Redemption (The Only Half Saga Book 2)

An Echo of Darkness

Yet again in perfect Lauren Layne style this author has wow'd me with her gorgeous story telling and provided the perfect book to escape with, what more can a romance addict ask for? You won't find a sweeter romance story in my opinion and predictably so I was sold lock, stock and barrel by this heart squeeze of a novel. There was zero I can tell you about this book that I didn't love, adore and want to gush about with my book friends. I've read all there is to read from this author so far and I can guarantee I won't be missing any future releases from my favourite.

A huge five star read for me, bring on the next release. View all 64 comments. Mar 18, Catarina rated it really liked it Shelves: He switches his charmed life in NY for cowboy boots in the country. Chloe is in love with his best-friend since forever, the same who is currently dating her sister. As ever, this was a very well written and heartwarming story that will leave you wanting for more.

It was romantic, sweet and with some sexy moments. It was too slow in the beginning, but once it picked up it was a great book. If you like NA, you should really try this series. And this book had an epilogue! As the story progressed I ended up really liking them both. They wised-up, especially Chloe. Kristen, her sister, was a bitch. Devon was a clueless idiot. I loved how all of characters from the three books got together in the end, definitely best part of the book.

View all 20 comments. Sep 08, Jennifer Kyle rated it really liked it Shelves: Clair was the third wheel from book one that fell hard for Olivia Middleton and broke up his friendship with Ethan Price. In book two, he went the step further when Paul lead him to believe that Olivia texted him, he flew all the way to Maine just to get shot down and crushed yet again. His world gets further rocked when his paternity is revealed and so he is in Texas stalking is biological father while working at a posh country club. Michael has his mark all set on Kristin Bellamy, the pretty and perfect Olivia lookalike who is dating his half-brother, Devon.

Because she makes me feel like somebody. View all 53 comments. Jan 29, Geri Reads rated it really liked it. Lauren Layne is fast becoming an auto-buy author for me. This is the second book from her that I've loved. Claire learned of the devastating truth about his parentage, he runs to Dallas to find his father. For those who have read the previous books in the series, you all know about Michael's feelings for Olivia and the eventual fallout he had, not only with Olivia but with Ethan as well.

Not only that, he just found out a monumental family secret that had him question 4. Not only that, he just found out a monumental family secret that had him questioning his identity. It upended his life. Everything he knew about himself were nothing but lies. In other words, Michael's life was a mess.

Chloe Bellamy is the opposite of everything Michael wants in a woman. She's mouthy, extroverted and unrefined unlike her sister, Kristin, who was more of Micheal's type. Chloe has been in love with her sister's boyfriend for years even though he never really noticed her. When Micheal found out about Chloe's feelings for his half-brother, he offered to help. His motives were not pure though. Aside from wanting Kristin, he also wants to get to know his biological father. But the more time Chloe and Michael spend together, the more they realize how much alike they are, how much they need each other and how much they are attracted to each other.

Their progression from enemies to friends and then to lovers was simply delightful to read. Their banter, their camaraderie that later on became little flirtations had me turning the pages, and I didn't stop until I reached the end. This is the kind of book you can read in one sitting. Once I started I couldn't put it in. I was thoroughly engaged. I loved the chemistry between Chloe and Michael. And despite Michael's issues and hang-ups, I truly saw him fell for Chloe. I understood why he didn't aggressively pursued her. He's been there and done that and got burned.

All he knew was Chloe was hell bent on getting Devon, and he didn't want a repeat of his relationship with Ethan and Olivia. Little did he know that Chloe was also falling fast for him. She's feisty, funny and real. You can relate with her insecurities because she wasn't burdened by it. It's there and she has it but she knows how to deal with it. The only reason this one didn't get a five was the ending disappointed me a bit. It's believable but instead of view spoiler [Ethan, Olivia, Stephanie and Paul actually coming up with a plan to win Chloe back, I wanted it to be just Micheal.

I know he's confused but come on, he could have looked for her himself and tried to win her back but he didn't. It doesn't diminish the HEA for me but I wish he took the initiative first and then bring in his friends as the last resort. But it's a small thing and the epilogue was still sweet. So definitely, I'll recommend this one. The great writing, wonderful characters and an engaging storyline made this a winner for me. ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. View all 41 comments. Claire and his sexilicious six pack are metaphorically damaged by his heartbreaking past so he goes to Texas for the summer in search of redemption.

  • A Nature of Conflict (The Redemption Saga #3) by Kristen Banet.
  • Redemption (The Revelation, #3) by Randi Cooley Wilson;
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Curvaceous Chloe is smart and funny and bubbly and beautiful. I LOVE her quirkiness and individuality. How will it all work out? I love the lighthearted comedy value and self deprecating humour in the writing. In contrast to this, some of the situations that they naturally become entwined in are downright heart melting.

I swooned and smiled and laughed. The family issues concerning Michael are emotional and touched my heart in the way it evolved.

See a Problem?

I understand this moves time forward and allows for story development but on a couple of occasions I wanted to read about some of that missing time. Crushed is rich in history, layered with emotion and teamed with angst levels that are set to perfection for the mood of this piece. I felt anticipation and so looked forward to the climax and result of this story as I was reading the final chapters. The hero, Michael St. Complimentary copy received from the publishers, via NetGalley, for my honest review thoughts View all 40 comments.

Especially because it had almost ZERO sex. Not to mention it took the hero and heroine the whole book to get together. Enter Michael who wants Stick, but not for the reasons you might think. Michael is going to help Curvy get her man which will only benefit Michael. Anyone want to guess what happens? Curvy, aka Chloe, was a fantastic heroine!

A Nature of Conflict

She was so sarcastic and self-deprecating. And just plain awesome! I wanted to hug her and at the same time I wanted to be her best friend. With a plot like this a lot of things could have gone wrong, but gah for the most part they were great. I was sucked right in from the get-go, curious to see how everything would all play out.

Yeah…Stick, aka Kristen is a total bitch! It made me laugh, a lot. And it gave me the feels, which is hard to do. I didn't love the end. I didn't like view spoiler [the big reunion with all of the other series characters. It was just silly to me. So despite the lack of sex and the not so stellar ending, I would still totally recommend this one! ARC kindly provided by NG in exchange for an honest review View all 86 comments. Mar 02, Brandi rated it really liked it Shelves: Crushed is Michael St.

Michael is broody and a little lost, while Chloe is the witty, chubby girl who has lived most of her life in her gorgeous sister, Kristen's shadow. He is interested in Kristen and Chloe is crushing on her sisters boyfriend, Devon. Friendship grows into something a little more complicated, and Michael and Chloe struggle with how to deal with their feelings. These two were tons of fun, witty banter and great sexual tension filled the pages. I really enjoyed this cute read. View all 37 comments. There's just something about her writing and her characters that never fails to reel me in and keep me glued to the pages.

It also never fails to give me that warm and fuzzy feelings right in my tummy that I've come to adore about New Adult. There's no insta anything and her characters are far from perfect and watching that 4. There's no insta anything and her characters are far from perfect and watching that progress and develop through the story is the best feeling in the world.

But then right around Broken that changed. My heart hurt for him and I couldn't wait for the guy that fell in love with his best friend's girlfriend only to be devastatingly rejected by her in the end to get his HEA. Michael's world changed forever right around the time his heart was shattered into a million pieces. First he gets rejected by the girl he's been in love with for years. A girl that just so happened to be his best friend's girlfriend at that he cheated with.

So in the span of one kiss, he lost the girl AND his best friend. Then his world gets rocked when he finds out that his whole life has been a lie and his father isn't his father. In the hopes to get to know the man that is his true father, he moves to Texas, but he's no longer the boy that he was. He's broody, he's disenchanted and jaded. He no longer believes in love, but working as a tennis pro for the rich and the bored, he has no problem being the boy toy to the spoiled housewives.

But he has ulterior motives to working there. He has his eye on a girl that happens to be his half-brother's girlfriend. A half-brother that has no idea he exists. And while Michael has his eye on Kristin, the gorgeous and spoiled rich girl, her frumpy sister is in love with Devon. On a good day I'm curvy. On a bad one, I'm plump.

Most of the days are bad ones. Chloe is honestly what truly made this book for me. Her ability to laugh at herself and this lighthearted presence she had to her was a breath of fresh air. She's so fun and quirky and just this girl next door that could be anyone's best friend. Being the frumpy sister to the perfect skinny one is no easy feat. It's also twice as hard being in love with her boyfriend for as long as she remembers. But Chloe knows she has no chance.

So when Michael offers her a chance to make Devon "notice" her, she may be hesitant at first, but she takes it. What ensues is an unwilling friendship that slowly begins to turn into much more. Michael might be sick of being "second choice. SHE'S tired of being the platonic sidekick. These two were polar opposites but yet made perfect sense together. And the banter between them? So, what's the problem? You're one of those girls waiting for the movie kiss? With Chloe, it's easy to forget that I'm nobody.

I loved the slow burn element to the story. It's truly brilliant when the reader discovers things right along with the characters. Chloe and Michael didn't lust for each other at first sight, and that was evident. But somewhere along the way their feelings shift, and you get to experience that with them. It's not often that this self proclaimed smut slut enjoyed a story that basically has zero sex this much.

But to be honest, anything more would have been plain filler. The one and only scene is filled with so much feeling that it's satisfying all on it's own. Did I also happen to mention the fantastic banter? I swear to God, Beefcake, every now and then you slip in a word that makes me think you're a nineteenth-century butler. What if I slip a British accent in there? My only quibble was the somewhat cheesy-ish reunion at the very end, but then at the same time I was hoping for one, so I can't complain much.

If you're a fan of New Adult that has a witty heroine, a broody hero, a slow burn romance and incredible writing, this book is simply a must read! ARC courtesy of publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review For more reviews visit View all 33 comments. Mar 29, Beverly rated it it was amazing. This series and characters keep getting better and better. When I finished this one I was really debating on which couple is my favorite and so far I am at a loss. However, I can say without a doubt Chloe is my favorite heroine. Chloe Bellamy is different. If you have been following the series Chloe is a new character and we meet her when Michael moves to Texas to get more information regarding his dad.

Michael has given up hi This series and characters keep getting better and better. In need of a job he begins working at the local Country Club.


As I read all this my heart was breaking for my crazy, say it like it is heroine. See how the plot thickens and this is just the beginning. Chloe and Michael both have something the other wants. Chloe wants to get healthy and for Devon to finally see her as more than his girlfriends nerdy sister. They decide to work together to accomplish their goals. I love how the story progressed and the characters continue to grow and develop. Most importantly I love the message of this story. Chloe Bellamy deserves better. She deserves better than what I got. I had my doubts and fears about this one.

Mainly because I loved Chloe so much I knew I would be more sensitive to her hardships, but in the end it was perfect! I have loved them, but Chloe made this story extra special. ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review. View all 35 comments. Now, the once golden boy of Manhattan is working his ass off at Cedar Grove, Texas, to make enough money to pay for a shitty apartment and a shitty new life, hoping he will get to meet his real father. Enter the Bellamy sister. One is every guy's wet dream and her name is Kristin, the other one is not exactly what fashion magazines would call beautifu 4,25 I Wanna Be Besties With Chloe Stars Michael never expected to lose in short time his best friend, the girl he was in love with and his family.

One is every guy's wet dream and her name is Kristin, the other one is not exactly what fashion magazines would call beautiful and her name is Chloe. One of them is a bitch, the other one is one of the most interesting people one could ever meet. One of them is dating his half-brother, Devon, the other one has been in love with him since she was a kid.

So Michael makes Chloe a deal, he will help her get Devon from Kristin, but his reasons aren't exactly what he lets Chloe believe You know how sometimes you tell yourself, "Self, you will not like this character. He doesn't deserve it. That's what happened with Michael for me. Oh well, I'll just say it.

He was a jerk and jerks are my thing! Chloe on the other hand was all kinds of awesome. I liked how she made fun of herself and how even though she felt the pressure of her weight she didn't let it drag her down. Did she have insecure moments? Yeap, and having that bitch Kristin for a sister didn't help at all. But she always got over it and when the time came she had the motivation to change what she didn't like in herself. I also liked how kind she was and the fact that the author gave us examples of her kindness. How she would always talk to people that other people ignore, like old ladies or the odd guy at a bar, or how at holidays, she would bring home people who were lonely and sad.

And her quirky sense of humor helped a lot too. There were a couple things I didn't like about the book but for the love of me, I can't remember anything right now. LL's writing was as always great and spell-binding, the characters had depth and I had a couple of "I wanna cry for your trouble" moments. Generally another success for the author. I'm so glad I requested this book! I can't wait to see who the next character will be. It's because I have my ARC!!!

View all 6 comments. Claire aka Beefcake is a 24 yr. Six months ago he learned his whole life is a lie, and that his dad isn't really his dad at all. He leaves Manhattan and walks away without anything but his car. He thinks they can possibly lead him to his father. Michael is also trying to escape his memories of Olivia, the only girl he's truly ever wanted or loved.

He's decided love isn't for him anymore, but he can still enjoy women, and his new brother's girlfriend Kristen Bellamy is just his type. It also doesn't hurt he can use her to get to his brother Devon. While Michael is giving Kristen tennis lessons, her sister Chloe begins tagging along to watch. She's loud, and not little miss perfect like her sister. She speaks her mind, and is hilarious. Michael quickly realizes the way she looks longingly at his brother who is also her sister Kristen's boyfriend.

I narrow my eyes at him, and he grins. You shouldn't forget it.

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The Only Half Saga: Redemption [Denise D. Randall] on Start reading Redemption (The Only Half Saga Book 2) on your Kindle in under a. The Complete Colony Saga: box set (The Colony Saga Book 0) - Kindle edition a movie is never made of this book because if they did only half as good as the.

At the same time, Michael is starting to realize he is attracted to the quirky, curvy, Chloe. He starts to lose focus on their plan, and realizes he just may want Chloe for himself. And the way we kiss is familiar, too. Like we've done it a hundred times, as though we belong here. Belong to each other.

He has fallen for her, but doesn't quite know what to do about it. We get some angst as these two try to deal with and admit their feelings for one another. I thought this was such a cute, sexy story. I would highly recommend this one! As usual Lauren Layne writes books I just adore! View all 28 comments. Jan 20, Jeanne rated it it was amazing Shelves: So cute, my favorite of the series: This has been such a great series, and imo, each book has been better than the last.

I love everything about Lauren Layne's writing! I wish there were more heroines like Chloe. She was funny, real, and sarcastic. At the same time, she was so genuine and really cares about people. She was exactly what Micheal needed! I loved the friends to lovers slow build, it's my favorite kind of romance. I know this seems like a shallow thing to point out, but Loved this! I know this seems like a shallow thing to point out, but I also bond with Chloe over the hair struggle. I get teased about my messy bun or ponytail habits, but let me tell ya, you don't spend an hour with two straightening tools to go to the grocery store.

I think I spend more money on my hair than books, and that's saying something, Lol. Sure, there were a couple of times I wanted to smack Michael, but overall, I ended up really liking him too. I mostly appreciated the growth in his character as the book went along. I think it's kind of cool that in this book and well as the last one, she took a character I didn't think I could possibly like and changed my mind about them.

In some ways this was more of a 4 star read, but because Chloe was such an unusually awesome heroine and I think L. L's storybook theme is clever, I rounded to 5. I highly recommend any of her books, she is truly one of my favorite authors, I've never been disappointed! View all 21 comments. Great characters, fun banter, no insta love. The main characters frustrated me a little but it was tolerable. A sweet romantic quick read. View all 26 comments. I know I have said this many times I just adore this author!

Lauren Layne has become my go to author when I need a fun, sweet, steamy with a bit of angst read. Her books always leave me with a stupid grin on my face. Michael has become a bitter man. Piece by piece his life has fallen apart. He lost the only girl he has ever wanted and his best friend at his own doing. But that isn't the only thing that crushed him. When he learns of I know I have said this many times I just adore this author!

But beneath all that goodness was a guy that could be a real arse. It was going to take a special woman to find the goodness in him that is buried. She was funny and sarcastic and oh so real. She saw herself in a simple light which made her beautiful on the inside and out. But no matter how hard he tries to keep Chloe in a certain light she manages to get under his skin. Ruining their relationship is just a means to one end. It was a way to get to the one person that has brought him to Cedar Grove.

So much changes for her and she becomes more confused when she begins to realize who she wants to give her heart to. How much damage will this cat and mouse game cost Michael and Chloe? Overall this one was an enjoyable read even with a bit of quirkiness at the end. The epilogue was sweet too! View all 38 comments. Nov 23, Patrycja rated it really liked it Shelves: Lauren Layne Release Date: April 15, Rating: Lauren is one of my favorite authors and she also did not let down me this time.

Super sweet, heart f Title: Super sweet, heart fluttering new adult book that made me want to hug my ereader to my chest… tightly. This story focuses on Michael St. Claire and Chloe Bellamy. He lost everything he took for granted - Olivia, Ethan and his parents. That made him question his life and led him to Cedar Grove in Texas. Don't tell Kristin; she's sick of hearing it. It was hard not to. The main heroine is totally kick ass babe.

I loved her from the moment she made her first appearance. Chloe is one of those witty, strong and stubborn girls you want to be or want to make friends with. She made me smile. Michael is not so bad boyfriend material also. And I quickly found myself rooting for him. The banter as well as the sexual chemistry between Chloe and Michael made me giddy. Between Curvy Chloe and Stick, Bitchy Kristen and two boys there were a lot of drama and funny moments. I had so much fun reading about those characters and the only reason why this book is not five stars for me is the ending. For me it was a little bit rushed.

Besides that, I was smitten with this story. Lauren Layne done superb job with it and I can honestly recommend it to all of you. Click here for a link to purchase: Six months since I walked away from her. Since she walked away from me. But more than that It's been six months since I've bothered to care. Let me just come clean, as I do whenever I read one of this author's books-I am in love with this author. She is my rainy day, bad mood, giggle-fest, any mood author. I did have things I do wish would have been different-just minor, baby things.

But nothing deterred my mood once. There wasn't a moment I wasn't on cloud nine as I read this story and no page was turned without me being all fangirly. And proceed with caution. She plops down at one of the few vacant spots at the bar, and unlike the usual solo girls that daintily perch themselves on the stools, there's no glancing around to see who's noticed her arrival.

No careful positioning to ensure her posture's just right to show off her best side. It's so hard for me to say or admit to a favorite Lauren Layne series as a whole, but I am going to have to level with you guys-This is probably the series I get the most excited about. It's the series I go out of my way to stalk netgalley for and it's the series that I have fallen the most deeply in love with. I just connected with it on a visceral level and it touched me so deeply. Each guy and each girl holds a special place in my heart for very different reasons, but it all comes down to this: Every single person in this series is a tortured soul Ethan, the guy who's girl cheated on him with his best friend.

Stephanie, the girl who was ALSO cheated on and helped Ethan realize he didn't need to impress anyone but the girl he wants to spend his life with. The one who went to Maine to help atone for her sins with a scarred ex marine The asshole marine who didn't think anyone could love him because of his scars and surly, asshole attitude. And then our dear, Michael. The one who technically lost two loves-his best friend and the girl who he had been in love with, secretly, for ten years. These are our three main characters that had problems throughout the series It's not what I mean to say.

I don't know what I mean to say. I just can't stand the thought of this cheerful, good person going through what I went through. Instead of being offended, she laughs. I must say, I fell hard for Mr. Asshole With A Horrible 'Tude. I didn't know how I'd feel about him, really, but the minute he opened his not-so-talkative mouth, I was smiling ear to ear and knew he'd be a tough one to crack. Just like I like 'em. He's had more problems than just cheating with his best friend's girl.

When family is involved, it's even worse. So, to say he is tortured is mild. But then this totally snarky chick starts to call him out, pull him into an area of his life he's not accustomed to, and he starts to come out of his shell He lusts after the stick figures with perfect hair and toned bods, but he starts to connect with the sister of his client who is curvaceous, loud, and has untamed hair. What starts out as an agreement to help her becomes an understanding, becomes a partnership, makes them become He can't believe, after months of seclusion and brooding, that his one true friend is this girl who won't ever shut up and who constantly gropes and teases him.

Well, would ya look at that? I didn't even try to cop a feel. Lauren Layne is officially a weekend-only author. Her books are too good to destroy during a work week and I really screwed up with this one. Every time I started to get truly immersed in my reading or get to a super juicy part, I would start to get dizzy because I was forcing myself to stay up late But that just proves my point on how good this was-I still got through it and loved every little bit That'll help distract me from the real reason I asked if he wanted to go to dinner.

Because he'd looked lonely. Or the real real reason. Because I'm lonely, too. Here's another reason I love the Redemption series: They all have grand gestures and she doesn't try to hide that every one of the stories ends with a grand gesture-she embraces it and literally says it multiple times in the story-it's brilliant!! She doesn't use the same theme in any of her other stories, at least not so openly, and I LOVE going big to get the girl.

I cannot believe LL kept up this theme from book one until this fantastic finale to wrap up all of these wonderful characters' lives. It was just all so perfect.

I'd be too scared to eat snacks in there. I glance back and see a cooler and a paper bag with Lay's potato chips perched on top. I can just imagine what other junk-food monstrosities lay beneath. How do you feel about Broadway tunes? At one point, it literally quotes: It made me goon like a loser to see that idea resurface and it brought back so many wonderful memories-I fell in love with book one the minute I started it.

At least until Stephanie steps on a chip. She's really lovely," Paul says, stepping out of the way when Stephanie bats at his leg to get the rest of the crumbs.

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I have so many theories going through my head right now I have to go onto the next book. I can't remember the last time I felt this way about a series!!!! Dec 21, Nay Denise rated it it was amazing. I received a review copy from the author in exchange of an honest review. This was absolutely an amazing book! I haven't read very many fantasy books like this, but OMG this makes me want to dive into more.

Randi Cooley Wilson has created such a profound world with such amazing characters. I have been drawn to this world from the beginning. This book had me emotional for all the right reasons. Eve is now trying to figure things out without Asher around, but she is totally sucking at it. She's cons I received a review copy from the author in exchange of an honest review. She's constantly thrown into danger and must find ways to beat it. Eve is just a strong heroine.

She keeps pushing even though she has her moments of giving up. Asher and Gage are just two awesome guys for very different reasons. If I had to pick, I would go with Asher just because I loved him from the beginning. The romance is fabulous as well. Overall, this was freaking fantastic and will definitely be a re-read for me in ! Loved Redemption was just as good as previous books and I enjoyed every second. This was an action packed rollercoaster that kept you guessing all the way through.

Asher was just as delicious as usual and Eve such a stubborn little minx, the ever cheerful Abby and Callan, they are so adorable, Then we have the so need to chill out and leave Eve alone Keegan and Kenna and Gage he really came into his own in book 3. Great read Loved Redemption was just as good as previous books and I enjoyed every second. In my head I was going to give it a 4 stars she was a bit Whiney.. Does he truly love me or is it the bond my gosh woman Figure ur shit out! But then it was totally awesome till the end! It's midnight and I got to work in the morning but my gosh I gotta read!!

Aug 12, Cassie C rated it it was amazing. So I had a reading marathon yesterday, and started this book around 8 o'clock. I stayed up until 1: It is that good. Wilson has managed to blow me away once again with her creativeness and ingenuity with this series. I can't even begin to express how much I loved every single part of this novel. I was laughing, swooning, and freaking out because of the major twists she threw at us. As always, the writing i Review to come! As always, the writing is absolutely phenomenal, and you will devour every single word.

I never wanted this book to end, and when it did This book picks up right where we left off in Restraint , but don't worry Asher fans, you won't have to wait too long for a reappearance from the ever loveable Asher. There are so many memorable scenes in this novel, one occurs within the first couple of chapters- when Eve and Gage visit the Land of Leprechauns. Trust me on this, it's hysterical and you will never look at leprechauns or Lucky Charms the same way again. However, my absolute favorite part of this novel is the characters and their development. Eve grows immensely in this novel, and I loved the way Gage handled her.

He takes a much different approach to her protection and her training , and I think it was very needed. He didn't baby her, which was a good thing even though Asher and clan are looking out for her. Eve stands up for herself more, and makes decisions that are bound to have many dire consequences. Asher is simply amazing, and I can never get enough of him. Seriously, the boy is sinfully delicious, and certain scenes featuring him and Eve are steamy to the extreme. Callan is hilarious as ever, and Abby is just adorable.

  1. An Echo of Darkness (The Redemption Saga Book 4) by Kristen Banet.
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They are the perfect couple. I especially loved their bickering over ice cream flavors. Gage is sexy as ever, and while obviously epitomizing bad boy, we see a different side to him. We also see more from Keeghan in this novel, which I greatly appreciated, as we get more of an insight into his mind. We also meet some new characters, and see some familiar faces.

Lunette is just hilarious. I loved the entire scene with her, and I hope she is the next books because she will have you cracking up! This book is filled with twists and turns that you will never see coming. The ending will have you on a high and then send you crashing because of the events that transpire. There is a traitor in their midst, and I hope that it's not true. The novel ends on a cliffhanger, and the little snippet from the next book, Revolution , is just not enough.

I can't wait to see what is going to happen now that certain events have been set in motion. I highly recommend this book to fans of the series, and if you haven't started this series Dec 23, Jess rated it did not like it Shelves: I get that she is a teenage girl, but she has got to get a leash on those hormones.

She supposedly " loves Asher, but she is panting after Gage. Also, her declarations of love toward Asher are very Twilight-esque She sounds like a year-old trying to convince herself that her first crush is her lifelong love. I don't want to like Gage, but I respect him for his maturity. But, good God, I want to slap Eve. Like, really really bad. Her I started it Her entitled, bratty, "protect-me-now" attitude is ridiculous. I have to put this down Maybe I'll come back to it Jun 11, Lindsay rated it it was amazing Shelves: It was like the book was calling to me Would you like some more of the yummy goodness that is Asher St.

Come to the dark side. This book was so good. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. After being teased for so long, the sex finally happened I still think Eve is an entitled idiot but the story is imaginative and fun. Gage is my favorite. Originally posted on www. I have to admit, I struggled getting into Redemption. I think that it mostly had to do with my anger at a missing Asher for awhile. I was having a very hard time warming up to Gage and feeling a little protective of Eve. So, fair warning, book 3 might make you a little bit. It will make you a lot mad.

There were so many jaw dropping moments that happened in this book. The ending of Redemption will definitely attest to that statemen Originally posted on www. The ending of Redemption will definitely attest to that statement. I did not see several things coming; they completely blindsided me. Asher, as always, was as hot as ever. Again, I loved the scenes between Eve and Asher. The only thing that I would have asked for were some more sexy scenes between them. Yes, there are some really hot scenes in this book. However, I just want to see one of them just absolutely lose control.

I want to see some steamy hotness just erupt from the pages. Fair warning, there are some moments in this series that might bother some readers. Asher is very controlling and protective of Eve. For some reason, his controlling manner is not bothering me at all which it normally would. I find it completely sexy. This is such an amazing series. I finished this book in less than 24 hours. Go read this series now! Nov 11, Penny Hunter rated it it was ok. Do you ever get the feeling sometimes that authors start out with a storyline and a set of characters and then about half way through decide - ah fkk it lets throw in some leprechauns and sorcerers?

Yeah I'm getting that feeling with this series. I also believe that though angst can be good between 2 characters - having the angst as the driving purpose behind the story is just too much. This book is just about them being unable to control themselves even t Do you ever get the feeling sometimes that authors start out with a storyline and a set of characters and then about half way through decide - ah fkk it lets throw in some leprechauns and sorcerers?

This book is just about them being unable to control themselves even though it is literally a death sentence for Asher. I can't relate to Eve at all and so am putting this series down now. Will see if I ever get the inkling to finish it At this point, I doubt it. Jan 06, Amy rated it really liked it Shelves: Eve finally gets what she wants in this book, and what the readers want as well, Asher. It was nice to see his more vulnerable side.

And his jealousy of Gage was even more obvious in this book. The story continues to develop at what I thought was just the right pace. I was excited to see what was going to happen next and never felt like things dragged out too much. Plenty of angst and more UST made for a captivating read. The story built to the end and you could feel the tension rising as Eve ca Eve finally gets what she wants in this book, and what the readers want as well, Asher.

The story built to the end and you could feel the tension rising as Eve came to a decision, but thank goodness I chose to read this book when the series was already complete. Otherwise the cliffhanger would've killed me, it was a wonderfully horrible place to end of story. I love love love Asher. Jul 06, Megan rated it it was amazing. Feb 15, Katie Jones rated it really liked it Shelves: I also feel like Asher is just so intense. I would find him almost suffocating.

That every new breath you take could be the last. So forgive me for having a few shots of tequila last night and trying to just be. Although I do love a good love triangle. Feb 08, Shelley rated it it was amazing. Eve's heart is broken, and now she has a new protector. She is left in a world of hurt and confusion but she still has her gargoyle family there to support and protect her. Soon her world starts to come back together but she isn't sure what she can trust and who she can believe. She learns things that turn her world upside down while trying to fight off the demonic legion that is trying to destroy her.

I devoured this book as well, lets fact it, it only took me four days to read the whole series. As soon as I finished one I had to find out what happened. You will do the same. Asher is back he must prove himself to Eve as well as protect her. Eve decides she must do the unthinkable to save someone she loves, the question remains if it will break her in the process. Finally Eve slowly stops getting on my nerves as often. She has her moments but they are fewer she is growing and learning and starting to trust. The question is if that trust will be her downfall or her salvation.

Jan 08, Amy rated it it was amazing Shelves: Ok, yes, despite my inability to understand why I am so drawn to this series despite my annoyances with it, I am giving this five stars. I am so unsure of what I make of Gage- I like him, and some of the times I am rooting for him Jun 15, Erin V rated it it was amazing Shelves: If this was a movie this book would not be PG that is for sure.

LOL that's all I got to say. How could it end like that!!! Apr 12, Priyanka rated it really liked it Shelves: Jan 02, Anna rated it liked it Shelves: I feel like I need to make a pretty big disclaimer before I launch into my review of this book. I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review, and I read this without first reading the other books in the series that come before this one. This book is not a stand-alone, and I'm pretty sure I would be rating this book higher if I knew these characters, situations, and understood this world before reading this one.

I think especially since this is a paranormal book, there is a certain amount o I feel like I need to make a pretty big disclaimer before I launch into my review of this book. I think especially since this is a paranormal book, there is a certain amount of world building and some learning about different groups of characters that once in place, can allow the reader to have an unique and exciting reading experience.

I write this review knowing that I would likely be in a different place if I'd read the first two books in the series. Eve has been separated from her protector and man she loves, Asher, and has now been given a new protector. This person is someone she doesn't trust, and she is obviously grieving the loss of Asher in her life.

Once she allows herself to accept Gage as her protector, Eve comes to learn things that alters a lot of what she thought she knew about the world. She is angry about all the secrets being kept from her, and is continuing to try and train to be able to take care of herself in a variety of dangerous situations. Again, I don't have all the background knowledge to fully appreciate what I know will be much more dramatic twists and turns for readers of this series. However, I was able to connect with these characters and their situations on some level, and found myself engaged in the story and wanting to know more about all of them.

After reading this, I feel like I would like to go back and catch up with the first two even though I will know some spoilers from this book , and then continue with the series. As I've mentioned, I don't recommend reading this as a stand alone, but I would recommend this series to people interested in a good paranormal romance. Dec 01, Clever Girl rated it really liked it.