Spooning with Rosie

Spooning With Rosie: Food, Friendship and Kitchen Loving
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  • My bookshelf: Spooning with Rosie - Juanita - Masterchef;

Loved your post on Saltoun too - awesome photos. Sasha The Happiness Project London. Sarah - Glad you liked the Saltoun post. I'm a massive fan of Brixton and am very sorry to have just moved out. But I will always have a soft spot for the place. Brixton was at its best on Saturday. And full of cheer. The market was bustling and Franco Manca had a queue the length of a how long I imagine a piece of string is.

Wild Caper was overflowing with people and the sound track to Pretty Woman was blaring out of the hair dresser opposite the butcher on Electric Lane. We pottered into Rosie's not knowing quite what to expect from the launch of Spooning with Rosie and settled down outside with a cup of tea and an espresso and realised that the world is a pretty cool place.

My Wishlist

We'd arrived just as Rosie, her Mum and the rest of her team were busy getting everything ready. So we landed up helping out by moving a few tables and chairs which just added to the charm.


Spooning with Rosie [Rosie Lovell] on www.farmersmarketmusic.com *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Spooning with Rosie Paperback – 11 Jun Sassy, savvy, and with her finger firmly on the food pulse, Rosie is the fresh new face of city cooking. Five years ago Rosie Lovell opened her deli in the heart of Brixton market.

Just as I was draining my coffee a cool looking woman with short dark hair wheeled along what looked like an old granny trolley and proceeded to set up a one man DJ stand playing the perfect Brixton book launch soundtrack. We bought a book from Rosie's Mum and were delighted that Rosie signed it.

Apart from the fact that it's got one of the best titles ever to adorn a book, it's full of brilliant recipes that are loved by the locals who adore Rosie's Delic Cafe. What I love about it is the fact that it is clearly such a labour of love. It completely reflects Rosie's personality and is a joy to read.

  1. A Photographers Guide to Chichén Itzá.
  2. My bookshelf: Spooning with Rosie.
  3. Live, Love, Laugh and Laundry?;

I've also falled head over heals for the illustraions and love the fact that it is based in Brixton. Favourite recipes include scrambled eggs with chilli sauce and all sorts of delicious risottos, pies and sandwiches.

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I've got my eye on quite a few recipes to try out. It's also inspired me to want to write a book. We spent ages chatting, nibbling on incredible sandwiches made with ciabatta baked in Franco Manca's ovens and gorging ourseves on cupcakes.

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It's a brilliant place that is full of warmth and creativity. I started to flick through the pages and immediately felt hungry; Rosie has a wonderful way with words which mirrors perfectly her style of cooking. Gourmet Chick - Hope you like the book. I started to flick through the pages and immediately felt hungry; Rosie has a wonderful way with words which mirrors perfectly her style of cooking. Heather marked it as to-read Aug 23,

It's a brilliant place that is full of warmth and creativity. It is about food, friendship and the joy of good food shared with others and I enjoyed it from beginning to end. I reckon Rosie Lovell would make a wonderful dinner companion. Address details should you be lucky enough to be able to visit: And here is the recipe I plan to make this coming Saturday evening which is reproduced here by kind permission of the London publisher.

It will also serve to give you an idea of her warm and friendly style: Tuscan Bean Stew with Riso Pasta: When we got to the farmhouse it was pretty late, and freezing cold, due to the flagstone floors, and howling a gale outside so much that all the shutters were banging madly as if it was a haunted house.

So I set to making this big pot of warming vegetables, with pasta plunged in at the last for extra filling value. One notably with Will and Charlotte. They are a brilliantly erudite and excellently hedonistic pair. I love the type of pasta in this recipe.

It really brings the whole dish together and makes for a silky and yet wonderfully stodgy plate of steaming vegetables. And the pork really gives some flavour and texture to the whole affair.

My bookshelf: Spooning with Rosie

Grate over Parmesan at the end, as you would with any other pasta dish, and relish some economical comfort. The pieces should be a little smaller than your smallest fingernail. Heat the olive oil in a very large saucepan on a medium heat.