Süßes Gift LÜGE: Unser langer Abschied von der Illusion (German Edition)

Meaning of "Misswuchs" in the German dictionary

Ausfahrgleis n outgoing track RR. Ausfallm sortie Tac ; long lunge, long thrust bayonet thrust ; casualty ; failure, breakdown of an engine, etc. Ausgangsort m point of departure air navigation. Ausgangspunkt m initial point, origin, point of departure. Ausgangstransformator m output transformer Rad. Ausgehanzug m dress uniform. Ausgehverbot n curfew Mil Govt. Ausgleich m equalization, compensation, equilibration, balancing. Ausgleicher m compensator Ord, Mech ; equilibrator G.

Ausgleicherarm m equilibrator anchor G. Ausgleichgetriebe n differential gear. Ausladebahnhof m detraining point, railhead. Ausladegebiet n detrucking area. Ausladekommando n unloading detail. Ausladeplatz m detrucking point.

  • Synonyms and antonyms of Misswuchs in the German dictionary of synonyms.
  • Stranger Than Fiction-An Urban Tale.
  • German-English Military Dictionary.

Auslauf m outlet for liquids, etc. Auslegezeichen n ground panel Sig C. Ausleseknopf m selector switch Ap armament control. Ausnahmezustand in state of emergency. Auspuff m exhaust, exhaust system Mtr. Auspuff hub m exhaust stroke Mtr. Auspuffkanal m exhaust duct Mtr. Auspufftakt m exhaust stroke Mtr. Auspufftopf m muffler Mtr. Ausrollen n landing run Avn. Ausschalen n stripping the forms concrete construction. Ausschaltehebel TU throwout lever aiming circle. Ausschalten der Grundstufe calibration correction, correction for velocity error Gunnery.

Ausschalten der Schnittbildversetzung halving adjustment coincidence range finder. Ausschalten des Schallverzuges acoustic correction sound locator. Ausschalten des Windes wind correction Gunnery. Ausschalter m switch; throwout lever. Ausschlag m decisive factor; rash Med. Aussetzen n posting of guards ; cessation of rain, fire, etc. Aussichtsturm m observation tower. Austausch m exchange PW, etc.

Austauschschiff n exchange ship, cartel ship Nav. Austauschstoff m substitute material. Auswanderungsmesser m lead computer AA. Ausweichflugplatz m dispersal landing field. Ausweichgleis n siding RR. Ausweichhafen m alternate airport. Ausweichziel n alternate target, secondary target bombing.

Meaning of "Mittsiebziger" in the German dictionary

Ausweis m identification card, document, etc. Ausweispapier n identification papers. Auswerfer m ejector Ord. Auswertelineal n computing slide rule FR. Auszieher m extractor Ord. Ausziehgleis n lead track RR. Auszug m extract, summary, departure; extension Tech. Autokartograph m stereoscopic plotting machine. Autoschleppstart m auto-tow take-off glider. Azetylensauerstoffbrenner m oxyacet- ylene torch. Azimutentfernungsmesser m depression position finder.

B Bach m stream, brook, rivulet. Backbord n port side. Backbordmotor m port engine. Bade wagen m shower-bath truck. Bagger m excavator, dredge, power shovel. Bahndamm m railroad embankment. Bahnhof m railroad station; trolley or bus station. Bahnhofsoffizier m railroad station traffic officer. Bahnplanum n subgrade RR. Bahnsteig m platform RR. Bahntransport m railroad transportation.

Bajonettangriff m bayonet charge. Bajonettfechten n bayonet fighting. Bajonettgriff m bayonet grip. Bakenempfang m radio-beacon reception. Bakterienkrieg m bacteriological warfare. Baldachin m canopy center section of upper wing of biplane. Balken m balk, beam; girder; log. Balkenstapel m log crib, timber crib Bdg. Balkenverhau m timber obstacle. Ballen m bulb horse ; heel harness ; bale. Ballistit n ballistite Am. Ballonabweiser m anti-balloon device Ap.

Ballonaufstiegplatz m balloon site. Ballonbeobachter m balloon observer. Ballongurt m rigging band captive Bin. Ballonkorb m balloon basket. Ballonnetz n balloon net. Ballonreifen m balloon tire. Ballonstoff m balloon fabric. Ballonvariometer n balloon statoscope. Ballonventil n gas valve Bin. Baltasekunden fpl ballistic density and wind factors in time-of-flight seconds. Baltasekunden-Verfahren n procedure in correcting for ballistic density and wind. Bananenstecker m banana plug. Band band, cord, tape, strip, ribbon. Bandgestell n harness gas mask.

Bandmikrophon n ribbon microphone. Barackenlager n cantonment, camp having semipermanent buildings. Barbarist m artilleryman slang. Basislineal base-line arm plotting protractor. Bataillonsabschnitt m battalion sector. Bataillons-Adjutant m battalion executive officer, aide to battalion commander. Bataillonsgefechtsstand m battalion command post. Bataillonshornist m drum major formerly called Tambourmajor.

Bataillons-Kommandeur m battalion commander. Bataillonsstab m battalion staff, battalion headquarters. Bataillonsverbandplatz m battalion aid station. Batteriebild n battery-location plot SB. Batteriechef m battery commander. Batteriekasten m battery box Elec. Batteriekran m gun hoist, loading crane Arty. Batterieoffizier m executive firing Btry. Batterieplan m firing chart Arty.

Batteriestand m See Batteriestellung. Batterietrupp m battery detail, battery headquarters detail, battery commander's detail Arty. Bau w construction, structure, type of construction. Baubataillon n construction battalion. Bauch m abdomen, belly. Bauchgurt m front cinch pack saddle. Bauchtreffer m sidewise-striking projectile.

Bauglied n structural unit, section of a structure, structure element. Baumbeobachtungsstand m observation post in a tree. Baumstamm m tree trunk. Baumstumpf m tree stump. Baumuster n model, type Ap, MT. Baumverhau in live abatis. Baumwollabfall m cotton waste, cotton linters. Bausoldat m engineer soldier in construction unit. Baustab m construction staff. Bautrupp m construction detail, construction squad. Bautruppen fpl construction troops.

Beamter m official, civil servant. Bediener m controller AA SL. Bedienungsschalter m operating switch Elec. Beendigung der Luftgefahr "all clear. Befehl m order, command. Befehlsnetz n command net. Befehlspanzer m command tank. Befehlsstand m command post, headquarters. Befehlswagen m command car, command truck, commander's car, staff, car. Befehlsweg m chain of command, command channel. Befestigungsarbeiten fpl fortifications, works.

Befestigungswerk n permanent fortification, work. Begegnungsgefecht n meeting engagement. Begleiter m escort; assistant driver. Begleitfeuer n accompanying fire. Begleitkommando n escort party, escort detachment, covering party. Begleitpanzer m accompanying tank. Begleitschutz m escort, fighter escort Avn.

Begleitzettel m emergency medical tag. Begrenzungshebel m clamping lever MG. Begrenzungsstift m traversing stop MG. Behelf m expedient, makeshift. Behelfsgasschutz m emergency gas protection. Behelfsmaterial n emergency construction material. Behmlot n fathometer, echo depth sounder Nav ; Behm sound-ranging altimeter, sonic altimeter Ap. Beiende n warp of a rope.

Beifahrer m rear rider, sidecar rider Mtcl ; assistant driver MT. Beinleder npl leather puttees, leather leggins. Beitreibungsschein m requisition receipt for civilian property. Beiwagen m sidecar Mtcl. Beiwagenkrad n sidecar motorcycle. Bekleidnngsnachweis m clothing account. Bekleidungssack m duffle bag, bar-rack s bag. Beladeplan m stowage chart for vehicle. Belag m planking Bdg ; reinforcing strap harness.

Belagerungszustand m state of siege. Belastungsfaktor in load coefficient. Beleg m voucher, proof, evidence, document. Beleuchtungsfenster n illuminating window panoramic sight. Benzinkanister m gasoline container. Benzinmanometer n gasoline pressure gage. Benzinstandmesser m fuel gage. Beobachter m observer; air observer, navigator-observer. Beobachterabzeichen n observer badge decoration. Beobachterfernrohr n observer telescope. Beobachtersitz m observer's seat Ap.

Beobachtungsbereich m observation area Arty. Beobachtungsfehler m personnel error. Beobachtungsfernrohr n observation telescope BC telescope. Beobachtungskorb m observer's basket captive Bin. Beobachtungsnetz n observation post system Arty. Beobachtungsoffizier m observation post officer Arty.

Beobachtungsraum m " searching sector AAA ; observation area. Beobachtungsrohr n trench periscope. Beobachtungsstand m See Beobachtungsstelle. Beobachtungsturm m cupola Tk. Beobachtungs- und Wirkungsstreifen m sector of fire SA firing. Beobachtungswagen in' observer's car. Beobachtungswinkel m aiming point offset Arty. Beobachtung von seitlicher Beobachtungsstelle flank spotting Arty.

Bereich m area, district, zone; range, scope. Bereitschaften fpl alerted reserve troops or police. Bereitschaftsbataillon n reserve battalion. Bereitschaftslazarett n mobile surgical unit. Bereitstellungsbefehl m assembly order. Bereitstellungsplatz m assembly position, assembly point Tac. Bereitstellungsraum m assembly area Tac. Bergm hill, mountain collective: Bergedienst m recovery service, salvage collecting service. Bergekommando n collecting unit, salvage party, recovery party.

Bergen n recovery, salvage. Berghang m mountain slope, hillside. Bergjoch n saddle Top. Bergschuhe mpl mountain boots, ski boots. Bergungsschiff n rescue vessel, salvage vessel. Bericht m report; communique, news dispatch. Berichter m correspondent, reporter. Besatzung'sheer n army of occupation. Beschlagmeister m horseshoer with rank of Tech Sgt. Beschlagschmiedobergefreiter m horseshoer with rank of Cpl. Beschwerungsrohr n counterpoise,counterweight G.

Beselerstegm hasty trestle footbridge named after General H. Besetztschauzeichen n "busy" signal light Tp. Besetztzeichens busy signal Tp. Besoldungsdienstalter n seniority for computation of pay. Besoldungswesen n pay and allowance administration. Besoldungszulage nach dem Dienstalter longevity pay. Bestand m stock supplies, equipment, etc. Bestandsbuch n stock book. Bestattungskommando n burial detail. Besteckn ship's position; set of instruments or utensils; knife, fork and spoon considered as unit of mess kit. Bestellschein m requisition ticket Adm.

Bestselling Series

Betonbunker m concrete bunker, concrete pillbox. Betonturmm concrete turret Ft. Betonunterstand m concrete shelter, concrete dugout. Betrag TO amount, sum. Betrieb TO operation Tp, Rad ; traffic; action; factory. Betriebsbuch n station log Rad. Betriebsfunkspruch m routine radio message. Betriebsschalter m operating switch Tp. Betriebsstoff m fuel, gasoline, Diesel fuel. Betriebsstoffkesselkraftwagen m gasoline tank truck. Betriebsstoffzusatzmittel n dope for Avn gasoline.

Betriebsstrom m operating current. Betriebsunterlagen fpl consolidated plan of telephone communication. Bettungsloch n gun platform excavation RR gun. Beunruhigungsfeuer n harassing fire. Beurlaubteristand m reserve status. Offizier des Beurlaubtenstandes officer commissioned for the duration abbr. Beutegeschiitz n captured gun. Beute-Kraftfahrzeug n captured motor vehicle. Beutel m bag, pouch.

Beutestab m salvage staff for captured enemy materiel. Bewachungsfahrzeug n patrol vessel, escort vessel Nav. Bewegungsbuch n record of transactions.

  1. Synonyms and antonyms of Lehrerstudent in the German dictionary of synonyms;
  2. Süßes Gift LÜGE : Unser langer Abschied von der Illusion.
  3. Meaning of "Lehrerstudent" in the German dictionary.
  4. Prayer for the Dying.
  5. Süßes Gift LÜGE : Johannes Schenke : ?

Bewegungskrieg m war of movement, mobile warfare. Beweismaterial n written evidence. Bezug m datum, reference, relation. Bezugspunkt m check point, datum point. Bezugsschein m ration card; requisition ticket. Bildberichter m war photographer in Ger propaganda company. Bildflieger m aerial photographer. Bildfunk ra radiophotography, radio-photo transmission. Bildoffizier m photographer officer. Bildplan ra controlled mosaic aerial Photo. Bildpunkt in picture point aerial Photo. Bildwerfer m still projector Photo.

Binauralverfahren n binaural method sound locator. Binder m necktie Clo. Bindereifen ra rim G-carriage wheel. Biwakskommandant ra bivouac commander ranking officer at bivouac. Biwaksplatz m bivouac site. Blasangriff m cloud attack, cloud gas attack, gas-cylinder attack. Blasverfahren n gas-cylinder method of gas release CWS.

Blatt n leaf; blade; sheet; propeller blade. Blaukreuz n sternutators Ger. Blech n sheet metal; nonsense slang. Blechkanister ra metal container for water, gasoline, etc. Bleisammler m lead-plate storage battery. Bleispritzer ra lead spatter, bullet spatter. Blendenhebel m shutter lever SL. Blickfeld n field of view Optics. Blindabwurf m emergency release bombing. Blindflug ra blind flying, instrument flying. Blindkurbeln n blindfold operation of crankwheels gun-laying exercise.

Blindwiderstand m reactance Elec. Blinkfeuer n flashing light, blinker light Avn. Blinkspruch TO signal-lamp message. Blinksuchtrupp TO signal-lamp spotting squad. Blinktornister TO portable signal-lamp case. Blinktrupp m signal-lamp team. Blinkverfahren n lamp-signaling method. Blinkzeichen n flash signal Sig lamp. Blitz TO lightning, lightning flash. Blitzableiter m lightning arrester. Blitzkrieg TO lightning war, blitzkrieg. Blitzstrahl m lightning flash. Blockm block; writing pad. Blockwart TO block warden. Blumenkohlm cauliflower; Oak Leaf Cluster slang.

Blutopfer n heavy losses, heavy casualties. Blutorden w medal awarded to participants in Munich riots of Blutspender TO blood donor. Bock TO trestle, bent Bdg ; wagon-driver's seat. Bockbein ra trestle leg Bdg. Bockschnellsteg m hasty trestle bridge. Bocksprengwerk n lock-spar support Bdg. Bockwagen m trestle carrier MT. Boden m ground Top ; base Am ; floor; earth; bottom. Bodenanlage der Luftwaffe air-base service area. Bodenaushub TO spoil Engr, Ft.

Boden-Bord air-ground Sig Com. Bodenbrett n floor board MT. Bodendienst m base services Avn. Bodendruck TO ground pressure. Bodenfunkdienst TO ground radio service Avn. Bodenlader m supercharger with low blower ratio Ap. Bodennebel TO ground fog. Bodenpersonal n air base troops; ground crew, ground personnel, maintenance personnel, service personnel Avn.

Bodenpunkt TO place mark Surv. Bodenschwanz TO tail of a bomb. Bodentreffbild n dispersion pattern, horizontal shot group. Bodentreffer TO overended shot. Bodenverdichter TO road grader and tamper. Bodenwind TO surface wind. Bodenziel n ground target. Bogen w arc, arch; bend, curve; sheet of paper. Bohrer TO bit, drill, auger. Bolzen TO bolt, pin. Bombe mit Verzugszeit time bomb. Bombenabwurf TO bomb release.

Bombenabwurfwinkel in dropping angle bombing. Bombenabzughebel m bomb control, bomb rack control Ap. Bombenangriff TO bombing attack, bombing raid Avn. Bombeneinschlag TO bomb hit. Bombenfernrohr n telescopic bomb sight Ap. Bombenflieger mpl bombardment aviation. Bombenflugzeug n bombardment airplane, bomber. Bombengeschwader n bomber wing. Bombenhebel w bomb release handle. Bombenkopf TO bomb nose. Bombenloch n bomb crater.

Bombenmagazin n bomb bay Ap. Bombenschacht m bomb rack Ap. Bombenteppich TO practice-bombing panel. Bombentief angriff TO low-level bombing attack Avn. Bombentreffer TO bomb hit. Bombenvisiere bomb sight Ap. Bombenwurf TO bomb release, bombing. Bombenwurfplatz m target area bombing. Boraben-Zubringewagen m bomb trailer. Bootw boat; hull of flying boat. Bootsmann m boatswain Nav.

Bordbuch n log book Ap. Borderkunder m shipboard reconnaissance airplane. Bordflugzeug n shipboard airplane. Bordfunker m radio operator Avn. Bord-Maschinengewehr n aircraft machine gun. Bordmechaniker m flight engineer.

Bordmonteur m aircraft mechanic; flight engineer Avn. Bordnetz n aircraft wiring system Elec: Bordpeiler m radio compass, direction finder, direction-finder operator Ap. Bordtelephon n interphone Ap, Tk. Bordverpflegung f flight ration Avn. Bordwaffen fpl aircraft armament; tank armament. Bordwandwagen m gondola car RR.

Bordwart m flight mechanic, flight engineer Avn. Bord zu Boden air-ground Sig Com. Bowdenzug in bowden control cable control cable in flexible steel conduit. Boxermotor m opposed-piston engine. Brand m fire; gangrene. Brander m fire raft. Brandhahn m distributor cock of Ap fire extinguisher. Brandmeister m fire marshal. Brandmittel n incendiary agent. Brandsatz m incendiary composition, incendiary filling Am. Brandschott n fire wall Ap. Brandspant m See Brandschott.

Brandstoff m incendiary agent. Bratling m soya-bean meat substitute. Bratlingspulver n soya-bean flour. Braunstein m manganese dioxide. Braunsteinbeutel m manganese dioxide compartment of Elec cell.

Translation of «Misswuchs» into 25 languages

Brecheisen n See Brechstange. Breitenfeuer mit Tiefenfeuer traversing and searching fire MG. Breitengrad m degree of latitude. Breitenkreis m parallel of latitude. Breiten- und Tiefenfeuer n traversing and searching fire MG. Breitenziel n linear target. Breitkeil m inverted wedge formation Tac. Bremsarm m brake arm G-carriage wheel brake. Bremsausgleich m brake equalization; brake equalizer.

Translation of «Mittsiebziger» into 25 languages

Chlorat-Sprengmittel n chlorate explosive. Up until , the pickups were escorted north in convoys led by the Niger military for safety, and the migrants were made to pay bribes to Nigerien officials at checkpoints along the way. Beselerstegm hasty trestle footbridge named after General H. Einspielen der Libellen leveling, cross-leveling Arty. Bananenstecker m banana plug. Ablagerungszaun m drift fence a type of snow fence for winter operations. Einsatzhafen m home field Avn.

Bremsband n brake band. Bremsbelag m "brake lining. Bremsbock m brake carrier G carriage. Bremsgitter n suppressor grid Rad tube. Bremshebelm brake level G, MT ; locking lever panoramic telescope. Bremsklotz m brake shoe; chock, wheel block. Bremskolben m recoil piston G.

Bremslichts stop light MT. Bremstritt m brake pedal. Bremsweg m stopping distance MT. Bremszylinder m recoil cylinder G ; brake cylinder MT. Brennermotor m internal combustion engine. Brenngemisch n gasoline mixture. Brennpunkt m focus Optics. Brennstofflager n gasoline dump, fuel dump. Brennstofftankwagen m gasoline tank truck. Brennstoffverbrauch m gasoline consumption, fuel consumption. Brennstoffvorrat m gasoline supply, fuel supply.

Brett n board, panel. Bretterbock m plank trestle. Bretterstapel m plank crib Bdg. Bretterteppich m plank flooring rope Bdg. Brieftaubenmeister m pigeoneer Tech Sgt. Brieftaubenschlag m pigeon loft. Brigadekommando n brigade headquarters. Brisanzschrapnell n high-explosive shrapnel. Brisanzsprengstoff m detonating explosive. Brombenzylzyanid n brombenzylcya-nide CWS.

Bromzyan n cyanogen bromide CWS. Brotbeutel m field bag, musette bag. Brotsatz m bread ration. Bruch m crack-up, crash Avn ; fraction Math ; fracture, rupture. Brustblatt n breast-collar body pack saddle. Brustbohrer m hand drill.

Reinhard Mey, Hannes Wader, Konstantin Wecker: Es ist an der Zeit

Brustfallschirm m chest pack parachute. Brustfernsprecher m head and chest set Tp. Brustschild m shield G. Bruttotonnengehalt m gross tonnage Nav. Buchsring m bushing G. Bug m bow, front, nose Ap, Nav, Tk. Bugpanzer m front armor Tk. Bugradfahrgestell n tricycle landing gear Ap. Bugstandm nose-gun station Ap. Buna n buna rubber. Bunareifen m buna tire MT. Bund m tie, lashing Engr, Tp ; league, alliance; bunch of keys, etc. Bunde und Knoten knots and ties.

Bunker m concrete emplacement, concrete shelter, pillbox, bunker, submarine pen. Bunkeranlagen fpl group of bunkers Ft. Bunkerstand m concrete emplacement. Buntfarbenanstrich m camouflage painting, dazzle painting. Buntkreuze npl colored cross markings to identify CWS "munitions. Bussolenring m compass azimuth circle. Bussolenzug m compass traverse Arty, Surv. C Calypsol n a cold-resistant grease. Charakter m honorary rank carrying specific seniority but not the pay; character, quality, peculiarity; qualification Law.

Ch Rii uB dE. Chef der Luftwehr chief of administrative and supply services of German Air Ministry. See also Schnelle Truppen. Chef des Generalstab e s Chief of Staff. Chef des Heeres-Waffenamtes Chief of Ordnance. Chlorarsinkampfstoff m diphenyl-chlorarsine CWS, abbr. Chlorat-Sprengmittel n chlorate explosive.

Chlorcyan n cyanogen chloride CWS. Chlorgas n chlorine CWS. Chlorkalk m calcium chloride, chloride of lime, chlorinated lime, calcium bleach CWS. Chlorkohlenoxyd n carbonylchloride, phosgene CWS. Chlornatron n sodium hypochlorite. Chlorpikrin n chlorpicrin CWS. Chlorvinyldichlorarsin n lewisite CWS. Cholmschild w, shield-shaped insignia awarded to troops besieged at Kholm-on-Lovat. Christie-Panzerkraftwagen m Christie tank.

Chrom n chrome, chromium. Clark I diphenylchlorarsine CWS. Cletrac-Lenkgetriebe n Cleveland-tractor type of steering mechanism. Cyan-Chlorarsinkampfstoff m di-phenylcyanarsine CWS. Cyan Clark See Cyan-Chlorarsinkampfstoff. D Dach n roof. Dampfrohrm steam tube MG. Dauerabzug m trigger for full-automatic fire MG. Dauerbefehl m standing order. Dauerfeuer n full-automatic fire, automatic fire MG, R ; continuous fire, sustained fire.

Dauerfleisch n preserved meat. Dauermarsch TO forced march. Dauerstrich m long dash Tg. Dauerton TO continuous note Rad. Daumen TO cam; thumb. Daumensprung TO thumb jump method of range estimation. Dazwischensprechen n break-in procedure Rad. Deckanruf TO code call Tp. Deckblatt n change sheet to be inserted in a manual.

Deckelriegel tn cover-plate latch MG. Deckengurt m surcingle harness. Deckenlicht n dome light, tonneau light MT. Deckenventilator TO ceiling ventilator MT. Decklandeflugzeug n deck-landing airplane. Deckname m code name. Deckungsfeuer n covering fire. Deckungsgraben TO cover trench, slit trench, shelter trench. Deckungsspiegel TO trench periscope. Deckungstrupp TO support party, covering party, covering detachment. Deckungswinkel m angle of site to mask Ballistics. Deckungswinkelmesser TO site-to-mask clinometer.

Deckzeichen n code sign, code signal. Deichselbolzen TO pole pin limber. Detektor TO detector Rad and Radar. Detonationsdruck m blast pressure. Deutsches Kreuz German Cross decoration. Dichtemesser TO densimeter, aerometer. Dichtigkeitsmesser m densimeter, aerometer; viscometer. Dichtrahmen TO sealing frame gas mask. Dichtring m binder ring gas mask. Dichtungsring TO sealing ring, washer. Dienst m duty, service, detail. Dienstanzug m service uniform. Dienstbefehl m routine order. Dienst bei der Truppe service with troops, field'duty.

Dienstgebrauch m service use, service tradition. Dienstgradm grade; rating Nav. Dienstgradabzeichen n grade chevron. Dienstgrad mit Patent permanent rank. Dienstpflichtiger m one who is subject to military service. The commander, who requested anonymity because he is not authorized to speak to the press, said Bidika had been communicating with several terrorists they were looking for, and that he had escaped during the raid; four of his lieutenants were detained at Aguelal and sent to a Niamey prison instead.

Aguelal, west of Arlit, is near the Algerian border, and the secret American base there is a recent one. Young men and women from all over West Africa ride buses to Agadez, and then pay hundreds of dollars to sit on top of yellow water jugs in the back of Toyota Hilux pickup trucks, holding onto pieces of wood to keep them aboard as they speed across the desert to enter Libya on their way to Europe. Up until , the pickups were escorted north in convoys led by the Niger military for safety, and the migrants were made to pay bribes to Nigerien officials at checkpoints along the way.

Agadez depended on this industry for vital income, and the authorities profited from bribes the migrants paid. Things began to change when the city attracted media attention for the migration activity. In , the Nigerien government passed a law that targeted smugglers and human traffickers. With the legal backing and the political push from the European Union, by the government began arresting the drivers of migrants and impounding their vehicles.

It also carried out patrols in the desert to turn back cars before they reached Libya. Once again, Western governments were forcing the Nigerien government to engage in legally dubious activity. But since , the central Libyan government recognized by the U. The Niger government also shut down a popular gold-mining site in the north of the country for opaque reasons, compounding the economic hardship. The European response has been to ratchet up the number of soldiers in the country. The Italians opened an embassy in Niger in January , shortly after they announced that they were sending troops to the north of the country to fight migration.

A young man who worked in the cafeteria of the base showed me the agreement he signed with the contractor that runs the cafeteria, Sakom. Most food, other than some fruits and vegetables, is shipped in from abroad. The Americans have done very little to help people in Agadez, other than holding a handful of workshops that appeared to be ineffective. A strong gust of wind kicked up sand outside the building we were sitting in, and passing residents leaned forward and shielded their faces with their elbows.

Other workshops have included manuals on hand-washing and sexually transmitted infections, while soldiers donated some benches and notebooks to a local school. In , rebels and jihadi groups allied with Al Qaeda took over northern Mali following a Tuareg rebellion.

Translation of «Lehrerstudent» into 25 languages

Süßes Gift LÜGE: Unser langer Abschied von der Illusion [Johannes Schenke] Paperback; Publisher: invoco-verlag (October 19, ); Language: German. Süßes Gift LÜGE by Johannes Schenke, , available at Book Depository with free Süßes Gift LÜGE: Unser langer Abschied von der Illusion.

By staying behind their barbed-wire fences and providing little economic support to Agadez, the Americans run the risk of destabilizing the region. President Mahamadou Issoufou speaks to journalists after voting in Niamey on March 20, The man in the middle is Mahamadou Issoufou, the president of Niger. In power for six years, he has adopted a clear strategy for trying to keep control of things — by aligning himself closely with Europe and the United States, while presiding over an electoral system that his opponents describe as rigged. This is not a recipe for stability in a country that has had little of it since its founding in , at the end of French colonial rule.

Until migration and terrorism, uranium was the focal point of outside, particularly French, interest in Niger. Amadou is now in exile in France, having been released from prison temporarily for medical treatment. Issoufou has taken unprecedentedly pro-Western stances on a number of key issues. He has allowed for the rapid expansion of the French and American troop presence, as well as opening up the country to German and Italian soldiers. And Issoufou has rewarded those in his administration who follow his vision: Police officers stand guard during an official ceremony in Agadez, Niger, Jan.

His phone began buzzing, and he paused our conversation to take a call. In , he was a leading member of the civil society opposition to Tandja, the president at the time, and supported the coup that overthrew him in February of that year. Amadou was named leader of the transitional legislative body by the junta, and when he helped usher elections that Issoufou won, he was rewarded with the post of justice minister. He has held the post ever since. As a region, West Africa is no stranger to military power seizures.

In neighboring Burkina Faso, the American-trained elite presidential guard carried out a coup that eventually failed in , while an American-trained captain named Amadou Sanogo led a destabilizing coup in Mali in Niger has had four coups since A band performs at the French cultural center in Agadez, Niger, Jan.

Many people I spoke to in Niger feel their country has had its autonomy usurped by Westerners. Is the American presence helping security at all? Forces are in Niger to work by, with, and through Nigerien partners to promote stability and security while enabling them to address their security threats.

Prior to the disastrous mission in Tongo Tongo, the U. Instead of Cheffou, they found food and other goods indicating he and his men were in the area. Rather than going directly back to their Nigerien base in Ouallam, they continued looking for him and when night fell, they set up camp 5 kilometers from Tongo Tongo, where the village chief had been known to give false alerts, according to a top Nigerien military officer with direct knowledge of the operation. By spending the night along the border area, they heightened the risks that they faced. There is talk of a sort of competition between the French and U.

It is precisely this logic that is so dangerous: American troops are deployed in an advisory and training role. But once on the ground, there is a tendency to push for more activity and engagement, and the Nigeriens have to consistently push back against that. The risks the Americans take result in mistakes, and the mistakes, rather than leading to a reconsideration of the risks, can lead to more escalation. After Tongo Tongo, for example, Niger authorized the U.