Wake Up Humanity

Wakeup! Humanity!

This principle is clearly validated by the manner in which the Universe and Nature function and hence cannot be doubted. Does it not reflect a constant stream of unsatiated desires with humanity relentlessly chasing more and more of all the material wants? Does it not indicate that the world wants to grow at an uncontrollably fast pace with no thought being spared for the devastating consequences that are bound to follow through an abdication of responsibility towards a sustainable environment? It might therefore be worth examining whether the events unfolding in the world are actually a mirror reflecting the states of human consciousness.

None of this can be condoned. If we have not learnt to treat one another with love, compassion,care and affection, are we not a part and parcel of the larger problem that we despise? But if we shamelessly throw litter around, if we spit in public places, defecate in the open, are we not irresponsibly creating causes for a host of diseases to manifest? Again the blame game is played and the Government is hauled up for its failure to arrest the problem.

Without trying to absolve the Government of its responsibility for it has a significant role to play, we must look inwards and ask ourselves — Are we doing our own bit to help alleviate the problem? For if we were serious about contributing towards solutions, we would not relentlessly keep acquiring more cars beyond what we need , we would not use and throw away toxic plastic bags that are not biodegradable, we would not burn leaves in open areas or dissuade others from doing so to keep warm during winters, we would have taken personal responsibility to plant trees and so on.

And herein lies a message for humanity — Contentment and responsible living is the best wealth you can ever have. This may be our only salvation to rescuing our planet from annihilation.

The time to put this to practice is NOW. Jan 14, Editorial Team.

Why do we dim our light?

It reflects instead a closed system that is now exploding from the pressure of the heightened creative consciousness bursts of the planet expressing itself as higher light frequency, in an entirely new expansive way. We are taught this because mainstream acknowledgment and acceptance of the Quantum world, is a threat to the current dysfunctional systems run by the select few governing elite, in positions of high power, who financially benefit from the old models staying intact; they profit by keeping us sick and afraid.

Imran Hosein' Wake Up Call For Humanity -

New thought and change frightens and threatens the old regimes, the corrupt elite groups, the old outmoded structures, that are now beginning to crack and crumble from the pressure, as we enter these new energetic times, where the rules and the rulers are changing. When we live in a matrix of fear, we are anchored into the lower denser frequencies. The vibration at this level is thick and dense and heavy and dark. This is designed specifically to keep you hooked into the program of control, tethered to the hamster wheel at the bottom of the dark ocean, running endlessly through mazes of circular loops, going nowhere, while eternally drowning and gasping for air.

  1. We must stop dimming our light and hiding in the shadows of fear!.
  2. Making The Frat: The Old School.
  3. WAKE UP HUMANITY: Poems About You and Me.
  4. Meditation for Health & Happiness;
  5. Tomorrows Past: The Rescue.

At the bottom of the pyramid, you have safety and survival. At the top, you find self-actualization and transcendence. To access these enlightened states of being in frequency, you must move up in vibration. And as long as you are strapped to the lower energies and denser frequencies scrambling to get your most basic needs met and not die , you are trapped, hooked into the control matrix of fear, pain, unconsciousness, unworthiness.


We become a valley of complacent cows and submissive sheep waiting to be slaughtered by the very hand that fed us the lies to begin with that keep us enslaved and unaware, all the while oblivious that we are even enchained. Yet we are the chained elephants conditioned to believe we are stuck and rendered powerless, by the tiny little stake in the ground tied to only one of our enormously powerful feet. The distortions and corruption is layered and hidden running very deep indeed.

It is woven into the very fabric of what we are taught to trust. All this is done with a big fake smile dripping with enticing false promises, that find and push on our pain points, inflicting scarcity and fear and lack consciousness, to convince us of an illusion designed specifically to keep us in struggle; to keep us separate; to keep us subdued; to keep us from questioning; to keep us from remembering how powerful we truly are. It is time for a massive wake-up call to all of humanity — to remember and ignite your own inner light; to come together in the frequency of love, truth, and collective empowerment; to know that we are so much more powerful than we were ever taught to believe.

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By doing this we will reach a critical mass, a tipping point of awakening, where a new morphic field is created and becomes its own powerful force of light, whose unique signature stands tall, like a glowing lighthouse in the thick dark fog, shining brightly, guiding the way home to those vessels who are lost at sea, being tossed about in the crashing storm of monstrous waves. This is how we create the new paradigm; this is how the new way, the new energies on the planet, come into form; this is how a new world is born.

Please get your own house your own internal world in order pronto, so that you can do and be what you came here for.

See a Problem?

No trivia or quizzes yet. And herein lies a message for humanity — Contentment and responsible living is the best wealth you can ever have. Does it not indicate that the world wants to grow at an uncontrollably fast pace with no thought being spared for the devastating consequences that are bound to follow through an abdication of responsibility towards a sustainable environment? This is the first poetry book I ever read and it definitely did not disappoint. Thanks for telling us about the problem.

Because the world is waiting for you: It is time for what I call, The Alchemy of Awakening. And so it is. If so, please consider a donation to help the evolution of Wake Up World and show your support for alternative media.