Executive Transitions-Plotting The Opportunity

Title Written by Random Ascending Descending. Strategies for Effective Communications Written by: Escape From Ancient Egypt Written by: Estate of the Heart Written by: Janet Franks Little Available In: Every Man A Judas Written by: Phillip Van Saun Available In: Recognize and respond to the red-flags of a crisis prone culture. Make incremental changes to mitigate the potential for a slow-burning problem to develop into a full-blown crisis.

The Whitestone Chronicles Written by: Joe Hanzlik Available In: A Glimpse of Heaven Written by: Kenneth James Taylor Available In: Arie Hagberg Available In: Fitness Confidential Written by: Enter the model of the vehicle. You can see the origin of my parental sympathy gene! Halloween was a great time growing up. We sometimes went to the best candy provider three times without a costume change. I have no appreciation as to how many TV options we have now; when I was growing up we only had 3 all ending in C. For the longest time, if you had a color TV you could only watch 2 shows, Bonanza, and Disney.

The National News was only 30 minutes a night, probably the aspect of growing up I miss the most! The pace of innovation is increasing, and memories are getting shorter. I shudder to think of him being exposed to a rotary dial! I don't recall when growing up feeling I had it easy, just the opposite. I do reflect now as a parent and grandparent that it certainly was different, not better nor worse, just memorable. You then gaze at the person trying to assign a name to a face that has aged 40 years.

Hopefully by then you have a memory refresh!

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The other avenue for reconnection is of course social media. On the positive side via Social Media I had the good fortune of having lunch in Lima Peru with a couple whom I had not had a meaningful interaction with since ! Let me rewind a bit, the couple and I while never close growing up although did know each other, the wife was a friend of friends, and the husband and I grew up on the same street, later becoming a Doctor so as you can correctly surmise I was already intimidated.

The wife and my son and daughter in law were teachers at the same school. We all have stories similar to the above, and I am reasonably certain we all conclude that these kismet moments are special, and frankly for that we can thank Social Media. In this instance Social Media was an asset, as I was heading to have lunch with this couple, I was contemplating the likelihood of the following:. However presently I have migrated towards the conclusion that Social Media is now more of a liability. In the recent past five episodes influenced my perception. Regardless the magical age of 65 remains a threshold, as it was the age when most of our parents left the work force.

At the time however, after they got their gold watch, took a cruise, there was not much meaning nor life left based upon actuarial tables and cultural norms. This is the working hypothesis of Inflection Point we utilize in our discussions with clients. There are two areas we suggest be front of mind as the journey begins!

On behalf of my colleagues at Discussion Partner Collaborative and our Alliance Companies, we want to wish you and your families a terrific holiday season and a sensational ! The logic of this assertion is overt and inescapable. Borrowing unabashedly from her insight, DPC based upon our research, and that of others would stipulate the same logic applies to all organizations in respect to Leadership Development.

The most recent edition of The Harvard Business Review November-December highlighted the fact that strategic positioning of Leadership Effectiveness programs is deteriorating based upon a study conducted by The Corporate Executive Board. The study reinforces 4 additional proficiencies that are underrepresented in Leadership Effectiveness efforts.

As we approach the end of , the criticality of this strategic intent will only increase. DPC would suggest as a not so gentle reminder, that attentiveness to this matter is a priority. Given the geo-political dynamics before us, we can expect that, for better or for worse, the rest of the year will be just as turbulent as the first half. It's been a roller coaster, and unfortunately there's not much the average though engaged executive can do but exert influence where one can.

The data continues to support our original thesis that, your organization's future will benefit from a deep-dive review of its Succession and Continuity planning processes! Our recommendation is driven by results of a recent study DPC conducted with as of June over C-Suite participants. The survey was on the topic of envisioned enterprise challenges. In addition the rationales expressed in the anecdotal justifications were compelling inclusive of envisioned shifting demographics, new worker expectations, disruption of organization models, competitive pressures, globalization, and ineffective human capital practices.

Our recommendation is further reinforced by a review of the recent literature on this topic. Additionally we would embed the following questions:. From whatever vantage point you situate, this year will continue to be dynamic. As a suggestion, borrowing a title from a previous book by Dr. Essentially there is a need to accelerate not only the economic preparation for retirement: If you put yourself in the position of one of these incumbents a thought process encompasses the following:.

However I would assert that none of us felt that way when we were 48! The inherent problems with the above reflections are a. In addition those whom are struggling with this dilemma are most likely reflecting privately. DPC perceived the issue to be a serious risk to our client population whom have longer serving employees.

DPC began piloting this offering in mid and have worked with 90 clients to date. The findings are fold based upon the admittedly modest sample:. The overarching conclusion DPC derived from this effort to date as that organizations that have the above profile are best served by being proactive, supportive, and sincere in working their incumbents or run the risk of being controlled by vs.

In Discussion Partners posted a blog on our web page www.

Escape From Ancient Egypt

The impetus for the first blog was the feedback we had been receiving from our C-Suite clients on their level of satisfaction with the discipline and its value added to their enterprise. The earlier blog captured the detailed sentiments expressed and was featured in our book Executive Transition-Plotting The Opportunity! In our recently completed study of over Global C-Suite executives we found that not much had changed in the 6 years since the initial posting. The original with updates is offered for your information. The domain of Executive Coaching is growing rapidly for 2 incongruent reasons.

Foremost it has been well researched and documented that the use of external coaches is the most impactful leadership development vehicle. So why do client sponsors feel more sanguine. The first was in , repeated in and updated this month. The edition encompassed over C-Suite incumbents. You will note that there is a presumption of a methodology and highly attuned interactive skills! Identification of 1 ready now replacement b. Identification of 2 possible replacements c.

Yet there is something magical about 65 as it was the age when most of our parents left the work force. At the time however, after they got their gold watch, took a cruise, there was not much life left based upon actuarial tables and cultural norms. Since that time we have worked with several hundred executives in a variety of sectors.

We have organized our Transition Advisory support to executives in four phases. Phase 1-Preserving The Legacy -succinctly put taking proactive steps to insure that the efforts you undertook, and the success you engendered are recalled in the most positive terms. This is the principle of Inflection Point we utilize in our discussions with executives whom have an extensive work history often with one to two employers.

Control the Communication Process -avoid relying only on the formal elements of communication.

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There is a need to augment this effort with an informal communication process to personalize, and engage in conversations with selected managers. This is the minimum! There is a need to commit to interact with these folks at least on a quarterly basis, recognizing that the interactions will be sustainable provided the dialogue has mutual value. Relationship Sustainability -The first order of business is to prepare and send subsequent to the formal announcement an e-mail to at least these 50 executives internal and external embedded with a.

Accessibility - independent of the networking activity above there is a need to utilize multiple vehicles e-mails, social media, and the lost art of letter writing to maintain contact with a broader number of executives. Still however it is difficult to be working in an environment that seems to have forgotten one has a pulse.

We use the sequence of John Wayne to reinforce the point in terms of reinforcement of a visible career. Who IS John Wayne. Get me John Wayne. Get me someone who was like John Wayne. The time frame is accompanied with the likely outcome of SARA even though it is your decision. There WILL be a feeling of emotional disorientation associated with departure. It is most advisable to recognize that Retirement is a platform to other areas of personal and creative expression. Playbook I can presume the suggestion of this exercise may seem odd; however our experience is that it is very useful when a Successor may not be up to the task immediately.

It is also non-trivial in reaffirmation of legacy. Our concept is a 1 to 2-page memorandum that focuses on the following: Phase 3-Rejuvination Break -taking a break to recharge and reflect on next steps in career trajectory. DPC perceives as inevitable regardless of means, age etc.

Based upon Executive Demographics and Aspirations, it is embedded into our hypothesis that successful executives after a period of rest, are desirous to reengage in commercial activates. Phase 4-Cyclical Planning - conceptualization, deliberation, and implementation of the plan developed prior to departure and refined subsequent to departure.

Transitioning Executive Research The below represents our current thinking on the question. Our assumptions are derived from a research project of over 2, executives and our Transition Advisory work with clients. DPC has a matrix approach for thinking of Board positions.

Essentially, if you are on more than three, you are working close to full time. As you can see from the above 3 Boards could be very time consuming. Moreover it is a platform for one to pursue alternative interests and avenues for personal satisfaction. Moreover, given the stabilization of the economy and emerging career opportunities, it is optimum to be mindful of how to channel personal and enterprise Executive energies.

Having worked and lived in Venezuela as an expatriate I have never encountered a smarter more family dedicated and cause committed citizenry. The recent interaction between the Venezuelan government and the Organization of American States does not offer hope and in fact contributes to the problem. Given the US media preoccupation on terrorism, Brexit, the French election and what will the President say next and after stated mean, there has been minimal media awareness paid to the Venezuelan situation.

While there appears to be no imminent solution to their problems the status quo is untenable. One element that comes to mind when the above is considered is the nature of regrets. They color self-respect, and if not translated into lessons learned, with a bias for constructive action, mistakes can possibly be repeated. While thoughts and prayers have their place, the question before me, to avoid regret, what else can I do?

Doing nothing for me is no longer an option, and I have some modest thoughts as to next steps leveraging relationships I am fortunate enough to enjoy. We all have our points of view on things that need to be changed. Whatever they are, and however you respond, it best to think proactively to avoid the regrets similar to those we interviewed for our book, and the ones I experienced May 1st, as they will never go away. Driven -the enjoyed success in addition to contributing to self-confidence has fostered an achievement oriented mind-set. Distraction - during this period the executive has eliminated or mitigated the distractions or ambivalence associated with managing a cadre of former colleagues in favor of commercial focus.

Also an unlikely outcome is that the level of collegiality with those whom were peers will return. Given the geo-political dynamics before us, this year portends to be a roller coaster ride! Notwithstanding pre-existing protocols we are suggesting this review encompass the most generous interpretation of processes concomitant with experimental and disruptive solution sets.

The survey was on the topic of envisioned challenges. Additionally we would embed the following questions: From whatever vantage point you situate, this year will be dynamic. The question that arises even when you see the wisdom of this quote is at what point do you call a halt to the pursuit and analysis of data and make a considered judgment. Same problem, resulting in a bias for inaction. We apply two questions to encourage a pivot to a decision. Never enough means just that, with the implications of a postponed decision being just as dangerous as the wrong decision.

To that end, we conducted an internal pulsed survey which was later tested with key relationships on three questions:. Differentiated Enterprise Success Factors In respect to Enterprise Success factors, we have an emerging level of comfort that there are three Core Components as follows:. During our deliberations we asked ourselves the following questions:.

After much deliberation and arguing, sometimes cordially, DPC has identified 3 Core elements we perceive as the Contributory Differentiators regardless of workforce demographic Boomer, GenX, or Millennial. The three Core elements are as follows:. Transitioning Organizations Bifurcation Concept A call out to the above is that in organizations transitioning, independent of impetus there are always incumbents whom for the moment are essential: Pound currency valuation, it provided a personal opportunity to observe how folks reassessed their citizenship affiliations.

Clearly the vote to leave the EU represented a societal desire to maximize control of destiny. However for those people who remain in the EU, it also possibly triggered a reflection as to national affiliation. To put this observation in context I would offer two personal experiences. On the way out the 9 year old refilled his cup.

He felt a little bad and I told him not to worry about it. Of course I just ate and ate. Of course there was chocolate on my fact making their job easier! Meanwhile Dillinger and Capone were slurping away.

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The e-book which is anticipated to be obtained by Executives is targeted for storytelling to or readership of 11 to 16 year olds. The impetus is our collective frustration and candidly rage with the condition of the world and the negative role models we adults continue to manifest for our children and grandchildren. The book will focus on issues such is diversity, honesty, suicide, respect, and bullying among others. The intent is to recount a negative event, share outcomes and reinforce that even though bad choices were made, that there were lessons learned.

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Obviously our intent is to suggest that when children are faced with choices it is best to make the appropriate ones to prevent or at least forestall damage to themselves or others. Unfortunately bullying is in no small part promoted by social media, leading to devastating results. I was having dinner recently with my son, his wife, and two sons. Both my son and his wife are teachers and we began discussing the topic of bullying and its effects on children. He started beating on me. Below is the interview.

September 11th changed much for us in the States. We no longer felt safe, and for the most part unclear who was the enem as in decades past it was a country vs. I have to say though that in the aftermath I behaved very badly on one specific occasion for which I am still ashamed. I was upgraded to First Class as the plane was somewhat empty. I gave him a look that at best could be described as rage if not overtly threatening.

Immediately after he took his seat, also in First Class I took off my belt, rolled it up into a garrote, and covered it with my jacket. Fortunately he did not get out of his seat. When we landed, I felt awful and guilty. I waited for him in the terminal and apologized for the look I gave him with the words. I am sorry, that was inappropriate, and I thought I was better then that. He did say I guess I have to get used to people being suspicious and focusing their anger on me-I am angry too for what has been done to us!

When asked for his thoughts on the above he stipulated: It is dangerous to blame a society, religion, or philosophy for the actions of a few who interpret by self indulgence. It is not often that a word in English when generously interpreted can have multiple meanings. The word Interpolation however does qualify for this phenomenon. The word is a great platform for Career Progression in that if you want predictability you rely on Mathematical: As leaders enter the age of Millennial-Mania where the only managerial rule is there is no rule for managing this cohort, the safest position to take is not to take one!

Beyond that however, it is situational compelling a Social Covenant between the enterprise and the employee. The elements of this Social Covenant encompass the following:. One of the endearing qualities of the Millennial or Generation Y is their patience. Yes I am being sarcastic!!!!! Discussion Partners takes the view in our promotion of Interpolation is that for it to be successful there needs to be an on-going dialogue characterized by objectivity and frankness. At the risk of being manipulative in promoting the concept of Interpolation, DPC perceives the above assertion as the real benefit of the idea.

As the summers in the US and Europe have officially ended, and the South American Spring has begun, there will be a renewed effort focused on Corporate Governance inclusive of replenishment of Boards and Advisory entities. The Chapter was focused on the implications of post-employment prioritization of activities. As one would imagine the focus on participation on Boards of Directors was often mentioned. At present we have approximately executives in our sample base. There has been significant convergence in the responses we have received.

Fortunately or unfortunately this situation is evolving into a trend that cannot be ignored. The undeniable facts that surround the reality are as follows:. There are of course exceptions to this emerging trend. However, the fact that there is an evolving narrative suggests the need to move beyond sentiment towards strategic frameworks.

Leaders of newly founded professional services firms are likely to encounter an invisible shield on the journey to success that inhibits growth and assaults confidence. Regardless of when this phenomenon becomes visible, adeptness and agility are required to overcome obstacles. Essentially, unless the business model is a planned smallness, there is a hope that a growth trajectory can be promoted.

Stage 2-Aspiration Plateau Assuming the founder or founders survive Stage 1 without accepting the job at Pottery Barn or becoming a recluse on a mountain, the joy and rapture only continues. This is true pain as it encompasses:. All of the above require decisiveness. Moving slowly or even worse ignoring the need to address, has unfortunate outcomes. Stage 3-Replenishment The replenishment question requires the embryonic but seemingly stable enterprise to address the following:.

All answers are negotiable, the lack of introspection however is not! Regardless of conclusions, there is a need to embed the lessons learned on the journey into a leadership style that promotes ambitious strategy supported by an aligned organizational model. As important is a need to a promote collaboration, b be the poster child or children for unselfish behavior, and c think of yourself from now on as the surfer whom is relentlessly outpacing the wave. Special Forces, do not just bulk up, they develop and train against possible scenarios to stay edgy. In the commercial sector, self-satisfaction, complacency, and forgetfulness of how hard it is to become successful and even harder to sustain this achievement, are self-destructive.

Some interesting statistics combining multiple sources:. The discussions were focused on a company in crisis where retired executives were asked to return as the current leaders were deemed not up to the task. The article presents a sensible case for this being a strategic need as the current processes are un-responsive and dated as was my working hypothesis! The alternative, after consultation with other Discussion Partners is three-fold:. However, when we dug deeper into the comments number in-common concerns were articulated by our clients.

Thus the ability to learn more about global challenges were bereft of opportunity. The days where mission focused teams were created, and participants entered a room prepared to persuade others to their point of view are waning. The use of electronic communication is now the norm. A compelling example of course is Facebook as a principal communication vehicle.

This type of interface can be extrapolated easily to implications for collaborative efforts. Written Communication -as a rapidly aging baby boomer I still remember the Palmer Method, the nuns obsession with good grammar, and living in dread fear that my mother a Masters prepared English teacher would want to review my homework. Having survived the above, I do look askance at the quality of writing that is offered today.

We have become executives who believe that well presented PowerPoint decks, are the bastion of good communication, and the more graphics the more forceful the argument. The art of creating a persuasive paragraph, to be incorporated into a White Paper, or Education treatise has suffered according to our clients. In addition to reading books about or written by, Jack Welch, they focus on Geopolitics and Political Biographies. Twice a year Discussion Partners creates a Reading List for our C-Suite clients based upon what we are being told are the books they are focused on at the time.

To correct a deficiency in my leadership style I coined the term VAR to promote self-awareness encompassing:. I created the VAR tool initially for myself and have over the years used it with clients as well. I would suggest if you find yourself in the situation of feeling that you are not sufficiently visible with those with whom you should be, think of VAR.

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Discussion Partner's research and advisory interdictions, would reinforce their hypothesis. In business when we assess the disparity in achievement outcomes we usually blame the employee without a modicum of enterprise self-introspection. Is rarely if ever asked. The Pygmalion effect whereby we broadcast our faith in success to an incumbent still has merit. If we show doubt in the remotest way, the end result is likely to be a disappointment. It is highly unlikely that the raw talent necessary to execute a task is not resident within or can develop in an employee IF the hiring process is rigorous.

One can be a Prince or Princess one day and a Frog the next. DPC would submit the least likely excuse for failure is a lack of talent. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long.

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