Alice Salomon und deren Bedeutung für die Soziale Arbeit (German Edition)

Volume I relates the history of the movement in Germany and a number of other countries, volume II discusses the German feminist movement and its role in social actions, volume III, the state of education for women in Germany and other countries, volume IV, a discussion of the German working woman, and volume V, practical information about employment and professions. Frauenemanzipation und soziale Verantwortung by Alice Salomon Book 6 editions published in in German and held by WorldCat member libraries worldwide. Jn biefen auffaHungen begegnete id mid?

Das Familienleben in der Gegenwart; Familien-monographien by Alice Salomon Book 15 editions published in in 3 languages and held by 96 WorldCat member libraries worldwide A series of monographic portraits of German family life, with a concentration on Berlin and various rural and city settings throughout Germany. The portraits generally take the form of simple data collection. Bibliographie ihrer Publikationen sowie biographisches Personenverzeichnis. Frauenemanzipation und soziale Verantwortung by Alice Salomon Book 4 editions published between and in German and held by 79 WorldCat member libraries worldwide.

Alice Salomon und ihre Bedeutung für die soziale Arbeit (German Edition) [ Simon Mönikes] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Studienarbeit. Soziale Diagnose und ihre Bedeutung für Alice Salomon und ihre heutige Bedeutung für die Soziale Arbeit (German Edition) [Ivonne Schröder] on Amazon. com.

Education for social work; a sociological interpretation based on an international survey by Alice Salomon Book 8 editions published in in English and held by 78 WorldCat member libraries worldwide. Salomon took the lead in establishing the profession of social work, and built a career as a social reformer, activist, and educator. A prolific author, Salomon also played a key role in the transatlantic dialogue between German and American feminists in the early twentieth century.

Her narrative concludes with the account of her expulsion from Germany by the Nazis in Salomon's formative influence on the field of social work makes her story crucial for the history of the discipline. This work will also appeal to anyone with an interest in the history of the feminist and socialist movements or the political and social history of twentieth-century Germany. The volume also includes several of Salomon's essays on social work and women's issues, along with photographs of Salomon, her students, and her colleagues.

Frauenemanzipation und soziale Verantwortung by Alice Salomon Book 2 editions published in in German and held by 67 WorldCat member libraries worldwide. This put working women at a disadvantage in the labour market. They are on the one hand not able sell their whole working time and on the other hand they have either to serve their husbands at home or to earn money for their children too as a single mother, widow or wife of a husband with low wages. This is the reason until today why poverty worldwide is mainly a female problem. Contraception was almost unknown and wives were not allowed to say no to their conjugal duties even if they had already many children.

This was one mostly unspoken factor of the high rate of infant mortality. Unlike today, motherhood was not only a separate period in life, but many women were constantly either pregnant or nursing babies. Most wages of working class husbands did not allow the wives to leave their work for a long time. After working 11 hours women of the working class were additionally obliged to do housework. Some husbands left their families without getting divorced officially because it was too expensive or spent their wages only on themselves.

Die Alice-Salomon-Fachhochschule feiert 100. Geburtstag

The records of public and private charity organisation contained thousands of such cases Salomon , To give another example: The mother claimed innocence because she had to work to feed her children. Salomon defended her in an article: According to Salomon, it was also the responsibility of women of the propertied classes to support women of the non-propertied classes and thus work for the reconciliation of the classes.

But this often criticised concept see for example Simmel was not grounded in biology: Salomon argued that women live in a milieu of care and education because society expects them to bring up the children. But society suffers, argues Salomon, if the logic of care is only delegated into the private sector. She demanded a maternal politics comparable with the concept of Sarah Ruddick that is based on the mothering life practice of women.

It turns the private work of women into the public and makes it visible. As Salomon had found in her doctoral thesis female labour mostly suffered from being not a real profession with formal education. So she tried to organise good schools for women who wanted to do social work and demanded even a salary for field work during the studies. Nevertheless she was convinced that social work by volunteers should always be an integral part of this field and that also volunteers should have the right to being educated in social work.

It would be too expensive, too bureaucratic and formalized to meet all social needs of a society without volunteers. In capitalist societies volunteer social activities are able to mediate between classes. Volunteers are more likely to criticise the status quo than public employees. Volunteers have a rich background of different professions and gifts which bring new perspectives into social work Salomon , 42ff.


Volunteering — so the conclusion of Salomon — is not a primitive phase of social work that has to be overcome but represents the social conscience of civil society and an additional form of social work. Many social workers could improve their work if they would encourage and educate volunteers. The danger is, however, the abuse of volunteer work as a substitution of professional work. The main difference between professionals and volunteers is, next to the knowledge about laws and society, the qualification in methods. The strength of social work is, other than in other helping professions like law and medicine, a perspective that sees persons in their entirety Salomon , 9.

Salomon distinguished material and personal areas of responsibility. Material tasks in social work are:. The finding and arranging of money, housing, education, special institutions or organisations;. The arrangement of the social environment: Salomon was aware of the fact that point three is sometimes impossible for social work. For example, what can social work do if there are no jobs or no cheap flats? But she was also convinced that there is always something to start with, because she believed that even though the social context produces many disadvantages people are not only the product of their surroundings but also free and responsible for their lives.

Therefore the personal tasks are also very important in social work:. To inspire confidence you need to initiate a process of visiting and advising and the gift of compassion. Social workers always deal with the shadow-side of society and therefore they have the duty to care also for themselves to save their capacity for work Salomon suggested a sabbatical break. Above all social work should support clients in dealing with life-crises: A precondition for professional social work is the social diagnosis, a representative interpretation of the external and internal life circumstances of the clients.

Salomon, Alice 1872-1948

Nevertheless there is the duty of distinguishing between facts, statements by neighbours, opinions, circumstantial evidence and so on. Social workers have to be educated in recognizing their own prejudice and bias and in dealing with them Salomon a, 16f. In contrast to those sciences which have the task to describe or to analyse like philosophy or sociology Social Work as a Science is obliged to think about action.

The science of social work should use all disciplines from medicine, psychology, pedagogy to social and political science, if these disciplines can help solve social problems. Maybe sociology and pedagogy are more important than others, but the only hierarchy Salomon would have accepted was the pre-eminence of ethics — according to her statement that in the 20 th century it is no longer possible to do social work only with the heart, but also not without it.

Salomon was convinced that modern science had already gathered a great deal of knowledge about the reasons of poverty, illness and injustice, but that there was an increasing gap between knowledge and action, between scientific and personal responsibility. Knowing more, she states, does not lead automatically to better action.

Salomon said that it is not only important what you know, but to what use you put your knowledge. She criticised Germany which, though leading in medical science, nevertheless has one of the highest rates of infant mortality Salomon b undc. Social work education should therefore always attend to ethical questions behind neutral scientific subjects, because one cannot find scientific but only ethical reasons against social injustice she refers to the dispute about Darwin, Malthus and Kropotkin, see Kropotkin But social work is not only a practical but also an intellectual profession: Therefore social work education cannot be only in-service training.

Although Salomon emphasised and integrated a weekly four-hour field work period in her curriculum, social science and formal knowledge was the basis at her school in Berlin. Above all social workers should be educated in economics to understand the economic background of social problems Salomon , And last but not least, social work education should produce a special professional ethics with three main demands:.

Do not abuse the power you have over your clients, but also use your chance to influence them to improve their situation. Social Workers are not allowed to influence their clients to achieve external aims, but only to achieve the personal aims of the client.

In social work you will always find a non-transparent mixture between destiny, guilt and needs Salomon b, Social work education should foster an awareness for these interchanges. Every student should know about other countries and should be able to compare the national development with the international. From the very beginning Salomon herself was very well informed about developments and debates in other countries.

Being an active member of the International Council of Women she learned to use the experiences of the social movements in other countries for national progress in social reform. Oppression of women was an international phenomenon, therefore the struggle against it should also use international cooperation.

Salomon, Alice [WorldCat Identities]

The economy started to organize in an international context and so social work should do likewise. Social injustice was and still is a consequence of an unjust economic system that operates worldwide. During the short period of growing international cooperation between and she became a leading person in the emerging process of international cooperation of social work and social work education. Her international contacts after first had caused a lot of conflict with the nationalist part of the National Council of Women, where she was a member of the board.

The other women tried to prohibit her international work and that was a reason for her to leave the board of the German Council in after 20 years of cooperation. This was really a hard decision, but Salomon was convinced that international solidarity between social workers and women was the only way to prevent war in the future.

International work - she said - is like social work - work for the welfare of mankind. Social conscience has no boundaries. In a lecture in Washington in she invited all social workers of the world:. In the following years Salomon published a many international comparisons, for instance about housing in the Netherlands, child protection in Norway, rural education in Denmark or the centralisation of social services in Sweden.

In she published the first international survey of social work education in the world Salomon She gave an overview of more than one hundred schools and analysed their curricula. The existing differences — she said — were a consequence of the different social needs, different societies, histories and educational systems in each country. Even though there were many parallels in the curricula and in the fact that social work all over the world was a female profession she warned against levelling the differences and bringing all schools into line.

On the contrary she encouraged every new school to adapt their curriculum to the needs of their own country. During these congresses social workers and social work educators from many parts of the world, mostly from Europe, discussed questions that are still topical today, for instance how important the different sciences are for social work. They discussed professional ethics, methods, volunteering and gender issues Salomon a, 3f.

They also discussed common research projects. As we all know this process was interrupted by World War II. It was really proof of the anti-racist attitude in the IASSW that they refused to do so, even though Salomon had lost all her positions in Germany.

Though there were many social activities both in Catholic and Protestant Churches in German history the interesting fact is that the main influences on professional social work came from men and women from a Jewish background. Even though Salomon was baptised in and one should respect this decision it is impossible to overlook the parallels between her ethics of social work and the ethics of the Jewish religion. Schwerin in Fassmann , f. Zedakah is a Hebrew word and means justice and welfare. Leo Baeck, one of the leading persons of the Jewish communities in Germany, says: The status of the Jews as a minority in most European countries prevented, so Baeck argues, the development of religious dogmas and shaped a preference for the practice of religion in social acts above all because they needed mutual aid for survival Baeck , 7.

Welfare then brought Jewish and Christian people together and in doing what the Jewish religion demands they could also live assimilated to their Christian surroundings. Women however ask, who will be responsible for the baby; Gilligan And both positions, being Jewish and being a woman in the German society had one interesting parallel. It was a position of powerlessness. Especially women as Salomon learned in the wars will always, due to their physical condition, lose in a free struggle for power Salomon , We thank the author, the Journal and the publisher for the permission to reprint the article in this supplement.

Footnote added by the editor. Helena Radlinska from Poland, Mrs. Vom Wesen des Judentums 6th ed.

Repräsentanten und Repräsentantinnen der Sozialen Arbeit

Die Frau und der Sozialismus. Die Frau in der Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft 14th ed. Der Stand des sozialen Ausbildungswesens, in: Die Erziehung, 5, pp. In a different voice: