Schule im Rückspiegel (German Edition)


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Gegen falsche Integration und Panikmache. All employees with more than three years seniority were offered the opportunity to become an associate and participate in the management of the company, as well as in the profits. Since , Der Spiegel has been headquartered in its own building in the old town part of Hamburg.

Der Spiegel 's circulation rose quickly. From 15, copies in , it grew to 65, in and , in It was nearly , copies in When the German re-unification in made it available to a new readership in former East Germany , the circulation exceeded one million. The magazine's influence is based on two pillars; firstly the moral authority established by investigative journalism since the early years and proven alive by several impressive scoops during the s; secondly the economic power of the prolific Spiegel publishing house.

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During the second quarter of the circulation of Der Spiegel was 1. In , the circulation of Der Spiegel was 1,, copies. Der Spiegel had an average circulation of 1,, copies in In Der Spiegel was employing the equivalent of 80 full-time fact checkers , which the Columbia Journalism Review called "most likely the world's largest fact checking operation".

When Stefan Aust took over in , the magazine's readers realised that his personality was different from his predecessor. In , a documentary by Stephan Lamby quoted him as follows: He referred to journalists in general as "rats".


Der Spiegel often produces feature-length articles on problems affecting Germany like demographic trends, the federal system's gridlock or the issues of its education system and describes optional strategies and their risks in depth. Der Spiegel has a distinctive reputation for revealing political misconduct and scandals.

  1. TILL EULENSPIEGEL - Definition and synonyms of Till Eulenspiegel in the German dictionary.
  2. Schule im Rückspiegel (German Edition) by Klaus Bahners - Dino Salvatore E-books.
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In the course of this investigation, the editorial offices were raided by police while Rudolf Augstein and other Der Spiegel editors were arrested on charges of treason. The affair was generally received as an attack on the freedom of the press. Since then, Der Spiegel has repeatedly played a significant role in revealing political grievances and misdeeds, including the Flick Affair. The Spiegel scandal is now remembered for altering the political culture of post-war Germany and—with the first mass demonstrations and public protests—being a turning point from the old Obrigkeitsstaat authoritarian state to a modern democracy.

One of the main criticism of Der Spiegel concerns its use of language.

Wolf Schneider, an eminent journalist and stylist has called Der Spiegel "the biggest mangler of the German language" and used quotations from the magazine as examples of inept German in his style guides. Their criticism was not so much one of linguistic aesthetics as an argument that Der Spiegel "hides and distorts its actual topics and issues by manipulative semantics and rhetoric rather than by reporting and analysing them".

In , however, Enzensberger admitted in a written statement that no other contemporary German magazine attained the Spiegel ' s level of objectivity. Opinions about the level of language employed by Der Spiegel changed in the late s. After hiring many of Germany's best feature writers, Der Spiegel has become known for its "Edelfedern" "noble quills"—wordsmiths. Der Spiegel ended up joining the ranks of the guardians of proper grammar and jargon with the Zwiebelfisch " printer's pie" column on the magazine's website, which has even produced several best-selling books.

Allegedly, Der Spiegel , which at other times showed no restraint when exposing the Nazi past of public figures, distorted history and covered up for criminals after enlisting insiders hired to write about Third Reich topics. A special 25 March edition of Der Spiegel on Islam was banned in Egypt in April for publishing material deemed by authorities to be insulting Islam and the Prophet Muhammed. Der Spiegel began moving into its current head office in HafenCity in September The facility was designed by Henning Larsen Architects of Denmark.

  • Schule im Rückspiegel (German Edition) by Klaus Bahners.
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  • DER SPIEGEL 25/ - Inhaltsverzeichnis.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For the online sibling of Der Spiegel, see Spiegel Online. This section needs additional citations for verification.

Synonyms and antonyms of Rückspiegel in the German dictionary of synonyms

Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. October Learn how and when to remove this template message. Hamburg portal Journalism portal. Retrieved 9 April O'Brien 19 April Archived from the original on 26 February Retrieved 2 January