The disc will be available to buy from June You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. The introduction of the classic horror series, Deadworld, to a new audience! Considered by many to be the original zombie comic, Deadworld ripped into the undead with intelligent zombies on a mission and the poor teens riding in a school bus desperately try to stay one step ahead of the sadistic, Harley-riding King Zombie.

Death, mayhem, and a touch of supernatural evil made Deadworld a classic and now here's your chance to get into the story! This is a graphic novel compilation of the six issue reboot of the classic series. Deadworld - a world that has suffered the unleashing of a supernatural holocaust as the dead return to walk the Earth. Isolated pockets of humanity struggle to survive. It is a world torn apart by death. A collection of short stories from the pages of Deadworld, one of the longest running zombie titles in the comics market. It is a world that has suffered a supernatural holocaust and the dead rise to walk again.

Yet this world also has intelligent zombies, such as the Harley-riding, chain smoking King Zombie and they threaten to drive humankind into extinction. Included in this collection is the very first Deadworld story, "Black Sabbath" , which introduced to the comics audience the hard biting scenes of zombies taking over the earth. The classic tales illustrated by the artist known as "the Deadworld artist", Vince Locke, are presented as is the introduction to one of Deadworld's most popular characters, the Dead-Killer.

This proves to be a great collection for fans to discover the compelling need to feed on the saga of Deadworld. In Deadworld, death is only the beginning of the horror and this action packed assemblage of tales set in this zombie infested world illustrates perfectly the dilemma the humans face, not only from the hordes of zombies but from humans themselves. An original graphic novel set in the supernatural holocaust of Deadworld! Outside of the dusty and remote town of Juarez, Mexico, new laws have replaced what was once called civilization.

The old laws don't apply to the dead - the walking dead - so there had to be new ones. One of the wielders of this new law was the mysterious wanderer, Raga, who was known in the whispers swirling around the land as simply, "The Assassin. But now he had a new challenge.

However, his plans get disrupted by an unexpected force - the King Zombie and his hoards of zombies! You may be able to kill what's already dead, but how many times? Also available as digital download. This anthology features all-new stories set in Deadworld!

4 customer reviews

In a world and time when things look bleak for the humans and they are plunging towards extinction, these stories highlight different tales of survivors. A wife's desperate search for her husband who has become a zombie As a bonus, Mark Bloodworth presents a gallery of "The Girls of Deadworld" featuring many of the leading characters in the series. War of the Dead. Stacey assists John in his decisions and the two of them finally fulfill their suppressed desires and get together.

Stacey realizes that John still has memories of his dead wife…whom he had to kill after she became a zombie. Kirk and his friend are trapped by zombies and Kirk finds himself alone in the woods, surrounded by zombies. Dead-Killer barely manages to escape and witnesses up close, the incredible power of the Grakkens.

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Kirk finds a way of hiding from the zombies as he dons the skin of a zombie and slips between the zombies. In the backup, the Dead-Killer lays his own trap for King Zombie but there is just far too many of them. He manages to escape but not before he discovers that he was bitten in the hand, even despite his precautions. Kirk finds himself trapped by zombies again and comes across a pilot flying a small plane and manages to join him in escaping. A flashback on the city where Jenny and Marla deal with the loss of their boyfriends and the threat of the zombies coming.

In the flashback of the city, it is revealed that King Zombie has tortured some of the people and found about Dan and Joey and that they were there. That puts him in the hunt of them. Moloch, Reyna, and Deake join up with another para-military organization but Moloch is not in charge…more of a prisoner. King Zombie has more help delivered to him. It is a creature known as an Oracle who have special sensory abilities to find those attuned to gate openings.

The oracle senses one and King Zombie is not happy about where…up north in Michigan. Donna continues to survive with the bikers and actively betters herself through training and weight lifting. She will no longer be a victim…of anyone. Percy wants to find Dan and Joey but Donna refuses, after all, they left her behind. Suspecting zombies, they are actually drawing a bead on Wayne and Albert. Albert and Wayne are lying on the ground. Shots have just rung out. Albert rolls Wayne over to discover a bullet in the head.

Wayne was his only hope for survival and now he runs out of sheer terror until he is captured. He finds a city that was a battleground and is surprised to hear music. When he goes inside a bar, he runs into an escaped convict, Clarence. Clarence tells his tale of being in prison when the zombie plague hit. Trapped inside the prison, it was a massacre but he managed to get out. He and Kirk decide to hook up. Albert is brought into the camp where John and Stacey are.

They find out that a group of humans have taken over the town of Wolverine and they have to go through and know that the humans will attack them for their supplies, horses, guns…and women. They have to find a way around the town. They decide to join up with John. He takes over the town, knowing that a band of people, including the one that the oracles senses is a gate opener must pass through the town. The townspeople led by John and Clarence navigate through the river, which allows them to get through Wolverine.

The Oracle tells King Zombie that the sense of the gate opener comes form an unborn fetus. Like a cattle slaughter, the zombies are trapped in the fort as the men fire down at them. Stacey handles all of the zombies on the bridge and manages to wipe them out. She then blows up the bridge.

John and the others barely make it over, before the bridge is blown completely apart. Volume one ends with King Zombie heading back south. Donna and Percy still with the motorcycle gang. Dan and Joey on their own, destination and whereabouts unknown. Dead Killer, now with a stiletto blade replacing his missing hand, finds out that King Zombie and the Vamp, accompanied by Bowker, are utilizing a small carnival as a rendezvous point. The group consists of a strongman, a clown, a tattoo girl, a tumbler, a fat man, and some other workers.

The Vamp talks to Bowker…she is upset as her current body is falling apart.

Deadworld: Chronicles

Can this ragtag group of teens and one unhinged adult prevent the "gateway" opening permanently? During the battle, Deake is captured by Reyna…. Bowker comes out to talk to King Zombie and complete the deal they had before. I like it a lot. An original graphic novel set in the supernatural holocaust of Deadworld! Dan is thrown into the ring with Wolverine.

They plan a rescue but Bowker betrays Dead-Killer. After all, he wants to be on the winning side. Tied up in the funhouse, Vamp begins to torture Dead Killer but he manages to break free. He slices his knife through the head of Vamp. Bowker, meanwhile, finds the tattoo girl very attractive and she seems to be enamored with him as well.

Dead-killer captures KZ and gets all of the carnival people free. The carnival people are stunned. King Zombie is actually dead. They mourn their friend, the fat man who died of a heart attack earlier trying to fight off the zombies. The carnival people want revenge and start tearing into the zombies. To their surprise, the fat man is among them. Dead-Killer watches a small village and we know that he is a frequent visitor to this village as he watches the woman known as Katherine from afar.

Bowker finds himself desiring the tattoo girl and manages to get her into bed. He finally, after all this time, has a living woman who wants him instead of the necrophilic Vamp. After they make love, the tattoo girl informs Bowker that it is indeed Vamp, who had taken over the body of the tattoo girl. King Zombie, now in his fat man body, makes a deal with three humans to track down the Dead Killer. As they enter the town, they kill some of the people and King Zombie takes Katherine with him back to the carnival. Dead Killer comes into the town…he has finally ventured into it. After all, the King Zombie dead and maybe he can finally look for some sort of regular life.

But he realizes it is a trap. He fights the three humans and kills two of them. King Zombie shows Katherine the power of his race as he stands before her and cuts off all of the fat off the body, taking it down to bone and muscle only. Dead-Killer realizes he is being tracked by the third human bounty hunter and sets a trap for him. He finds out where King Zombie is and heads off towards the carnival, knowing it is a trap. KZ makes Bowker watch as the rest of the carnival people are slaughtered. Vamp rescues Bowker from the sight as she takes him in a truck to go and find out about another city they had heard about.

It is a sign of compassion from Vamp who obviously loves Bowker and is frustrated by his lack of feeling for her. Katherine is tied up in the middle of the carnival, an obvious trap for Dead-Killer…but he comes anyway. He has no choice. King Zombie lets Katherine go in exchange for Dead-Killer to stay behind. KZ ties up Dead-Killer and then breaks his legs. As Bowker and Vamp are leaving, they find out that some people are heading towards them.

Bowker wants to run but Vamp says they have to go back and get KZ. KZ is about to kill Dead Killer when shots ring out from the hill above. KZ runs off, leaving Dead-Killer…alive. Katherine comes to Dead-Killer and tells him that the people of the village came to save him…after all, he is part of the human race. The Survivors a prose short story in Dead-Killer one shot. The story tells of how Katherine and her husband had escaped to the woods in order to try and survive. The Dead-Killer admires her, perhaps he is even falling in love with her. He appreciates her strength.

Her husband was killed by zombie…because he was careless. Shot by other humans who mistook him for a zombie. The Dead Killer had found him and cut him up so that Katherine would think it was the work of zombies. But she knew the truth. Katherine was pregnant and had delivered a baby boy. One day Katherine called him in for a favor. She showed Dead-killer the boy. But he was blind and retarded. She asked if Dead-Killer could do a favor and he agreed. As Katherine stepped outside, Dead-killer approached the blind and retarded boy with a pillow.

The boy would die as a human. A considerable amount of time has passed. Opens up with John traveling through a blizzard as he searches for his son. John realizes that he went out too far and zombies are all around him. He strips down and allows himself to freeze, hoping that he freezes to death before the zombies find him. Stacey was also pregnant, it was her child that the Oracle had sensed.

Clarence tries to convince Kirk and Stacey to go down to the Caribbean as the weather is at least nice. Bowker is on a rendezvous mission in a city when he is surprised by Reyna. We find out that Albert has been captured by King Zombie and KZ wants Albert to be his chronicler…something to pass on to posterity. Albert does it…after all, he has to survive. The Oracle also informs King Zombie that the Master has split into two forces because of the gates not being opened.

One is the spiritual form that is inhabiting different forces and calls itself Amy. The other is in human form but that form does not even know it is part of the Master. The two forms must be re-united to reform the Master. Dan and Joey are still traveling when they spot a small band. They decide to check it out before approaching. They are shocked when they see the last person they expected to see alive…Donna. Moloch has been kept under tight security and drugged up but Reyna has been secretly keeping him off the drugs.

Bowker lures Vamp into a trap, letting her think that he has finally accepted her. Reyna kills Jaxson and lets Bowker know that her and Moloch have taken over the city. Bowker sends a signal to King Zombie that now is the time. Dan decides he might as well leave but this time, Joey says no. He is tired of running. Kirk, Stacey, and Clarence are driving south, heading towards the islands. Kirk has a flashback of when he was out on a hunt and he and his companions were trapped by snow.

Some of the men had resorted to cannibalism and Kirk realized then that perhaps man was no better than the zombies. That will stop the zombies from attacking the city but the takeover is taking time and King Zombie is fast losing his patience. As a man kills a father and about to take liberties with a little girl that he strangled, an energy force inhabits the dead girl.

She ends up killing the man. Later she is found wandering the woods and is taken in by the motorcycle gang as they search for the body of Dan whom they shot. Donna asks the little girl her name…Amy. Amy suddenly freezes as she realizes that somewhere in the camp, her other half is there in human form. Moloch is in control now. Bowker comes out to talk to King Zombie and complete the deal they had before. Bowker turns over Deake, not understanding why KZ wants him so bad.

King Zombie says his zombies have to feed but Bowker says the city is off limits. Bowker tells King Zombie of a motorcycle camp not too far away. Bowker figures eventually that they will have to take care of them…so why not let the zombies do it. Amy is in the camp searching for her other self that will complete her as the Master. She is drawn to Joey who sits next to Percy.

Deadworld: Chronicles

Although strange, Percy is one of the few friends that Joey has. Amy searches for Joey during the battle and is about to connect with him, when Donna grabs her to take her to safety. Amy is furious…but sees her chance when Donna asks Joey to take Amy. As Moloch takes charge of the city, a dead body has an energy force come into it. The once dead figure stands and watches for someone before it spies who it was looking for. Now we know the Vamp has managed to secure a new body. She swears revenge on Bowker. At the camp, the human forces are dwindling. And as Joey hands Amy off to Percy, a surge of electricity hits the area.

It was Percy that was the other half of the master. Now the Master is complete! A few survivors flee the camp when they are stopped by a lone man coming towards the camp. They recognize who it is because now this man is legendary…it is the Dead-Killer. He heads towards the camp. King Zombie uses one of the prisoners at the camp as the live sacrifice and enacts Deake to do the gate opening. The gates begin to open and some creatures begin to appear…. As the gates are opening, the Master grows in power.

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He is no longer Percy and transforms into the Demon Lord. Albert helps Donna, Joey, and another woman to get away and they come across the Dead-Killer.

All of them realize that they have to stop Deake from fully opening the gates so they all go back to the camp. As the gates open, the first to cross the threshold are the demonflytes…and then the demon dogs. Before they can go after King Zombie, the demon dogs…terrifying beasts that are very fast…are upon them. The one woman is killed almost immediately. The remaining three empty their guns into the demon dog and finally, it drops.

King Zombie is furious the gates closed early. The master is still too weak to be much of a force but King Zombie notices that many of the dead things will return to life…such as some of the animals. Dead-Killer takes Donna and Joey to a small outpost where Katherine is in charge of the medical area. Donna helps Dan to recuperate but Dan is plagued by voices in his head. Joey asks Dead-Killer a lot of questions but no answers are forthcoming. Vamp finds a young couple and she kills the man and takes over the body of the girl.

She is pleased with her choice, feeling Bowker will be pleased as well. Dan leaves the compound…trying to find the source of the voices in his head. He runs through the woods until he comes up to the source. It is the new Voodoo Queen and she claims he and her share a mind link…and are destined to be together forever. Dead-Killer has some frustrations in getting Joey trained and decides to take him to a small town called Brunson.

There, Joey meets Darcy, the daughter of the town leader. Vamp, in her new body, visits a tattoo parlor to have her body decorated like Bowker wanted.

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  • www.farmersmarketmusic.com: A ZOMBIE TALE CHRONICLES: DEADWORLD eBook: Alan Garrett: Kindle Store.

After he finishes Vamp, he is about to kill her because she has told him of all the humans she has killed. Her body is his greatest masterpiece. Surprisingly, she kisses him instead of killing him and he feels that perhaps the human spirit will go on…even in the dead.

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Buy A ZOMBIE TALE CHRONICLES: DEADWORLD: Read 4 Kindle Store Reviews - www.farmersmarketmusic.com This anthology features all-new stories set in Deadworld universe! of the Queen reveals an old woman who somehow keeps zombies away.

Between issues eight and nine, the crossover epic of Realm of the Dead occurred as King Zombie traveled to the world of the Realm for a three issue series. With the devastation of Daemonstorm causing such destruction and death, the oracles form the Deadworld have sensed the great outcry from the anguished souls and seek to have the inhabitants of the Realm added to their collection! Meanwhile, the great menace known as Terroreck has risen again to claim the dead who walk the Realm and he has Thoragg and Vespacious with him.

As the intelligent zombies and Terroreck decide to join forces to turn the living into the undead on the planet, the former allies of Terroreck, the Night Creatures are all that stand between them for the survival of the Realm. This graphic novel features Deadworld favorites, the Grakkens, as well as appearances of the Demon Lords and of course, King Zombie himself.

A graphic novel that collects the three issue series. Albert, imprisoned in a cave finds out that he shares it with the Master. However, the master is too weak to do anything. Albert is surprised by another person, RAND, who is leader of a band of lepers who show the full symptoms of the disease. Joey goes to Katherine to get her medical advice about Darcy and her leprosy.

Bowker finds that he has to contend with a gang of cutthroat humans who call themselves the Scavengers and travel around stealing food and equipment and slaughtering anyone that gets in their way. Vamp is about to enter the city as she spies on Bowker. She is willing to give him one more chance. Dead-killer leads many of the townspeople to a hill to watch a small band of people getting slaughtered by zombies.

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They are too far away to help but he wants them to watch so that the townspeople will realize what happens if they get complacent about the zombie menace. Bowker, after his training exercise reveals his expert skills, decides to go after the menace of the Scavengers himself. Darcy and Joey talk and Darcy reveal the history of the Brunson research. Many of the people there were taken away and tested with different drugs and stuff. Leprosy was introduced into many of them as the laboratory doctors thought there might be a connection between the leprosy dealing with dying tissues and the zombie menace.

The Brunson people were rescued but many of them carried the disease full term. Albert has created a testimony of the supernatural holocaust since the beginning and Rand wants Albert to be the voice that the future will read to understand all that has gone on. King Zombie finds that the zombies are no longer under his control as something or someone else has taken them over. Rand explains the experiments. The choice to sacrifice some people for the greater good of the human race.

They used leprosy to kill the tissues and then tried to reanimate the dead tissue…but all of their attempts failed. Bowker finds out about the home base of the Scavengers and decides to wipe them out and kill some of the townspeople as an example. It is revealed that the town protecting the Scavengers is the town that Katherine and Donna are in. Punk and Eddie witness the scene and decide they no longer want to be part of Moloch and his organization. Then he finds out that the Scavengers were just kids and the sons of some of the residents.

They felt they had too. Dead-Killer is furious when he finds out that Katherine was abducted along with Donna. King Zombie is displeased when he finds out the zombies attacking Rand have left to come back and wonders why they have dis-obeyed his order.