First Aid

If you see someone collapse or find someone unconscious, call If the area around the unconscious person seems safe, approach them and begin CPR.

First Aid Kit - Ruins (Full Album)

Learn how to treat an infant or child with CPR and how to combine chest compressions with rescue breathing. For some people, a bee sting is a medical emergency.

First aid techniques

If a person is having an allergic reaction to a bee sting, call If they have an epinephrine auto-injector like an EpiPen , help them find and use it. Encourage them to remain calm until help arrives. If the stinger is still stuck under the skin, gently scrape a credit card or other flat object across their skin to remove it. Then wash the area with soap and water and apply a cool compress for up to 10 minutes at a time to reduce pain and swelling.

To treat itching or pain from the sting, consider applying calamine lotion or a paste of baking soda and water to the area several times a day. Get the information you need to recognize and treat other types of stings and bites. If the nosebleed continues for 20 minutes or longer, seek emergency medical care. The person should also receive follow-up care if an injury caused the nosebleed. Learn when professional care is needed for a nosebleed. When your body overheats, it can cause heat exhaustion.

If left untreated, heat exhaustion can lead to heatstroke. This is a potentially life-threatening condition and medical emergency. If someone is overheated, encourage them to rest in a cool location. Remove excess layers of clothing and try to cool their body down by doing the following:. Take a moment now to learn about other strategies to help someone with heat exhaustion or heatstroke recover. If you think someone might be experiencing a heart attack, call Cover them with a blanket and comfort them until professional help arrives.

First Aid Techniques - St John Ambulance

If they have difficulty breathing, loosen any clothing around their chest and neck. Start CPR if they lose consciousness.

What to do

The first aider is also likely to be trained in dealing with injuries such as cuts , grazes or bone fracture. To prepare for the unpredictable, considering storing a well-stocked first aid kit in your home and car. Take a moment now to learn about other strategies to help someone with heat exhaustion or heatstroke recover. This could mean the difference between life and death for them. Using basic first aid, you may be able to stop a minor mishap from getting worse. Keep a range of first aid kits handy at home, in the car and at work.

You can buy preassembled first aid kits or make your own. If you have a baby, you might need to replace or supplement some of the products in a standard first aid kit with infant-appropriate alternatives. For example, your kit should include an infant thermometer and infant acetaminophen or ibuprofen. You never know when you might need to provide basic first aid. To prepare for the unpredictable, considering storing a well-stocked first aid kit in your home and car.

  • First Aid: MedlinePlus.
  • Appearances Can Be Deceiving: A short story?
  • First aid basics and DRSABCD.

You can buy preassembled first aid kits from many first aid organizations, pharmacies, or outdoor recreation stores. Alternatively, you can create your own first aid kit using products purchased from a pharmacy. To help protect yourself:.

Introduction to First Aid

In many cases, basic first aid can help stop a minor situation from getting worse. In the case of a medical emergency, first aid might even save a life. If someone has a serious injury or illness, they should receive follow-up care from a medical professional. Healthline and our partners may receive a portion of revenues if you make a purchase using a link above. Getting a shot of emergency epinephrine as quickly as possible can save your life - but what happens after the epinephrine?

  • First aid basics and DRSABCD - Better Health Channel.
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  • Wilderness first aid course offered at Cairn University!
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Nearly everyone has been bitten or stung by an insect, spider, or snake. Learn how to treat mild reactions and when to seek emergency medical care. Stock supplies that can save lives Foodborne illness Foreign object in the ear: First aid Foreign object in the eye: First aid Foreign object in the nose: First aid Foreign object in the skin: First aid Foreign object inhaled: First aid Foreign object swallowed: First aid Fractures broken bones Frostbite: First aid Head trauma: First aid Heart attack Heat cramps: First aid Heat exhaustion: First aid Human bites: First aid Insect bites and stings: First aid Motion sickness: First aid Puncture wounds: First aid Severe bleeding: First aid Spider bites: First aid Spinal injury: First aid Sunburn Tick bites: First aid Tick bites: First aid Tooth loss: Mayo Clinic Marketplace Check out these best-sellers and special offers on books and newsletters from Mayo Clinic.

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