:The Wisdom of the Intenders: High Lights (The highest lights teachings Book 1)

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My entire life felt like it was destined to create problems for itself. Then, one evening I went to an Intenders Circle and our hostess, Diane, was explaining that it's wise to watch our thoughts. In her introduction to newcomers like me , she said that we're all living under the Law of Attraction - she also called it the Intention Process - and that the people who are the happiest are the ones who get what they want, while attracting less of what they don't want.

According to her, the Law works like this: Everything we're thinking has the potential to work its way into our daily life; it just depends on how much attention we put on it. The more we keep our attention on a thought, the more it's apt to manifest. It's because they're holding their thoughts on undesirable experiences; they're doubting or worrying, both of which tend to bring them the exact opposite of what they really want.

That's when we need to 'change the channel' like we would on the TV when the program we're watching isn't enjoyable anymore. We simply stop thinking about what we don't want, and switch to thinking about what we do want. Then everything gets better for us. She said that it would keep us from having so many undesirable things happen to us.

Even if we caught ourselves mulling repetitive, unserving thoughts over in our minds, the Highest Good would supersede these doubts and worries and make sure we began drawing better experiences into our lives. Well, the little talk Diane shared with us that night changed everything for me. Now I understood how my thoughts were affecting my daily life.

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It was like I had the magic touch. The Wisdom of the Intenders: Share your thoughts with other customers. Much needed information for us all in these most challenging of times! The shoes that manifested were the wrong size, the car that manifested needed major repairs, the relationship that manifested went sour right away, and so on.

It made me pay more attention to what I was thinking and manifesting for myself. That Intenders Circle was just under a year ago and, since then, I've been watching my thoughts more closely, and I "change the channel" whenever I notice that I'm doubting or worrying - and you know what? No more car problems.

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No more fruitless trips to the store. No more strange blind dates because I met the man of my dreams! Now with the Highest Good at work in my life, I'm not attracting those frustrating situations like I used to.

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Thanks to my new friend, Diane, and the Intenders, I'm enjoying my life like never before. I'd made intentions before and manifested a few things, but something wasn't quite right.

High Lights is the perfect Bibliomancy tool. Anytime you want a message or guidance to help you with what's going on in your life at anytime, just open this remarkable book to any page - and Voila! Tony Burroughs "That which you are reaching toward is also reaching out to you. Read more Read less. English Similar books to: The Wisdom of the Intenders: High Lights The highest lights teachings Book 1. Product description Product Description High Lights: Kindle Edition File Size: Showing of 1 reviews.

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There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. I grabbed this book because I was searching for Intenders of the Highest Good. Simple and to the point, yet Highly profound and thought provoking. Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers. Learn more about Amazon Giveaway. Set up a giveaway.

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