Médecine dure (French Edition)

Fiche de carrière - Technologue en radiation médical

Starting at page , numbers have been lightly entered next to certain remedies and pages have been renumbered starting with 1. Index and two prefaces. Remainder of the title is: Kazaktin hanlik medicinasinin kopiyasi. Opuscolo spillato in brossura. Con figure in nero nel testo. A Book for Parents. Translated by Robin Scutt from the French Edition. Alexander Bain was professor of logic, and twice Lord Rector, at Aberdeen. He founded the influential journal 'Mind' in and assisted Mill in the preparation of the latter's 'Logic'. Very scarce in this condition.

Rilegatura editoriale uso tela con impressioni in oro. Nombreuses illustrations en noir et blanc, dans le texte et hors texte. Tampon sur la page de titre. The clinical and gasometric evolution under conventional mechanical ventilation was favorable. The regression of the OPR images was 48 hours after the start of ventilation.

For the second case, the duration of hospitalization was 8 days. The evolution under conventional mechanical ventilation, vascular filling and vasoactive drugs, was favorable marked by a gradual stabilization of the haemodynamic and respiratory state. Extubation was possible on the 3rd day and discharge from the 8th day.

The subsequent death of the patient was related to her neoplastic pathology. The RPE is a serious iatrogenic complication, mainly pleural drainage, not to mention post-surgical forms. Its frequency is low, but often underestimated due to the high frequency of asymptomatic forms. This accident involves several medical and surgical specialties, hence its multidisciplinary dimension. It should be known by physicians and surgeons faced with clinical situations requiring pulmonary re-expansion.

This will enable early diagnosis and appropriate and immediate management. Through this work, we have tried to analyze the pathophysiological concepts of this particular pathology, to describe its diagnostic circumstances, to recall its main risk factors, to detail the principles of therapeutic management and to emphasize preventive measures to avoid this life-threatening complication. The objectives of the study is: The cases of the fractures are dominated by high way accidents that the casualities are young; their mean age is 28 years old with male predominance. The treatment has been surgical in all the fractures Locked with preference of centromedullary locked nailing: The prognosis of the fractures depend particularly on the age of the patient, the anatomopathologic type and the quality of managing represented by surgical treatment and a precocious and continued re-education.

Il touche majoritairement les hommes sexe ratio: Le diagnostic du CHC est le plus souvent tardif et son pronostic reste donc sombre. Hepatocellular carcinoma HCC is the most common primary liver cancer with a high mortality rate as the world's second most common cancer death. It is the leading cause of death in cirrhotic patients. The purpose of our work is to describe the epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic characteristics of HCC in our context. This is a retrospective descriptive study spread over a period of 6 years from to , including all patients admitted for HCC to the services of visceral surgery and medical oncology of the military hospital Moulay Ismail of Meknes.

We included 20 cases of HCC. It affects mainly men ratio of sex: It was discovered on the occasion of a pain in the right hypochondrium.

Médecine nucléaire

Médecine dure (French Edition) - Kindle edition by Lucas Bellini. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like. Médecine dure: L'hôpital en question (French Edition) [Marie-Claire Célérier] on www.farmersmarketmusic.com *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.

At the date of the analysis of our study, only four patients out of 20 are in complete remission. The diagnosis of HCC is usually late and its prognosis remains dark. Improving the quality of care past by a politic prevention and regular and rigorous follow-up of patients with chronic liver disease to allow early diagnosis of HCC. Finally, a better understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms of HCC carcinogenesis may be allow in a near future, more effective targeted therapies.

Summary Spinal meningiomas are usually benign and rare. They develop most often in a solitary way from a proliferation of arachnoid cells, slow evolution. Women are mostly affected. To compare the different epidemiological, clinical, radiological, therapeutic, histological, evolutionary and prognostic aspects of the spinal meningiomas of our series with those of the other series of the literature in the light of the latest acquisitions. This is a retrospective study of 23 cases of spinal meningiomas operated in the department of neurosurgery of the CHU Hassan II Fez between January and December that is a period of 13 years.

The female predominance was very clear with a percentage of The average age of our patients was Clinically, the consultation period was on average of 01 years with extremes ranging from 03 months to 02 years, spinal pain Clinical examination evaluated the prognosis of the lesion according to Frankel grading: Medullary magnetic resonance imaging is the most effective examination to locate the tumor and advocate treatment.

It was performed in all our patients. The most frequent sites are the thoracic In 19 cases After injection of gadolinium the lesions are enhanced and take the contrast product in a frank and homogeneous manner. The posterior surgical excision of the tumor was the first-line treatment, and its complete resection was in The histological study showed that the most common histological types were psammomatous 09 cases , transitional 07 cases , meningothelial 06 cases , clear cells 01 cases. Postoperative progression was favorable in most patients, however, 03 patients Overall tumor recurrence was found in 01 cases of our series ie The acute disseminated encephalomyelitis ADEM is a demyelinating disease of the central nervous system of presumed inflammatory, autoimmune cause, often preceded by a viral infection or vaccination.

Fiche de carrière - Technologue en radiation médical

Goal of the study: The objective of our study is to describe the clinical, diagnostic, therapeutic characteristics and evolutionary profile of children with ADEM. This is a retrospective study of 21 cases of ADEM hospitalized in the pediatric department I at the Rabat child hospital ,during the period from January to December The mean age of patients was 06 years, with extremes ranging from 10 months to 13 years. The clinical usually includes acute or sub acute vigilance disorders with multifocal affections of CSN.

The clinical presentation must be poly-symptomatic and include encephalopathy in addition to a motor impairment Paraclinically, the biochemical and cyto-bacteriological study of LCR was informative by eliminating a neuromeninginous infection in all cases. For five patient the cerebral MRI was normal and not available for the rest, the diagnosis was made with clinical features and also well improvement after for the immunomudualtor medication. The differential diagnosis is mostly with multiple sclerosis underpinned by MRI and lumbar puncture. The results were favorable for all patients: Clinical signs associate signs of encephalopathy, Convulsive attacks and general signs that sometimes require admission to resuscitation.

The diagnostic criteria are based on clinical elements and radiological examinations including MRI. The evolution is generally favorable under immunomodulatory treatment.

There is no specific marker of the disease. Cerebral MRI is essential for diagnosis. The prognosis is generally favorable under treatment. Academic institutions must introduce this entity into the neuroinfectious pathology program. Le cancer des voies biliaires est un cancer relativement rare. Son pronostic est sombre.

Its early diagnosis is exceptional making its prognosis extremely pejorative. For this study, we identified and analyzed the following parameters: Epidemiological data, circumstances of diagnosis, paraclinical and histological data and the treatments performed. The Vesicular lithiasis and the cholecystectomy were the main risk factors Biology showed cholestasis in The operability rate in our series was The immediate postoperative mortality was 1. Pathologic examination returned in favor of adenocarcinoma in Bile duct cancer is a relatively rare cancer.

Treatment is based on surgical excision but the resectability rate remains low, due to the often advanced tumors at diagnosis character.


Its prognosis is poor. This is a real public health problem that is both frequent and severe, as it is the fifth leading cause of death. The insulin therapy was given by continuous intravenous route with syringe pump for 36 patients. Bolus intravenous injection was the route of insulin delivery for the other patients.

Establish a protocol using capillary blood ketones may improve the management of all types of hyperglycaemia by reducing average times and en homogenizing therapeutic options. Handle hyperglycaemia on acutely ill inpatients may have positive outcomes. Abstract The erectile dysfunction is a frequent health issue which is hardly expressed by men suffering from it ,despite its impact on their quality of life. Prevalence data , the frequent association with comorbidities , as well as the existence of efficient treatments are widely justifying its screening.

The overall objective of our study is to determine the prevalence of erectile dysfunction in patients consulting in urology. This study has also some specific objectives as well ,the description of consultations reasons in urology , the sociodemographic profile , the characteristics of erectile dysfunction , the analysis of factors associated to the dyserection and the determination of other sexual dysfunctions in these patients. Our study involved men older than 18 years old who have consulted in the urology services at Moulay Ismail military hospital in Meknes from the beginning of October to the end of January The main associated factors to the erectile dysfunction were: Urinary disorders of the lower urinary tract Our study has showed an important prevalence of the erectile dysfunction in the patients consulting in urology , and has confirmed the existence of a significative association with many pathologies , thus the need to elaborate a more standardized and more precise evaluation methodology for the erectile dysfunction.

Abstract The genital prolapse are the abnormal exit of the pelvic internal organs on the level of the vulvo-vaginal opening, whose clinical forms are varied bladder, uterus, rectum. The clinical diagnosis is easy but the surgical treatment is a problem, considering the multiplicity of the surgical techniques. Our retrospective study, includs 45 cases of genital prolapsed collected at the department of genecology and obstetrics I in the hospital center Hassan in Fes during 5 years, from to The analysis of our cases emphasized that: The age range the most affected in this study is from 50 to 60 years old, and the mean parity is about 5, The most frequent lesional association consists in genital prolapse rank III.

Mandibular fractures are defined as any solution of bone continuity mandibular; Road accidents is the number one cause in terms of frequency followed by brawls. Diagnosis is based on clinical examination. The orthopantomogram is the examination of choice for the trauma of the lower stage of the face; the therapeutic indication is guided by the condition of the dental joint and the general condition of the patient.

The therapeutic means are essentially orthopedic and surgical. The objective of our study is analysis epidemiological, clinical, radiological, therapeutic and progressive.

Vitamine D : actualité et recommandations - Revue Médicale Suisse

In our retrospective study, we report the patients collected from Stomatology and Maxillofacial Surgery department of the Moulay Ismail Military Hospital of Meknes for mandibular fracture from september to September We analyzed the epidemiological, clinical, radiological aspects, and treatments established. These figures are consistent with those of the other series. The Military environment explains male prevalence. The frequency of bifocal fractures is due to the violence of trauma Motorcyclists; and explains the frequency of surgical treatment. The rate of complications is relatively low due to the delay in initiating treatment.

Mandibular fractures still pose a diagnosis problem especially in children whose consequences are sometimes serious. The use of resorbable plates is underway experience. Rhinoseptoplasty can be performed either by external or closed approach. The objective of this study was to analyze the epidemiological, clinical, paraclinical and therapeutic data of patients who had received rhinoseptoplasty.

In our retrospective study we report the patients who benefited from a rhinoseptoplasty collated in the Department of Stomatology and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Moulay Ismail Military Hospital of Meknes from September to September We found 53 patients with a sex ratio of 3. Male prevalence is explained by the military environment; The relatively young average age of 26 is quite similar to other series and the post-traumatic etiology is explained by the frequency of neglected or poorly treated fractures.

In our series the use of the closed approach is due to a mastery of this approach and that most are primary rhinoseptoplasties. The indication of rhinoseptoplasty is often requested by the patient. Currently, there is a debate on the surgical approach. Gilbert Aiach recommends the open approach, other authors always opt for the closed track.

Thus, the aim behind conducting this study was to know the diagnostic and therapeutic means of these lesions; and also to know the methods of giving birth and the prognosis of mothers and their newborns. Our work consists of a retrospective study on a series of 30 cases of condylomata associated with pregnancy compiled in the gynaecology-obstetric department at Moulay Ismail military hospital in Meknss over a period of 2 years, from January to December The average age of our patients was 25 years ranging from 19 to 32 years old.

The average rate of gesture was 3 gestures. The average parity of our patients was 3 parities.


Meanwhile, the clinical examination allows making the diagnosis of the condylomas for all our patients. Besides, all the observed lesions appeared as exophytic epithelial proliferations. Colposcopy was performed for 3 patients with a suspected cervico-vaginal smear, the biopsy showed a case of CIN 1 in all three cases. The treatment of genital warts was exclusively surgical by electrocoagulation for all patients, 12 of whom have had to do more than one electrocoagulation session.

After the cure, there were 8 cases of vulvar infection. During post-partum, the evolution was marked by a wound infection in a Caesarea patient, endometritis in a single patient and the recurrence of the condylomatous lesions in two patients after 6 months from giving birth; thus, they repeated the electrocoagulation. Meanwhile, 6 cases of neonatal infection have been recorded among newborns, one of whom died 10 days after birth.

As a Conclusion, the association of genital warts and pregnancy is a concern in obstetrics. Therefore, the severity of the prognosis requires systematic exploration of the genital tract, lesions treatment before giving birth, and prevention through vaccinating young girls. At the beginning of our work, a reminder was given about schizophrenia and smoking. Subsequently, the comorbidity "tobacco-schizophrenia" and its epidemiological and neurobiological parameters were developed. On the other hand, we have clarified the peculiarities of smoking cessation in schizophrenics, then the consequences of tobacco on physical health, and finally the global anti-tobacco health policy.

This work is a cross-sectional study spread over a period of 6 months including 54 patients suffering from schizophrenia, recruited at the end of their hospitalization at IBN HASSAN, after stabilizing their psychotic disorders. The study reported the following results: The average age of patients is 33 years. Only one patient who reported the consumption of heroin. The average duration of tobacco use in our patients was 15 years, and the average quantity is about 15 cigarettes per day.

The average number of weaning attempts was 4 times without medical supervision, the longest duration of the weaning period did not exceed 3 months. By comparing patients with high dependency with those with low dependency, the former have a low motivation to wean. On the other hand, patients who have a good motivation for weaning have a strong sense of self-efficacy to succeed and remain sobering significantly. Moreover our study did not show an impact or effect of depression on the degree of dependence.

The work also showed the important role of the means of awareness of the antitobacco policy Our series included 31 patients, representing 32 shoulders, 23 women and 8 men. The average age at surgery was 66,2 years. Our patients were monitored in consultation with a clinical and radiological examination. The Constant score was used to assess the condition of the shoulder before and after the surgery. All patients were operated on under general anesthesia. The deltoid trans pathway was performed in 24 cases and surgical approach delto-pectoral chest in 8 cases.

Postoperative complications were mainly marked by a case of septic loosening of the prosthesis following an infection. Abstract Endoscopy is a minimally invasive medical procedure that allows visual exploration of the interior of a human body cavity inaccessible to the naked eye. The history of modern endoscopy is relatively young, dating back only two centuries ago. However, the desire of doctors to visualize the human body cavities dates back to antiquity. Thus, the first attempts of endoscopic techniques date back to the time of ancient Egypt, but it was only at the time of Hippocrates in Greece that a first description of an endoscopic technique on a living patient occurred.

Exploration of the internal cavities of the human body encounters the four main obstacles: Creating or expanding entrances to the interior body 2. Safely delivering enough light into the interior space 3. Transmitting a clear and magnified image back to the eye 4. Expanding the field of vision Arab doctors were the first to resolve the first two obstacles, so Abu-al-Qasim is considered one of the most important premodern founders of endoscopy while Ibn- Sina was the the first to have used the reflection of light in endoscopy.

However, modern urological endoscopy begins in the early nineteenth century. In , Philippe BOZZINI realized the first endoscopy thanks to a speculum combined with a system of mirrors and lenses, and whose light source is a wax candle, which he called the "Lichtleiter". Jean Civiale, a French doctor and surgeon, invented a technique to treat Kidney stones by lithotripsy thanks to his instrument the "trilabe".

In , Maximilian Carl- Friedrich Nitze, German doctor, invented a rigid endoscope with an integrated light source thanks to the miniaturization of the incandescent lamp. Surgical techniques have changed radically with the introduction of new technologies of the 20th century. In particular, the advent of electricity improved the internal visualization of the human body significantly and the endoscopes were manufactured with photographic functionality. In Otto Ringleb, a German urologist, created a new optical system that corrected the inverted image and improved the resolution of the image and increased viewing angle.

In , Maximilian Stern developed the first resectoscope. Since then, technical advances have continued, notably with the appearance of videoendoscopy. The German Karl Storz, a pioneering inventor of instruments for minimally invasive surgery and medical equipment for endoscopy, introduced in a cold light source and based his research on the physicist Hopkins to improve significantly the quality of the image.

The introduction of miniaturized cameras and the progress of video technology in the s enabled the visualization of endoscopic urological surgery on a screen. Evaluation of the management of postoperative pain at surgery departments of Moulay Ismail military hospital in Meknes: A surgical procedure is responsible of acute pain that must be treated in the postoperative period, hence the importance of a rapid and effective management of this pain, in order to ensure postoperative comfort and early rehabilitation, but also not to cause prolonged or chronic pain.

The aim of our study is to evaluate the management of postoperative pain at surgery departments of Moulay Ismail military hospital in Meknes; With the aim of identifying the differences in this management and international recommendations and propose remedial measures. This is a one-year retrospective study from 1 January to 31 December This work is an overview of the consumption of analgesics enrolled in therapeutic booklet of our health facility. This study was based on data from pharmaceutical management program "Pharmagest" namely sheets outputs by products, by services and outputs records on the use of data of registered analgesics prescriptions for The consumption by services of all the molecules of analgesics combined showed that the emergency department is the most prescribing with over Consumption analysis by molecules showed, for the oral route, the predominance of paracetamol, prescribed with The study showed a low consumption of tier III antalgics, fentanyl with 7.

The analysis of nominal prescriptions for a period of 6 weeks 69 prescriptions allowed to study 40 prescriptions from visceral surgery department of which And, 29 prescriptions from orthopedic surgery department of witch The results of this study revealed that improvement in the practice of postoperative analgesia is necessary. The improvement of pain management requires the implementation of corrective measures, such as the development of pain management protocols that take into account the intensity of pain for each type of surgery and adapted to international recommendations.

On the other hand, patient information, awareness-raising and training of nursing staff. These measures will benefit the patients from a better management of postoperative pain. ABSTRACT The dynamic hip screw is an osteosynthesis device applied to the treatment of fractures of the upper end of the femur, namely per trochanteric fractures, intertrochanteric fractures and cervico-trochanteric fractures.

Our study is a retrospective study in which we report the experience of the service of traumatology-orthopedics of the military hospital MOULAY ISMAIL of Meknes in the use of the dynamic hip screw in the treatment of this type of fractures, about 24 patients collected from January until January The age of our patients varies between 32 and 88 years old with a male predominance. The causes responsible are dominated by the common falls as well as the week trauma in the elderly osteoporotic patients.

We also find as cause, the fall of a high place or the public way accidents from the younger patients. Clinically, patients had severe pain at the inguinal region and total functional impotence of the limb, and on clinical examination, external rotational deformation and limb shortening. The diagnosis is confirmed by the standard radiography, it allows to know the type of the fracture and to classify it.

All of our patients were taken care of during the first week, the duration of the hospitalization is 6 days on average. Our patients were operated under spinal anesthesia, the operation is done on an orthopedic table on dorsal recumbency, after controlled reduction of the fracture by image intensifier, the dynamic hip screw is put in place, the length of the cervical screw varies between 90 and mm and the number of screws varies from 2 to 6 depending on the facture. The average duration of the operation is 40 min. Postoperatively, our patients were placed on an anticoagulant to reduce the risk of thromboembolic complications, and under preventive dose antibiotics.

Our results are considered good and very good, we believe that the dynamic hip screw retains a place in the treatment of these types of fractures because of the low cost ease the ease of the surgery. However, it can be responsible for a significant blood loss and does not allow early support, which limits its use. Abstract Colorectal cancer is ranked among the most frequent cancers in the world 3rd place after breast and prostate cancer , the second most important gastrointestinal cancer in Morocco after the stomach one , however its incidence in our country remains lower than western countries 2.

Colorectal cancer CCR is one of the best examples of the multi-stage process of carcinogenesis. The knowledge of the anatomopathological characteristics of CCR will certainly condition our therapeutic attitudes. We conducted a retrospective epidemiological study and pathology at the visceral surgery department of Moulay Ismail in Meknes military hospital over a period of 5 years from January to December 36 cases: In the light of this study, its objective is to analyze the epidemiological profile and the anatomopathological aspects of colorectal cancers.

The analysis of our results shows a particular epidemiological profile which is characterized by a younger age, a gender distribution in favor of men, sporadic carcinomas are largely predominant with a frequently observed squamous rectotopographic distribution. Prognostically, the low degree of differentiation of adenocarcinomas and muscular type are correlated to TNM stage and Aster Coller advanced with a pejorative ganglionic status.

This multidisciplinary approach will be a national first, thus making our structure of practice and medical research one of the platforms for multidisciplinary care of colorectal cancer in Morocco. Health education is an important component in the management and monitoring of diabetes. It plays an important role in the decline of the disease severity, mortality and socioeconomic Burden and the complications of diabetes. Morocco does not have an education program about the health of diabetic patients.

The national program to fight against diabetes highlights the role of education for diabetic health without specifying the components of this activity actors, resources, tools, framework, and information The objective of the work The main objective of our work is to measure knowledge, attitudes and practices of general practitioners in the health education of the diabetic patients.

Data collection was based on a face to face Survey. The average age was about 44 years old. The average time spent with each diabetic patient on health education was about 11min. Our study showed awareness, motivation and a willingness to contribute to the establishment and development of this practice. This finding is crucial for the development and improvement of this activity. Our study raised some concerns related to this activity; citing the lack of clear and appropriate recommendations to our context, audiovisual materials and the time devoted to health education.

Health education - Diabetes - General Practitioner - basic healthcare network. Abstract The swelling of the main salivary glands is frequent and very varied. The objective of this research is to identify the epidemiological, clinical, preclinical and therapeutic features of the salivary gland swelling in the ORL department of the Hassan II CHU in Fez. We have identified 71 cases of swelling of the main hospitalized salivary glands with an estimated incidence of 12 cases per year.

The average age of our patients is 42 years, the age group " years" is the most represented. The fever was observed in The biopsy was performed in 7 patients, representing 9. Salivary ultrasound was conclusive in Parotidectomy was performed in The facial nerve was respected in The immediate postoperative sequences were simple on the whole. Summary The recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy and hypoparathyroidism are the major sources of morbidity in thyroid surgery.

The recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy has been responsible for several deaths since the beginning of thyroid surgery.


The aim of this study is to determine the frequency, risk factors and methods of prevention of recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy after thyroidectomy. The age of patients ranged between 17 and 70 years with a mean age of 44 years. The preventive measure that seemed the most decisive was the intraoperative identification and dissection of the nerve.

Médecine nucléaire

Our series did not show superiority of the new treatment compared to standard protocol. Clinical manifestations are varied: The average time spent with each diabetic patient on health education was about 11min. However, much research is still needed on these tools. Am J Epidemiol ; A total of five doctors participated three internists, one professor of higher education, one associate professor and one assistant professor, one hematologist and one resuscitator.

After speech therapy 73 patients recovered a normal voice. The recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy after thyroidectomy is an iatrogenic complication of variable frequency. The unilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy manifests themselves mainly by dysphonia. The bilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy are revealed by a laryngeal dyspnea at extubation.

Additional examinations referred to diagnosis are complex and are not common practice. The treatment of unilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy is based on speech therapy whereas the bilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy emergency treatment aims to restore the airway by intubation or tracheotomy. Prevention is based on the systematic identification and dissection of the recurrent laryngeal nerve during thyroidectomy.

Les tumeurs stromales gastro-intestinales GIST: Gastrointestinal stromal tumors are the most common connective tumors of the digestive tract. Even though they were virtually unknown a few years ago, these tumors could be individualized and easily diagnosed due to the identification of an oncogene , and then treated effectively with a specific inhibitor of this oncogene Imatinib: Thus, GISTs are now a model of targeted therapeutics in oncology and are one of the best examples of the value of current research in oncology.

The objective of our work is to carry out an essentially descriptive study of gastrointestinal stromal tumors, with particular emphasis on the anatomopathological and molecular aspects of these tumors. Our retrospective study concerns 59 cases of gastrointestinal stromal tumors, listed and taken care of by Gastroenterology, A and B visceral surgery, anatomopathology and the medical oncology department of the Hassan II CHU in Fes during a period of 7 years from to ABSTRACT The aim of this work is to index the urinary pathologies, the courses of the urinary system anatomy, as well as the renal and adrenal physiology, all to create a pedagogical reference document, which would provide a valuable help for candidates of internship and residency exams.

For this purpose, we have collected the data related to these items, on the basis of the main academic works of physiology, anatomy, urological pathologies, as well as overview articles. The formulation of the items was: Our study of 78 cases had the goal of realizing a general overview of cardiac catheterization at the university hospital of Fez, and to analyze the types, outcomes and main complications of the performed procedures. The age of our patients has varied between 3 days and 17 years, with a median age of 5 years and 7 months.

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The distribution according to gender was pretty equal, with a sex ratio of 0,9. The nature of the heart disease was determined with a heart ultrasound in all our cases. The indications of interventional catheterization were as follow: The indications of diagnostic catheterization were to define complete anatomy where echo window was poor, to assess pulmonary artery pressure so as to plan suitability for surgery and to plan surgery procedure. The diagnostic catheterization was performed in the following heart diseases: The complications were varied and were generally treated without consequences.

Finally, 2,5 of our patients died due to complications of cardiac catheterizations. To conclude the cardiac catheterization is a recent activity in the pediatric cardiology department at the University Hospital of Fez, with a promising future as an alternative to heart surgery. In our department, we not only intend to augment the number of patient treated but to also widen the indications of interventional procedures.

Unfortunately, many children with ASD are not diagnosed before the age of three. However, many of the symptoms of ASD can be difficult to identify given their great diversification by age. Despite the difficulty of identifying symptoms of ASD in young children, there are some indicators that children under 30 months present. Over the past decade, several promising screening instruments, including MCHAT, have been developed and validated to assist in the diagnosis of ASD in children under two years. However, much research is still needed on these tools. Longitudinal studies are needed to determine whether the original samples used to validate these tools still meet the diagnostic criteria for ASD.

In addition, crossvalidation of these tools should be carried out using new samples of children. Finally, research is needed to compare tools to determine which tool is a better predictor of ASD in young children. Unfortunately, in our context, we are not even there yet, because until now there is no specific tool for our culture available for use.

CAMES 2018 : 43 nouveaux maîtres de Conférences agrégés pour l'UCAD

We conducted this study over a period of one year, in which we had the use and publication agreement on Dr. As a first step, we had to determinate all the terms that have no equivalent in our context, such as the game "peek a boo", "ballerina" or "robot", and replaced them with equivalent terms which are more adapted to our Moroccan context, and ensure that we always keep the same meaning, and thus keeping the authenticity of the tool.

The next step was to compare and to adapt to our culture the tool and to eliminate any ambiguities and inconsistencies in words, and to correct all medical terms and find their equivalents in Moroccan Arabic. The importance of the backward translation consisted of comparing the consensual version with the original one, and to identify the differences and inconsistencies between the two versions, in order to conclude to a correct translation, which would be as close as possible to the original version, while being adapted to our Moroccan context.

The final step was to test this tool among mothers of children aged from 18 to 30 months. Our sample was quite rich and heterogeneous. All mothers had no problem understanding the items or the follow-up of our tool. These satisfactory results led us to retain our consensual version in Moroccan Arabic. We hope that this tool will lead to further attempts to create a screening program for autism spectrum disorders in the general population of children aged 18 to 30 months.

Sur le plan clinico-biologique: Fagnani a , M. Pechevis a , I. Durand b , D. Outline Masquer le plan. Top of the page - Article Outline. Contact Help Who are we? As per the Law relating to information storage and personal integrity, you have the right to oppose art 26 of that law , access art 34 of that law and rectify art 36 of that law your personal data. You may thus request that your data, should it be inaccurate, incomplete, unclear, outdated, not be used or stored, be corrected, clarified, updated or deleted.