Die Frauen von der Beacon Street: Roman (German Edition)

Katherine Howe

The new employees could only work the same hours as local workers. The numbers of working prisoners of war increased dramatically from the 3, of September , especially following the general growth in the total of internees during and, more especially, In March the figure still stood at only 7, but had increased to 27, by December including 1, civilians , 45, by June including 2, civilians , reaching a peak of 66, including 1, civilians in December By August of the following year the figure had fallen to about 34, Prisoners found employment in a wide range of occupations, but agriculture dominated, fuelled by fears that the harvest of could not be gathered due to lack of labour supplies.

The growth in the total of German prisoners employed in agriculture resulted from a series of conscious schemes to recruit them. While some lived in working camps, to which they returned at night, others found employment in "migratory gangs" which lived on the farms where they worked.

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Buy Die Frauen von der Beacon Street: Roman (German Edition): Read Kindle Store Reviews - www.farmersmarketmusic.com Warum warten? Entdecken Sie die digitale Version und lesen Sie sofort los auf jedem Gerät. . Die Frauen von der Beacon Street: Roman. Katherine Howe.

The prisoners certainly seemed to have proved valuable to farmers during In July prisoners worked in aerodromes, quarries, timber production, shipyard construction, brick manufacture, cement making, road building and aluminium smelting. Those prisoners who worked received payment, which averaged at about 1.

In addition, they also obtained higher food rations. Thus, those not employed received 2, calories per day, while those who worked could obtain up to 3, calories. An overall assessment of the life of internees in Britain between and would describe it as relatively comfortable. Instances of deliberate mistreatment were rare. The British state in the main fulfilled its obligations under the Hague Convention. But this relatively good treatment did not prove of much comfort to those individuals incarcerated in a British concentration camp.

Isolated from their families, they had to find new temporary meaning for their lives, desperately looking forward to the end of their captivity. They tried to create a relatively normal lifestyle as normal as could be hoped when surrounded entirely by men of military age with little time for privacy. Most of them managed to keep themselves sane by educational, cultural, sporting and religious activity. When employment became the norm for soldiers in , this group had more of an opportunity to take their minds off their surroundings.

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Once released they would return to the chaos of post-War Germany. Prisoners of War and Internees Great Britain , in: International Encyclopedia of the First World War, ed. This text is licensed under: Prisoners of War and Internees Great Britain. Major Internment Camps in Britain, [20] While a small number of locations housed a significant proportion of the enemy army, naval and air force personnel during the war, a large number of camps evolved for such military prisoners during the course of the conflict, especially in and , as the number of internees grew.

An American Embassy official who visited Stobs on 15 June wrote: The prisoners are housed in huts feet long by 30 feet broad. These are built for 60 men.

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I found, on an average, 33 men in each hut. In the daily ration consisted of the following: Meat, fresh or frozen, 8oz. Prisoners, Diplomats, and the Great War: A Study in the Diplomacy of Captivity, London Deutsche in Glasgow, , Stuttgart , pp. Both of these works argue that while Germanophobia may have risen in Britain after and especially after , it did not impact in any significant way upon individual Germans. Violence, for example, remained rare.

The main manifestation of anti-German feeling consisted of the birth of the spy novel in the years leading up to the outbreak of the War. The Enemy in Our Midst: A Study, London The Prisoners, , London , p. Britain, France and Germany, —, Cambridge , p. Prisoners of War, London , p. Meine Erlebninsse in dem Gefangenenlager Dorchester, Berlin , pp. My Escape from Donington Hall, London , p. My Internment in England, , London , especially pp. Die Welt Hinter Stacheldraht: Leben und Geschichte deutscher Kriegsgefangenen in einem englischen Lager, Munich , pp.

Selected Bibliography Bird, John C.: Control of enemy alien civilians in Great Britain, , New York Die Welt hinter Stacheldraht. My internment in England, , New York Living with the wire.

Civilian internment in the Isle of Man during the two world wars , Douglas Farm labour in wartime. The relationship between agricultural labour supply and food production in Great Britain during , with international comparisons , Reading Britain's internment of 'enemy aliens' in two world wars , Amsterdam; New York Prisoners of war , London Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent and Co. The prisoners, , London; New York Violence against prisoners of war in the First World War.

Table of Contents

Manchester University Press; Palgrave Macmillan. The enemy in our midst. Edited by Rudolf Wackernagel and Rudolf Thommen. Reich Vormals Detloffs, — Edited by Jacques Dubois. Otto Harrassowitz, ff. Codices ascetici , pt. Handschriftenerbe des deutschen Mittelalters. Mittelalterliche Bibliothekskataloge Deutschlands und der Schweiz 1. Latin Manuscript Books before Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Bibliographie zur deutschen Frauenmystik des Mittelalters. Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms. Westminster John Knox Press, Meister Eckhart and the Rhineland Mystics.

Male Authors, Female Readers: Cornell University Press, Cambridge University Press, University of Pennsylvania Press, Kleine Kunstgeschichte der mittelalterlichen Ordenbaukunst in Deutschland. Die Nonnenviten des A Further Aspect of the Frauenfrage. A History of the Dominican Liturgy.

Clementis," AFP 28 Monasteries of Western Europe: The Architecture of the Orders. Thames and Hudson, A Guide to Technical Terms. Paul Getty Museum and the British Library, Brunn, Emile zum, and Georgette Epiney-Burgard. Women Mystics of Medieval Europe. Translated by Sheila Hughes.

Clarissan Architecture, ca, — University Press of New England, University of Minnesota, And Women His Humanity: Holy Feast and Holy Fast: University of California, Studies in the Spirituality of the High Middle Ages.

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Meanings of Sex Difference in the Middle Ages: Medicine, Science, and Culture. Illuminated Books of the Middle Ages. Writing and visual difference in Gothic manuscript illumination," Word and Image 1, no.

Representations of the Founder in and after the Arca di San Domenico. University of Notre Dame Press, The Book of Memory: A Study of Memory in Medieval Culture. Convent and Community in Medieval Wales. University of Wales Press, From Memory to Written Record, England — The Great German Mystics: Eckhart, Tauler, and Suso. Neujahrsblatt der Stadtbibliothek Winterthur Die Stellung des Predigerordens zu den Dominikanerinnen — Forschungen zur Oberrheinischen Landesgeschichte Picturing the Passion in Late Medieval Italy: Narrative Painting, Franciscan Ideologies, and the Levant.

Dinzelbacher, Peter and Dieter R. The Flower of Chivalry. Translated by Richard Howard. University of Toronto, University of Wales, Women, Embodiment, and Persuasion in the Thirteenth Century. Farmer, and Mary Ellen Ross, — Harper and Row, Learned Women of the European Past, edited by P. New York University, The Women of Helfta: University of Georgia Press, Medieval Academy of America, The Power of Images: Studies in the History and Theory of Response. University of Chicago Press, University of Chicago, Gender and Material Culture: The Archaeology of Religious Women. The Malterer Embroidery Re-Examined.

Zum Entstehungsort des sogenannten 'Ulmer Schwesternbuchs'. Hurley and Kate Greenspan, — Bucknell University Press, Religious Movements of the Middle Ages. Translated by Steven Rowen. Jahrhunderts," Architectura 13 Prolegomena in the Guise of a Postscript," Gesta University of Illinois, The Visual Culture of a Medieval Convent. Art and Mysticism in Flanders and the Rhineland circa University of California Press, The Visual and the Visionary: Haumann, Heiko, and Hans Schadek, eds. Geschichte der Stadt Freiburg im Breisgau.

Zum Problem 'Andachtsbilder' und deutsche Mystik. The Mystics of Engelthal: Writings from a Medieval Monastery. The History of the Dominican Order: Dorothy Greenbaum und Deidre Laiken.

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