Energy - Awakening (The Energy Chronicles Book 1)

In the start of Energy I kept thinking of Brighton as being smart in a dumb kind of way.

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  • Energy by M.J. Schutte.

By the final battle in Energy Brighton has matured and his battle is against himself and his own sense of morality. Any reader of Energy will soon fall in love with the world and the characters within the book. MJ has a truly unique and fresh story line as well as writing style. He breaks with many a tradition in the fantasy genre. His defiance of tradition in this genre alone makes this a journey I would recommend. Sorry guys, I did not realize I was this nosy. I would have removed some of these questions but since I wanted to know the answers, I decided that you may want to know the answer to some of these questions as well.

You break from several traditions pertaining to Fantasy. So here is my one and only question in this regard. Brighton and Lilly is put in several different scenarios and their lives play of more in "real time" than in fantasy time. Personally I found this a delightful change. What made you decide to break from tradition in this way?

What happens after the kundalini is awakened?

Although I love fantasy, I am also a realist. Things like time and distance have to make sense. This is actually a small part of the "reality" of Energy. In my heart, I believe in magic but my logical mind says that it has to come from somewhere. Nothing can come from nothing. If a wizard is going to do something magical, the power or energy to do that has to come from somewhere. Your love for nature and balance is clear through out Energy. What inspired this passion for nature?

It probably comes from my parents. They love nature even more than I do! I am currently involved in a project with my sister called "Save Rhinos Today". It's a Face book page dedicated to fighting rhino poaching and raising money by means of a book auction for this noble cause.

The address is www. What for you personally, is the scariest part of being an author? Putting my work out there and hoping the readers will like it. What is the single wildest thing which you can share with us that you have ever done? I went on holiday with a very good friend, Louis, when I was We did not book any accommodation or have a specific plan in mind.

We simply got in his Mini and drove. Some nights we slept on the beach or under an airplane wing, some nights we simply slept in the little car!

The Fourth Awakening

At the top there is a sign that states "Four by Four vehicles only". It was truly an adventure to remember! If you then what you know now, would you have started writing earlier in life? Honestly, I don't think so. I had to live through certain things, good and bad, to be the person I am today. I learnt the hard way to follow my dreams means a lot of hard work and sacrifice. If I had written Energy ten years ago, I may have given up before the book was finished.

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Editorial Reviews. Review. out of 5 stars Great read!!!, May 30, By. Ann M Wilson (Hampton Roads, Virginia). This review is from: Energy - The. Katy said: Book Info: Genre: Paranormal Fantasy Reading Level: Young Energy. (The Energy Chronicles #1). by. M.J. Schutte (Goodreads Author) Energy- The Awakening by MJ Schutte is an original story with the power to pull in the.

Your second book "Birth of a Wizard is already with your editors. How many books do you plan to write in this series? From the start, I planned to write three books in the series. As soon as Birth of a Wizard is released, I am going to start writing the final book. Can we expect another fantasy series by the soon best selling author MJ Schutte? Writing is something I enjoy immensely. Although I have not thought about more books once the Energy series is done, I cannot see myself never writing again. Yes, I will continue writing as long as readers continue to read my work.

If you could teach your children one lesson only. What would that lesson be? Always follow through on promises you have made. Describe for us your idea of the perfect day? Anybody that knows me knows that I love what I call useless information. You know the type.

In real life they are cats living in the Schutte household. Velvet is apparently the queen of the neighborhood and no dog would dare to take her on in a one on one fight. Mischief is the house cat and scared of her own shadow!!!! Especially if you've read Energy! Those of you who are intrigued by the unknown I give Energy, by M. Schutte a 5-Star Rating!! I won this amazing e-book by simply 'liking' M. You can't beat a free read, moreover, you can't beat one that was as intriguing, unique and original as Energy.

If you're an avid reader, you know that today I give Energy, by M.

If you're an avid reader, you know that today's average novel is rather long, or at least longer than your traditional trade paperback novel. Schutte's novel is somewhere between three and four full-length novels. Additionally, if you're a 'speed-reader' - as am I - you will be pleasantly surprised that Energy's suspense and ease of flow will only take two to four days to get through, as long as you're not interrupted often. I'll not go into details or post spoilers, as that is not my style. I'd rather save that for you, the reader, so every fascinating tidbit is a surprise for you as it was for me.

But, I will do my best to explain what I can Brighton, an extraordinarily large and strong young man, and his beautiful, petite childhood friend, Lillian, fell in love without realizing it while growing up as playmates. When tragedy strikes and young Lillian disappears, and after losing other loved ones, Brighton sets out to find his 'Lily. Little does he know, his Lily lives, and their journey to reunite will bring you tears of joy. He discovers there are some at work who only want to see to his well-being and happiness, and aid he and Lily as they only wish to be together and live out their lives in peace and quiet.

But, it never is that easy, is it?

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After realizing his own powers, Brighton embarks on a mission to end the heavy-handed rule of the Dark Ones, who have controlled everyone and everything for thousands of years. Many people support him hoping they also can finally live in peace, but it's not that easy as there are many bad guys and gals who want him dead once they find out he could be more powerful than anyone to ever exist. Not all the good guys and gals survive, and neither do all the bad ones, but the journey to dissolve the old and unwanted ways becomes ugly and tiring.

Only Brighton can make that happen, though, and along the way he also finds that - just like the Dark Ones - power can consume and destroy even one with the best of intentions. I highly recommend you follow this captivating journey where you will find love, hate, happiness, heartbreak, old lives ending, new lives beginning, and much, much more in Energy. As it is such a lengthy novel, I'm finding it difficult to give it due justice in a mere few words.

The only way to really understand and fall in love with it, as I did, is to buy a copy of M. Schutte's Energy for yourself. You'll be happy you did! Schutte a 5 Star Rating!! It's rather lengthy, but worth every moment spent reading this suspenseful story. Schutte's imagination not only blows me away, but also tells me he will only grow better with time.

If you're an avid reader, you know that toda I give Energy, by M. Feb 21, Melissa rated it it was amazing. The two young lovers simpl As teenagers, Brighton and Lilian live quiet, peaceful and uncomplicated lives in a remote mountain village called Four Mountains.

See a Problem?

The two young lovers simply want to live in peace but they are constantly hunted because of their special talents. Review 6 out of 5 Brighton and Lilian are two teenagers living in a small village called Four Mountains. They discover that their feelings for each other are much deeper than friendship. But before they can explore these feelings, a secret from Lilian's past rips them apart.

Brighton finds himself fighting for the girl he loves and discovers an even bigger secret about himself. Brighton and Lilian just want to live in peace, but others are hunting them because of their special talents. Brighton has to overcome great odds, and even death, if he is to save Lilian and himself from the evil determined to destroy them.

I absolutely loved this book. I fell in love with the whole world MJ Schutte has created. Brighton and Lilian are two teenagers living in a remote village in the mountains. Their characters are kind and gentle, but after an event that sees Lilian being taken, their lives take a darker turn. When they meet again, they find their feelings have not changed, but they have. Brighton and Lilian have to face death on more than one occasion due to their special talents.

This is a fantastic tale of adventure and romance. I would definitely recommend this book, and I'm looking forward to reading Birth of a Wizard next. I have to admit that I really struggled to get into this book. The story didn't flow very well and there were moments when I wish a little more effort had been put into the editing process. Although the hiccups I noticed were very slight, they were enough to distract me from reading, and at one point I was ready to put the book down, never to pick it up again. I also felt that sections of dialogue were forced and there was that tiny annoyance of characters always refering to each other by name, I have to admit that I really struggled to get into this book.

I also felt that sections of dialogue were forced and there was that tiny annoyance of characters always refering to each other by name, even when there was no one else around Now I know it seems like I'm only harping on negatives, but I always strive to give my honest opinion! I'm not saying I hated this book, it just started off as a bit of a bore. I really only got into the story a couple of chapters in, when Thomas comes to see Carmen and Brighton, and they discuss the latter's talents.

I felt this was the turning point of the story and things only got better. I enjoyed the interaction between Lily and Bri. They felt like a real couple and even reminded me of a few of my married friends! Although Brighton didn't stand out as the typical drop-dead gorgeous hero, he certainly lived up to the part with his devotion and love for Lily. He was willing to die for her, literally, and he always had her best interests at heart.

Lily is a great character. She seemed a little flat at first but when she appeared later, she really had grown into a beautiful, more complex young lady. The talent that each character has is very interesting. It was a wonderful, fresh idea and the fact that the Dark Ones are "magically" inclined but still vulnerable is a nice change because most of the time these types of characters are invincible! Overall, this book grew into a fantastic fantasy adventure.

Awakening (The Elemental Chronicles #1) by Ross Kingston

May I also just add that I am so happy with the cover change. The new cover for Energy just speaks so much more to what the book is about, and it has a more mystical appeal! Dec 30, Julie rated it it was amazing. Brighton finds himself fightin Ebook: Recommended to Jenny Bynum by: MJ Schutte author himself.

I did some crying and some laughing, this was a great roller coaster full of happiness, fun, mischief, and tears! My all time favorite part of the book was when Lilian was getting ready to deliver the twins and Brighton is screaming because he doesnt know what to do about the situation!! Brac is here too. Are they born yet? I also loved the black panther, Mischief, he was just awesome and protecting and scaring the living daylight out ot people and just ignore them, while the humans run for their lives! I could see Mischief just strutting himself through town and all the humans running from him and he is like I'm big and bad and I don't want anything to do with your humans!

The names of the twins made me cry too. Clarissa named after Brighton's mother and Thomas named after the old man that helped and protected Brighton! Ugh, such a tear jurker! Thank you MJ Schutte for such an awesome book!! Alex Sin rated it it was amazing Dec 23, Glady'S Tucker rated it it was amazing Oct 07, Ben rated it it was amazing Dec 20, Mist Willingham rated it really liked it Nov 25, Sonia rated it it was ok Oct 05, Bec marked it as to-read Oct 08, Michelle Butters marked it as to-read Apr 20, Sarah Imhoff added it Sep 13, Geoffrey Williams marked it as to-read Mar 02, Ricky marked it as to-read Nov 19, Sophia marked it as to-read Feb 09, AbeyLee marked it as to-read Sep 30, Gypsy Rose marked it as to-read Apr 25, Toni marked it as to-read Feb 04, Jessica marked it as to-read Feb 04, Hailey is currently reading it Feb 25, Sabrina Di Marco marked it as to-read Feb 26, Sami marked it as to-read Feb 28, Amanda marked it as to-read Apr 13, Sarah Ruechel marked it as to-read Apr 15, Nicole marked it as to-read May 27, Lydia marked it as to-read Jun 13, Hiu Gregg marked it as to-read Jun 17, Katelyn Bergan marked it as to-read Jun 19, Laura marked it as to-read Jun 19, Kelly Jones marked it as to-read Jun 19, James Lafayette Tivendale marked it as to-read Jun 20, Carol added it Jun 21, Jordan marked it as to-read Jun 22, Christopher Percy marked it as to-read Jun 24, Alexsoo marked it as to-read Jun 28, Mark added it Jul 01, Joshua is currently reading it Jul 01, Qifays Niduay marked it as to-read Jul 09, Catherine marked it as to-read Jul 15, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.

Books by Ross Kingston. The Fourth Awakening brings a new mode of being with it, one that goes beyond symbols and beyond thought. Glimpses of it have been written about for thousands of years. The Spanish language version can be found here. The primary character, like so many before her, has started down the path toward enlightenment but has lost her way. Throughout this fast-paced thriller are gentle clues and suggestions that readers can use to advance their personal growth. While each Chronicle is a stand-alone episode that can be read independently, it is a part of a much larger and continuing story which is easier to understand and follow if it is read in sequential order.

He is a middle-aged, confirmed bachelor with no religious moorings.

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