. My husband has really long hair that he wears in a pony tail in which she loves to attack. And when I let her out of the bath room in the morning she is all purr purr purr.

I keep her in the bath room at night because she attacks my feet while I sleep. I don't wish to declaw her however. She roams out side and she is fixed. My husband got her a new tag with our phone and address. I was afraid of her roaming alone at night out side without one.

I read your post Miaowski, That is what happens with my Gingie. She's not mellowed much even after being fixed. She's 2 years old now. Her birthday is this month March. I try to pet her and she runs. But sometimes she will let me pet her. Maybe it's a calico thing? Edited by natalieaubin member 10 years ago. My calico, Sedona has some very strange traits also.

After we have taken a shower she will jump into the tub and lick the water off the bottom of the tub even though I keep her water dish full. Like Miaowski, she is always carrying something around in her mouth, and especially likes large paper clips, plastic rings from the top of juice bottles and twisty ties. She also will carry her hacky sack around in her mouth, and when she wants me to play with her will just drop it at my feet. She does many things that make me laugh. She is very fiesty and is definitely Top Cat in the house, will sneak attack on my other cat, gives me little nippy bites sometimes when she feels like it, but when I take her to the vet she is a big mushball and will let them do anything they want.


And one of the strangest things she does is lay with her paws straight out but crossed in front of her. I'm used to cats that do the tuck in with the paws. I just had my calico spayed. She started carrying this stuffed little toy around, like duh, did I frustrate her reproductive rights or what?

Oh yeah, she is supposed to be my daughter's but she complains that the cat attacks her at night and wakes her up. I told her to establish a pecking order. By the way, her mother was a mystery cat who decided to make a priests' retreat house her home one day. She came, she saw, she conquered. She entered, stayed, and had kittens. This particular kitten, however, is no saint. I think she needs the services of an exorcist sometimes.

There is no ornament on the counter or furniture that remains standing. My Kali is so full of energy, and I swear she has springs on her feet cause she can jump like no cat I've ever seen. If she could jump just a few more inches she'd be able to get on top of the fridge in one leap. She's our smallest in size and also the youngest cat we have A few more weeks till we will know. She is a major purrer the only other cat I know that purrs as much as her is Whitey a grey and white long hair 8 month old that came to us with his brother Trouble both already nuetered 6 days after we got Kali.

Kali kind of came into the house and just settled right in there really wasn't any adjustment period like we have always has with any cat or kitten that is brought in. Honey is the clumsiest cat I've ever had. She never really mastered the art of retracting her claws to get unstuck, so the other day she ripped a big hole in my shower liner. She loves to "nom" people, especially when she wants munchies in the morning. She's extremely playful and is addicted to her scratching post. She's the first cat I've ever owned that plays with her toys religiously.

She actually plays fetch sometimes, always bringing me back whatever toy I throw across the room. I'd have to say she's the most fun of all the cats I've ever had. And I've had a lot of them. AstralisLux Posted 9 years ago. Edited by AstralisLux member 9 years ago. My little treasure is what I have always considered to be like a tri-color calico: I tread lightly around her so that she doesn't get upset and treat her very kindly because I know she's not right in the head.

But I love her anyhow! My calico, Callie, has just turned a year old. She is very different than any of my other cats. She is very aggressive, and attacks my feet and hands. I've had many days that I've shown up to work with numerous marks on my hands and arms.

I've tryed squirt guns, yelling, and excessive playing, to get er to calm down, but it doesn't seem to work. I don't think she realizes that she is hurting me. She loves to chew things, such as paper bags, or anything paper, candy wrappers, and all of her toys. She also plays fetch with her toys. I have never seen a cat do this. She will chase and attack my feet, as I go to bed, and then will be snugged up next to me, in the middle of the night. She also lays down, with her back legs strecthed out behind her. I love her to death, and will put up with her aggression, but hope that she will grow out of it soon.

Lisa Schmitter Posted 9 years ago. Edited by Lisa Schmitter member 9 years ago. I found my calico beauty in the Walmart parking lot about an hour away from my home in December She was only about 5 months old. Either someone dropped her off or she wandered from one of the neighboring homes. It took me 2 hours to get her. She must have had some human contact as she followed me easily and was hungry. I kept trying to grab her when she was eating but she would run quick under the near car.

Finally I had a hold, her leg, and I held on to her quite firm, she bite me several times before I got her in my SUV for which she then ran from front to back several times before calming down on the dashboard. I drove home with her on the dashboard the entire hour drive home. She is a very sweet and always a happy girl who loves to cuddle. LadyRay25 9 years ago. She is very laid back and very affectionate and tolerates almost anything.

I have teased her time and time again by tugging gently on her tail or her paw and she may let out a brief meow as if to say "stop! She's still a 1 year old. I'm not sure if she has a different personality or not. I've noticed that she is afraid of loud noises and complains if she is around them for too long. She is afraid to be outside unless she is in her carrier. She talks when she wants some love but isn't very vocal unless she REALLY wants her way - and that doesn't happen often.

But when she does I have to keep her in the bathroom because she peed on my bed twice. When I first put her there, she became VERY vocal - meowing and meowing, then resting for 5 minutes - then meowing again until I came in the bathroom. Oddly enough, I put her carrier in the bathroom with a blanket inside and she LOVES it and she had only been in it 3 times. The meowing stopped and she has never complained about the bathroom since, lol. She also fetches the little bread twist -ties and will not play with anything else but those.

She ignored all of the toy mice I bought her but will chase a gnat for about 10 minutes - until she loses interest and will then go behind the couch to chill, lol. She also likes people food - bologna, ham, and strawberry jam. Don't worry, I only let her lick a small bit from my finger. She knows what "NO" means and will pause and look at me when I say it, give it a thought, and then walk somewhere else. She's never scratched and only uses her claws to hang on.

She tolerates my clipping her nails if I wrap her inside a blanket, although she'll run if I'm too relaxed. All in all, she is very sweet. Hi, I am new. Our calico kitten Vespa is about 5 months old, and the vet told us she would likely be a petite little girl. Some traits that I notice about her are 1 Around bedtime or internet time, she loves to be held. Like she is giving us a full on bath. Sometimes while doing this she raises her paw like Maneki Neko, the Japanese lucky cat.

It's ratty, ugly, and makes a swishy rattling sound that she can't get enough of. She plays fetch with it. She is my lovebug and I have just totally fallen stupid in love with her. Shewn 9 years ago. I've had my Calico for about 5 years now, at first she was shy and would always hide somewhere but now she comes out and loves everyone. She jumps up onto men and womans laps, I had my sister here who is 10, and she didn't mind her, so I guess she is a people person. Her name is Feebee, she is 8 or 9 years. So Feebee had a tough life, now I think she loves it here.

She has a gum disease which makes her gums weak, when we got her she didnt have much of her little front teeth, only 2 at the top and 4 at the bottom, now she has 1 at the top and 3 at the bottom we had to get surgery done on her mouth and they removed one of her fangs and two molars, once they opened up her gums a bunch of puss came out, just imagine the pain she was in? They said that as she gets older, more teeth would fall out. She has maybe 10 of them left, Feebee drools when she is happy, one time I was rubbing her ear and I looked at my blanket, it had a big drool spot.

Feebee can't meow like a normal cat, she sort of grunts. Just a few short statements about how I felt about this book. It takes a lot for a book to sucker punch me in the feel-zone. This book definitely got me right in the gut. I laughed and I cried. Oh hell, I probably ran through every emotion while reading it. It was the p 5 stars! It was the perfect example of not wanting to put down. It's content and repaired now, but my heart broke into many pieces while reading.

Callie Hart did such an amazing job creating multiple layers to this story and characters. Please read this beautiful second chance romance. I hope you love it as much as I did.

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View all 43 comments. Apr 07, Brandi rated it really liked it Shelves: This was an intense read. Regardless, as a whole, I found myself thoroughly invested in the story and the characters. View all 24 comments. Apr 22, Anna rated it really liked it. This once more of a sad story that still has hope as i said vibe and writing vise it reminded me more of such tearjerker,bitter the writing style back and forth between past and present,second chance romance with groun ups that broke up,cause of tragick surcumstuncess as teens reminded me a lot of One day soon, as well as the sad and sweet tearjerker style of writing and plot.

This once more of a sad story that still has hope as i said vibe and writing vise it reminded me more of such tearjerker,bittersweet reads, like One Day Soon, Bright Side,Gus,than Callie's ussual books. I cant call this book exactly original even the teen pregnancie tragick miscariage were done to death before. But the book made me emotional and i did feel for both Coralie and Callan and hate her horrid father Apr 12, London marked it as hell-fucking-no Shelves: Pretty disappointed the author went this route. I absolutely hate when the hero leaves the heroine and sleeps with tons of other women during their separation.

Not only that but there's descriptive sex with a long term fuck buddy in the book as well. He describes how he came all over her tits, how she had just gone down on him, and how he had gone down on her too. View all 5 comments. May 13, Tash rated it it was amazing Shelves: It is a modern-day romance about high school sweethearts reconnecting over a decade later. Duel point of views bouncing between current day and flashback chapters of their past. Trigger warning child abuse. Coralie is flawed but lovable and overall a strong female lead. After a tragedy steaming from the abuse she flees her hometown and father without explaining why to her boyfriend or friends.

The story follows the couple as Callan eventually learns the truth about Coralies childhood and why she left. The writing was amazing, and I really enjoyed the story. I read the entire thing eagerly. The negatives I had that stopped it from being 5 stars though was 1. I feel like I never got justice.

I wanted Malcom punished. I would recommend this to any romance lovers out there, it was steamy, emotional and touching. I really enjoyed the writing, characters and storyline. View all 4 comments. Oct 21, Nance rated it really liked it Shelves: I couldn't believe my eyes while reading this one. I can't even imagine what poor Coralie went through. Her young life was horrible after her mother's passing. It was unreal how much that young girl could take from her abusive father. He does so many unthinkable things to her.

He's just off his rocker! And, her young boyfriend, Callen, has no idea. She hides it from him very well. But, when her father does something so horrific, she decides to leave. If she di I couldn't believe my eyes while reading this one. If she didn't fear for her life so much, she would have stuck around. Callen is dealing with a heartbreaking situation of his own, and Coralie just couldn't bear to ask him to come with her.

It would have been so selfish and unfair. So, after twelve years the two meet again under some undo circumstances. They both feel the emotions coming to the surface. What to do with their relationship now? And, when some horrifying secrets are revealed, Callen just doesn't know how to deal with them. Will this couple find their way back to each other? That was one emotional book! All over the place.

And, truths finally were exchanged. I think when Callen finally learns of all the abuse that Coralie had gone through in the past, it breaks him. He knew that her father was protective, but he had no idea as to what degree that he would go to keep Coralie all to himself. He was one sick excuse for a human being. I really enjoyed this book, but it was sad. Finally, though, in the end the couple finds some peace from all the destruction.

Under Blue Skies

Ride Away With Me, Calico My Love is a heart wrenching story of true friendship and tender young hearts that are crushed to the max. Calico and Tyler have. That you were my lover for life [Pre-Chorus] So take me to the paradise. In your eyes And we can run away So we took to the calico road.

I so so needed for them to move on. This definitely was a far cry from Ms. But, definitely worth the read. You won't be disappointed with this one. A little on the short side, but so much happened between those pages. So many things resolved for the better to enable this couple to be together. But the passing of time makes the pain at our backs less severe. All we have to do is face forward and look in the light. Sep 15, Nawal added it Shelves: I couldn't get in to it as much as I would have liked. Apr 21, Simera rated it it was amazing Shelves: Finally a book that got me out of my book stump.

View all 3 comments. Mar 14, Olga therebelreader rated it really liked it Shelves: Calico is a beautiful heart-whelming story about abuse, secrets, redemption, forgiveness and second chance love. The storyline follows Callan and Coralie in their adolescence to adulthood. They were best friends when they were younger and soon became lovers. Her strict and abusive father made life hell for her. She managed though to keep her abuse a secret from Callan.

When she felt brave enough, she escaped from her abusive father in order to protect herself and the boy she cared for and deeply Calico is a beautiful heart-whelming story about abuse, secrets, redemption, forgiveness and second chance love. When she felt brave enough, she escaped from her abusive father in order to protect herself and the boy she cared for and deeply loved. Now, twelve years since she left, she comes back to her hometown to bury her father. The simmering tension that sparks whenever they are around each other becomes impossible and their chemistry is undeniable.

Coralie suffered far more abuse than a young girl should. It truly broke my heart the abuse that she suffered as a young girl at the hands of the person that is supposed to protect you. Can Coralie look past her fears to allow Callan into her heart again? Can he protect the only woman he's ever loved? And, will they find their way back to each other?

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The main characters come together in a touching way that makes you love them all the more. Calico is a story about two broken people and their road to healing, but also the unexpected connection found through mutual pain. I really loved the style of writing, it was very appealing and it just blew my mind. I loved Callan, it was more than obvious that he loved Coralie. This book definitely satisfied my love of an emotionally angst read. It is full of gut wrenching moments, lots of love, and lots of turmoil.

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Highly recommended for fans of emotional and memorable novels. View all 22 comments. That was dark and violent, whereas, this was raw and emotional, mostly. I was completely consumed by the raw and emotional story. I was captivated by the writing and waiting for all the pieces of the puzzle to be put together.

And I say mostly, because, for the first part, I was a freaking 3. And I say mostly, because, for the first part, I was a freaking mess, as you can see from my few status updates on Goodreads and Facebook. Now this is where I struggle, because unfortunately, I never found them. It was like I had all of the corner and side pieces, but the middle ones were lost.

Now, if you follow my reviews, I usually just rate a book I kind of liked a 3 or 3. But I feel like I have to give some explanation because I was raving about how much I was loving this book. That is why it is in spoiler tags!!! Or if she does, she never mentions nor does anything about it. But, Friday the name of the friendly neighbor continues to bring her food and friendly advice, all the while, not seeing or simpl y ignoring the bruises.

Callan walks her to and home from school every day. He never goes to a game. Now, what boyfriend would not question when your Lacrosse games are, and not want to go watch you PLAY? She slips through his window every night when her father goes to sleep and sleeps with Callan. Again, he never questions her bruises - Lacrosse, remember? Now, here is where I have a nother problem. She has to notice the bruises. Now, I know Coralie uses makeup to cover the bruises, but she's been sleeping and some of that does wear off Because that would be awful. It is an awful thing for anyone to experience.

I would never wish it on anyone. Yet, because the way the scene is written, I kept anticipating it. I kept looking for it. Yet, there was nothing. Nothing more was ever mentioned. I was so confused. Why was that there? He must not know the definition of survival? Was he being beaten for 17 years? Was he being ignored by his friends and loved ones for 17 years, and basically being left to die? He was being a selfish ass! And had no right to be angry!

This pissed me off! His misplaced anger was uncalled for. He was found on the same bridge his wife killed herself, with a kitchen knife sticking out of his chest. Now, it alluded to suicide, as well it alluded to murder. Not an easy act, medically. This is glossed over and never answered. And now, when she returns home, she finds out that of those 12 years, her father has been sober for 10!?? And had been attending church? Okay, this is HUGE.

Because remember, this man had been an alcoholic monster for at least the 17 years of her childhood. This complete about-face was never explored. What caused this complete change in character? It was all just too much, and unbelievable. Sadly, there were too many holes and loose ends.

As well, I felt like we were lead on some paths that didn't go anywhere. I know many people who found this to be a 4 and 5-star worthy book and who were not as bothered by those things that I listed. So take this review for what it is, an opinion. Sep 04, Fanny rated it liked it. Antes que nada quiero agradecerle a Sandy porque si no hubiera sido por ella no se si le hubiera dado una oportunidad a esta historia. Calico es la primera lectura que leo de Callie Hart y narra la historia de amor entre Coralie y Callan.

Hace unos dias me encontre con este libro y lo primero que me llamo la atencion fue la portada, no es que sea hermosa a simple vista pero tiene algo que la hace especial, un poco atipica, aun asi al leer la sinopsis no me termine de animar a leerlo Los capitulos alternan entre pasado y presente para narrarnos la relacion entre la pareja protagonista, los capitulos narrados en pasado son dulces, tiernos y romanticos, nos muestra las mejores partes del primer amor exceptuando algunas partes realmente duras entre Coralie y su padre , mientras que los capitulos en presente son mas maduros y serios, realmente la autora hizo un muy buen trabajo con su forma de narrarnos la historia, los capitulos se complementan unos con otros.

Reconozco que mis partes favoritas fueron las del pasado, leer sobre el amor de Callan y Coralie fue especial. Es cierto que el libro no trata un tema nuevo o uno del que otras autoras no hayan escrito pero aun asi Callie Hart consiguio una lectura amena, tierna y rapida de leer, me gusto que fuera muy fluida, el ritmo no decae en ningun momento y lo lees sin darte cuenta. Definitivamente este no sera mi ultimo libro de la autora.

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Jul 01, Grecia Robles rated it really liked it. Oct 05, Mimiorphee rated it it was amazing Shelves: I love Callie Hart's writing and Calico is no exception. The characters are exceptional and stay true to themselves all along. This book is a beautiful story. Callie kept it simple in a good way , which was refreshing.

Dec 03, Michelle [Helen Geek] rated it really liked it Recommends it for: A nice, well told story. Attending a funeral purely so you can piss on a headstone is pretty fucked up. Tears well in my eyes as Callan Cross kisses me, and I feel dizzy, weightless, like I'm soaring. Like I'm a bird. Not everything, but most things. Especially the characters and situations she creates. She is a wonderful story teller. You never know what she's going to create or exactly where she is going to go with a story.

You really don't care, you just want to go on the ride. What did I really like about this one? Coralie -- first of all -- love this name. She starts off being a bit neutral for me. She seemed to lack any depth and was almost shadow like. But then, pay attention, she really starts to take shape and you realize she was a shadow because her soul lived elsewhere..

Callan -- here is where Callie Hart excels. The male characters she creates are really magnificent. This one was just perfect. He is a man's man, but he has such depth of feeling and care for Coralie. He is no nonsense, but with her, he has this little tear in his confidence. Everywhere else, and with everyone else he exudes confidence -- with her, not as much. She is his soul and he needs it back. This is just too important and he can't let it go south again. He won't get another chance.

I'm not always a big fan of books that go between past and present. The transitions could have been a bit smoother. I think Callie took the more direct approach and did it chapter by chapter. We see these two evolve from who they were, then who they were together, then who they were apart and then their coming together again. It really was a glorious story and like any other CH story, there was an element of suspense in the relationship. There was also a villain. Malcolm was a horrible person. Her portrayal of him was well done. Overall, a really good story.

I've actually purchased a book largely due to a title. Some titles are are simple and are pretty obvious. Others really don't fit a book well at all and you wonder where the heck they came up with the idea. Some titles you have to look for. They are as much a part of the story as a chapter or multiple. In this case, you have to pay attention. Calico only shows up a time or two, but is integral to the feeling these two have for each other; their shared history.

It really is perfect. All this for a dollar. What is wrong with this picture? Knowing this author now, I'd pay much more. I read it as KU and then purchased it for my permanent library. Now, for a few things that weren't so great: I think the rawness of the emotion this book should evoke was edited away for paragraph structure or a "better way of saying or illustrating" something.

It didn't have the raw feel it should have. I have a feeling, the first version or six, did. It is so worth it and I felt like I was "stealing" something after reading it. I basically had the pleasure of reading this for a monthly membership fee. That doesn't seem right sometimes. I don't understand this business model once you have an established author. This really doesn't belong there. I would have read it anyway. Then, buying it for a dollar? I enjoyed it immensely and hope the author knows it. This really made me FEEL these characters and their belief in each other.

Their struggle to come back to each other. Callan deserves all the credit because Coralie lacks a bit of courage because of her personal history. I can't fault her, but if they hadn't come together [and we both know this wouldn't have been the point of the story.. I think this author does better when writing stand-alone, non series books. I give up on her series because they seem too dependent on each other.

I missed it and think as the years move forward, I'll regret my laziness.

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Edited by dunndalk member 5 years ago. She already had some calico critters and dolls. He'd come home for her when he had heard about her father passing. Calico Critters items never disappoint. Turn on 1-Click ordering for this browser. Any tips with this skidish calico?

I'm committing to writing my longer format for books 3. Leigh's review posted at Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews 4. That was not exactly what I got with Calico. If anything, it was more of a YA novel, which was quite a surprise. But, it was still pure Callie Hart. It was easy to read and engaging, pulling the reader in to the minds of the characters and making you care about them.

It was sad and sweet and oh so good. Calico follows the lives of Coralie and Callan, weaving back and forth between high school sweethearts and broken adults. Coralie and Callan found love in one another as teenagers. Not just puppy love or infatuation, but the kind of love that is meant to last a lifetime. When they meet again years later, back in the same town where they fell in love, these two need to confront old demons and new realizations about one another.

This story was no exception. The love that Coralie and Callan felt for one another was so innocent at first, so pure and so real that it is hard not to fall in love with them. Looking back, their romance was bittersweet, but it was undeniable and once-in-a-lifetime. She manages to capture these tortured men that hate and love with all consuming passions, and craft a story that reaches out and grabs you.

Apr 26, Karen rated it it was amazing Shelves: Words to describe the pleasure of reading a really good book is hard for me to come up with. This book had the perfect amount of everything I enjoy even the horror of a childhood because I know the ending will offset that much more and this is that book you shouldn't miss especially if you don't read a lot. It's so well written. Characters are well defined and the setting is also.

Funny how the only blurred parts are the East coast and West coast that they moved to when they left the small tow Words to describe the pleasure of reading a really good book is hard for me to come up with. Funny how the only blurred parts are the East coast and West coast that they moved to when they left the small town in South Carolina. The author was a bit obvious when she had them "settle" in the middle I only know that I truly appreciate a hawked loogy now more than ever!!!!!

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