To Kimchi, With Love

Easy Vegan Kimchi

The reddish fermented cabbage and sometimes radish dish—made with a mix of garlic, salt, vinegar, chile peppers, and other spices—is served at every meal, either alone or mixed with rice or noodles.

And its part of a high-fiber, low-fat diet that has kept obesity at bay in Korea. Kimchi also is used in everything from soups to pancakes, and as a topping on pizza and burgers. Kimchi is also packed with vits. BUT the real benefit: These all contribute to supporting muscle growth, improve your immune system, and improve blood flow.

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Healthy bacteria a total oxymoron! Kimchi kills yeast naturally. Your email address will not be published.


I love kimchi and am always finding ways to add it to my dishes! Thank you for sharing lots of nlove Courtstar courtstar star systemz recently posted..

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I was in the military for over a decade. My experience with Kimchi is that you sweat the smell through your pores.

Easy Vegan Kimchi

Thanks for the recipe. I made it and it was fabulous. Ok, this is going on my nag-myself-to-do list. Kimchi also is used in everything from soups to pancakes, and as a topping on pizza and burgers. Leave a comment it, rate it, and be sure to tag a picture minimalistbaker on Instagram! A good indicator of when it's done fermenting is the smell.

Rinse the cabbage thoroughly in cold water and leave it to the side to drain. Mix together your kimchi paste by blending together the fish sauce, ginger, garlic and chilli sauce or flakes and then blend to a smooth paste. If you can't find traditional Korean chilli flakes then other hot sauces such as sriracha will work too.

You can make it as spicy as you like. Put the cabbage, carrots, radishes and onions into the bowl and mix together with the pasta.

Get to Know the Superfood, Kimchi— Trusttttt Me.

Kimchi would traditionally have carrots and radishes in but why not experiment with what you have in your fridge that needs using up? Once everything is thoroughly mixed together pack the mixture into a sterilised jar so that it is tightly compacted.

Leave about two centimetres from the top of the and push down on the mixture until some of the juices cover it. Your mixture should always be covered by liquid.

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Leave your jar at room temperature for about 5 days, checking on it each day by opening the lid. Once it has properly fermented keep in the fridge and enjoy with rice, noodles or even in pancakes. The flavours will get stronger over time.