Pecados nocturnos (Deer Lake 1) (Spanish Edition)

Geysers and thermal areas, mountain rivers, wildlife including buffalo, antelope, elk, deer, bears, eagles, sasquatch , and geological formations abound and make every turn in the road a new adventure. After Yellowstone, we made our way south through the Grand Teton National Park to the Red Desert and eventually made our way to Oklahoma where I am writing this , before tomorrow pressing onward to Lake of the Ozarks.

Along the way, we have been in the following states: Driving through Kansas, I had a lot of time to think because that is the MOST boring piece of real estate in the world. Let me say that the people of Kansas we encountered were extremely friendly and helpful, so I in no way wish to say anything bad about them. But I got the impression that when God was creating Kansas, he had a headache and didn t feel like putting any effort into the work. If the Church really wants to frighten people, instead of telling sinners they will burn in hell, we instead should tell them they will have to spend an eternity driving through Kansas.

Again, the people there are very wonderful, and I don t want to disparage them. The only thing I can say good about driving through Kansas is that at least it wasn t New Brunswick. You have to reference the column from June to understand that. Lastly, for those who were asking the questions in my absence and don t think for one second that everything doesn t get back to me eventually: When I first arrived back at St.

Joseph s, I was not able to take all of those because the parish was in such disarray. Now, however, I am going to enjoy what time away I can. After all, absence makes the heart grow fonder, and if I don t get time away, I get very, very, very grumpy. In the end, vacation is good for everyone. Have a blessed week. La Columna del Padre. No puedo decir en palabras que tan preciosa es cada aspecto de esa tierra. En el camino de estos dos semanas, hemos pasado por los siguientes estados: Manejando por el estado de Kansas, tuve una gran oportunidad de pensar.

Pero, no estoy exagerando cuando digo que es el estado mas aburrido en todo el mundo. Todo lo que dicen llega a mis orejas. Sin embargo, ahora, disfruto todas las oportunidades que puedo. Que tengan una bendita semana. Traer dinero extra para la comida. Pero sobre todo te pido por mis sacerdotes que me ha querido: June 21, Prayer List: Please remember those for whom parishioners have requested your prayers: Por favor recuerde esos parroquianos para quien han solicitado sus oraciones: Names will remain on the list for thirty 30 days unless otherwise requested.

Copies of the policy with form to report an incident of abuse are available from the Parish at the church doors or in the Parish office or from the Diocesan Pastoral Center. You may also call the Pastoral Center to speak with the Bishop or member of the Diocesan Review Board to report abuse. Joseph School News St. Joseph School Summer Office Hours: But above all I recommend to You the priests dearest to me: Almighty God, giver of every good gift, You are our eternal shepherd and guide.

In your mercy, grant your Church in Western Kentucky a shepherd who will walk in your ways and whose watchful care will bring us your blessing. Send your Spirit of wisdom upon those who are to select a new Bishop of Owensboro. Give us a leader of vision and a teacher of your truth. So may your church be built up and your name glorified. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Corey Gent B Scottsville Rd. G Mike and Robyn Hughes Dr. Suite J.

The first part of this lesson consists in this audio lesson, and then we have some grammar for you. Listen to the following conversation: June Dear Parents and Guardians: As the school year comes to a close, Camden City School District is excited to get summer programming underway! The District Summer School Program will operate. The organizing committee has asked a volunteer to check off the participants as they arrive. TASK As the volunteer, greet the participants.

You can talk about how your child is learning at home and at school. El "estilo indirecto" es una estructura que se emplea para repetir lo que alguien ha anteriormente dicho "estilo directo": El quiere impactar vidas por medio de ti en el campo. The following is an explanation of the procedures for calling a special meeting of the shareholders.

Enclosed are copies of documents, which you can use for your meeting. If you have any questions about. How to access your benefits and services. I applied for health insurance, now what? Fitzpatrick, Assistant Deputy Commissioner. Screener for Peer Supporters Primary Recruiter: Potential Peer Supporter Name: You will be able to You will be able to First look at the other sheet of vocabulary and listen,.

Proving The Earth Is Flat!

Thanks to your hard work and sacrifice, your child is enrolled in a Texas public school a learning environment that can. I m tired she said. She said that she was tired. Como se observa en el ejemplo. June 1st - August 10th, Dear Educator, Attached you will find three flyer templates. You can use any of these templates to share your Group Number GN with your group participants.

In Spanish, many useful expressions are formed by combining two verbs. When this occurs, the first verb is conjugated, while the second verb remains in the infinitive form. Quiero comer comida china I. Me llamo Carmen Rivera. Jdan direct object pronouns We usually use Direct Object Pronouns to substitute f it them in a sentence when the it them follows the verb.

Because of gender, him and her could also. We re going to listen to street interviews with eight people from different. Why did you come, if the one who brought you hated you when he felt you in my belly? You came for me; for me because I was alone, alone even when he held me close in his arms, my child!

Una tarde, paseando por una calle miserable de Temuco, vi a una mujer del pueblo, sentada a la puerta de su rancho. Hasta me insinuaron que los eliminase de un libro. One a ernoon, while I was walking down a poor street in Temuco, I saw a village woman sitting in the doorway of her shack. At that moment I felt all the solidarity of my sex, the vast compassion of women for women, and it set me to thinking: Some of those women who feel they have to shut their eyes to cruel but fatal reality in order to maintain their own purity have aimed small-minded criticism at these poems, which saddened me, for their sakes.

They even intimated that I should drop the poems from the book. In this self-involved work, work that feels diminished to me because of that self-involvement, it may very well be that this human prose is the only part in which the fullness of Life sings. Should I drop them?

Here they stay, dedicated to those women who can see that the sanctity of life begins with motherhood, which is, accordingly, sacred. I want them to feel the tenderness with which a woman who cares for the children of others looks upon the mothers of all the children of the world! Yo que todo lo he perdido—ahora tiemblo hasta al dormir. I who have lost everything—hesitate now to fall asleep. Yo no tengo soledad Es la noche desamparo—de las sierras hasta el mar. Es el cielo desamparo—pues la luna cae al mar. Es el mundo desamparo.

The sky, forsaken—for the moon falls into the sea. Meciendo El mar sus millares de olas—mece divino.

The Call of the Wild (Webster's Spanish Thesaurus Edition)

El viento errabundo en la noche—mece los trigos. Dios Padre sus miles de mundos—mece sin ruido. Rocking The sea is rocking—its millions of waves, divinely. God the Father is rocking—His thousands of worlds, soundlessly. Este verde campo es tuyo. Este valle es todo tuyo. This valley is all yours—Whom else could it belong to?

And the milk that runs—through the udders in the barn—and the harvest bundle of the grain—Whom else would it belong to? No soy ciego como me llamas. Y amo; tampoco soy muerto. The Sacred Dust I have eyes, I have vision; eyes and visions spread throughout me by visions of you, which death shattered. Through all of them, I see you. And I am not blind, as you call me. And I do love; nor am I dead. The longing on their lips makes me moan. Here I am; gather me up with your hand.

Watch over me; carry me. I carried you like that. I am your furrow. Look at me and remember my lips! Why do you pass along, breaking me open? Y ahora, si haces una Tanagra con nosotros, ponnos todo en la frente, o todo en el seno. His clay and the clay of my own bones, at last joined together! With every atom of my body I have kissed him, with every atom I held him close. A thousand weddings for our two bodies! To mix us well together, they dissolved us. Like the roar of swarming bees, the buzz of our love in ferment!

And now, if you make a Tanagra vase of us, set us all on the upper brow, or all in the chest. To the Children A er many years, when I am a little mound of silent dust, play with me, with the clay of my heart and of my bones. If they make me a brick in a prison, I will blush with shame to hear a man sobbing.

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I would rather be the dust you play with in the paths of the countryside. I have been yours. Destroy me, for I made you. Step on me, because I did not give you all truth and all beauty. When you make any image with me, shatter it instantly: The Enemy I dreamed that I was already earth, that I was a meter of dark earth at the side of a road. When the carts loaded with hay passed by at dusk, the scent they le in the air made me tremble to remember the land where I was born; later, when the group of harvesters passed by, it was evoked again. At the calling of the twilight bells, my soul remembered God, under its blind dust.

But now I am darkened dust, and I love even the thistles that grow above me and the wheels of the carts that bruise me as they pass. No acid, no man-made chemical, could have separated us. It was a simple vessel, with no decoration, no etching, nothing to separate us.

And if the very soul of Cain could have been dipped in that vessel, that soul would have risen from it like a honeycomb, dripping with honey. The Amphoras You have already found the red and black silted clay by the river. It will not be troubled by elegance, but will be the Amphora of Health.

Make the amphora of the sensualist. Make the amphora of the mournful. Make it simple as a tear, no frieze, no colored decoration, because the owner will not look at its beauty. Make the amphora of the wretched: It will be the Amphora of Protest. They will put neither wine nor water in it. That will be the Amphora of Desolation. And that empty bosom will disturb anyone who looks at it, more than if it were brimming with blood.

No eres humilde, y rehusas bajar como otros vasos a las cisternas, a llenarte de agua impura. Nor do you open to nourish yourself with little tendernesses, as do some of my amphoras, which accept the slow drops the night pours into them and live from that brief freshness. And you are not red, but white with thirst, because the most intense ardor has that terrible whiteness.

El amor los tajea de ardor, y no ven que son hermanos de mis gredas abiertas. Miden desde su quietud meditativa el contorno de todas las cosas, y su brevedad no la conocen, de verse engrandecidos en su sombra. They tremble in the hands of Destiny, and they do not believe that they waver this way because they are vessels.

Love carves the ardor out of them, and they do not see that in this way they are like my open clay. They hate their little wall. They hate the little feet of their base, which hardly li s them from the dust to receive a bit of daylight. And the breath of God, which dropped on them while He was creating them, le them in an even greater anguish, faintly remembering a great elegance and sweetness.

The vessel for Falerno wine detests the acrid smell of the winepress. The vessel for perfumed oil hates its cloying thickness and envies the lightness of the vessel for clear water. They are the most anguished of all. The Four-Petaled Flower My soul was once a great tree, on which a million fruits ripened. Later my soul was a shrub, a gnarled shrub with few branches, but it could still produce scented resin. One is called Beauty, and another Love, and they are close together; another is called Sorrow, and the last one Mercy. You who knew me when I was a great tree and who come looking for me so late, at twilight, perhaps you pass by without recognizing me.

If I see ambition in your eyes, I will let you go on toward the others, who are great trees reddened with fruit. Estoy llorando Me has dicho que me amas, y estoy llorando. Fallen to earth, I will cry until my soul understands. My senses, my face, my heart have heard: As the divine a ernoon wanes, I will head home hesitantly, leaning on the tree trunks along the road. Dios es este reposo de tu larga mirada en mi mirada, este comprenderse, sin el ruido intruso de las palabras. Dios es esta entrega ardiente y pura.

Y vuelve otra vez al suspiro. Y es esta certidumbre divina de que la muerte es mentira. God Talk to me now about God, and I will understand you. God is this tranquillity of your long gaze in my gaze, this understanding one another without the intrusive noise of words. God is this surrender, passionate and pure. Like us, He is loving in the morning, at midday, and at night, and it seems to Him, as it seems to us, that He is only just beginning to love. He needs no other song than His love itself, and He sings it from sighing through to sobbing.

And He returns again to the sigh. And this divine certainty that death is a lie. Yes, now I understand God. El mundo —No se aman, dijeron, porque no se buscan. Ellos, que se revuelcan en la voluptuosidad sin lograr unirse, no saben que por una mirada somos esposos! Your job is far from mine, and my home is not near you. Nevertheless, as I do my work, I feel as if I were wrapping you in a weave of so est wool, and you feel, way over there, that my gaze is falling on your bowed head.

And your heart cracks open with sweetness! The day gone, we will meet for a few moments, but the sweet wound of love will sustain us till another twilight. Those who wallow in voluptuousness without achieving a real oneness: Y eras puro, como la escarcha que amanece dormida en los cristales. They Were Talking about You. They were talking about you, bloodying you, with lots of words. Why does human language exhaust itself so uselessly?

And you were pure as the frost at dawn sleeping on the windowpanes. They were talking about you to me, praising you with lots of words. Why is human generosity exhausted so uselessly? I kept silent, and praise rose up from deep inside me, bright as mists rising from the sea. They stopped mentioning your name the other day and talked about others, with a warm respectfulness. The strange names dropped inert before me, fading. And your name, which no one mentioned, was as present as the spring that covered the valley, though no one would be singing it at that luminous hour.

Va bajando el sol. Parece que te hundieras en la tierra pesada. Vienes cantando como las vertientes bajan al valle. The sun is setting. Over the plain the night settles in, and you come walking to meet me, naturally, as the night falls. Hurry, I want to see the twilight across your face! How slowly you approach! You come near singing like the slopes that descend into the valley. I hear you already. The fading day wants to pass away across our two faces together. Soy fea sin ti, como las cosas desarraigadas de su sitio: Contigo soy natural y bella, cual el musgo en el tronco.

Hide me as the tree trunk conceals its resin, that I may perfume you in the shadow like a drop of amber-gum, that it may smooth you and the others may never know where your sweetness comes from. I am ugly without you, like things out of place: With you, I am natural and lovely, like the moss on the tree trunk. Why am I not small, like an almond in its closed shell?

Saint Joseph Catholic Church Iglesia Católica San José

Make me a drop of your blood, and I will rise to your cheek, I will be in it like the living drop in the leaf on the vine. Sigue por el sendero acostumbrado, llega a las alamedas de oro, sigue por las altas alamedas de oro hasta la sierra amoratada. The Shadow Leave for the countryside at dusk, and leave me your footprints in the grass, for I am coming behind you.

Go down the usual path, to the golden poplars, go through the golden groves to the dark purple mountains. Walk giving yourself over to things, touching the trunks of trees, so that when I pass they may return your caress to me. Look at yourself in the clear pools, and let the pools hold the image of your face for me for a moment, till I pass. Si viene la muerte Si te ves herido, no temas llamarme. No quiero que ninguno, ni Dios, te enjugue en las sienes el sudor ni te acomode la almohada bajo la cabeza. Estoy guardando mi cuerpo para resguardar de la lluvia y las nieves tu huesa, cuando ya duermas.

No, call me wherever you are, even if it be a bed of shame. I am saving my body to shield your grave from the rain and the snow when you sleep at last. Y la damos con un temblor incontenible, como el tuyo delante de un seno desnudo. Beauty A song is the wound of love that things opened in us. But our disquiet is continuous; we feel the thrust of all the beauty of the world, because the starry night was for us a love as sharp as a carnal love.

Song A woman is singing in the valley. The falling shadow erases her, but her song li s her over the countryside. Her heart is shattered, like her jug that broke this a ernoon on the stones in the streambed, but she keeps on singing. In a modulation, her voice moistens with blood. In the countryside, the other voices are already silent, in their daily death, and just a moment ago the song of the last straggling bird fell silent. And her deathless heart, her heart alive with pain, burning with pain, gathers the silencing voices into her voice, keen now, but always sweet.

Does she sing for a husband who watches her quietly in the dusk, or for a child who sweetens to her song? Or perhaps she sings for her own heart, more helpless than a child alone at nightfall. The coming night becomes a mother because of the song that goes out to greet it; the stars are opening with human sweetness: From the throat of the woman who keeps on singing, the day exhales and rises, ennobled, toward the stars! Las otras se apresuraron, y se han ido con el amor y el placer.

Tiene una lumbre que apacigua. The Dream God said to me: I have le you the lamp of the Dream, and you will live by its gentle brightness. Your lamp has a soothing radiance. But, in truth, you will be the merciful one when with your gaze, living among them, you ease their hearts.

No hay arte ateo. Decalogue of the Artist I. There is no atheistic art.

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Beauty should not be a pretext for lewdness or vanity, but a spiritual exercise. You shall issue each creation with humility, for it was inferior to your dream, and inferior to that marvelous dream of God that is Nature. Duro, acre, sumo, el abrazo de la muerte. Why should You have made me fruitful, if I must be emptied and le like the crushed sugarcanes?

Why should You spill the light across my forehead and my heart every morning, if You will not come to pick me, as one picks the dark grapes that sweeten in the sun, in the middle of autumn? It is Your love, Your aweful love, oh, God! It leaves the bones broken and wasted, the face bleached with fear, the tongue weak! Out of love, out of an abundance of love, I described what I will never see. People came to question me about You. Seeing that they were more anxious than a thirsty man who asks about the river, I spoke to them about You, without ever having experienced the full joy of You, yet.

You, my Lord, will forgive me that. It was their desire, as it was mine, to show You forth clearly and purely, like the petals of the white lily. On the path across the desert, the anxiety of the Bedouins distinctly makes out mirages in the distance. The traveler does not arrive, but in their zeal, our eyes picture him each moment, there in the palest horizon. But that does not matter, my Lord: In one day of griefs, I could mature completely. Therefore I will sing my smallness in my song, so that You might turn Your countenance toward me if You miss me, my rapturous Harvester!

But attending as I do to Your subtlest motions, I know such tenderness that it strengthens my trust in You! And I have smiled, dying of happiness, saying to myself: So, someday, He will gather me, like the trembling droplet, before I drop into the dust. Gather me, then, gather me soon! I have stretched no roots into this human earth. With one simple movement of Your lips, You sip me up; with one imperceptible sign of approval, You gather me in. Amalos, porque no recuerdan a Dios, ni nos evocan la cara amada.

Ten piedad de ellos que buscan terriblemente, con una tremenda ansia, la belleza que no trajeron. He tolerates them; He lets them cross the dewy moss. Inside whatever is ugly, matter is weeping; I have heard its cry. Look at the pain, and love it. Love the spider and the beetle because of their pain, because, unlike the rose, they have no expression of happiness.

Love them because they are a misguided longing for beauty, an unheard desire for perfection. They are like one of your days, wasted and miserable despite yourself. Love them because they do not recall God nor evoke for us that beloved face. The bulky spider in its light web dreams of an ideal world, and the beetle imagines the dew across its black back is an evanescent splendor.

La venda Toda la belleza de la Tierra puede ser venda para tu herida. Toda la belleza es misericordia de Dios. El que te alarga la espina en una mano temblorosa, te ofrece en la otra un motivo para la sonrisa. No digas que es un juego cruel. The Bandage All the beauty of the Earth can be a bandage for your wound. Experience them like this.

Experience the sky like this, like a bandage. The one who hurt you has gone, leaving you gauzy threads for the bandage all along the road. Each morning when you open your shutters, feel the white dawn rising over the mountains as a marvelous bandage, already prepared against the hardships of the day. A un sembrador Siembra sin mirar la tierra donde cae el grano. Di tu palabra, y sigue tranquilo, sin volver el rostro. Habla a tus hermanos en la penumbra de la tarde, para que se borre tu rostro, y vela tu voz hasta que se confunda con cualquier otra voz.

Hazte olvidar, hazte olvidar. Es un misterio al que asiste Dios y tu alma. Ha derramado sus criaturas y la belleza de las cosas por valles y colinas, calladamente, con menos rumor del que tiene la hierba al crecer. El calla, calla siempre. To a Sower He sows without looking where the seeds fall on the earth.

Your glance, inviting them to respond, will seem to them like a solicitation to praise you, and though they might agree with the truth of what you say, they will deny it out of pride. When they see that you have moved away, they will harvest what you sowed; maybe they will embrace it with tenderness and will take it into their hearts.

Talk with your brothers in the dim light of evening, so that your face is erased, and obscure your voice till it could be taken for any other voice. Make yourself forget, make yourself forget. Be like the father who forgives his enemy if he surprises him embracing his child. In your marvelous dream of redemption, let yourself be kissed. Observe this in silence, and smile. It is a mystery, assisting both God and your own soul. God contains also this necessary silence, because He is Self-contained. He has spread out His creatures and the loveliness of things over the valleys and the hills, quietly, with even less noise than the grass makes as it grows.

Those who love the things of the earth come and look at them, touch them, and are entranced by them, bending their cheeks over the countenance of things. And they will never say His name! He is silent, always silent. The harp is not still for a single moment, nor is the hand of the impassioned Player. From sunup to sundown, God emanates melodies to His creatures.

The hand of the Player pauses over them. The Musician hears the souls He made, in discouragement or in eagerness. When He passes from the barren to the beautiful, He smiles, or a tear drops on the strings. And the harp never goes silent, and the Player never tires, nor do the heavens tire of listening. The man who, sweating, opens the soil does not realize that the God who sometimes withdraws is touching him inwardly; the mother who delivers the child also does not realize that his cry wounds the blue sky, and that in that moment his string is drenched in blood.

La tierra se extiende, verde, en un ancho brazo en torno tuyo, y el cielo existe sobre tu frente. Echas de menos un hombre que camina por el paisaje. Una nube pasa sobre tu rostro, larga, suave, viva. La nube es su abrazo en torno de tu cuello, y no te oprime, no te turba. Es su beso sereno. The Illusion Nothing has been taken from you! What you are missing is a man who walks through the landscape. Join yourself with its silhouette. Nothing has been taken from you! A cloud passes above your face, long, so , alive. Now a tear slides down your face.

His intonation ran through my trunk like a thread of honey. They all drank it! Where is He now? All of our leaves have turned pale. Yo esperaba que asomara tu rostro entre las ramas. Y sobre la calavera de Judas, los labios quedaron, perduraron sin caer, entreabiertos, prolongando el beso. And Jesus said to him: You could have scored me with your sword, to mark me.

My blood was ready, like a goblet, for your lips; my heart did not resist death. I was waiting for your face to appear among the branches. His mother laid a stone on them to try to close them; the worm chewed through them to shred them; the rain soaked them through in vain to make them rot. They keep on kissing, even under the ground!

No me humilla, como la llamarada del sol, y tiene un mirar humanizado de pura suavidad, de pura dulcedumbre. Arde en medio de mi cuarto: Para la tristeza, tiene un cristal violeta, y hace a las cosas padecer conmigo.

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Ella es, pues, la Perfecta. Desde afuera no se adivina, y mis enemigos que pasan me creen sola. Basta lo que alumbra su halo de resplandor. The Lamp Blessed be my lamp! For sadness, it has a violet glass, which makes everything seem sympathetic. It is alive from so many nights of touching my heart. It still keeps the so heat of my most intimate pains, which no longer burns, and in order to continue has made itself very so.

Maybe, at nightfall, the sightless dead come to watch, through the eyes of the lamps. Who could it be, this dead person who watches me so sweetly? If it were human, it would grow tired under the weight of my woe, or, warmed with solicitude, it would want to stay with me when merciful sleep arrives: From the outside it is invisible, and as they pass, my enemies think I am alone. What glows in its radiant halo is enough for me.

Leave me only what is bathed in the light of this lamp; you can take everything else from me! I pray to God that through this night no sad person is le without a gentle lamp to so en the glint of his tears. Aunque la vida nos esparza, nos hemos de acordar de esta red de las manos, tejida en torno tuyo. Para gozarte mejor, te dejo descubierto; no consiento que cubran tu rescoldo maravilloso. Te dieron una aureola de bronce, y ella te ennoblece, ensanchando el resplandor. The Hearth Stone-built hearth, illusion of the poor!

Looking at you, we have precious stones! All night long, fervently, I enjoy you: Intimacy is what you are: And I did, in turn, make my own into a circle of children. The hands of my children join above your coals. Even though the world scatters us, we need to remember this web of hands, gathered around you. My grandmothers burned in you good herbs that dispel bad spirits, and in order for you to remember them, I do too, sprinkling fragrant herbs that linger in your embers like kisses.

El agua canta primero al caer; cuando queda en silencio, la beso sobre la boca temblorosa, pagando su merced. Son labios que trajeron muchas sedes: Clay Pitcher Clay pitcher, brown as my cheek, you ease my thirst so! First the water sings as it falls; when it goes silent, I press my lips in a kiss above the trembling mouth, paying it back. You are graceful and strong, brown pitcher. Looking at you, I remember her, and I touch your contours tenderly. You see my dry lips? They are lips that have tasted many thirsts: But none of these thirsts were like you, simple and docile; all three dried out my lips.

How I care for you: I never set a cup beside you; I drink from your very lip, supporting you with my curved arm. If in your silence you dream of an embrace, I give you the illusion of having one. Do you feel my tenderness? I failed in many things, but I always aspired to be a gentle mistress, one who sets things in order with a tremulous sweetness, so you might understand, so you might sympathize with her. I want all the poor people to have, as I do, in this burning siesta, a pitcher of fresh water for their bitter lips!

Los bosques venerables fraternizaron con los jardincillos locos en la aventura de luchar por la igualdad. No; la igualdad de altura, simplemente. Sus voces sonaron a chochez. Luego vino la decadencia. Las violetas, que gustan de la sombra, con las testas moradas a pleno sol, se secaron. Las azucenas, estirando el tallo hasta treinta metros, se quebraron. Las espigas se inclinaron, no ya con dulce laxitud; cayeron sobre el suelo en toda su extravagante longitud, como rieles inertes. Bello todo como Dios lo hizo: Legend has it that the vain cane plants were the ringleaders.

The wind, leader of the rebels, stirred up propaganda, and soon no other topic was discussed in the gardens. The oldest trees fraternized with the wild little garden plants in this adventure, the struggle for equality. But what kind of equality? Of consistent texture in the wood, of the bounty of the fruit, of rights to good water? Li ing each head to a uniform level: The corn did not aspire to be as strong as the oak, but to sway its downy grains at the same height as the oak.

Their voices sounded out-of-date. An old poet, with whiskers as long as the Nile, condemned the project in the name of beauty. He spoke with sound judgment about uniformity, about how hateful it is to all orders. This time, as always, beauty was the least important thing. The genius of the earth breathed a monstrous vitality under the plants, and so the ugly miracle occurred. Overnight the world of lawns and garden bushes climbed up dozens of meters, as if obeying an imperial order from the stars.

The animals roared in fright, lost in the jungular darkness. The birds squawked desperately, their nests high up in the inaccessible shrubs. The white sheep refused to enter that obscure dense thing, where they would completely disappear. Meanwhile, the triumphant canes were laughing, lashing their leaves noisily against the high blue tips of the eucalyptus. Nominativo Yayayquicuna tus padres.

Ablativo Yayayquicunaman hasta tus padres. When reference is made to the first person, y is added to the root whlch ends in a vowel, and my, when it ends in a consonant; but if the consonant is c, it changes into quiy. PlurieL yayayquicuna, tes peres. Yayanhuan con su padre. Yayancunap de sus padres. Yayancunahuan con sus padres. Para la primera persona del plural, hay dos formas: Singular, Nominativo Yayayquichis vuestro padre.

Genitivo Yayayquichispa de vuestro padre. Ablativo Yayayquichismanta por vuestro padre. For the first person of plural, there are two forras: Singular, yayayquichis, your father yayayquichispa, of your father yayayquichispac, to your father yayayquichista, your father. Digitized by Google 30 — Plural. Nominativo Yayayquichiscuna vuestros padres. Genitivo Yayayquichiscunap de vuestros padres. Ablativo Yayayquichiscunamanta por vuestros padres.

Pecados Nocturnos/Night Sins: (Deer Lake) By Tami Hoag | eBay

Yayancu, their father G. Yayancup, of their father D. Yayancupac, to their father Ac. Yayancucta, their father Abl. Yayancuraycu, for their father. Yayancucuna, their fathers G. Yayancucunap, of their fathers D. Yayancucunapac, to their fathers Ac. Yayancucunacta, their fathers Abl. Yayancucunaraycu, for their fathers. Other possessive pronouns are formed from the genitive of the personal pronoun, which is declined. On the same model are declined the other possesive pronouns: Yayancucuna,' leurs peres G.

Yayancu cunap, de leurs peres D. Yayancu cu nact a, leurs peres Abl. Yayancucunaraycu, pour leurs peres. These pronouns are declined regnlarly. Ymapac Ac Ymacta Ab. Ymacuna Ymacunap Ymacunapac Ymacunacta Ymacunaraycu. There exist also two special constructions of the relative, which are peculiar to the Quichua language. If the relative is the object of the verb, ihen chaykca is used after the verb which it governs. All the relative pronouns can be used as interrogative pronouns, but in this case it is necessary to add one of the particles lia, m, mi, ch, rae, racha, Pim? The reciprocal pronoun quiquin, self, is declined regularly ; but it is rarely used with- out the pronominal affixes: The plural can also be used regularly, as: Pi se rapporte aux personnes ; yma, aux choses ; et maykcany aux personnes et aux choses.

Maykcancuna Maykcancunap Maykcan cu napac Maykcancunacta Ab. Entre los principales podemos citar: Huella, hucpunilla, uno solo. Hucmaykcanpas , uno cualquiera. Manamaykcanpas, ni el uno ni el otro. Pipas, alguno, alguna de personas. Pipasmaypas, quien quiera que sea. El verbo en Quichua es sumamente rico en la cantidad de las for- mas que sirven para expresar todas las circunstancias posibles. Sus accidentes son cinco: El modo imperativo tiene dos tiempos: Tiene cuatro tiempos que son: Among the principal are: In Quichua, the verb is exceedingly rich in the number of its forms which serve to ex- press all possible contingencies.

The accid- ence are five: The Indicative mood has the same use as in English, and comprises seven tenses: The Imperative mood has two tenses: They are conjugated in all the persons, except the first person sin- gular.

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The Optative mood denotes wish, desire, doubt, conjecture, possibility or faculty; in many cases, it takes the place of the Impe- rative. It has four tenses: Les princi- pales sont: Le verbe en Quichua est excessivement riche en formes qui servent pour exprimer toutes les circonstances possibles. Les acci- dents sont cinq: H comprend quatre temps: El modo infinitivo tiene tres tiempos: Los participios son tres: El supino tiene una sola forma en uc. En la primera persona del plural existen en todos los tiempos dos formas: Sirve para formar los tiempos de la voz pasiva.

I, chaypachapi carcani 2. The Infinitive mood has three tenses: It indudes also the gerunds, participles and supine. The gerunds form the declension of the infinitive present, with three cases: The supine has only one form in uc. In conjugating the verbs, the personal pronouns are omitted, as the end- ings of the verb clearly indicate the person to which it relates. In the first person plural of all the tenses there are two forms, one called inclusive, the other exclusive; the former is used when the speaker includes all the others, and the second when he exeludes a part.

In Quichua there is only one auxiliary verb cay, to be. It serves to form the tenses of the passive voice. In certain cases, the verb tucuy can also be used as an active auxiliary. There is but one conjugation of all the active verbs. The infinitive always ends in y, and it is under this form that all the verbs will be found in the dictionary.

Le subjonctif exprime la condition, le mo- tif, la cause ou la circonstance, et forme six temps: II n'y a qu'un seul supin qui termine en uc. Tune s'appelle inclusive, et Tautre exclusive. En certains cas, le verbe tucuy peut aussi s'employer comme un auxiliaire actif. II n'y a qu'une seule conjugaison des ver- bes. I shall bave been. Que je soit, Smg. Tbat I may be. Ponrva que je sois. Tbat I migbt be. Pourvu que je fusse. Tbat I sball be. If I raay havebcen. If I might have bcen.

My blood was ready, like a goblet, for your lips; my heart did not resist death. Arequipaman chayapurca, il retourna a Arequipa; 2. As though from a great distance, he was aware that he was being beaten. Mana, rinimi panaypa huasinman. I verbo se encuentra en el modo imperativo, se sustituye r de mana. It is, however, also the most daunting way, in the sense of the greatest responsibility. They are at the market.

Gen, cay manta, cascamanta: Of the active Verb. That I may love. Pourvu que j ai masse. That I shall love. I ahall have loved. Que hubiera querido If I bad loved. Cuando hubiera That I might Pourvu que querido have loved. I was behig loved. I shall be loved. If I were loved. Digitized by Google "fcj af. Of the passive verb. I have been loved. If I have been loved. If I had been loved. Digitized by Google — 44 Cuando sea qaerido.

That I shall be loved. When the action passes' ft-om the third person to the second, the particle used is sunqui. Digitized by Google — 46 — 1. Que te quisiera ; if L loved thee ; que je t'aimaase. Digitized by Google — 47 — 1. Piurmi athac mttnanqoichiqoihaanqniman Que me qoisierais ; if yoo loved me; que vous m'aroassiez. I i munarcancoboanchis incl. I munahnaycoman I excl. Notas sobre las conjugaciones. I verbo se encuentra en el modo imperativo, se sustituye r de mana. Digitized by Google — 51 — i. Conjugationof the fourth transitlon he to thec.

Notes on the conjugation of the Verb. When the verb is in the imperative mood, ama is used instead of mana. The afiGx chu is omitted in two cases: Notes sur la conjugaison des verbes. Digitized by Google — 52 — 2. Las expresiones, me parece, se parece, etc. Las frases condicionales se forman de la manera siguiente: Nevertheless the particle chu is omitted after a relative pronoun, or an adverb of place: When the verb is conjugated negatively and interrogatively, the particle cku is added to the adverb mana: The expressions ii seemSy it appearSy etc.

But if the subordinate phrase is conjugated with the verb, to be, then the verbs used are ricchay or ricchapuay: Allin runa rice ha- puafiqui, it seems to me that thou art a good man. Conditional sentences are formed in the foUowing manner: If the verbs of the principal and of the subordinate sentences have the same subject, the subordinate verb is placed in the gerund ablative , and the principal verb in the pre- sent optative without the prefix aihac: La conjugaison progressive se forme en ajoutant cachay a toutes les personnes du verbe: Les phrases conditionelles se forment selonles deux regles qui suivent: Digitized by Google — 54 — Pero si los dos verbos tienen distintos sujetos, entonces el verbo principal se pone en el presente del optativo sin athaCy y el verbo subordinado en el imperfecto del subjuntivo: En Quichua hay poco uso de verbos impersonales.

Entre los principales se puede citar: From the root of the Participle present three tenses are formed: Cependant les princi- paux sont: De la racine du present de Tinfinitif se for- ment onze temps: En fin on forme trois temps de la racine du present du participe: Camay expresa la idea de dignidad, de rango, de oficio: In all other cases the use of m or mi is to give elegance or emphasis to the phrase: Thus, verbs which express physical feelings of heat, cold, hunger, etc. In addition to those separable particles which serve as adverbs and conjunctions, and which are given in another chapter, the inseparable particles are of three classes: The substantive particles serve to alter the signification of substantives and adjecti- ves; they do not govern any case, but be- come an integral part of the word to which they are joined.

The chief ones are as follows: Camay expresses an idea of dignity or rank: Par exemple, les verbes qui expriment les sensations physiques de la chaleur, du froid, du faim, etc. Les particules nominales s'emploient pour modifier la signification des substantifs et des adjectifs ; elles ne peuvent gouvemer les cas parce- qu'elles forment une partie in- tegrante des paroles auxquelles on les ajoute. Muyu se emplea para formar adverbios de lugar, con la idea de vecindad: Digitized by Google — 59 Camayuc denotes office or public employ- ment; also the chief administrator of any office: Cunea indicates the spot in which the ac- tion takes place: Ckau placed before the word, means half or middle: Hanac or hanan put before the noun, gives an idea of height: Hifta changes a noun into an adjective, with a similar meaning: Huasa is placed before the noun, or has the affixes of the possesive pronouns, and means behind, at the ba9k of: Lia has many meanings, but always gives the idea of diminution or affection: MaM denotes comraunion, friendship, and is added to substantives and participles: Nnac is added to substantives and adjec- tives to denote want, lack of: With nouns that denote rela- tionship, it is merely copulative and ex- presses the noun and its correlative: Puni is added to adjectives to form the absolute superlative: Chau se place devant le mot pour expri- mer mi, demi: Muyu forme les adverbes de lieu, avec une idee de voisinage: Piini se joint aux adjectifs pour former le superlatif absolu: Manta denota movimiento afuera: Digitized by Google — 61 — Sapa is joined to substantives to denote augmentation, increase: It also serves to change sub- stantives into adjectives, giving an idea of completeness, fullness: When placed before a nuun, it means only: Siqui gives the idea of custom, habit, ge- nerally in the sense of a vice: Sispa expresses nearness, neighbourhood: Sonkcu is jointed to participles to derrote inclination, desire, passion, love: Tullu denotes an exaggerated desire or idea: Ymana expresses a resemblance: Cama signifies as far as, agreeably to: Chimpa is equivalent to over yonder, on the other side: Huan signifies with, and govems the ablative: KcayanHn denotes time elapsed, after: Man govems the ablative and expresses movement towards or against: Manta denotes movement fi-om, distance away from: Pac is the sign of the dative, to or for: Sapa s'ajoute aux substantifs pour indi- quer Taccroissement, l'extension: Sispa denote le voisinage, Tapproche- ment: Manta denote le mouvement loin de, la distance de: Urapi tiene el mismo sentido: Digitized by Google — 63 Pi govems the ablative, denoting in, with- out movement; it also expresses the spot in which the action takes place: Quepa also governs the ablative, and has the meaning of behind: Raycu governs the ablative, and means for, on account of: Ucupi is equivalent to bdow, underneath: Urapi has a similar meaning: Of the verbal particles.

As agglutination is the chief characteristic of the Quichua, there must naturally exist a grcat number of particles which are joined to the roots of the verbs, altering their pri- initive meaning. Thus, the same verb can have many diflerent combinations; Mesa in his work called "Anales de Cuzco" cites as example the word mana'kcaiiariycuculia- huancupasracchUy employed by a guest at table who feels slighted for not having been served; it means literally, tkey have not had even the kindness to begin wiih me, Here follows as complete a list as possible of the particles which are joined to verbs: Capu denotes the repeating of the action of the verb: Cu is joined to active and neuter verbs to form reflexive and reciprocal verbs: Chacu denotes care or great attention: Voici une liste assez complete des particules verbales: Chacu indique le soin ou Tattention: Digitized by Google — 64 — Chay transforma los sustantivos y adjetivos en verbos: Husi expresa ayuda, concurso: Lia es diminutivo, y agrega un sentido de poca importancia: Llicu se agrega a los sustantivos para formar verbos, implicando la idea de vestir: Nacu da una idea de reciprocidad: Chi denotes the action done by another, and answers to to cause to; it changes neu- ter verbs into active: Chicu expresses the completion of the ac- tion: Husi gives the idea of help, aid: Lia is diminutive and gives an idea of insignificance: Ltichi expresses the same idea of dress, but by command of others: Mu expresses movement towards the doer or agent: Na changes substantives into verbs, with the idea of supposiiion: Nacamu denotes that the action has just been executed: Nacu gives the verb a reciprocal mean- ing: Naya denotes desire or wish; it also has the idea of about to: Ncha is joined to the different parts of the body to denote blows received: When joined to prepositional particles of place, it changes them into verbs: Lia est diminutif et donne une idee de peu d'importance: Mpu denote la repetition: Mu exprime le mouvement vers: Na change les substantifs en verbes, avec une idee de supposition: Pa indique la repetition simple: Rcaya denota intensidad y cantidad: Rkai significa completamente, de principio al fin: Ycacha forma verbos frecuentativos: Paya marks excess; it also forms the frequentative verbs: Pu gives the idea of against one's wish: Pucu means at the expense of others: Raya marks duration, lasting, permanence: Ri means to begin o ver again: Rkcu means completely, from beginning to end: Tamu denotes that on completing the action, the agent retires: Ya is added to substantives, adjectives and verbs to form inchoative verbs: Yachi changes adjectives into verbs, denoting state or condition: Ycacha is used to form frequentative verbs: Ycu denotes the realization, or completion of the action: Ri signifie recommencer de nouveau: Ya s'ajoute aux substantifs, aux adjectifs et aux verbes pour former des verbes incho- atifs: Digitized by Google - 68 — Nota.

Cuando el adverbio modifica a un verbo, tiene siempre que pre- cederlo. In general, habit is the only guide, remember- ing that the terminations of adjectives and possessive pronouns miist always be added to the principal particle; but if the wordis in the plural, these terminations come after the characterisHc of the plural. When the adverb is used to qualify a verb, it must always preceed it. Many adjectives form the corresponding adverb, by repeating the word twice, with the particle lia: The past participle of verbs, as also certain adjectives and nouns add the termina- tions manta and llamanta to form adverbs: Among the principal adverbs of time, we find: Quand on emploie Tadverbe pour modifier un verbe, il doit toujours le preceder.

Parmi les principaux adverbes de temps, ontrouve: Digitized by Google ' — 70 — 7. Digitized by Google — 71 — 7. The affumative and negative adverbs are: Of the conjunction and inteijection. There are two classes of conjunctions in Quichua: Those which are inseparable particles; 2. Those which exist separately and are placed before the noun.

When the copula joins two phrases, it is added only to the last; when there are se- veral propositions, it is joined to the two last. The disjunctive particles are: Vacpas is repeat- ed after each word: The adversative conjunctions are: En Quichua, il y-a deux classes de conjunc- tions: L Les principales particules copulatives sont: Les particules dtsjonctives sont: Les particules adversatives sont: Digitized by Google — 72 - 4.

Las interrogativas son ymaypac? Para expresar el disgusto: Para expresar el placer: Para expresar el calor: Sintaxis de los casos. Existen dos verbos que rigen al caso nominativo, fuera del verbo auxiliar y sustantivo cay; estos son: Digitized by Google - 73 — 4. The conjunctions which denote cause are: Those which express wish or desire are: Among the chief ones, we have: To express physical pain: Syntax of the Cases. The subordinate sentence generally pre- ceeds the principal' and in each the verb comes last; with regard to the sequence of cases, the indirect objects preceed the direct or accusative, and the adverb comes imme- diately before the verb: There are also two verbs which govern the nominative case, in addition to the auxi- liary and substantive verb cay: Les particules causatives sont: Pour exprimer le plaisir: Pour exprimer la douleur physique: Pour exprimer la chaleur: Pour exprimer la peur: La syntaxe des cas.

Digitized by Google — 74 — El genitivo. Este caso se usa: El ablativo con man se usa en los casos siguientes: Digitized by Google 75 Genitive. This case is also used: Sokcta sarapacmiy six dollars. Verbs which express remembrance or forgetfulness govern the same case: Arequipamanta Pimaman mosucmanta hamurca, he went again from Arequipa to Puna. The ablative with man is used: Are- quipaman chayapurca, he returned to Are- quipa; 2. On emploie aussi ce cas: On emploie Tablatif avec man: L avec les verbes qui indiquent le mouvement vers: Arequipaman chayapurca, il retourna a Arequipa; 2. En algunos dialectos del Quichua, el tiempo perfecto se forma con el auxiliar cay, ser, estar, y el participio pasado del verbo: Digitized by Google -.

The ablative with pi is used to denote the instrument or agent: Syntax of the verb. The simple future can be used in the sense of a wish or desire: Imperative Mood — -This mood expresses command, or entreaty. In the negative phrases, the adverb ama must be used: When it conveys the idea of a curse, or of contempt, the particle pas is added to the verb in an affirmative phrase, but to the nega- tion in a negative phrase: In its ordinary ac- ceptation this mood expresses vehement de- sire, and generally is preceded by the inter- jection athac: All conditional phrases of the perfect and pluperfect of the Indicative are trans- lated by the Optative: After the conjunction hinapas: La syntaxe du verbe.

Les propositions conditionnelles du parfait et du plusqueparfait de l'indicatif se traduisent par Toptatif: Al infinitivo futuro se le puede agregar los afijos de los pronombres posesivos correspondientes: El caso ablativo se usa en los casos siguientes: Digitized by Google — 79 4. To the Infinite future can be added the affixes of the possessive pronouns: Bachacamac munaptin, Dieu voulant.

A rinfinitif futur, on peut ajouter les affixes des pronoms possessifs: Digitized by Google — 80 — I o En las oraciones condicionales, cuando tienen ambos verbos el mismo sujeto: Digitized by Google — 81 — 1. In conditional phrases when the two verbs have the same subject: When the phrase is negative, kca is added to the gerund: Although is translated by the same gerund with the particle pas: To express enhancement, the verb is repeated, the first one being put in the gerund: The present participle is used instead of the relative pronoun: Mana, chay huasita mana munanichu.

Huc mishita manachu apinqui? No, no quiero esta casa. Tengo el pan de la mujer. Tiene este hombre su perro?