We should never think that we are somebody out of pride or out of our own merit. Because people can only be prideful and arrogant as long as they have the breath of life in them. God created man in order to express His greatness through a physical being capable of relating to Him within a physical realm. And that glory and honor also dwelt in the spiritual, mental, and physical capacity he had. Man was in perfect standing with God at that point. Man is such a marvelous masterpiece of creation.

God made him in His own image, which means that He has placed His own characteristics within him Genesis 1: Since man is made in the image of God, he is very special to Him. Man was created in the glory of God. God made man in order for him to have relied upon Him through an intimate relationship. Unfortunately, that opportunity was all lost due to sin Genesis 3: In the same way, God said that he would smash the disbelieving nation Jeremiah God made the prophet Ezekiel lay on his side for an entire year. Another way in which God has revealed Himself is through His activity in history.

The people were told to remember God's righteous acts. My people, remember now what Balak king of Moab counseled. And what Balaam son of Beor answered him, from Shittim to Gilgal, so that you might know the righteous acts of the Lord. Acts of judgment reveal the nature of God. The Lord told Ezekiel the following about Himself.

  • God Reveals Himself.
  • Terms Of Possession (Mills & Boon Vintage 90s Modern).
  • 1. Power to Reveal — Genesis 1-2!
  • Escape the Black Night.
  • Bible Search.

Therefore, behold, I have stretched out my hand against you and I will give you for spoil to the nations. And I will cut you off from the peoples and make you perish from the lands; I will destroy you. Thus you will know that I am the Lord Ezekiel Now therefore, go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall say Exodus 4: The New Testament prophets also delivered the Word of the Lord.

Paul wrote about the truth revealed in the New Testament. Which was not made known to people in other generations as it has now been revealed by the Spirit to God's holy apostles and prophets Ephesians 3: They spoke with authority because they were communicating the Word of the Lord. Today a preacher or teacher today does not qualify as a prophet, in this sense of the term, since he proclaims or explains God's Word, that has been previously given and recorded in the Scriptures. God's final word to humanity was through the person of Jesus Christ.

Jesus came to earth to reveal God to humanity. God, who at various times and in different ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by his Son Hebrews 1: The coming of Jesus Christ was a major avenue of special revelation. He explained what God was like. The record of God's direct communication, the theophanies, His miracles, His message to the prophets, and the coming of Jesus Christ is found in the Bible. However the Bible is not merely the record of the revelations from God.

The Scripture also contains additional truth not revealed by these other sources.

2. Power to Refute — 2 Timothy 3:16

Thus the Bible is the record of different aspects of special revelation as well as special revelation itself. Special revelation is God informing humanity concerning Whom He is and what He requires of us. The record of these divine revelations is contained in the Scriptures. The Bible records God revealing Himself in the following ways. Direct communication, the lot, the Urim and the Thummin, by a hand writing on the wall, transportation into the spirit world, dreams, visions, dictation, theophanies, angels, miracles, object lessons, direct events, prophets, Jesus Christ, and the Bible.

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Don Stewart :: In What Special Ways Has God Revealed Himself to Humanity?

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All people, everywhere, have access to this form of God's revelation. There are no geographic barriers. Since this is a non-verbal form of communication there is no language barrier. All people, in every language, are able to comprehend this form of God revealing Himself. The shining of the sun in the sky gives testimony to the existence and care of God. Like the sun, the existence of God is obvious to all.

Nothing can hide from the sun; no one can hide from God. A second passage that speaks of God's revelation through nature is Romans 1: The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of humanity who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that humans are without excuse.

For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened Romans 1: The following important truths about God's general revelation can be learned from this passage. Because of the clear testimony about God from nature, conclusions can and should be drawn about God's existence.

As Psalm 19 affirms, this testimony is constantly being witnessed since the time God created the world. Because of the witness of nature, people are held accountable to God for the knowledge that God has revealed to them. Revelation from nature, or creation, is limited in what it tells us. Only certain aspects about God's invisible qualities or nature are revealed. Specifically, "His eternal power and divine nature. From these two passages it is clear that everyone is aware of the existence of God through the testimony in creation. The testimony about God's existence from nature should lead humans to seek to discover who this Creator is.

The suitability for life to exist and develop on earth is a strong testimony to the existence of a Creator. We know that Earth is the only planet in our solar system that can sustain life as we know it. We are just the right distance from the sun so that we get exactly the right amount of heat to sustain life. The planets from Mars to Pluto are far too cold to support life as we know it. There is no evidence of life existing on these other planets.

Our vegetation would burn up during the long days, while the nights would bring such low temperatures that any plant life which survived the day would be sure to freeze. The physical size of the earth is just right to support life as we know it. If its diameter were doubled, the force of gravity would be doubled and the atmosphere would be so compressed that its pressure would be increased from 15 to 30 pounds per square inch. This would seriously affect all life. If our earth were increased to the size of the sun, while retaining its present density, gravity would be increased some times.

This would increase atmospheric pressure to over a ton per square inch. Life would be virtually impossible under such conditions. If the earth's crust had been only ten feet thicker, the metallic elements in the crust would have combined with all the free oxygen in the atmosphere, ruling out the possibility of all animal life. On the other hand, if the oceans were merely a few feet deeper, they would absorb so much carbon dioxide from the air that plants could not exist.

The moon is about , miles away from earth. If it were only 50, miles away the tides, which are now harmless, would completely submerge the continents twice a day. Though the moon is only relatively close to earth, its surface temperature varies each fifteen lunar days from a high of degrees Fahrenheit above zero, to a low of degrees Fahrenheit below zero!

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The record of these divine revelations is contained in the Scriptures. So, we have two constituents to revelation. Direct communication, the lot, the Urim and the Thummin, by a hand writing on the wall, transportation into the spirit world, dreams, visions, dictation, theophanies, angels, miracles, object lessons, direct events, prophets, Jesus Christ, and the Bible. Blue Letter Bible offers several daily devotional readings in order to help you refocus on Christ and the Gospel of His peace and righteousness. Butter is the definitive spread, not margarine. John described God as not only dwelling with us but also being tabernacled with us. Power to Reveal — Genesis The word of God has the power to reveal to us certain things that we could not know in any other way.

The composition of the atmosphere is about 78 parts nitrogen and 21 parts oxygen. Too much nitrogen in the atmosphere would slow down all functions of the body so that death would finally result. Too much oxygen would also be harmful since it would increase the activities of the body to such a pace that life could not last that long. It is highly unlikely that this could have been developed by accident, since most accidents in chemistry usually result in explosions.

This is especially true of nitrogen which is the basic ingredient of practically every explosive! This tilting, plus the revolution around the sun, gives us our seasons.

Don Stewart :: How Has God Revealed Himself through Nature?

In most parts of the earth this not only gives ample time to raise the necessary supply of food, but it provides a season in which the soil lies idle, soaks up moisture, and increases its own fertility. The atmosphere of the earth serves a protective blanket to shield us from deadly radiation. If the radiation reached the earth, it would be impossible for humankind to exist.

In addition, our atmosphere is just dense enough to protect the earth from some twenty million meteors that enter it daily. These meteors, which travel at speeds of about thirty miles per second, would otherwise strike the earth with such impact that all life would be endangered. It is difficult to believe that all of these things are a series of fortunate coincidences.

  1. Catechism of the Catholic Church - Man's Capacity for God?
  2. How Has God Revealed Himself through Nature?.
  3. Histoire du Bouddhisme (French Edition).

Yet if we accept the idea that everything is a result of chance, this is exactly what we have to believe. As one examines the universe one finds precision and order everywhere. Our earth has been made in such a way that it is suitable for life to exist.