44 Horrible Dates

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Continue shopping Checkout Continue shopping. For everyone who can empathize and knows what it's like to be on at lease one crappy date, this book is for you. For everyone who wants that dinner back or sat through a boring, horrible movie only to determine that the person you were with was a complete and utter tsunami, this book is for you. Ratings and Reviews 0 1 star ratings 0 reviews. How to write a great review Do Say what you liked best and least Describe the author's style Explain the rating you gave Don't Use rude and profane language Include any personal information Mention spoilers or the book's price Recap the plot.

Close Report a review At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information. Would you like us to take another look at this review? We met at the gym. We were both getting dressed. At first I was a bit nervous, because I was a bit sweaty and gross, but Henry did not seem to notice, or did not care.

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I am also a mild germophobe. We talked for a few minutes, and then exchanged email addresses and phone numbers very discreetly. Gym pickups can be so obvious and tacky. A gym pickup in the locker room is even tackier, but remember, I was slowly eliminating all my dating rules. We spoke on the phone a few times. Henry seemed really nice.

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He was a little quirky, but in a good way. We made arrangements to go on a date the following week. In between, we exchanged a few emails and learned a lot of superficial information about each other: One week later, and apparently with not enough previous conversation, he showed up to pick me up for our first date. The author takes no time to drop the "politeness" and shows the reader what it is like to be young, gay, beautiful, single, and he makes no apologies for any of it.

You have to love that attitude, and you feel like you are on the dates from hell with him.. More than a few of these "dates" seemed familiar and I am grateful I got out of that never ending "loser parade" years ago, but boy.. The writing is crisp, irreverent and direct. The humor is sharp and relatable I give this about stars out of Jan 29, Aerin rated it it was amazing Shelves: This book was indeed amazing.

44 Horrible Dates Review: Tales Of Amusing And Unbelievably Bad Dates | FanBolt

I laughed so hard, and I'm blaming it on you Mr. Campbell for making me discover some new muscles in my stomach. Who knew one could be in pain from so much laughing? I recommend this book to anyone and everyone because it's a light read and no matter what you go through at the moment, it will not fail to put a smile on your face. The narrator voice is funny, engaging and never ever dull. Some of these dates were so over the top that if I didnt know better I'd This book was indeed amazing. Some of these dates were so over the top that if I didnt know better I'd say they were made up.

The stinky dick and the reciprocated puking were hilarious!!!

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And yeah gross as well, but that's what makes it so much better: D I look forward to reading more books by this author! Jan 16, Jeremy Duncan added it. If you want a good laugh from beginning to end, this is the book to read. Louis as I started reading all about Eddie's Horrible Dates and there was a point that I laughed out loud and could not stop. The flight attendant came over to me to see what I was laughing at and if there was anything wrong. I had to explain to her and others around me what book I was reading which then she took interest and took the book out of my hand and started If you want a good laugh from beginning to end, this is the book to read.

I had to explain to her and others around me what book I was reading which then she took interest and took the book out of my hand and started to read some of the Horrible Dates Eddie had went on which then she started to laugh uncontrollably as she sat in the isle way.

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  • 44 Horrible Dates Review: Tales Of Amusing And Unbelievably Bad Dates;
  • Bestselling Series.

This is one book I highly recommend if you want a good laugh!!!! Jan 16, Riki Etchison rated it it was amazing. Have you ever read something crazy good and laugh-out-loud-funny and felt the urge to share bits and pieces with whoever is unfortunate enough to cross your path? Until finally, you say, "F Is it horrible then, that I gave it to m Have you ever read something crazy good and laugh-out-loud-funny and felt the urge to share bits and pieces with whoever is unfortunate enough to cross your path? Is it horrible then, that I gave it to my adolescent son to read? Nah, he thinks I'm super cool "other moms would never do that" and we laughed out loud together.

44 Horrible Dates

We are hooked and want more. Eddie - give us more!

Jan 17, M Rosevalley rated it it was amazing. A friend suggested I read this book, although I don't usually seek out this genre for reading material, so I did. Boy am I glad. Almost immediately after picking it up, I realized I was in for a hilarious and extremely enjoyable ride. Anybody looking for a quick pick-me-up by getting one uncontrollable smile after another should get this book. You will likely read these smart short stories again and again, only to find they bring you a chuckle each time.

That's what happened to me. W A friend suggested I read this book, although I don't usually seek out this genre for reading material, so I did. What a pleasant surprise! Dec 06, Paris Hardy rated it it was amazing. This book was so great because I found myself identifying with several of these shocking stories.

In some stories I found myself feeling sorry for person on the other side. I recommend this to everyone that has been on a truly horrible date. Jun 05, Mindy rated it liked it. Very quick fun read! I didn't realize these were gay dates but it really doesn't matter because we can all relate to bad dates. This is a great book to read at the pool or beach because the chapters average a page long so you don't need a lot of concentration.

I definitely have a couple bad dates to share with this guy! Mar 26, Jaimie rated it really liked it. I am so glad that I saw this book on Beth's Goodreads feed and decided to read it, because it was hilarious! It maybe wasn't so good an idea to read it on the bus though, since it was difficult to contain my laughter at the slightly ridiculous dating stories of the author. Feb 18, Jon O rated it liked it Shelves: I like this book because it is easy to move from one story to another. However, that said, some of the so-called dates were not really qualified to be considered as dates.

And some were not that horrible.