MMQ English to Bulgarian [Health Life Series]


Blagoi Ivanov aka Bagata won the gold medal in the World Sambo Championships and the bronze in the world contest. He is known in Bulgaria for organizing and participating in so-called "free fights," in which the audience bet on the outcome. Please, log in to post a comment. Highlights Over , People Work in Sofia.

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Natural Probiotics & Prebiotics, English · Bulgarian · Slovak · Russian The word "probiotic" (from Greek – create life) was first introduced in when long and healthy life of Bulgarian peasants is a result from every day consumption of . in Bulgaria and abroad – MMA Sofia, Medical Universities in Varna, Sofia and. Blagoy Ivanov is a Bulgarian mixed martial artist and Sambo practitioner who won the He previously fought for the World Series of Fighting, where he attained city of Bulgaria - Sofia, Bagata defeated other well known Bulgarian MMA fighter . While his life was still considered to be in danger, he was switched to a.

Web design and maintenance by M3 Communications Group, Inc. The editorial staff also publishes a daily online newspaper "Sofia Morning News. Bulgaria ranks 30th in the Environmental Performance Index , but scores low on air quality. Bulgaria is a parliamentary democracy where the prime minister is the head of government and the most powerful executive position. The Constitution also provides possibilities of direct democracy, namely petitions and national referenda.

Parties must register with the commission prior to participating in a national election. Unlike the prime minister, presidential domestic power is more limited. The directly elected president serves as head of state and commander-in-chief of the armed forces, and has the authority to return a bill for further debate, although the parliament can override the presidential veto by a simple majority vote. The National Assembly has the power to enact laws, approve the budget, schedule presidential elections, select and dismiss the prime minister and other ministers, declare war, deploy troops abroad, and ratify international treaties and agreements.

Overall, Bulgaria displays a pattern of unstable governments. The protest wave was notable for self-immolations, spontaneous demonstrations and a strong sentiment against political parties. The subsequent snap elections in May resulted in a narrow win for GERB , [] but the Bulgarian Socialist Party eventually formed a government led by Plamen Oresharski after Borisov failed to secure parliamentary support. They formed a coalition with the far-right United Patriots , who hold 27 seats.

Bulgaria - Wikipedia

Freedom House has reported a continuing deterioration of democratic governance after , citing reduced media independence, stalled reforms, abuse of authority at the highest level and increased dependence of local administrations on the central government. Bulgaria has a civil law legal system.

The Supreme Administrative Court and the Supreme Court of Cassation are the highest courts of appeal and oversee the application of laws in subordinate courts. The legal system is regarded by both domestic and international observers as one of Europe's most inefficient due to pervasive lack of transparency and corruption. Counterintelligence and national security are the responsibility of the State Agency for National Security. Bulgaria is a unitary state. A new administrative structure was adopted in parallel with the decentralization of the economic system.

All areas take their names from their respective capital cities. The provinces are subdivided into municipalities. Municipalities are run by mayors, who are elected to four-year terms, and by directly elected municipal councils. Bulgaria is a highly centralized state where the Council of Ministers directly appoints regional governors and all provinces and municipalities are heavily dependent on it for funding. Bulgaria became a member of the United Nations in and since has been a non-permanent member of the Security Council three times, most recently from to Euro-Atlantic integration has been a priority since the fall of communism, although the communist leadership also had aspirations of leaving the Warsaw Pact and joining the European Communities by Bulgaria deployed significant numbers of both civilian and military advisors in Soviet-allied countries like Nicaragua [] and Libya during the Cold War.

Bezmer and Graf Ignatievo air bases, the Novo Selo training range, and a logistics centre in Aytos subsequently became joint military training facilities cooperatively used by the United States and Bulgarian militaries. Domestic defence is the responsibility of the all- volunteer Bulgarian armed forces , composed of land forces , navy and an air force.

The land forces consist of two mechanized brigades and eight independent regiments and battalions; the air force operates aircraft and air defence systems in six air bases, and the navy operates various ships, helicopters and coastal defence weapons. A balanced budget was achieved in and the country began running a surplus the following year.

The ministries of defence, the interior and justice are allocated the largest share of the annual government budget, whereas those responsible for the environment, tourism and energy receive the least amount of funding. Value added tax , excise duties , corporate and personal income tax are national, whereas real estate, inheritance, and vehicle taxes are levied by local authorities.

British Fighter Outdoes Jon Jones, Crashes Forklift in Bulgaria

After several consecutive years of high growth, repercussions of the financial crisis of — resulted in a 3. Siphoning of public funds to the families and relatives of politicians from incumbent parties has resulted in fiscal and welfare losses to society. The labour force is 3. Two-thirds of food and agricultural exports go to OECD countries. Quality Oriental tobacco is a significant industrial crop. Bulgaria has emerged as a travelling destination with its inexpensive resorts and beaches outside the reach of the tourist industry.

Spending on research and development amounts to 0. Despite the lack of funding, research in chemistry, materials science and physics remains strong. Bulgaria has made numerous contributions to space exploration. Telephone services are widely available, and a central digital trunk line connects most regions. Bulgaria's strategic geographic location and well-developed energy sector make it a key European energy centre despite its lack of significant fossil fuel deposits.

Railroads are a major mode of freight transportation, although highways carry a progressively larger share of freight. The population of Bulgaria is 7,, people according to the national census.

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The majority of the population, or Turkish and Roma minorities comprise 8. Bulgaria is in a state of demographic crisis. High death rates result from a combination of an ageing population, a high number of people at risk of poverty and a weak healthcare system. Public expenditures for education are far below the European Union average as well.

Although average literacy stands at The PISA study of found Education in primary and secondary public schools is free and compulsory.

Higher education consists of a 4-year bachelor degree and a 1-year master's degree. More than three-quarters of Bulgarians subscribe to Eastern Orthodoxy. Contemporary Bulgarian culture blends the formal culture that helped forge a national consciousness towards the end of Ottoman rule with millennia-old folk traditions.

Many of these are personified as witches, whereas other creatures like zmey and samodiva veela are either benevolent guardians or ambivalent tricksters. During the Middle Ages , the establishment of the Preslav and Ohrid literary schools in the 10th century is associated with a golden period in Bulgarian literature. Zahari Zograf was a pioneer of the visual arts in the pre-Liberation era. Christo is the most famous Bulgarian artist of the 21st century, known for his outdoor installations.

Folk music is by far the most extensive traditional art and has slowly developed throughout the ages as a fusion of Far Eastern, Oriental, medieval Eastern Orthodox and standard Western European tonalities and modes. A distinguishing feature is extended rhythmical time , which has no equivalent in the rest of European music. The government has diverted EU funds to sympathetic media outlets and bribed others to be less critical on problematic topics, while attacks against individual journalists have increased.

Bulgarian cuisine is similar to that of other Balkan countries and demonstrates strong Turkish and Greek influences. Meat consumption is lower than the European average, given a cultural preference for a large variety of salads. Bulgaria appeared at the first modern Olympic games in , when it was represented by gymnast Charles Champaud. Weight-lifting is a signature sport of Bulgaria.

Coach Ivan Abadzhiev developed innovative training practices that have produced many Bulgarian world and Olympic champions in weight-lifting since the s. Football is the most popular sport in the country by a substantial margin. The national football team 's best performance was a semi-final at the FIFA World Cup , when the squad was spearheaded by forward Hristo Stoichkov.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article is about the country.

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For other uses, see Bulgaria disambiguation. Neolithic Europe , Odrysian kingdom , Thracians , and Slavs. Rumen Radev President of Bulgaria. Boyko Borisov Prime Minister of Bulgaria. Provinces of Bulgaria and Municipalities of Bulgaria. Foreign relations of Bulgaria and Military of Bulgaria. Science and technology in Bulgaria. Energy in Bulgaria and Transport in Bulgaria. Bulgaria portal Bulgarian cuisine portal. In particular, the official number of Romani citizens may be significantly lower than the actual number.

Retrieved 9 October Retrieved 31 March Retrieved 14 September Byzantium, the West and Islam. The infant radius from Kozarnika Cave Bulgaria ". Journal of Human Evolution The Gods and Goddesses of Old Europe: University of California Press. Department of Prehistory and Europe, British Museum. Retrieved 28 July In contrast, the earliest exploitation and working of gold occurs in the Balkans during the mid-fifth millennium BC, several centuries after the earliest known copper smelting. This is demonstrated most spectacularly in the various objects adorning the burials at Varna, Bulgaria Renfrew ; Highamet al.

In contrast, the earliest gold objects found in Southwest Asia date only to the beginning of the fourth millennium BC as at Nahal Qanah in Israel Golden , suggesting that gold exploitation may have been a Southeast European invention, albeit a short-lived one. Timeless Natural Beauty of the Mineral World. University of Chicago Press. The oldest known gold jewelry in the world is from an archaeological site in Varna Necropolis, Bulgaria, and is over 6, years old radiocarbon dated between 4, BC and 4, BC.

The Lost World of Old Europe: The Danube Valley, — BC. Institute for the Study of the Ancient World. Retrieved 4 December The Necropolis at Varna is an important site in understanding this culture. United States Central Command. Archived from the original on 18 October Retrieved 4 October Nature, Choice and Social Power. The graves at Varna range from poor to richly endowed, suggesting a rather high degree of social differentiation. Their discovery has led to a re-evaluation of the form of social organization characteristic of the Varna culture and of the onset of social stratification in Neolithic cultures.

The Cambridge Ancient History — part 1: Yet we cannot identify the Thracians at that remote period, because we do not know for certain whether the Thracian and Illyrian tribes had separated by then.


Retrieved 16 August The Story of the West. Readings in Greek History: Retrieved 18 August A Short History of the Yugoslav Peoples. The New Cambridge Medieval History: The Making of the Slavs: History and Archaeology of the Lower Danube Region, c.

Lactobacillus bulgaricus in children

Value added tax , excise duties , corporate and personal income tax are national, whereas real estate, inheritance, and vehicle taxes are levied by local authorities. The Entry of the Slavs Into Christendom: United Nations Treaty Collection. Archived from the original on 16 April The Making of the Slavs: The defense story is that Dampela didn't know he stabbed Ivanov and went to the police immediately after finding out he did, whereas prosecution claims that Dampela bragged about the incident and intentionally picked the fight with Ivanov in drunken rage. Retrieved 31 March

Historical Dictionary of Bulgaria. The Blackwell Companion to Eastern Christianity. The conquest of the Balkans and the rise of the Bulgarian Empire was not a disaster for the indigenous population and its material and spiritual culture. The settlers and the local Romanized or semi-Romanized Thraco-Illyrian Christians influenced each other's way of life and socio-economic organization, as well as each other's cultures, language and religious outlook. History of the Goths. Period of Hunnic-Bulgarian domination — ] in Bulgarian. Marin Drinov Publishing House. Retrieved 23 May The Early Medieval Balkans: University of Michigan Press.

The Entry of the Slavs Into Christendom: An Introduction to the Medieval History of the Slavs. Bulgaria's conversion had a political dimension, for it contributed both to the growth of central authority and to the merging of Bulgars and Slavs into a unified Bulgarian people. Retrieved 20 January Corpus Fontium Byzantiae Historiae. History of the Byzantine State. Retrieved 27 July Retrieved 9 December City of the Sun: Retrieved 21 December The Bulgarian nobility was destroyed—its members either perished, fled, or accepted Islam and Turkicization—and the peasantry was enserfed to Turkish masters.

Retrieved 16 November Geschichte der Bulgaren [ History of the Bulgarians ] in German.

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Conversion to Islam in the Balkans: Jones had driven through a red light in a silver SUV and crashed into the woman before running off into the night. He quickly turned around, though, ran back, and pulled a large handful of cash out of the car and shoved the cash into his pants before running off again.

Jones then went on the lam for 24 hours before finally turning himself in to police. Kerry is a year-old British journeyman mixed martial artist who has never headlined a UFC card, never appeared on an American nighttime talk show, and never made millions of dollars. Kerry may not be rich or famous like Jon Jones but, like Jones, he is a free man of the world, free to live and die and to fuck up his life in whatever way he sees fit, no matter how bizarre. Earlier this month in the Bulgarian resort town of Sunny Beach, a vacationing Kerry took a bunch of anabolic steroids and other drugs and drank too much alcohol and proceeded, high as a kite, to hijack a forklift from a local warehouse.

Before police could get to him, Kerry had crashed into two cars, spearing one with the fork before coming to a stop.