Exogenesis: Of man and myth

Clearly, exogenesis lacks creditability or validity barring a few who would choose to believe that life on earth was the direct result of extraterrestrial phenomena — something Hollywood is keen to exploit in order to engage weak, flaccid and debilitated minds who believe that the concept of a Creator is too simplistic a notion to be given any credence — which brings us to the least understood topic of quantum mechanics and how it can explain if at all the origins of life. Bioastronomy and astrophysics have been in a race to build a quantum computer with the ability to process massive informational data resources inconceivable to the human mind — given the premise that life as defined by information processing and replicating systems could prove that the abovementioned theories of abiogenesis and exogenesis were merely random concoctions of a primordial chemical soup mix.

While some argue that quantum theory deals with the structure and behaviour of atoms and molecules and it really has absolutely nothing to do with the mythology of abiogenesis or exogenesis as a matter of fact — yet quantum mechanics does provide in theory the building blocks of biochemistry and therefore provides the relative forces including the coherence, entanglement and superposition constituents which allow non-living matter to make up living matter.

The plausibility of this speculative assertion rests, however, on life somehow circumventing the decoherence effects of environmental phenomena. To simplify — Paul Davies suggests for decoherence to be avoided: Only so long as decoherence can be kept at bay will explicitly quantum effects persist. This is the conundrum! So to posit with any degree of certainty that the effects of quantum mechanics will play a significant or decisive role in managing the proprietary blends of either abiogenesis or exogenesis would be the subject of an advanced research project.

This indeterminacy seems to agree very well with a Hindu worldview. Hindus believe the world observed through our senses is an illusion, and the actual reality the universe is itself God. One can argue that indeterminacy proves that nature is an illusion after all.

It also seems to show that there can be no reality outside the universe, hence God is the universe or there is no God. But could quantum mechanics solve the issue of the living state of matter? Or did the quantum mechanical process play a key role in the emergence of life up to a predetermined level, and subsequently ceased to be a significant factor when life became fully emergent? Science explains stellar nucleosynthesis as the collective term for the nuclear reactions taking place in stars to build the nuclei of the elements heavier than hydrogen.

Small quantity of these reactions also occurs on the stellar surface under various circumstances. For the creation of elements during the explosion of a star, the term supernova nucleosynthesis is used. A quantum leap back into the past to the year — Europe has fallen under the shadow of the Black Death. Many believe that this was the prophesied time of the [7] last plagues of Revelation The Biblical idea of plagues as is termed in Revelation 8: However, the line between Hollywood fiction and what is real has been so blurred and it is difficult to tell who is really writing the historical script — both past and present.

A recent study by a team of paleo-archeologists, osteologists and others from universities in Canada and Germany unearthed surviving fragments of DNA in bones and teeth of 2, victims of the Black Death who were buried at a special cemetery a few metres from the Tower of London, providing samples for a ground-breaking research study. The research indicated that the yersina pestis microbe the infectious agent was not present on the British mainland prior the Black Death, which suggest it reached Britain from elsewhere.

But how did it get here? What were its origins?

Fred Hoyle and Dr. Chandra Wickramasinghe, both known for their belief that influenza outbreaks are caused by newly arriving viruses from outer space in a recently published a research paper. If this can be proved under vigorous examination — then it goes quite some distance in proving the inerrant accuracy of the Bible. The other aspects of this theory can be explored in greater details at publication.

Finally, in conclusion, we can wrap up our theoretical sketch by skimming the surface of the creationist debate to see how they juxtapose with the other theories.

One can argue that indeterminacy proves that nature is an illusion after all. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: The other aspects of this theory can be explored in greater details at publication. The Bible with Sources Revealed. In any closed system, as the enthalpy potential energy is consumed to do work, the entropy randomness of the system increases. It was you that hacked Rahab in pieces, that pierced the Dragon!

Evolutionary science hinges on [3] basic myths: Mutations provide the raw materials needed to create new species; Natural selection led to the creation of new species; and fossil records document macroevolutionary changes. However, like Christianity, to a lesser extent, belief in evolution requires a serious act of faith. I do not have any special thoughts on Buddhism, apart from it being within the gamut of the eastern system of worship and belief.

Do you think Buddhism has any more or less value than any other belief system? Given that question I would have to consider it and get back to you. When you say value; do you mean it subjectively or comparatively. What essentially is it requiring us to believe or accept as a reality. The problem is many of us surf on the surface not knowing that sharks are circling beneath. This is your problem. I will not join that kind of folly.

What the fuck is up with that? Just like Gordon Ramsey. Poor Lemuel seems to have been shorted or went to a school where students picked their subjects. He should check the Rockies, young mountain range the Appalachians older and Table mountain in South Africa one of the oldest. Just looking at the peaks would tell him a lot about the ages of these mountains and erosion. In fact, the Australian natives think Ayres Rock is the remains of a very old, old, old mountain.

David it is very difficult to post in this blog with firefox. It is taking too long to load and is freezing up. I may have to change browser any suggestions? Hello Pat , glad to see you back here. Rok…… you have explained it so profoundly how you feel yet some Christians find it very difficult to accept. They should be more concerned about themselves and less concerned about others who do not share their belief. They dare not think for themselves so they expect others to do the same.

The reason most West Indians are Christians today is because they were held captive and had to do whatever it took to survive. If our ancestors had been allowed to practice their religion we would definitely not have been a Christian society. The East Indians came to the West Indies as indentured servants and brought their religion with them. The British tried by occupying India and failed miserably.

They have been blinded by this religion called Christianity. Many of them can easily be admitted to the hospital in Black Rock, however it is acceptable to suffer from religious schizophrenia than to get treatment for it. Gregor Mendel, the father of genetics, and Charles Darwin, the father of of modern evolution, were contemporaries.

At the same time that Darwin was claiming that creatures could change into other creatures, Mendel was showing that even individual characteristics remain constant. Only by ignoring the total implications of modern genetics, has it been possible to maintain the fiction of evolution.

Here endeth, my short Intro from Dr. I am assuming that you are practicing the scientific methodology when you use the word fact. This what scientists say about facts: Tell me now what is this fact that you know and how does it help you in your daily life or shape your way of thinking. What are the knows that you know that are facts. Give me at least one. For I have shared many of my beliefs with you. I asked you in the post about the word value but you ignored, and seemed to think that i was running from the discussion.

A large diamond in Europe would bring a man much happiness, but the same diamond in a person in the desert hand may only be a pebble to toss aside. Value in the general enrichment of the human experience. Value in comparison to another system of belief. Remember Chris my understanding is only at two percent so I have to know what we are talking about, and to ensure that ROK and Pat can follow. Furthermore, your mind is so closed that you could not possibly contribute to anything I may want to say about myself and my thoughts.

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Been quite a while since we had a chat. An interesting use of words for our archeology students and fossil purveyors as well as stone throwers…. Your misuse of flowery verbosity does not impress, au contraire it confuses your intended posts and readers. If by the use of such you intend to attach some sort of authority to your scribblings, I have to inform you we have 30 politicians back home attempting the same trick who have been exposed as empty rattling tin cans, noisy but no substance,. Cut the crap, and speak your piece. WTF does that mean to your audience? Only displaying an ignorance of vocabulary that blights your message.

Yes, go hide in your corner. So you are a believer like me and all believers. Please do not strain at a gnat to ascribe any faith to me. In fact, an abundant testimony to Biblical history has been uncovered by modern geneticists. It is there for anyone to see, if they know where to look! These two pieces of DNA record some startling facts about our past. The tools of modern genetics allow us to specifically ask questions about history, for our genes carry a record that reflects where we came from and how we got to where we are.

The tools at our disposal are powerful. Carter, so aptly says: Genetics, is NO friend of Evolution! As when this field of study is properly applied to the facts, and evidence, it overwhelmingly supports and confirms Special Creation, negates and refutes evolutionary materialism!!! Both rare and both alone in the N. But, let us back up a bit, to verses , so that verse 22, will make more contextual sense. Verse 19, Here physical Creation will be redeemed at the consummation of our Redemption see v. But, who can disprove it?

Verse 21, At the time of our final redemption v. Please put me on your ignore list; then I shall feel relieved that i can engage in serious discussion and not waste time with you who does not even know what he knows. I think I need to bring back that senility thing. Some of you to get some satisfaction in announcing to others that you practice the white arts instead of the black arts because you do not do any one harm; it is still the same thing with Satan leading you down a garden path.

My friend you are the surfer on top of the waves while the sharks beneath ponder the when and where and how of their meal. My ROK go and live your life of superstition for that is what you know you do not know and please put me on your ignore list. I thought you would have gone the extra mile to indicate with your recent posts that this is why scientists shall always get their observations wrong.

They are clearly observing a dying universe but their assumption is that that universe is getting batter when it was sick from the day Eve disobeyed. That is why these two points of view can not co exist. The simplicity of it is that they both start at the ends of a truth, but there is no middle in which to meet.

Only one view is the truth. Let them scoff; let them laugh; you and Terrence would have ably done your task. The end result can not be held against you. Of course the Universe is dying. What do you think Enthalpy is all about? I have not been so happy as I am now……. Imagine living your life to suit you without fear of fire and brimstone and so-called religious people damning you to hell!

I raised my son without religion and I think it is the best thing I ever did. All I have left to do now is dig the sweet potatoes, cut the last planting of callaloo only three beds for the freezer and pick the remaing eggplants. I already potted and brought in my bonnet pepper, and I will bring in a spinach to eat fresh during the winter this is Bajan thick leaf spinach. I am only picking a few okras now, the nights are cool and they have slowed down.

I had an excellent crop this year. I fed three famalies in the neighborhood. I was 19 years old when that happened to me. My shoulders got instantly lighter. Letting go of Christ is like being freed from the jail. They frighten to leave the jail even if you leave the gates wide open. I noticed that you did not say what it was dying from.

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Those who seem to follow the Mayans predictions are at least comforted that it shall die and be renewed. But no thinking man or woman can look seriously at what is transpiring around and not see death on the horizon. Space if full of junk although most astronomers have faith in finding some sign of life. Man has proven that he can not rid himself of his carnality and so we love this natural selection where a few control all even if the majority die daily. So some have decided to bury their heads in the sand; hoping against hope that all shall be well.

Citizens in most developed countries now realize that the honeymoon of the beautiful life has now become a sad fantasy. Wake up the end is at hand. Are you trying to make me into a theoretical physicist. Some on this blog would LOVE that. Something when I read the piece on enthalpy caught my attention. There is the assumption that for enthalpy to be present that the space must be defined and pressure must be present.

There also seems to be the assumption that what ever the energy that is produced is finite. Are you saying that this could account for that thing that we human call life and that since its genesis it is now waning , thus the physical deterioration that we are witnessing. Remember this concept can also be applied to biblical creation with the assumption that God gave us our life force but because of our separation from Him it is waning. The difficulty with it though is the presentation of the conditions that would trigger its genesis.

For it has to be applied singularly and collectively if the universe is to sustained by it. A bit more from Dr. Carter has published one particularly important paper in a secular journal on human mitrochondrial DNA. These little factories turn sugar into energy and are only inherited from your mother according to theory and many experiments.

Carter explains that evolutionary models have large populations of humans evolving on the plains of Africa over several million years. As for the historical background which led to the creation of the narrative itself, a theory which has gained considerable interest, although still controversial, is "Persian imperial authorisation". This proposes that the Persians, after their conquest of Babylon in BCE, agreed to grant Jerusalem a large measure of local autonomy within the empire, but required the local authorities to produce a single law code accepted by the entire community.

It further proposes that there were two powerful groups in the community — the priestly families who controlled the Temple, and the landowning families who made up the "elders" — and that these two groups were in conflict over many issues, and that each had its own "history of origins", but the Persian promise of greatly increased local autonomy for all provided a powerful incentive to cooperate in producing a single text.

Genesis creation narrative

The creation narrative is made up of two stories, roughly equivalent to the two first chapters of the Book of Genesis. The first account 1: In each of the first three days there is an act of division: In each of the next three days these divisions are populated: Consistency was evidently not seen as essential to storytelling in ancient Near Eastern literature.

The primary accounts in each chapter are joined by a literary bridge at Genesis 2: This verse is one of ten "generations" Hebrew: Comparative mythology provides historical and cross-cultural perspectives for Jewish mythology. Both sources behind the Genesis creation narrative borrowed themes from Mesopotamian mythology , [19] [20] but adapted them to their belief in one God , [2] establishing a monotheistic creation in opposition to the polytheistic creation myth of ancient Israel's neighbors.

Genesis 1—11 as a whole is imbued with Mesopotamian myths. The Enuma Elish has also left traces on Genesis 2. Both begin with a series of statements of what did not exist at the moment when creation began; the Enuma Elish has a spring in the sea as the point where creation begins, paralleling the spring on the land — Genesis 2 is notable for being a "dry" creation story in Genesis 2: At the same time, and as with Genesis 1, the Jewish version has drastically changed its Babylonian model: Eve, for example, seems to fill the role of a mother goddess when, in Genesis 4: Genesis 2 has close parallels with a second Mesopotamian myth, the Atra-Hasis epic — parallels that in fact extend throughout Genesis 2—11, from the Creation to the Flood and its aftermath.

The two share numerous plot-details e. The Garden of Eden story is compared to the Sumerian myth in which the goddess Ninhursag created a beautiful garden full of lush vegetation and fruit trees, called Edinu , in Dilmun , the Sumerian earthly Paradise, a place which the Sumerians believed to exist to the east of their own land, beyond the sea.

This enraged Ninhursag, and she caused Enki to fall ill. Enki felt pain in his rib, which is a pun in Sumerian, as the word " ti " means both "rib" and "life". The other deities persuaded Ninhursag to relent. Ninhursag then created a new goddess seven or eight to heal his seven or eight ailing organs, including his rib , who was named Ninti , a name composed of " Nin ", or "lady", and " ti ", and which may be translated both as "Lady of Living" and "Lady of the Rib" , to cure Enki [28] Some scholars suggest that this served as the basis for the story of Eve as "the mother of life" and lady of the rib, created from Adam 's rib in the Book of Genesis.

The narratives in Genesis 1 and 2 were not the only creation myths in ancient Israel, and the complete biblical evidence suggests two contrasting models. The second is the " agon " meaning struggle or combat model, in which it is God's victory in battle over the monsters of the sea that mark his sovereignty and might. It was you that hacked Rahab in pieces, that pierced the Dragon!

It was you that dried up the Sea, the waters of the great Deep, that made the abysses of the Sea a road that the redeemed might walk The word bara is translated as "created" in English, but the concept it embodied was not the same as the modern term: The use of numbers in ancient texts was often numerological rather than factual — that is, the numbers were used because they held some symbolic value to the author.

Although the opening phrase of Genesis 1: The second seems to be the meaning intended by the original Priestly author: The heavens and the earth is a set phrase meaning " everything ", i. This was made up of three levels, the habitable earth in the middle, the heavens above, an underworld below, all surrounded by a watery "ocean" of chaos as the Babylonian Tiamat. Above it was the firmament , a transparent but solid dome resting on the mountains, allowing men to see the blue of the waters above, with "windows" to allow the rain to enter, and containing the sun, moon and stars.

The waters extended below the earth, which rested on pillars sunk in the waters, and in the underworld was Sheol , the abode of the dead. The opening of Genesis 1 continues: The opening of Genesis 1 concludes with a statement that " darkness was on the face of the deep " Hebrew: In the Enuma Elish , the "deep" is personified as the goddess Tiamat , the enemy of Marduk ; [41] here it is the formless body of primeval water surrounding the habitable world , later to be released during the Deluge , when "all the fountains of the great deep burst forth" from the waters beneath the earth and from the "windows" of the sky.

God's first act was the creation of undifferentiated light; dark and light were then separated into night and day, their order evening before morning signifying that this was the liturgical day; and then the sun, moon and stars were created to mark the proper times for the festivals of the week and year. Only when this is done does God create man and woman and the means to sustain them plants and animals.

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At the end of the sixth day, when creation is complete, the world is a cosmic temple in which the role of humanity is the worship of God. This parallels Mesopotamian myth the Enuma Elish and also echoes chapter 38 of the Book of Job , where God recalls how the stars, the "sons of God", sang when the corner-stone of creation was laid. Day 1 begins with the creation of light and, by implication, time. God creates by spoken command and names the elements of the world as he creates them.

In the ancient Near East the act of naming was bound up with the act of creating: On the third day, the waters withdraw, creating a ring of ocean surrounding a single circular continent. God does not create or make trees and plants, but instead commands the earth to produce them. The underlying theological meaning seems to be that God has given the previously barren earth the ability to produce vegetation, and it now does so at his command.

On Day Four the language of "ruling" is introduced: God puts "lights" in the firmament to "rule over" the day and the night. According to Victor Hamilton, most scholars agree that the choice of "greater light" and "lesser light", rather than the more explicit "sun" and "moon", is anti-mythological rhetoric intended to contradict widespread contemporary beliefs that the sun and the moon were deities themselves.

In the Egyptian and Mesopotamian mythologies, the creator-god has to do battle with the sea-monsters before he can make heaven and earth; in Genesis 1: When in Genesis 1: After this first mention the word always appears as ha-adam , "the man", but as Genesis 1: Man was created in the " image of God ". The meaning of this is unclear: The fact that God says "Let us make man Only later, after the Flood, is man given permission to eat flesh.

The Priestly author of Genesis appears to look back to an ideal past in which mankind lived at peace both with itself and with the animal kingdom, and which could be re-achieved through a proper sacrificial life in harmony with God. Upon completion, God sees that "every thing that He had made This implies that the materials that existed before the Creation " tohu wa-bohu ," "darkness," " tehom " were not "very good. Creation is followed by rest.

In ancient Near Eastern literature the divine rest is achieved in a temple as a result of having brought order to chaos. Rest is both disengagement, as the work of creation is finished, but also engagement, as the deity is now present in his temple to maintain a secure and ordered cosmos. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work; but the seventh day is a sabbath unto the LORD thy God, in it thou shalt not do any manner of work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy man-servant, nor thy maid-servant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; for in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested on the seventh day; wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

Genesis 2—3, the Garden of Eden story, was probably authored around BCE as "a discourse on ideals in life, the danger in human glory, and the fundamentally ambiguous nature of humanity — especially human mental faculties". In Genesis 1 the characteristic word for God's activity is bara , "created"; in Genesis 2 the word used when he creates the man is yatsar , meaning "fashioned", a word used in contexts such as a potter fashioning a pot from clay.

Eden, where God puts his Garden of Eden , comes from a root meaning "fertility": Eden may represent the divine garden on Zion , the mountain of God, which was also Jerusalem; while the real Gihon was a spring outside the city mirroring the spring which waters Eden ; and the imagery of the Garden, with its serpent and cherubs, has been seen as a reflection of the real images of the Solomonic Temple with its copper serpent the nehushtan and guardian cherubs.

When God forbids the man to eat from the tree of knowledge he says that if he does so he is "doomed to die": The first woman is created to be ezer kenegdo — a term notably difficult to translate — to the man. Kenegdo means "alongside, opposite, a counterpart to him", and ezer means active intervention on behalf of the other person. The woman is called ishah , "Woman", with an explanation that this is because she was taken from ish , meaning "man"; the two words are not in fact connected.

Later, after the story of the Garden is complete, she receives a name: This means "living" in Hebrew, from a root that can also mean "snake". The meaning to be derived from the Genesis creation narrative will depend on the reader's understanding of its genre, the literary "type" to which it belongs: Whatever else it may be, Genesis 1 is "story", since it features character and characterisation, a narrator, and dramatic tension expressed through a series of incidents arranged in time. First, there is the fact that since only God exists at this point, no-one was available to be the narrator; the storyteller solved this by introducing an unobtrusive "third person narrator".

This was solved by creating a very minimal tension: God is opposed by nothingness itself, the blank of the world "without form and void. It can also be regarded as ancient history, "part of a broader spectrum of originally anonymous, history-like ancient Near Eastern narratives. Genesis 1—2 can be seen as ancient science: Speiser , "on the subject of creation biblical tradition aligned itself with the traditional tenets of Babylonian science.

Genesis creation narrative - Wikipedia

The biblical authors conceived the cosmos as a flat disc-shaped earth in the centre, an underworld for the dead below, and heaven above. The idea that God created the world out of nothing creatio ex nihilo is central today to Islam, Christianity, and Judaism — indeed, the medieval Jewish philosopher Maimonides felt it was the only concept that the three religions shared [] — yet it is not found directly in Genesis, nor in the entire Hebrew Bible.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other uses, see Genesis 1 disambiguation. Tanakh Torah Nevi'im Ketuvim. Authorship Dating Hebrew canon.

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Pauline epistles Petrine epistles. Hermeneutics Pesher Midrash Pardes. Old Earth Day-age Gap Progressive. Book of Genesis Creation narrative Framework interpretation As an allegory. Created kind Flood geology Creationist cosmologies Intelligent design. History Creation myth Public education "Teach the Controversy".

Literary genre , Myth disambiguation , and Narrative. This could not have happened if the existence of variation were seen as a serious defect or if rigid consistency were deemed essential to effective storytelling. Encyclopedia of Ancient Deities. The meaning of Helen: The Art of Biblical narrative.

The Five Books of Moses. Backgrounds for the Bible. Westminster John Knox Press. Reading the Old Testament: An Introduction to the Hebrew Bible. A Discursive Commentary on Genesis 1— Brettler, Mark Zvi How To Read the Bible. Reading the Fractures in Genesis. An Introduction to the Old Testament. Cotter, David W Cross, Frank Moore Canaanite Myth and Hebrew Epic: Essays in the History of the Religion of Israel.

Creation, the Flood, Gilgamesh, and Others. In Barton, John; Muddiman, John. Biblical Myth and Rabbinic Mythmaking.