Ciberermeneutica: Fra parole e numeri (eMedia books) (Italian Edition)

Scepticism and Perceptual Justification by Dylan Dodd,Elia Zardini

Contrastivism might be utilized to various difficulties inside of philosophy, and as such, it may be coherently noticeable as a unified flow. This quantity brings jointly state of the art learn at the contrastive therapy of philosophical techniques and questions, together with wisdom, trust, loose will, ethical good fortune, Bayesian affirmation thought, causation, and clarification. The Eye and the Mind: This e-book is a dialogue of a few of the key philosophical difficulties centering round the subject of experience belief and the rules of human wisdom. It starts with a characterization of our good judgment knowing of the position of the senses within the acquisition of trust, and it argues that medical bills of the approaches of belief undermine salient elements of this knowing.

Lehrbuch Philosophie German Edition. Was once ist Erkenntnis? Welche Rolle spielt die Erfahrung? The excerpts from The Periodic Table book written by Primo Levi is discussed related to chemical concepts. The use of a literary text as a starting point of discussions of chemical concepts has allowed the integration of various topics covered in separate courses of the undergraduate program in chemistry. La costruzione de Il sistema periodico di Primo Levi.

A philological approach to the text shows how the particular structure of the collection is the result of a subsequent work on the layout of the texts. Above all, it shows his intent to build an ordered and per se significant structure that, by transmitting several thematic elements, may offer another sign of what occurs in the texts, thus blurring the distinction between shape and content. We give a short description of the discovery of the first experimental notebook of Enrico Fermi on his researches during March and April of on neutron-induced artificial radioactivity, and we point out its relevance for a proper historical and conceptual understanding of those researches.

He always man- aged to find the Impressive progress has been made in the field of laser-plasma acceleration in the last decade, with outstanding achievements from both experimental and theoretical viewpoints. This book presents the lectures delivered at the Enrico Fermi International School of Physics and summer school: The school provided an opportunity for young scientists to experience the best from the worlds of laser-plasma and accelerator physics, with intensive training and hands-on opportunities related to key aspects of laser-plasma acceleration.

From the Big Bang to the Nucleosynthesis. Physicists have devoted much effort to reproducing the conditions of the primordial universe in laboratory conditions in their quest to work out a comprehensive theory of the appearance and evolution of nuclear matter. Whether it be trying to recreate the predicted primordial state of high-energy density matter in which quarks and gluons are effectively deconfined - the so-called Quark Gluon Plasma QGP - or exploring the structure and reaction properties of very unstable nuclei in experiments using radioactive beams, they have striven to understand the events which characterized the Big Bang and the various nucleosynthesis mechanisms which occur in the stars.

This book contains the proceedings of the Enrico Fermi summer school held in Varenna, Italy, in July , and devoted to the present understanding of the primordial universe and the origin of the elements, as achieved by studying nuclei and their constituents in extreme regimes of energy and composition. The pope of physics Enrico Fermi and the birth of the atomic age. Enrico Fermi is unquestionably among the greats of the world's physicists, the most famous Italian scientist since Galileo. Called the Pope by his peers, he was regarded as infallible in his instincts and research.

His discoveries changed our world; they led to weapons of mass destruction and conversely to life-saving medical interventions.

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  • Scepticism and Perceptual Justification by Dylan Dodd,Elia Zardini!
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This unassuming man struggled with issues relevant today, such as the threat of nuclear annihilation and the relationship of science to politics. Fleeing Fascism and anti-Semitism, Fermi became a leading figure in America's most secret project: The last physicist who mastered all branches of the discipline, Fermi was a rare mixture of theorist and experimentalist.

His rich legacy encompasses key advances in fields as diverse as comic rays, nuclear technology, and early computers. An examination of the human dramas that touched F Questo saggio si propone di analizzare la forza della letteratura come luogo di conoscenza e autocoscienza. A new cell primo -culture method for freshwater benthic diatom communities. A new cell primo -culture method was developed for the benthic diatom community isolated from biofilm sampled in rivers.

The approach comprised three steps: With a view to designing a method able to stimulate the growth of diatoms, to limit the development of other microorganisms, and to maintain in culture a community similar to the original natural one, different factors were test Full Text Available The aim of this overview is to evaluate the primo vascular system research in the context of the history of meridian theory and the modern meanings of it.

The 12 meridian systems were naturally presupposed in the conventional study of the meridians and acupuncture. But the excavations of Mawang-tui old documents and Sichuan Mianyang wooden puppet revealed the primordial concepts of meridians uncolored by the numerological cosmology of Han era. Further, the meridian map of horse, cow and hawk show another resemblance to the primordial type of meridians.

Modern meridian theory has been challenged by the material based scientific theory and the primo vascular theory presents the most radical answer for it. It aims to reveal the anatomical entity of meridians. However, the study of primo vascular system is unexpectedly opening the new horizon of scientific integration of East and West beyond the mere searching for anatomical entity of meridians.

Conclusions we have drawn from the historical reviews are, 1 the surface structure of the body reflects the physiopathological changes of inside the body, 2 by stimulating specific sites on the surface, it is possible to acquire therapeutic effects of certain symptoms, and 3 numbers and locations of meridian acupoints are variable among traditional meridian theories. The last man who knew everything the life and times of Enrico Fermi, father of the nuclear age.

The definitive biography of the brilliant, charismatic, and very human physicist and innovator Enrico Fermi. In , a team at the University of Chicago achieved what no one had before: At the forefront of this breakthrough stood Enrico Fermi. Straddling the ages of classical physics and quantum mechanics, equally at ease with theory and experiment, Fermi truly was the last man who knew everything--at least about physics.

But he was also a complex figure who was a part of both the Italian Fascist Party and the Manhattan Project, and a less-than-ideal father and husband who nevertheless remained one of history's greatest mentors. Based on new archival material and exclusive interviews, The Last Man Who Knew Everything lays bare the enigmatic life of a colossus of twentieth century physics. Enrico Fermi a Firenze le "Lezioni di meccanica razionale" al biennio propedeutico agli studi di ingegneria: La permanenza di Fermi a Firenze fu breve, solo due anni accademici e ; in questi anni tenne i corsi di fisica matematica e di meccanica razionale.

Vengono anche riprodotte nel testo le "Lezioni di meccanica razionale" tenute da Enrico Fermi nel periodo predetto agli studenti di scienze e del biennio propedeutico agli studi di ingegneria. Infine le lezioni contengono le equazioni di "Lagrangia" e alcuni elementi di A central goal of physics education is to teach problem-solving competency, but the description of the nature of this competency is somehwat fragmentary and implicit in the literature.

The present article uses recent historical scholarship on Arnold Sommerfeld and Enrico Fermi to identify and characterize two positions on the nature of physics problem-solving competency. The first, Sommerfeld's, is a "theory first, phenomenon second" approach. Here, the relevant problems originate in one of the theories of physics and the goal of the problem-solver is to make a mathematical analysis of the relevant equation s and then give a qualitative analysis of the phenomenon that arise from these mathematical results.

Fermi's position is a "phenomenon first, theory second" approach, where the starting point is a physical phenomenon that is analyzed and then brought into the realm of a physics theory. The two positions are illustrated with solutions to two problems and it is shown that the two positions are reflected in problem collections of university educations in physics. International School of Physics Enrico Fermi: Frontiers in Modern Optics. The year was designated by the United Nations General Assembly as the Year of Light and Light-based Technologies, and also marks the anniversaries of a number of significant historical events related to light.

In , Ibn Al-Haytham published his book of optics; in , Fresnel first proposed the notion that light is actually a wave; James Clerk Maxwell then firmly established this concept with his electromagnetic theory of light propagation; and Einstein announced his discovery of the photoelectric effect, demonstrating that light is made of photons in , followed in by his general theory of relativity, in which light plays a central role.

The school attempted to give a broad and modern overview of the field of optics in a series of lectures addressing ongoing topics of research. An aerial radiological survey was performed over the area surrounding the Enrico Fermi Atomic Power Plant during the period 27 to 30 May The survey covered a square-kilometer square-mile area around the plant.

The deteted radiation was due to the presence of varying concentrations of naturally-occurring radioactive materials. Radionuclides of the uranium and thorium decay chains and radioactive potassium were found. The reported exposure rate values included an estimated cosmic ray contribution of 3. Ground-based measurements, conducted concurrently with the aerial survey, were compared to the inferred aerial results. Pressurized ionization chamber readings and a group of soil samples were acquired at five locations within the survey area.

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Read Online or Download Ciberermeneutica: Fra parole e numeri (eMedia books ) (Italian Edition) PDF. Best epistemology books. New PDF. Download e-book for kindle: Nastawgan: The Canadian North by Canoe 10+1 ぴきのかえる (10ぴきのかえるの大冒険シリーズ) (Japanese Edition) Christian Education · Computing Internet Digital Media In Italian · Crime New PDF release: Ciberermeneutica: Fra parole e numeri (eMedia books) · Get.

The exposure rate values obtained from these ground-based measurements were in good agreement with the corresponding inferred aerial values. No evidence was found of any radioactive contamination which might have occurred as a result of plant operations. This conclusion was supported by the results of the soil samples analyses and the comparison of the current survey data with those obtained in September The Illness and Death of Enrico Caruso A Medical Chorus Out of Tune?

The Italian opera singer Enrico Caruso is considered by many people the most famous opera singer of all time or "The Matchless Singer" for his unique and suggestive vocal timber. Although a man of humble origins, he managed to rise from poverty, thanks to his extraordinary intelligence and determination. From his debut in in Naples, until December 24, , the tenor had a brilliant career with many performances and over songs in his repertoire.

This intense lifestyle went on until , when the fortune that had always accompanied him began to fade and he entered a fast "descending parable. Through the study of the newspapers from the period and the statements reported on the tenor's many biographies, we tried to offer a detailed evaluation of the complex pathogenic chain of events that led to his death, impeding him from keeping to alleviate the heart-breaking nostalgia of many emigrants that felt in his singing the warmth of a too distant land.

Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics. This book contains chapters based on 9 of the lectures delivered at the Enrico Fermi School of Physics "Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics", held from 25 of July to 5 August Included are chapters on Neutrino oscillation physics B. Kayser ; Double-beta decay E. Fiorini ; Light neutrinos in cosmology S. Pastor ; Neutrinos and the stars G.

Raffelt ; High energy neutrinos and cosmic rays G. Sigl ; Methods and problems in low-energy neutrino experiments G. Ranucci ; Methods and problems in neutrino observatories M. Ribordy ; New technologies in neutrino physics L. Oberauer ; and Perspectives of underground physics A. These are a followed by a section on the results presented in the form of posters by the Ph. A Pale Reflection of Fascism: Full Text Available This essay analyses the information on and the assessments of home politics in Spain during the Primo de Rivera regime Those reports provide interesting first-hand accounts on the regime and have the additional value of offering a comparison with the simultaneous experience of the Italian fascist regime.

They confirm that Primo de Rivera had a persistent tendency to seek inspiration in the fascist model. Quality control and primo -diagnosis of transurethral bladder resections with full-field OCT. Transurethral resections are commonly used for bladder cancer diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Cancer staging relies largely on the analysis of muscle in the resections; however, muscle presence is uncertain at the time of the resection.

An extemporaneous quality control tool would be of great use to certify the presence of muscle in the resection, and potentially formulate a primo -diagnosis, in order to ensure optimum patient care. This study aimed to evaluate the potential of FFOCT for the quality control and the primo -diagnosis of transurethral bladder resections. Over 70 transurethral bladder resections were imaged with FFOCT within minutes, shortly after excision, and before histological preparation.

Side-by-side comparison with histology allowed to establish reading criteria for the presence of muscle and cancer in particular. Images of 24 specimens were read blindly by three non-pathologists readers: FFOCT is a fast and nondestructive imaging technique that provides analysis results concordant with histology. Its implementation as a quality control and primo -diagnosis tool for transurethral bladder resections in the urology suite is feasible and lets envision high value for the patient.

The broadband rotational spectrum of molecules created in an electrical discharge of CH 3 CN and H 2 S contained several frequency matches to unidentified features in the PRIMOS survey that did not have molecular assignments based on standard radio astronomy spectral catalogs. Several of these transitions are assigned to the E- and Z-isomers of ethanimine.

Global fits of the rotational spectra of these isomers in the range of GHz have been performed for both isomers using previously published mm-wave spectroscopy measurements and the microwave measurements of the current study. Possible interstellar chemistry formation routes for E-ethanimine and Z-ethanimine are discussed. The detection of ethanimine is significant because of its possible role in the formation of alanine—one of the twenty amino acids in the genetic code.

Full Text Available A Review of: A Primo usability study. Information Technology and Libraries, 35 1, Design — Usability testing. Setting — University of Houston Libraries. Methods — The researchers used a think aloud usability test methodology, with participants asked to verbalize their thought processes as they completed a set of tasks. Four tasks were developed and divided into two task sets Test 1 and Test 2, with session facilitators alternating sets for each participant.

Tasks were as follows: Users could opt out of having their session recorded, resulting in a total of fifteen sessions completed with fourteen recorded. Thirteen of the fifteen participants were undergraduate students, one was a graduate student, one was a post-baccalaureate student, and there were no faculty participants. Facilitators completed notes on a standard rubric, coding participant responses into successes or failures and noting participant feedback.

Participants expressed a need for an author limiter in advanced search, and had difficulty using the citation formatted information to locate materials. Memory and testimony in Primo Levi: Full Text Available Memory as a problem and the subject of theoretical inquiry, although early onset in civilization that we call western, has gained an important place in the concerns of historians, philosophers, psychologists, and literary critics, with all the ethical implications, political and aesthetic that entails. In this context, special dimensions such problematic charged when what is narrated, analyzes, represents or attempts to explain what are the collective traumatic events.

In this paper, we focus on some aspects of testimonial texts and essays of Primo Levi , which estimates as unavoidable regarding the aforementioned issues. The extraordinary potentialities during the first year of life and the fact that they are at the basis of the development of personality are proposed here using a relational prospective. The fundamental significance connected to the quality of the precocious verbal and non—verbal interactions between infants and their caregiver is evidenced as well.

All spectral lines observed are in emission and have energy levels in excess of K, indicating that the molecule likely resides in relatively hot gas that characterizes the denser regions of this star-forming region. Such an abundance results in transition intensities well below the detection limit of any current astronomical facility and, as such, HNCNH could only be detected by those transitions which are amplified by masing. Appello Catania - sezione lavoro Sent. Mixed-oxide MOX fuel performance benchmark.

A major part of these activities includes benchmark studies. The observed ranges as noted in the text in the predicted thermal and FGR responses are reasonable given the variety and combination of thermal conductivity and FGR models employed by the benchmark participants with their respective fuel performance codes. This article examines research on hypnosis and suggestion, starting with the nineteenth-century model proposed by Enrico Morselli , an illustrious Italian psychiatrist and psychologist.

The authors conducted an original psychophysiological analysis of hypnosis, distancing the work from the neuropathological concept of the time and proposing a model based on a naturalistic approach to investigating mental processes. The issues investigated by Morselli, including the definition of hypnosis and analysis of specific mental processes such as attention and memory, are reviewed in light of modern research. From the view of modern neuroscientific concepts, some problems that originated in the nineteenth century still appear to be present and pose still-open questions.

This interim report summarizes the scope and results of the radiological safety review performed to date by the NRC staff with respect to the operating license phase for the Enrico Fermi Atomic Power Plant, Unit 2. The major effort was the review of the facility design and proposed operating procedures described in applicant's Final Safety Analysis Report. In the course of the review, several meetings were held with representatives of the applicant to discuss plant design, construction and proposed operation.

Additional information was requested, which the applicant provided through Amendment 7 to the Final Safety Analysis Report. A chronology of the principal actions relating to the review of the application is attached as Appendix A to the report. Full Text Available http: La dictadura de Primo de Rivera: A chronological review method was used for this case study to provide an overall picture of key migration events, tasks, and implementation efforts, including pre-migration cleanup, migration forms, integration with external systems, testing, cutover, post-migration cleanup, and reporting and fixing outstanding issues.

A three-phase migration model was studied, and a questionnaire was designed to collect data from functional leads to determine staff time spent on the migration tasks. Staff time spent on each phase was analyzed and quantitated, with some top essential elements for the success of the migration identified through the case review and data analysis. Elusiveness of revenge and impossibility of tragedy: Full Text Available The objective dimension of the relationship between Shakespeare and Pirandello, if one means to restrict it to explicit quotations and allusions, is very limited and would seem to make the link somewhat tenuous between the two dramatists so far apart in time; however, an indirect link—so far not spelled out—does exist, and I intend to reaffirm it here in all its strength.

It is a question of a link that is to be found mainly in two plays: I would like to emphasize in particular, with regard to this, the contiguity between the works of the imagination and these essays, of theory or practice. The objective dimension of the relationship between Shakespeare and Pirandello, if one means to restrict it to explicit quotations and allusions, is very limited and would seem to make the link somewhat tenuous between the two dramatists so far apart in time; however, an indirect link—so far not spelled out—does exist, and I intend to reaffirm it here in all its strength.

I would like to emphasize in. This article examines certain aspects of the opposition to the dictatorshipof Miguel Primo de Rivera from a South American point of view: The reaction to the coup d'etat of Primo de Rivera in , political criticism together with certain attempts to unseat the dictator, and the rejection of the authoritarian and antiliberal political project are all considered. Brandon; Corby, Joanna F. Here, we discuss the analysis of these transitions, as well as recent work to extend the PRIMOS observations to three new regions of interest: Finally, we highlight the utility of cm-wave surveys in new molecular detections, as well as the value of publicly-available surveys in the approaching era of data-enabled, analysis-limited astrochemistry.

Three proofs of the Prime Number Theorem were provides. Enrico Morselli's Psychology and "Spiritism": This paper traces Enrico Morselli's intellectual trajectory from the s to the early s. His interest in phenomena of physical mediumship is considered against the backdrop of the theoretical developments in Italian psychiatry and psychology. A leading positivist psychiatrist and a prolific academic, Morselli was actively involved in the making of Italian experimental psychology. Initially sceptical of psychical research and opposed to its association with the 'new psychology', Morselli subsequently conducted a study of the physical phenomena produced by the medium Eusapia Palladino.

He concluded that her phenomena were genuine and represented them as the effects of an unknown bio-psychic force present in all human beings. By contextualizing Morselli's study of physical mediumship within contemporary theoretical and disciplinary discourse, this study elaborates shifts in the interpretations of 'supernormal' phenomena put forward by leading Italian psychiatrists and physiologists. It demonstrates that Morselli's interest in psychical research stems from his efforts to comprehend the determinants of complex psychological phenomena at a time when the dynamic theory of matter in physics, and the emergence of neo-vitalist theories influenced the theoretical debates in psychiatry, psychology and physiology.

Several transition frequency coincidences between the reaction product screening spectra and previously unassigned interstellar rotational transitions in the PRIMOS survey have been assigned to E-cyanomethanimine. A total of eight molecular rotational transitions of this molecule between 9 and 50 GHz are observed with the GBT. E-cyanomethanimine, often called the HCN dimer, is an important molecule in prebiotic chemistry because it is a chemical intermediate in proposed synthetic routes of adenine, one of the two purine nucleobases found in DNA and RNA.

New analyses of the rotational spectra of both E-cyanomethanimine and Z-cyanomethanimine that incorporate previous millimeter-wave measurements are also reported. The experiment uses broadband molecular rotational spectroscopy to monitor the reaction products produced in an electric discharge source using a gas mixture of NH 3 and CH 3 CN. With such a vast territory, it is of principal importance to understand the mechanisms of production of political images as basic criteria in the creation of historical memory.

The analysis of such mechanisms, which becomes historical as a consequences and cause of itself, allows us to shed light on the sense of identity of the political groups as well as their tactical behaviour in concrete historical circumstances. To calculate output correction factors for Varian Clinac iX beams for seven small field detectors and use the values to determine the small field output factors for the linacs at Karolinska university hospital.

Phase space files psf for square fields between 0. The linac MC-model was tuned by comparing PRIMO -estimated and experimentally determined depth doses and lateral dose-profiles for 40cmx40cm fields. Volume averaging effects are found for most detectors in the presence of 0. Good agreement was found between correction factors based on PRIMO -generated psf and those from other publications. The calculated factors will be implemented in output factor measurements using several detectors in the clinic.

PRIMO is a userfriendly general code capable of generating small field psf and can be used without having to code own linac geometries. It can therefore be used to improve the clinical dosimetry, especially in the commissioning of linear accelerators. Important dosimetry data, such as dose-profiles and output factors can be determined more accurately for a specific machine, geometry and setup by using PRIMO and having a MC-model of the detector used.

Full Text Available This essay focuses on the process of entrechment in the Italian collective imagination of the figure of Primo Carnera, World Heavyweight Champion from to , and on the evolution of his image from the years of his first wins to the beginning of XXI century. In the end, the essay shows how the figure of Carnera regained favour after the fall of the fascist regime reappropriating or, more rarely, being distorted of its original traits. The study has been carried out through the comparison of a selection of cartoons, caricatures and illustration from the popular press dedicated to Carnera, official portrayals of him during the fascist regime and comic books more or less expressely inspired by the figure of the boxer.

A janela indiscreta da testemunha: Through the systematic analysis on the primo vascular system PVS in recent years, we believe that in recent years, more and more studies have indicated that PVS is distributed in reticulate structure in every part of body, such as vessels, lymphangions, nerves, brain, spinal cords and internal organs, and it contains a large amount of immunocytes and has involved in the physiological or pathological process of the immunity and circulation in the body. There are the evidences to prove that in morphology and cytobiology.

But, nowadays, there is no way to explain its effect characters. On the basis of the study on living matter characteristics, a breakthrough is possibly made through the systematic cooperation even though it is the difficulty to detect the life function effect. It is especially displayed in the substantial study on meridian points. Hence, the study on the law of meridian point effects on the basis of clinical practice has to be focused on in the substantial study on meridian points. A total of 49 low-lying transitions of methyl formate, with upper levels below 25 K, are identified.

Provided that the two conformers have the same spatial distribution, this result suggests that strongly non-equilibrium processes must be involved in their synthesis. Finally, our calculations show that all detected emission lines with a frequency below 30 GHz are collisionally pumped weak masers amplifying the continuum of Sgr B2 N. This result demonstrates the importance and generality of non-LTE effects in the rotational spectra of complex organic molecules at centimeter wavelengths.

Gli affari di messer Palla Strozzi e di suo padre Nofri. Imprenditoria e mecenatismo nella Firenze del primo Rinascimento. Full Text Available Abstract Background Although screening for tobacco use is increasing with electronic health records and standard protocols, other tobacco-control activities, such as referral of patients to cessation resources, is quite low. Upon returning home, the smokers will receive automated emails providing education about tobacco cessation and encouragement to use the patient smoking cessation website with interactive tools, educational resources, motivational email messages, secure messaging with a tobacco treatment specialist, and online support group.

Methods The informatics system will be evaluated in a comparative effectiveness trial of community-based primary care practices, cluster-randomized at the practice level. In the comparison group, patients will receive only the paper-based information-prescription referral with the website address. Once patients go to the website, they are subsequently randomized within practices to either a standard patient smoking cessation website or an augmented version with access to a tobacco treatment specialist online, motivational emails, and an online support group.

We will compare intervention and control practice participation referral rates and patient participation proportion referred who go to the website. We will then compare the effectiveness of the standard and augmented patient websites. Discussion Our goal is to evaluate an integrated informatics solution to increase access to web-delivered smoking cessation support.

We will analyze the impact of this integrated system in terms of process provider e-referral and patient login and patient outcomes six-month smoking cessation. Trial Registration Web-delivered Provider Intervention for. For that purpose, there has been analyzed the diplomatic existing documentation in different Spanish and Chilean Archives.

It also reflects the opinions written on the Spanish press about the politics designed by Colonel Carlos Ibanez. These relations were based on the ideological sympathy of both regimes which propitiated very intense connections in different areas, such the political and diplomatic areas with the arbitration agreement signature and the elevation to the maximum level of both legations, those of military character with the Chilean officials training in Spanish training centres, and those of commercial sign with two agreements, the reduction of duties and the internment of saltpetre in Spanish territory.

In his work, he was able to combine basic research excellence and socially relevant applied research to move both science and society forward. He was an example and inspiration to many colleagues and followers. La boda de penalty: Full Text Available Although superficially the romance of Los primos romeros could be interpreted since a surrealist, anticlerical and incestuous perspective, here it is offered a lecture coherent with most of the romancistic oral texts: The target audience is middle school students from different countries and with different L1 backgrounds.

Students take part in didactic role-plays inspired by the Harry Potter series. Special emphasis is given to the Hogwarts Language Lab, which aims to promote interaction, socialization and second language acquisition. The Lab teaching strategy combines elements of the communicative approach and the audio-lingual method with role-playing.

learn italian conversation- real human readers- not computer generated voices

The principle behind the Hogwarts Lab is that the students have to be active participants rather than passive observers. Their involvement can be increased and their interest can be raised through the use of the video input visual stimuli and role-playing as a teaching strategy. Riflessioni sul primo Magrelli. It is only by analyzing the different compromise formations of the texts i. Repression is related not only to corporeality and sexuality, as exemplified by his representation of female figures, but also to gnoseological uncertainty, existential pain and historical violence.

Such poetics also paved the way for new perspectives within the Italian literary scenario of and opened up to a process of evolution and change, which is still continuing today. The Enrico Fermi Atomic Power Plant, Unit 1 Fermi 1 was a fast breeder reactor design that was cooled by sodium and operated at essentially atmospheric pressure. The reactor was designed for a maximum capability of megawatts MW ; however, the maximum reactor power with the first core loading Core A was MW.

The primary system was filled with sodium in December and criticality was achieved in August Il commento conclude escludendo la correttezza ermeneutica della sentenza alla luce dei principi costituzionali anche in relazione alla novella della legge n. Quality controls in radiotherapy.

From experiences of the first course-debate; Controlli di qualita' in radioterapia. Dalle esperienze del primo corso-dibattito. The document reports the main issues discussed during the first course-debate on quality controls in radiotherapy, held in Rome in December , and May in collaboration between the Istituto Superiore di Sanita' and the Istituto Regina Elena. The points considered critical to the quality assurance in radiotherapy by the participants are presented in relation to the total radiotherapy procedure. Esso presenta gli argomenti ritenuti critici per l'assicurazione di qualita' in radioterapia in relazione all'intera procedura radioterapica, in base alle esperienze dei partecipanti.

Populismo municipal y nacionalcatolicismo en la Valencia del general Primo de Rivera: This paper aims to explain the main features of the political regime of Primo de Rivera in the city of Valencia. From an analysis of municipal politics, populism and advertising public works construction are presented as the main supports for the consolidation of the regime in Valencia. The figure of the mayor, also occupies much of the text to be a faithful exponent of political practices born after the September coup. Formative research on the primo vascular system and acceptance by the korean scientific community: The purpose of this study was to trace the formative process of primo vascular system PVS research over the past decade and to describe the characteristics of the Korean scientific community.

By publishing approximately 30 papers in journals ranking in the Science Citation Index Expanded , the PVS research team actively convinced domestic and international scientists of the anatomical existence of the PVS and its possible application to Korean and Western medicine. In addition, by sharing the PVS observation technique, the team promoted the dissemination and further pursuit of the research. In , however, PVS researchers performed smaller scale research without advancing to a higher level as compared to the early days.

The main reasons were found to be the Korean Research and Development policy of supporting creative, small-scale basic research and applied research of Western scientific fields that promised potentially greater success on an extensive scale; the indifference concerning, and the disbelief in, the existence of a new circulatory system were shown by the Western medical community. In addition, the Oriental medical community was apathetic about working with the PVS team.

Spurred by their belief in the existence and significance of the PVS, they continued with their research despite insufficient experimental data. The Korean scientific community is not ready to promote the Korea-oriented creative field of the PVS team. Quem fala por meio do testemunho? Full Text Available La contribution d'A. Il contributo di A.

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Anna Rita Capoccia's contribution is based on the analysis of manuscripts created by Giulio Gori and other Jesuit professors at Roman College in the first twenty years of eighteenth century. There are here described professors' "hidden" opposition to official precepts by the Order about teaching and an introduction strategy to Atomist and Cartesian modern philosophy; these strategies unhinged doctrinal tasks that were the theoretical structure of Jesuit Order's orthodoxy.

Full Text Available The aim of this article is to analyze the reform of the industrial education of the working youth created by the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera, across the Statute of Industrial Education of and of the Statute of Vocational Training of , inside the ideological orbit of "reactionary modernism". Under the dictatorship, the State, of corporate ideology, was in an epoch that, influenced by the consequences of the Great War, was perceiving the vocational training as a mechanism of indoctrination of the working youth, to construct a national and professional identity, to the same time that to modernize the national industry.

For it, the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera decided to centralize the vocational training industrial of the working youth across a new technical and industrial study plan inside the industrial schools and work. It could control to the labour movement, to create a middle class of technical personnel, to satisfy the economic needs of the country, at the same time as to support the socio-political traditional hierarchical organization. Por ello, la dictadura de Primo de Rivera.

Termodinamica ; cenni sulla costituzione della materia ; il metodo statistico ; le statistiche di Boltzmann-Maxwell, Bose-Einstein e Fermi-Dirac ; studio termodinamico e statistico del gas perfetto e delle miscele gassose ; i solidi cristallini ; le reazioni chimiche. The changes aimed at inculcating a series of Spanish nationalist principles among the youngsters.

A second section explores the reforms at secondary education level. It focuses on the creation of a single state-approved text book for each course of study and its political impact. The last part deals with the primorriverista reform of the university system, the so-called Ley Callejo, and the revolt it unleashed. This conflict over education had catastrophic. Segnali in tale direzione si erano registrati anche nei decenni precedenti, tra fine Ottocento e inizi Novecento, quando ebbe inizio un processo di concentrazione nel settore siderurgico e meccanico.

La collaborazione tra mondo imprenditoriale, bancario e politico non produsse il risultato sperato. Heavily Weakened by the financial and industrial crisis. Francia en el horizonte. Full Text Available The settlement of Avenc del Primo Bellmunt del Priorat, Tarragona, at which we have carried out two brief excavation campaigns, is currently the earliest example 10th-9th century BCE of town planning in southern Catalonia. Previously, the first evidence of town planning in southern Catalonia had been dated to the 7th century BCE and considered a consequence of contacts with Phoenicians.

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However, the results we present here suggest an earlier origin related to the internal dynamics of the Late Bronze Age communities. Second, the fear of communism, which had an influence on the drift towards authoritarianism of most European countries. The reactor was tested at low power during the first couple years of operation. Power ascension testing above 1 MW commenced in December immediately following the receipt of a high-power operating license. In October during power ascension, zirconium plates at the bottom of the reactor vessel became loose and blocked sodium coolant flow to some fuel subassemblies.

Two subassemblies started to melt and the reactor was manually shut down. No abnormal releases to the environment occurred. Forty-two months later after the cause had been determined, cleanup completed, and the fuel replaced, Fermi 1 was restarted. However, in November , PRDC made the decision to decommission Fermi 1 as the core was approaching its burn-up limit.

The fuel and blanket subassemblies were shipped off-site in Following that, the secondary sodium system was drained and sent off-site. The radioactive primary sodium was stored on-site in storage tanks and 55 gallon gal drums until it was shipped off-site in The initial decommissioning of Fermi 1 was completed in By Dylan Dodd,Elia Zardini one of many toughest difficulties within the historical past of Western philosophy has been to give an explanation for no matter if and the way event supplies wisdom or even justification for trust concerning the target international outdoor the experiencer's brain.

A in demand model of scepticism has accurately denied that have supplies such wisdom. How, for example these sceptics ask am i able to be aware of that my studies aren't produced in me by way of a strong demon or, in a contemporary twist on that traditional Cartesian state of affairs, through a supercomputer?

This quantity, originating from the study undertaking on easy wisdom lately concluded on the Northern Institute of Philosophy, provides new essays on scepticism in regards to the senses written through the most sought after modern epistemologists.

They technique the sceptical problem by way of discussing such subject matters because the stipulations for perceptual justification, the lifestyles of a non-evidential form of warrant and the level of one's facts, the epistemology of inference, the family members among justification, chance and simple task, the relevance of subjective appearances to the epistemology of notion, the function that greatly pragmatic concerns play in epistemic justification, the contents of belief, and the functionality of attention.

In these kind of situations, the papers exhibit how philosophical growth on foundational matters can increase our knowing of and doubtless come up with the money for an answer to a traditionally in demand challenge like scepticism. Contrastivism in Philosophy Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy Contrastivism might be utilized to various difficulties inside of philosophy, and as such, it may be coherently noticeable as a unified flow. Reflections on Perception and the Problem of Knowledge Philosophical Studies Series This e-book is a dialogue of a few of the key philosophical difficulties centering round the subject of experience belief and the rules of human wisdom.