Habit of motivation techniques

But as we all know, the gap between knowing what's required and actually getting yourself to do it can be vast. How do you cross that chasm? That's what a recent visitor to question-and-answer Quora wanted to know, asking " How can I motivate myself to work hard? For those struggling to make sure their energy and commitment match their aspirations, it's a goldmine of assistance. Here are a few of the best responses:.

The trick to keeping your motivation up through low points and exhausted periods, traveler Marie Stein insists, isn't any particular productivity technique or energy-boosting idea; rather, it's being really, really clear about why you're doing what you doing. I don't think about it as hard work. I think about it as part of making myself into who I want to be," she writes.

I. Motivation: What It Is and How It Works

Once I've made the choice to do something, I try not to think so much about how difficult or frustrating or impossible that might be; I just think about how good it must feel to be that, or how proud I might be to have done that. Struggling to keep your focus on that end vision? If you were the person that you want to be, then what would that person do?

Top 20 Motivation Tips

Key to GTD and achieving goals. For at least a few minutes each day. Follow these tips, or any combination of them that works for you, and you should have the motivation and focus you need. I am full of excitement, and my enthusiasm knows no boundaries. It might be the way they say just the right words of encouragement that help you get back on your feet again or inspire you to take on the world. Create a blog and announce to the world that you are going to achieve a certain goal by a certain date.

Sometimes the problem isn't mental, it's physical. Your willpower can be at an all-time high, but if you don't have the physical energy to complete your work, keeping your motivation up is still going to be difficult.

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Do you get enough sleep? Do you experience some constant unpleasantness, such as poor sinuses or a constant pain?

Are you sad or upset or just lethargic all the time for no reason you can pinpoint? If so, "get to a doctor if you can for a routine physical, just to make sure everything is working properly. If you know WHY you do what you do, and it matters deeply to you, then you will find your strength in any situation. For example, my WHY is pretty simple: I want to improve the quality of life for as many people as I can for as long as I can.

At work, I try to lift those around me, and I try to help customers succeed in amazing ways. If you want to be amazed by what people can do, flip through the Guinness Book of World Records.

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You can draw from those around you for amazing stories of possibility. Fill your head with books, movies, stories and scenes that remind you of the power of possibility. Limiting beliefs show up in our minds in insidious ways. For example, we might whisper to ourselves: A popular story is about the flea in a jar. If you put a lid on the jar, the flea bumps its head. It will keep bumping its head all through the day, hour after hour.

These Are the 7 Habits of Highly Motivated People

Eventually, it will jump just shy of hitting its head. Then, if you remove the lid, the flea will continue to jump below where the lid used to be. This habit is like two-for-the-price-of-one. Not only does it help you find your motivation, it also helps you live the good life. But, first you need to find your values. With your values in hand, you can connect your daily work back to your values.

For example, I value adventure, learning, and excellence. I lead an epic adventure.

Habit of motivation techniques - Kindle edition by Kazuhiro Kasahara. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features. If you take a step back and look at your typical behaviours throughout the day, what proportion of them do you think are intentional, and what.

When I work on a task that I might not otherwise enjoy, I find a way to learn something new. Better yet, I try to find somebody who can show me their favorite shortcuts or ways to do it better, faster, or cheaper.

How to Build Self-Discipline Lesson #1: How to Form a Habit

The simplest value that I connect to is excellence. Just like there are some tasks that drain you and other tasks that excite you, there are people who drain you and people who catalyze you.

Motivation: The Scientific Guide on How to Get and Stay Motivated

First and foremost though, make sure that you are your own catalyst. Be a coach, not a critic. Instead, look for the wisdom. Instead ask yourself, How can I do better next time?