London Olympics

London Olympics by the numbers

Olympian outtakes — After the match, Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, will teach her countrymen how to smile. Olympian outtakes — Brazil's Esquiva Falcao Florentino practices his skills as a movie director. Olympian outtakes — Britain's field hockey team tends to a wounded bird before their match.

Olympian outtakes — The view is better from the red ring. Olympian outtakes — Japan's synchronized swimming team comes up for air -- as a group -- after staying underwater for a record 4 minutes, 22 seconds. Olympian outtakes — A little foot powder would have helped. Olympian outtakes — The vacuum cleaner salesman came out next. Olympian outtakes — Upon taking off the "mask," Ethopia's Meseret Defar revealed herself to be reclusive author Thomas Pynchon. Olympian outtakes — "After you, Alphonse. Olympian outtakes — The Shadow knows.

Olympian outtakes — When James Brown sings, everybody gets down. Olympian outtakes — Tell us what you really think about your bronze medal, Martina Grimaldi. Olympian outtakes — Despite their superior abilities, the swans were unable to get in sync and finished sixth.

London Olympics

Olympian outtakes — Unfortunately for Egypt's Yasmine Mohmed Rostom, they'd already drained the pool for synchronized swimming. Olympian outtakes — Even Olympic athletes aren't immune to the old "hot foot" practical joke. Olympian outtakes — New Zealand's Logan Campbell struggles with a mannequin during a taekwondo match. Olympian outtakes — Every hour on the hour, things get particularly ugly. Olympian outtakes — Ronald the Lonely Phone Box rear has fallen in love. Olympian outtakes — French center Ronny Turiaf is caught unawares when an official springs a pop quiz on him.

Olympian outtakes — "Knock yourself out," Andrey Kirilenko's coach said. Olympian outtakes — "Copping a feel" is not a sanctioned wrestling move. Not in the Olympics, anyway. Olympian outtakes — The referee was named the victor after threatening to beat up both boxers. Olympian outtakes — "I'm so sorry about your boyfriend, but we have to finish the match. Olympian outtakes — Lithuanian coach Kestutis Kemzura can't believe how much the Spice Girls have aged. Olympian outtakes — Russia's Lubov Volosova top broke the hold by sneezing.

London bid for the Summer Olympics - Wikipedia

Olympian outtakes — Alas, no taxi ever arrived, and he was stranded on the water for three more hours. Olympian outtakes — Even at the Olympics, athletes still play Telephone. Olympian outtakes — Mathieu Goubel of France is unsure how to get below decks.

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Olympian outtakes — Great Britain's Nick Dempsey prepares to fly. Olympian outtakes — To emphasize the point, all requests for soap were denied.

Russia's Olympic crisis lays bare a prevailing political apathy in sport | Gideon Haigh

Olympian outtakes — At a Singapore Olympics, he would be arrested. Olympian outtakes — Rollerball first became an Olympic sport in Olympian outtakes — An Olympic official comforts the table-tennis table after it absorbs another butt-kicking. Olympian outtakes — The English synchronized swimming team was awarded extra points for additional limbs. Olympian outtakes — Peter Nagy of Hungary misunderstands sport, attempts to roll barbell. Olympian outtakes — British gangsters not shown rob the Chinese table tennis team at gunpoint.

Olympian outtakes — The Heimlich Maneuver fails as a wrestling move. Olympian outtakes — Training wheels removed, Australia's Annette Edmondson rides a bike for the first time. Olympian outtakes — Oooh! Sophie the Grumpy Umbrella, the popular children's character, is in a sour mood again! Olympian outtakes — What "Baywatch: London" lacks in swimsuit-clad babes it makes up for in exciting, life-saving action. Olympian outtakes — A synchronized swimmer performs her routine in 4 inches of water. Olympian outtakes — Britons Gone Wild. Olympian outtakes — Olympic basketball involves a lot more sitting and contemplation than its NBA counterpart.

Olympian outtakes — "I'm flying! Olympian outtakes — Australian forward Matt Nielsen can't control his Flubber-soled shoes.

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Olympian outtakes — Members of Japan's table tennis team put on their hilarious "Driver's Ed" sketch during a match. Olympian outtakes3 — During a GI exam, surgeons found six more balls in her stomach. Olympian outtakes — How synchronized swimmers call for a cab. Olympian outtakes — Matt Dellavedova of Australia can't quite perfect his Michael Jordan impersonation.

Olympian outtakes — Jock itch remains an Olympic scourge. Olympian outtakes — For a very special Olympic edition, the American robots of "Mystery Science Theater " are adapted for Spanish tastes. Olympian outtakes — Poland's Zofia Noceti-Klepacka is attacked by a furious punching bag during a sailing competition. Olympian outtakes — Coming soon to WWF: Olympian outtakes — U.

Olympian outtakes — Marcos Freitas of Portugal attempts to get away with the ol' "glue on the paddle" trick. Olympian outtakes — Visitors from the planet "Saskatchewan" enjoy the Games.

Highlights of the games

Relive the moments that went down in history from the London Summer Olympics. Access official videos, results, sport and athlete records. The Summer Olympics, formally the Games of the XXX Olympiad and commonly known as London , was an international multi-sport event that was.

Olympian outtakes — Cartoon-style roundhouse punches were in vogue at this year's Games. Below-the-belt slugging, however, remains against the rules. Olympian outtakes — A teammate urges Jorgen Persson, left, of Sweden to focus during a table tennis match. Olympian outtakes — Little-known fact: Olympian outtakes — The two Swedes, in yellow, were later called to the principal's office.

Olympian outtakes — Australia's Harrison Peacock listens to his coach during a volleyball match. Olympian outtakes — Japanese scientists used the Olympics as an opportunity to announce they had succeeded in cloning the British royal family. Olympian outtakes — Struggling to find a mate, a man goes to extremes during the Games.

Olympian outtakes — A spectator leads to the discovery of a testosterone-doping ring.

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Olympian outtakes — Brazil's Neymar has yet to let go of his childhood neuroses. Olympian outtakes — Bruce Jenner is so Olympian outtakes — "Wait a minute! There's no cereal in here! Olympian outtakes — She left her Pokemon weight belt in her other bag. Olympian outtakes — "I love you, man. Olympian outtakes — Spud Webb sneaks into Olympics, wins slam-dunk contest again. Olympian outtakes — Pong - now in color. Olympian outtakes — Switzerland's Seba Chevallier, about to be attacked by killer sand globs, can only hope for mercy. Olympian outtakes — Seventeen miniature clowns narrowly escaped death by wrecking ball just before this picture was taken.

Get Inspired: Did the London Olympics inspire a generation?

Olympian outtakes — Officials are wondering why running times are faster this Olympics. Olympian outtakes — Zeus' mailbox. Olympian outtakes — Christo is wrapping every Olympic spectator for his newest art installation. Olympian outtakes — South Africa's Roland Schoeman rescues his bath toy from the bottom of the pool. Olympian outtakes — Gold medalist Etienne Stott gets lost in his flag, leading to more British embarrassment.

Olympian outtakes — Believing that boxing is for wimps, Cuban and Chinese fighters get into a good old-fashioned brawl. Olympian outtakes — Germany's Dimitrij Ovtcharov addresses the ball during the bronze-medal table tennis match. The ball did not respond, remembering better days with former Detroit Tigers pitcher Mark Fidrych. Olympian outtakes — Royals do the Wave, learn that the pointlessly ubiquitous fan-participation exercise inspires exactly nobody. Olympian outtakes — Every day, a lucky commoner gets five minutes to serve as Britain's monarch.

Here, cyclist Christopher Froome announces that he is putting his rivals to death.

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Archived from the original on 30 October There was speculation that this was due to a failure of corporate sponsors to make use of tickets they had received. As is widely known, the Queen hauled in a pound haddock at the Games. They are currently imprisoned in the Tower of London and will be beheaded at dawn. While the legacy venues would be tailored to London's ongoing needs, some of them would be expensive for that purpose.

Olympian outtakes — "Dancing with the Olympic Stars" tryouts get awkward when organizers run out of men. Olympian outtakes — You must be this tall to draw a foul. Olympian outtakes — Sorry, this caption has been censored. Olympian outtakes — Kellogg's is offering these miniature bicycles to consumers who send in four box tops from large-sized boxes of Froot Loops by the close of the Games.

Olympian outtakes — To appease Zeus, cheerleaders prepare to sacrifice one of their own. Olympian outtakes — "Lower Olympian outtakes — Japan's Kosuke Kitajima hawks a loogie a record 5. Olympian outtakes — A fan shows off the latest in Parisian fashion. Olympian outtakes — An American holds the U. Olympian outtakes — Vinnie from the Bronx hopes to win the Olympic combing championship.

Olympian outtakes — London's statues compete to see how many different spectators they can summit. Olympian outtakes — Canadians celebrate after winning the open swim.

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Olympian outtakes — A groupie refuses to let go of rower Marcel Hacker's scull. Olympian outtakes — Blofeld has no sympathy for Vassiliki Vougiouka's loss, as he ponders world domination for the 4,st time. Olympian outtakes — Having just won the Olympic beer-drinking medal, participants await the arrival of the Swedish bikini team.

Olympian outtakes — Ignoring the message to keep his mouth shut, a wrestler pays the price. Olympian outtakes — As usual, nobody -- not even photographers -- pays attention to the competition at beach volleyball. Olympian outtakes — As part of his nefarious plan, Ronald the lonely phone box traps American athlete Lindsay Whalen so as to prevent the Yanks from winning more medals. Olympian outtakes — Headless, legless gymnast impresses crowd.

Olympian outtakes — Diving practice is interrupted by the Rapture. Olympian outtakes — Despite the hopes of Japanese fans, bowling still hasn't been approved as an Olympic sport. Olympian outtakes — Pranksters have plastered London with "short cut" signs, leading unsuspecting spectators to France. Olympian outtakes — "You may already be a winner of a brand new palace! Olympian outtakes — Despite his prime spot, Prime Minister David Cameron refuses to watch the show jumping competition.

Olympian outtakes — James Bond was here. Olympian outtakes — Remembering they're British, divers Tom Daley, right, and Peter Warfield are overcome with embarrassment. Olympian outtakes — Whatever you do, don't ask them if they have Prince Albert in a can. Olympian outtakes — The cars of the '70s Ride offer a relaxing and colorful way to enjoy London.

Olympian outtakes — "Cigarette? Olympian outtakes — British canoeist Lizzie Neave suddenly realizes she left her boat back at the hotel. Olympian outtakes — A friendly triffid welcomes visitors to London Bridge station. Olympian outtakes — Spain's Jose Ballbe struggles to plant himself during a field hockey match. Olympian outtakes — Judges initially penalized Veronica Cepede Royg of Paraguay for using magic powers during her match, but relented when she turned one into a newt. Olympian outtakes — Tastes like chicken. Olympian outtakes — Always orderly, British fans await their turn to jump into the Thames.

Olympian outtakes — A spectator sends out radio signals to observers in the semaphore system, announcing the time of the invasion. Olympian outtakes — Tennis fans celebrate their favorite sport with a giveaway of Super Tennis Balls. Things didn't go over as well at the shot put field. Olympian outtakes — Japan's Sayaka Sato reads the directions on the shuttlecock before a serve. Olympian outtakes — Ignoring both protocol and good sense, British soldiers perform the wave.

They are currently imprisoned in the Tower of London and will be beheaded at dawn. Awarded in , they were, however, cancelled due to World War II. These Games would have celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Modern Olympiad. Showing a collective unity after the war, 59 nations competed in different events between 29 July and 14 August Germany and Japan were not invited to the games due to security reasons. The London Olympic bid was announced as the winner of the bidding process on 6 July , following unsuccessful bid attempts for previous Olympics by Manchester and Birmingham.

Team GB finished 3rd with 29 Gold medals, and 65 total medals, representing their best medal haul since London first hosted the Olympics in The Summer Paralympics were the fourteenth Paralympics and took place between 29 August and 9 September at the Summer Olympics venues in London. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved from " https: Summer Olympics in London.