Die Kompetenzverteilung im deutschen Föderalismus (German Edition)

VIAF ID: 114355956 (Personal)

How Competences are allocated in Germany. Cooperative federalism and the dominant role of consensus in German politics. Tax policies as a precondition for and consequence of centralised competence. Financial support as a steering mechanism. Support for small and medium-sized enterprises Mittelstand. Police and home security. The devolution of powers. The federalism reforms.

Manfred Kohler, Bettina Petersohn Belgium: A Role Model for Dual Federalism? The prelude to Belgian federalisation in The new federal structure of Belgium from to The Communities and Regions: The asymmetry between exclusive political competence and the financial autonomy of Regions and Communities. Remnants of the unitary state: Horizontal distribution of power at the federal level. House of Representatives and Senate.

The Federal Government and the King. Constitutive Autonomy for Brussels and the German-speaking Community. Changes to the distribution of competences and financial relations.

Die Organisationsgewalt nach den Verfassungen der deutschen Bundesländer ( Verfassungs- und Verwaltungsrecht unter dem Grundgesetz) (German Edition). “Deutscher Föderalismus jenseits Reformiert oder deformiert? “German Federalism towards To Be Reformed or Deformed? “ Kompetenzverteilung in Europa – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Beachtung der dritten Ebene.

A role model for successful reforms in federalism? Entities, cantons and municipalities.

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Tax policies as a precondition for and consequence of centralised competence. Land governors as veto players in the federal system. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publishers. Umbau der sozialen Sicherungssysteme im Zeichen der Globalisierung? Zur Rolle internationaler Finanzinstitutionen Beitrag zum 1.

Structure of the distribution of competences. Implementing the distribution of competences—selected policy areas and finances. Security and defence policy. Citizenship and fundamental rights. Procedures for changing the distribution of competence. The extraordinary powers of the High Representative of the International Community.

Reform of the distribution of competences. Regional States and European Union Seite — Introduction and theoretical approach. Historical starting point and the Constitution of The performance of the regions. The reforms of some public policy areas.

Constitutional reform and a new trend towards centralism. Summary and explanatory model. The Spanish autonomic state and the historical development of power distribution. Theory and actual dynamics: The role of public finance in the exercising of competences. Selected examples of the exercising of regional competences: Reform and evolution of the distribution of competences: The effects of the recent crisis on competences and reform prospects: Malcolm Harvey Devolution in the United Kingdom: An Ongoing Process Seite — Accommodating the distribution of competences in the political system.

Structure of the distribution of powers.

Ganz einfach: Das politische System Deutschlands erklärt

The Portuguese Islands of the Azores and Madeira. The procedure of amendments regarding autonomous status. The previous constitution of Serbia. The political environment during the adoption of the new Serbian constitution. Modern constitutional problems of Vojvodina's autonomy.

Visions of federal polities. Sind die Grundbedingungen demokratischer Ordnung in der Globalisierung zu verwirklichen? Murmann-Verlag, Hamburg, , S. Wirtschaftspolitik zwischen Regulierung und Paternalismus: Stehen wir vor einer Renaissance des Staates? Unternehmensmanagement und die Interessen der Stakeholder engagement macht stark! Divergenz in Europa gestalten!

Reform des deutschen Föderalismus: Reorganisation der Entscheidungsverfahren

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Zur Rolle internationaler Finanzinstitutionen Beitrag zum 1.

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